cinema, match, have, team, stadium, on, swimming, invitation, week, play
1. Would you like to go to a basketball ___________?
2. The English film is __________ in the evening.
3. Let's go to the ___________ tonight, OK?
4. ---Where's the magic show?  
---It's at Shanghai __________.
5. ---When is the ___________ lesson?  
---Sorry, I don't know.
6. Manchester United is my favorite _________, do you know?
7. ---Let's __________ computer games this afternoon.  
---That's a good idea.
8. Please write a letter of ___________ to my birthday party.  
9. Tony is going to _________ two lessons on Wednesday afternoon.
10. What is your favorite day of the __________?
1. match    2. on     3. cinema     4. Stadium   5. swimming  
6. team     7. play     8. invitation     9. have     10. week
