A: Good morning, madam!
B: Good morning, sir!
A: You look worried. __1__?
B: My son got lose when I was talking with my friend in the park.  I've looked for him everywhere, but I
    can't find him. What shall I do?
A: __2__ . Tell us something about him, and we can help you.
B: Thank you, sir.
A: Now please tell me __3__ .
B: He's six years old.
A: __4__ ?
B: He's thin and tall with big eyes.
A: What is he wearing today?
B: He's wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans.
A: __5__ ?
B:  It's  13803677057.
A: OK. We'll call you as soon as we find  him.
B: Thank you very much.
1. What's wrong with you / What's the matter ( with you)  / What's your trouble / What's the trouble ( with
  you)/ What's up / What happened
2. Don't worry / Take it easy / Don't be ( too) nervous / upset / worried / sad
3. How old he ( your son)  is / What his ( your son's) age is
4. What does he ( your son) look like / What's he ( your son)  like
5. What's your telephone (phone) number/ Your telephone (phone) number, please

科目:初中英語 來源:江蘇期末題 題型:補(bǔ)全對話,情景問答

Wu: Hello! Could I (1)s__________ to Jim, please?
Jim: This is Jim.
Wu: Hi, Jim. Summer holidays will begin next week. (2)W__________ will you spend
       your holidays this year?
Jim: I'm going to Nanjing.
Wu: Oh, Nanjing is a (3)p__________ of interest . Have you ever been there before?
Jim: (4)N__________. I've never been there.
Someone says it's very hot there (5)i__________ summer.
Wu:Yes. How will you go there?                                                                      
Jim: (6)B__________ train.
Wu: I hope you will (7)e__________ yourself in Nanjing.
Jim: Thank you . And what about you?                         
Wu: Maybe my father will (8)t__________ me to some cities in the south.
Jim: That'll (9)b__________ very interesting. Have a good time!
Wu: Thanks, (10)g__________.
Jim: Bye.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:補(bǔ)全對話,情景問答

A: Excuse me, can I ask you some questions?
B : Of' course.
A:Do you have a pen pal?
B:Yes, I do.
A:l.                 ?
B:She speaks French.
A:2.                ?
B:She lives in Paris, France.
A :3.                ?
B:Yes, she has many hobbies, such as playing the piano and playing sports.
A:4.               .
B:She likes action movies.
A:Thanks a lot.


科目:初中英語 來源:期末題 題型:補(bǔ)全對話,情景問答

A: Are you ready    1   the trip to the Silk Road?
B: Almost.  I packed a camera and a   2   of new sandals( 涼鞋).
A: Did you read books   3   the Silk Road?
B: Do you think I should     4  some books?
A: Yes. It will help you understand more about the Silk Road.
B: I see, but I only have two days to read.
A: Don't worry. You   5   have to finish it.
1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:補(bǔ)全對話,情景問答

a. No! Sorry! We need it.Your dad and I are going to the movies later.
b. Sure. But could you clean up your room first?
c. Yes, you have to.Or no friends come over again!
d. Do I have to?
e. OK. And Mom, could I use the car to pick my friends up?
f. Mom, could I ask some friends to come over?


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:補(bǔ)全對話,情景問答

A. Where were you?
B. You are right.
C. And we saw a lot of snow yesterday morning
D. Our plane got to the airport at nine.
E. What was the weather like yesterday?
A: I didn't see you last week.     1     
B: I was in Stockholm(斯德哥爾摩)  with my parents.
A: When did you come back?
B: This morning.      2     It's very.cold today.
A: So it is. It's getting colder these days.
B: _  3     
A: It blew strongly the day before yesterday.    4     
B: There's much snow everywhere.
A: _  5     
B: I find people wear warm clothes.
A: Yes. It's much colder today than yesterday.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:補(bǔ)全對話,情景問答

A. And what about you?
B. Lucy is speaking English.
C. This is Lucy speaking.
D. What's Dad doing?
E. And how about the weather in New York now?
F. Is Dad cooking?
G. She's watching TV and eating  hamburgers.
A: Hello. This is Jeff  from Boston.
B: Hi, Jeff      1      How's it going?
A: Pretty  good.
B: How's the weather in Boston?    .
A: It's raining.      2  
B: It's sunny.
A: Great !      3     
B: He's cooking hot dogs.
A: Is Mom cooking, too?
B: No.      4      .
A:      5     
B: I'm eating an apple and talking to you.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:補(bǔ)全對話,情景問答


 A. Thank you very much.
 B. I'm sorry I don't know.
 C. How can I get there?
 D. How far is it from here?
 E. Is there a hotel near here?
A: Excuse me, sir? Where is the nearest hotel?
B:      1     You may ask that policeman over there.
A: Thank you all the same.. (The man goes to the policeman. )
A: Excuse me.      2    
C: No, there isn't a hotel near here, but there is one near the Bank of China.
A:    3      
C: It's about two kilometers away.
A:   _4    
C: You'd better take a taxi, because it's so late,there aren't any buses now.
A:    _5     
C: You're welcome.
1.      ___    2.   ___       3. ___           4. ___        5. ___      


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:補(bǔ)全對話,情景問答

(     )1. Excuse me. Where can l wash my hands?
(     )2. Don't hang out late in the night with those bad youngsters.
(     )3. I need some shampoos to wash my hair. Could you get some for me?
(     )4. Can you tell me where Tom is? I must find him now.
(     )5. Shall we exchange our phone numbers so that we can call each other?
A. Sorry, I don't know.  But he was here just now.
B. No problem.
C. Oh, there is a restroom near the bus stop.
D. Of course, there's a post office on the Royal Street.
E. That's a great idea!
F. Sorry, I won't do it again.

