1---Why haven’t you asked her to come here?

---She _______ an important experiment when I found her and she _____ it.

A. had done; didn’t finish

B. was doing; hasn’t finished

C. did; wouldn’t finish

D. has done; hadn’t finished




【解析】你為什么沒讓她來這里呢? 可以判斷她沒有來。她還在做實驗 所以她還做完實驗, she hasn’t finished it. 對現(xiàn)在產(chǎn)生了影響,而且還沒有完成,所以用現(xiàn)在完成時。當我找到她的時候,她在做實驗。過去進行時的概念。



科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

You wouldn't steal a car. You would never rob (搶劫) a bank or pick someone's pocket. But you may be another kind of thief.
If you have ever bought a disc for 15 yuan or less, then you have helped to rob artists or musicians of their intellectual properly rights (知識產(chǎn)權).
Last Thursday was World Intellectual Property Day. Activities to tell people about intellectual property rights were held around the country.
Intellectual property includes inventions, literary (文學的) and artistic works, names, and pictures. They are of little value (價值) if they are not read, seen and used.
While the cost of copying discs is very small, authors, singers and actors have to spend a lot of money and time making a new product. That's why they have the right to make money from their work.
So buying pirated (盜版的) music of Jay Chou and Jolin Tsai is like stealing from them, paying them no respect for their hard work.
If Jay Chou cannot make money from his work, he may not make anything else. But those who make pirated goods are becoming rich without doing any hard work.
The authors should ask for a fair price for their work. Earlier this year there was much talk about how much KTV clubs should pay the music companies for using their songs.
The copyright fee (版權費) also should be fair to the users. That's good for the music's popularity and society as well.
【小題1】What is the author's attitude towards protecting (保護) intellectual property rights7
A.He is for it.B.He is against it.
C.He doesn't care about it.D.The article doesn't tell us.
【小題2】Which of the following do intellectual property rights not cover?
A.Inventions.B.Literary and artistic works.
C.Names end pictures.D.Pirated music.
【小題3】According to the article, which of the following is true?
A. Authors should ask for a high price for their work,
B, The copyright fee should ha fair to users.
C. Authors, singers and actors have no right to make money from their work,
D. Buying pirated music by Jay Chou is very good.
【小題4】What is the best title for the article?
A.Rob a BankB.Copyright Fees
C.Say No to pirated MusicD.World Intellectual Property Day


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Tom is a five-year-old boy. He likes chocolates (巧克力) very much. (89)But his mother doesn’t think they are good for his health. So she doesn’t usually buy them for Tom. Tom has a nice grandfather. The old man doesn’t live with them. He loves Tom very much. He usually comes to see Tom on weekends. And he often buys some chocolates when he comes. Then Tom’s mother lets him eat it, because she wants to make her father happy.
Tom’s birthday is on Saturday. On Friday evening, Tom says to his mother, “Oh, I’m very happy today.”
“Why?” asks his mother.
“Because tomorrow is my birthday, and I can get chocolates,” says Tom, “Please God, (90)give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday.
“Ha! God can’t hear you. Don’t shout (喊)!” says Tom’s mother.
“I know,” says the boy with a smile, “but my grandfather is in the next room, and he can.”
1. When does Tom’s grandfather usually see Tom?
2. Why is Tom happy on Friday evening?
3. Can Tom get a box of chocolates on his birthday?


科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學年江蘇省鎮(zhèn)江市實驗初中初二下學期期中英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:完型填空

“Hi! John.” Mary ran towards me with a bright smile, saying, “I’m going to have a dance performance tonight. I hope you’ll come. Here is the ticket. Don’t forget!” Then she    41  in a hurry.
“What? Dance? Is that    42  ?” I asked myself. Mary was not such kind of girl. She was quite common one. I had never seen her wearing colorful clothes. In fact, she really did not know    43   to dress up. What a terrible thing!
“I should go to, I must go to.” I thought.
I arrived at the hall with the ticket, found my seat and sat down. Her performance was the seventh one. I knew I would have a    44   time before her turn, for I had no sense of art,    45   her performance was worth(值得)watching, no matter how long I would wait.
Time went    46  , I tried my best not to fall asleep.
Just then, came the words, “Let’s welcome the next exciting dance – Latin!”
Hearing this, I opened my eyes as large as possible,    47   to lose anything. Wearing a golden and shiny skirt, Mary appeared. She danced with a sweet smile, looking like a pretty butterfly flying … I could    48   believe my eyes.
After all the performance ended, I    49   her at the gate.
“Hi!” She stood in front of me with her crystal(水晶) shoes. “How do you feel?”
“Fantastic!” I answered.
“Ha, ha. I knew it would be.” She could not hide her excitement, laughing    50  a child.
At that time, I realized that every girl has a pair of special shoes which are like the crystal shoes of Cinderella.

A.why B.whereC.whenD.how
A.waited forB.looked forC.paid forD.cared for


科目:初中英語 來源:2010—2011學年度寧夏銀川市八年級下學期期末檢測英語卷 題型:閱讀理解

You wouldn’t steal a car. You would never rob (搶劫) a bank or pick someone’s pocket. But you may be another kind of thief.
If you have ever bought a disc for 15 yuan or less, then you have helped to rob artists or musicians of their intellectual properly rights (知識產(chǎn)權).
Last Thursday was World Intellectual Property Day. Activities to tell people about intellectual property rights were held around the country.
Intellectual property includes inventions, literary (文學的) and artistic works, names, and pictures. They are of little value (價值) if they are not read, seen and used.
While the cost of copying discs is very small, authors, singers and actors have to spend a lot of money and time making a new product. That’s why they have the right to make money from their work.
So buying pirated (盜版的) music of Jay Chou and Jolin Tsai is like stealing from them, paying them no respect for their hard work.
If Jay Chou cannot make money from his work, he may not make anything else. But those who make pirated goods are becoming rich without doing any hard work.
The authors should ask for a fair price for their work. Earlier this year there was much talk about how much KTV clubs should pay the music companies for using their songs.
The copyright fee (版權費) also should be fair to the users. That’s good for the music’s popularity and society as well.
【小題1】What is the author’s attitude towards protecting (保護) intellectual property rights7

A.He is for it.B.He is against it.
C.He doesn’t care about it.D.The article doesn’t tell us.
【小題2】Which of the following do intellectual property rights not cover?
A.Inventions.B.Literary and artistic works.
C.Names end pictures.D.Pirated music.
【小題3】According to the article, which of the following is true?
A. Authors should ask for a high price for their work,
B, The copyright fee should ha fair to users.
C. Authors, singers and actors have no right to make money from their work,
D. Buying pirated music by Jay Chou is very good.
【小題4】What is the best title for the article?
A.Rob a BankB.Copyright Fees
C.Say No to pirated MusicD.World Intellectual Property Day


科目:初中英語 來源:2010年寧夏畢業(yè)暨高中階段招生考試英語卷 題型:完型填空


Mr. Hutman owns a restaurant.  One day, one of his two cooks ran away with some money.  Mr. Hutman was sad and worried because the next day was Saturday, and the restaurant  19.  very busy then.  So that night he called his friends, but could not find anyone to help.

    On Saturday, many people came to the restaurant for lunch.   20.  cook got so busy that he wanted to leave, too.   21. , one of the waiters, Henry, told Mr. Hutman that he could help in the kitchen.  People who had lunch in the restaurant that day enjoyed the food Henry cooked.  Mr. Hutman was very happy and made Henry a new cook of the restaurant.

1.(A) would be (B) is         (C) has been     (D) will be

2.(A) One (B) Each   (C) Another      (D) The only

3.(A) Also (B) In fact          (C) Luckily         (D) For example


(In an English class)


Teacher    :        Let’s play a game with 3-letter words.  First, a 3-letter word is spoken.  Then the next

         person has to say a different 3-letter word that starts with the last word in two seconds

         will have to  22. .  Any questions?

         Brian         :        Yes.  Can we try again if we say a wrong word?

Teacher    :        No, you  23.  .  That’s why the game is exciting and fun.  Now let’s try it!

         Brian         :        OK!  Let me try first.  MAP.

         Amy :        Put.

         Jane :        TEA.

         Ken  :         24. .

         Carl  :        EAR.

         Sam :        RAIN.

         Carl  :        Ha!  I got you.

         Sam :        Oh, no!  I forgot it has to be a 3-letter word.

Teacher    :        Sam, it’s your show time.  Here’s the book.  Pick out any story you’d like.  Now

         everybody, let’s listen to Sam.

4. (A) sing a song     (B) read a story        (C) draw a picture    (D) make a funny face

5.(A) have just one chance       (B) have to give a different word

(C) may look it up in the dictionary  (D) must ask your classmates for help

6.(A) TEN (B) RED    (C) EAT     (D) AGE


