精英家教網 > 初中英語 > 題目詳情
Our "Timeline of Education" shows highlights of learning and education (especially related to Western education), going back to the very first education:
In the beginning: Adam got the very first lesson, from God: break the law and you pay the price.
3000 B.C. :Priests teach religion, writing, sciences.
0 B.C./A.D.: Jesus teaches in Jerusalem.   
105 A.D.: Paper is invented in China.
1150-1250 : "Modern" universities founded.
1620s: Slide rule is invented, math is made easier.
1918 : All U.S. states require free education
Early 1980s: Television in the classroom. The availability of cheap VCRs makes video learning common.
Late 1990s: The Internet changes everything. E-learning courses develop.
小題1:Adam got the very first lesson from __________.
A.his teacherB.GodC.religionD.himself
小題2:Jesus teaches in Jerusalem about_________.
A. 3000 B.C.       B. 1150-12500   C. 105 A.D.       D. B.C./A.D.
小題3:Television appears in the classroom and helps the teacher and students in_________.
A.late 1990sB.early 1980sC.1918D.1620
小題4:It took about__________ years from the television to Internet.

小題1:B是正確答案,而不是C選項,因為文章中有原話Adam got the very first lesson, from God
小題2:C是正確答案,文章中可以發(fā)現0 B.C./A.D.: Jesus teaches in Jerusalem.這句話中的時間。
小題3:B是正確答案,文中有這樣一句話Early 1980s: Television in the classroom
小題4:C是正確答案,因為從Early 1980s到Late 1990s有十幾年的時間,將近20年。

科目:初中英語 來源:不詳 題型:完形填空

We sometimes call the lion “the king of the jungle (叢林)” because it is stronger and more dangerous than other animals. It can run faster than many animals and it can hunt (捕獵) the best. It is the highest animal in the   21  food chain (食物鏈).[
In the sea, the shark is one of the animals at the  22  of the food chain. It can swim faster than most other sea animals, and it can use its big teeth to eat them.
What is at the top of the world’s food chain?  23  are! We are not the biggest or fastest, but we are the   24  We could not run faster than cheetahs (獵豹),  so we  25  cars and now we can move the fastest. We could not  26  better than lions, so we invented guns (槍). Now we can hunt the best.
People’s inventions are clever, but they can be dangerous, too. For example, people invented  27 , and now they make the air and rivers dirty. This can make   28  changes. Dirty rivers kill fish.  Then bears cannot eat the fish and the bears die. If we kill one part of the food chain,   29  also die. Remember that we are a part of the food chain, so we are in danger too! If we protect animals, we are protecting   30 ! We should and we could do something for the world!
A.strongest B.cleverest
C.most specialD.most important
A.used B.hadC.madeD.invented
A.one partB.another partC.other partsD.the other parts


科目:初中英語 來源:不詳 題型:閱讀理解

In the 13th century, the famous Indian traveller, Marco Polo, travelled a long way to China. He saw many wonderful things. One of the things he discovered was that Chinese used paper money. In western countries, people did not use paper money until the 15th century. However, people in China began to use paper money in the 7th century.
A Chinese man called Cai Lun invented paper almost 2,000 years ago. He made it from wood. He took the wood from trees and made it into paper. He then put these pieces of paper together and made them into a book.
Now paper still comes from trees. We use a lot of paper every day. If we keep on wasting so much paper, there will not be any trees left on the earth. If there are no trees, there will be no paper. Every day, people throw away about 2,800 tons of paper in our city. It takes 17 trees to make one ton of paper. This means that we are cutting nearly 48,000 trees every day. Since it takes more than 10 years for a tree to grow, we must start using less paper now. If we don’t, we will not have enough time to grow more trees to take the place of those we use for paper.
So how can we save paper? We can use both sides of every piece of paper, especially when we are making notes. We can also use cotton handkerchiefs(手帕) and paper ones. When we go shopping, we can use fewer paper bags. If the shop assistant does give us a paper bag, we can save it and refuse (拒絕) it later.
Everyone can help to save paper. If we all think carefully, we can help protect trees. But we should do it now, before it is too late.
小題1:When he was in China, Marco Polo __________ .
A.discovered Cai Lun invented paperB.learned to make paper
C.saw many wonderful thingsD.read a lot of books
小題2: People in western countries first used paper money in the _________ century.
小題3: About ________ tons of paper are thrown away every day in our city.
A.1,700B.2,000 C.2,800D.48,000
小題4: Which of the following is the way of saving paper?
A.To use both sides of every piece of paper.
B.To use the paper bags from shops more than once.
C.To use cotton handkerchiefs and paper ones.
D.All of the above.
小題5:Which is the best title(題目) of the passage?
A.Saving paper.B.The history of paper.
C.Cotton handkerchiefs back again.D.Cai Lun, the great inventor.


科目:初中英語 來源:不詳 題型:完形填空

A new term has begun. Teachers are __36__ about the fact that new students are not easy to handle. They like to bring cellphones and MP3 players to school. What is __37__, some students even use cellphones to do with out-of-class matters in class, or sometimes just for fun. Some other students listen to MP3 players when they are having a lesson that they are not interested in.
Are these new students really that __38__? ‘Yes,’ says Delaney Kirk, a professor at Drake University. __39__ she adds it’s not their fault. Instead, the things that they bring into school --- cellphones, MP3 players and so on --- and the teachers are to blame. Kirk first began thinking about students’ manners six years ago. ‘I had my first class in which students were sleeping or talking to each other. It seemed that learning well __40__ nothing to do with them,’ she says. ‘At first, I got worried about this, but then I said to myself, “You’re teaching __41__, and you need to manage this … These students need to know more about manners. It’s time to help them develop some good __42__. They shouldn’t waste time doing nothing when they are young. Sooner or later, they might regret the time they have wasted.”’
Kirk also __43__ a list of suggestions to help teachers better manage their classes. The following are among her suggestions:
Tell students how they will benefit by taking the class. On the first day of class, emphasize its importance __44__ giving some homework that students must turn in next time.
Do not allow them to bring cellphones and MP3 players to the class at all.
Decide __45__ formal and informal the class will be.
A.rudeB.politeC.friendly D.curious


科目:初中英語 來源:不詳 題型:閱讀理解

The earth is our home;we must take Care of it. This means keeping the land,air and water   clean.
Pollution is a dirty word. To pollute means to make things unfit(不合適的)or unclean to use. Pollution comes in many ways. We see it,smell it,taste it and drink it. Pollution is beginning to threaten(威脅)our health,or happiness and our life.
Man. has been polluting the earth from the time he first made fire,washed his clothes in the river and threw his waste on the ground. When land was used up or water became dirty. Men moved to another place. At first the problem was not so serious because there was plenty of clean air,land and water. There weren’t so many people then and their wants(需求)were fewer. All the dirty things could be absorbed(吸收)by nature and soon. covered over(恢復), But this is no longer true. The increase of population(人口增長)and the development of industry have changed that. Man is slowly polluting. his environment.
Through the use of poison(農藥),mall has polluted land! killing the animal. By putting dirty water and chemicals into rivers and lakes we have polluted our drinking water,killing the fish.
Our increasing population is part of the problem. More people more waste.
Where is this all to end? Are we turning the world into a big rubbish dump,or is there any hope that we can get rid of(擺脫)the pollution ?Luckily,millions of people have been warned of the danger of pollution. Large numbers of people are now working hard to bring pollution under
小題1:Which sentence is WRONG?
A.We live on the earth,so we should look after it.
B.To pollute means to make air ,water and land unfit for use.
C.All the waste produced by modem industry can be absorbed.
D.Man is now fighting against different kinds of pollution.
小題2:In this passage the word "chemicals" means
小題3: From the sentences "More people more waste",we know that _______.
A.because of the increase of population and the development of industry,more and more waste is produced
B.we need more people,not more waste
C.there isn’t any hope that we can get rid of the pollution
D.more people have been warned of the danger of more waste.
小題4:From the passage we can know that now man_______.
A.doesn’t know how to control pollution
B.still doesn’t realize how serious pollution is
C.is doing something to control pollution
D.begins to understand the pollution


科目:初中英語 來源:不詳 題型:閱讀理解

What’s the red star in the sky through a telescope(望遠鏡)? It is Mars. Do you want to know more about it? Take the “Mars Orbit Express”!
“Mars Orbit Express” is a space probe (探測器). It was sent towards Mars by American scientists on August 12th,2005. Its tasks are to study Mars’ atmosphere and return photos to Earth. But before that “Mars Orbit Express” must travel about 100 hundred million kilometers and seven months. It reached Mars’ orbit(軌道)in March,2006.
Mars and Earth have similar weight and size. However,Mars is closer to the sun than Earth. Mars is very cold. The average temperature is below 50℃. The temperature at noon only reaches 20℃ during a Mars day. Its atmosphere is mostly CO2. It has much sand and two moons---Phobos and Deimos.
Scientists think Earth and Mars had similar beginnings 4.6 billion years ago. But while Earth supports millions of lives,Mars becomes bad. “Earth easily could have turned out like that.” said an scientist, “It is important for us to find out why and Mars Orbit Express’ should do that.” “Mars Orbit Express” also would help scientists to learn what might happen to Earth in the future.  “Mars Orbit Express” would work for about four years.
小題1: What can you see through a telescope when watching Mars? ________.
A.Much sandB.A red starC.Its atmosphereD.Its size
小題2:One of the tasks of Mars Orbit Express is _______.
A.taking pictures of Mars
B.studying the weight of Mars
C.finding out distance between Earth and Mars
D.telling the time it takes to go from Earth to Mars
小題3:Compared with Earth,_______.
A.Mars has a long historyB.Mars is big and heavy
C.Mars is close to the sunD.Mars’ atmosphere is mainly O2.
小題4: Which might be the proper title for the passage?
A.Mars:differences from EarthB.A probe:to learn more about Mars
C.Mars: change of temperatureD.A probe:to tell the future of Earth


科目:初中英語 來源:不詳 題型:完形填空

Recently, more and more people pay attention to eating healthily. Some food additives(添加劑) are used to make different kinds of foods. Some of them can make the food more delicious and some of them can make it colorful. But lots of chemicals are used to produce what we eat every day.
Sudan red is a kind of chemical that factories used it to dye cloth, make the shoes brighter. But some people produced salted duck eggs with it . However, it isn’t a kind of food additive. The food made from Sudan red makes it easier to cause cancer. Melamine(三聚氰胺) is another kind of chemical that are banned(禁止). It’s white crystal(晶體), which was discovered by a German chemist called Sustus Von Liebig in 1834. Melamine can be used to make paper, medicine and woods, ect. But nobody can imagine that some people used it as a material of milk powder(粉末). Because of melamine, it’s reported that 4 babies died and more than 50 thousand babies are affected since 2008. Sanlu, a famous milk powder factory was closed. Whats worse, milk powder with melamine appeared in 2011 again. Problems of food safety, for example, poisonous rice, lean meat powder(瘦肉精) and plasticizers(塑化劑) are becoming more and more serious.
Fortunately, lots of laws have been made to make the solution(解決方法) better. We think we will eat more healthily in the future.
小題1:Can the food additives make the food colorful and more delicious?
小題2:What is Sudan red?
小題3: When was melamine discovered?


科目:初中英語 來源:不詳 題型:完形填空

Li Ming   26 often late for school. The teacher is very angry with him. “  27 are you often late for school?” asks the teacher. “Because I often get up  28 ,” answers Li Ming. “  29 clock can wake (喚醒)you up,” says the teacher.“Yes, you are   30 .But it  31 work ,” says Li Ming.“Why don’t you   32 it?” asks the teacher again.“Oh, I don’t want it to work   33 ,” answers Li Ming.“If all of us are late for school,  34 do you like it?” says the teacher.“Oh, that’s great! There will be  35 schools in the world,” says Li Ming with a smile.


科目:初中英語 來源:不詳 題型:閱讀理解

Many places in the world need more fresh water. Every country is trying to find ways to turn salt water into fresh. Why aren’t there many factories like the Symi factory?
In some places the sun is not hot enough. Or it does not shine every day.
In such places other ways of heating sea water can be used. These ways cost more money, but they work faster than the sun. By boiling sea water with high heat a lot of fresh water can be made quickly.
But heating is not the only way to get fresh water from salt water. Other ways are tried.
One way is freezing. The fresh part of salt water freezes first. To get fresh water, the bits of ice are taken out.
Which way is the best? The one that gives the most water for the least money. It may be a different way for each place.
Symi’s way seems very good for small, hot places. It does not make much water at a time. But the factory is easy to build and costs little.
That is why people in many dry places talk about Symi. 
小題1:From the passage we know that fresh water _____________.
A.is needed in many countriesB.is needed in every country
C.can be used in many waysD.is very important for factories
小題2:The Symi factory __________.
A.turns salt water into freshB.can be built everywhere
C.can make much fresh water at a timeD.doesn’t need sunshine every day
小題3:Which is the best way for small and hot places to get fresh water?
A.Boiling the sea water.B.Heating the sea water.
C.The Symi’s way.D.Freezing the sea water.
小題4:What fact doesn’t the passage mention (提到)?
A.New ways of getting fresh water.
B.A lot of fresh water can be made quickly by heating.
C.The best way is to get the freshest water with the least money.
D.The Symi’s way doesn’t work in dry places.
小題5:The Symi’s way is not suitable for _________ places according to the passage.

