-The doctor told me ____ too much, but I find it difficult.
-The doctor is right. The less you drink. ____ you will be.

A.don’t drink; the healthierB.not to drink; the healthier
C.not to drink; the more healthierD.don’t drink; healthier


解析試題分析:句意:醫(yī)生告訴我不好喝太多酒,但是我發(fā)現(xiàn)太難了。——醫(yī)生是對的。你喝得越少,你就會越健康。Tell后就帶to的不定式作賓語補足語,起否定式是在不定式符號to的前面加not。下文為固定句式the more,the more越……,越……,前后都用比較級。故選B。


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

  It was a Saturday afternoon. Mr Green was reading a newspaper when he
heard his wife crying in the next room
. He hurried to her and asked, "What
happened to you, my dear?"
  "Oh,dear!" his wife called out. "My head hurts! Send for a docto. Hurry up!"
Their two children were both out at that moment and something was wrong with
the telephone. Mr Green had to go to a hospital himself . Bad luck! That day all
the hospitals in the town were closed. Mr Green didn't know where to go. Just
then a friend of his saw him and asked,"What is the matter?"
  Mr Green told his friend. The man said,"Why not go to Mr Black? He can
help you. "
  Mr Green was told by his friend Mr Black was a good doctor. He hurried to
Mr Black. When he got there, Mr and Mrs Black were having their evening meal.
The doctor asked Mr Green to drink with him. He was happy and sat at the table.
After that they began to chat(聊天). And when Mrs Black asked," How is your
wife?" "She is fine,thank..."Mr Green stopped at once-he remembered his wife
was waiting for a doctor at home.
1. What was wrong with Mrs Green on a Saturday afternoon?
She had _____ a _____.
2. What did Mrs Green want her husband to do?
She wanted him to _____ a _____ to come at once.
3. Who helped Mr Green when he didn't know where to go?
One of _____.
4. When did Mr Green think of his wife?
He _____ think of his wife _____ Mrs Black asked him how his wife was.
5. What was Mr Green like?
He was a _____.
6. 文中畫線的句子用的是什么時態(tài)?
7. 將文中畫線的句子譯成漢語。

