
A Man of Vision(視覺)
In 1809,Louis Braille was born in a small town in France.When he was three years old,he accidentally hurt one of his eyes.The sickness spread to his other eye.Later,Louiswas unable to see.
Louis's parents took him out of schooltwo years later.They thought that there was nothing more for him to learn there.He could not read or write.
When he was ten years old,Louis's parents sent him to a special school inParis.It was one of the first schools for blind people in the world.Louis learned many skills at this school.Oneof them was reading.
Back then,blind people readbyfeeling raised letters on the paper.But itwas difficult.Too many letters felt the same,for theyhad similar shapes.
Louis wantedto find a better way for blind people to read.He triedto create a touch system for reading and writing.He believed a system of raised dot(小點)could help.Night Writing-a writing system for soldierswas used.Buthedidn't think it was good enough.This system did not allow thefingertip(指尖)to cover a whole letter.The readers had to move their fingers to feel theletter.
After years ofhardwork,he inventeda shorter,easier form of this touch system.He used six dots to form each letter.It allowed a personto feel a wholeletterwithout moving.Blind people couldread much faster and easier.
Today,we call this form of written language Braillein honour of Louis Braille.
Louis died in 1852.However,his form of communication lives on.Though hebecame blind at a young age,he insisted a lot.Instead,he overcamethe difficulty,andmadea big difference.
45.When Louis was three years old,heD.
A.was sent to a special school
B.moved to a town in France
C.was takenout of school
D.hurt one of his eyes
46.For blind people,feeling raised letters on the paper wasdifficult becauseD.
A.they neededto learn special skills
B.they couldn'tfeel a whole letter
C.they could not see them clearly
D.too many letters felt the same
47.With Louis's system,blind people could readB.
A.slower B.easier C.harder D.louder
48.According to the passage,what can we learn from Louis?C
A.Always follow the rules.
B.Be friendly with our friends.
C.Never give up and work hard.
D.Communicate more with others.