
Tony Hawk is crazy about skateboarding.He comes up with new skateboarding tricks(技巧) all the time.In all,he has made up about 100 new tricks.
There are 360° in a circle.So two and one half circles is 900°,Hawks'dream was a flip(輕拋) two and one half circles in the air.Hawk would only have two seconds(秒) to do these flips.That's how long he could stay in the air before hitting the ground.Hawk called it the"900".Hawk worked years getting ready for the"900".He worked on each part of the trick.Hawk did thousands of"360"flips in the air.He practiced skatboarding hour after hour,day after day.There was no coach telling him what to do.He could decide for himself when to start and when to stop.
At last on June27,1999,he felt ready to do it.He would try the"900"at the X Games in San Francisco.On his first try,he fell.He fell on his second try,too.Then his third and his fourth tries.But each time he was getting closer.The other skaters stopped their shows to watch.On his eleventh try,he did it.The other skaters jumped with joy."This is the best day of my life."Hawk told the crowd.
Write a T if the sentence is true.Write an F if it is false.
36.Tony Hawk has made up about 100 new tricks.( T )
37.There are 900°in two circles.( F )
38.Hawk could stay in the air for only two seconds.( T )
39.Hawk has got professional training for skateboarding.( F )
40.Hawk succeeded in 1999 after he tried 10 times.( T )