One afternoon,I went to pick up my mother from work. I got there a little early,so I 1        my car by a small park,and 2       for her.

  As I looked outside the car window,I saw a little boy,around two years old,running 3       on the grass as his mother 4        from a short distance. The boy had a big smile on his face as if he had just been 5        free from some sort of prison. The boy would then fall to the grass,6       up,without looking back at his mother,run as 7        as he could,again,still with a smile on his face,as if nothing had happened.

  At that moment,I thought to myself, " Why aren't most adults this way?" Most adults,when they fall down,make a big deal out of it and don't even 8       a second attempt. They would be so 9        that they would not try again if someone saw them fall. Or,because they fall,they would find a good 10        for themselves that they're not fit for it. They would end up too afraid to attempt again for fear of failure.

  However,with kids,when they fall down,they don't consider their falling down as a failure,instead,they treat it as a 11       experience. They try again and again until they 12        The answer must be that they have not connected "falling down" with the word "failure". As a 13       ,they are not discouraged in any way. Besides,they 14       think to themselves that it's quite okay to fall down and that it's not wrong to do so. In other words,they did.allow themselves to make 15      , so they remain energetic.

  I was deeply impressed by the boy's persistence (堅持不懈) and the manner in which he did.

(   ) 1. A. left   B. stopped   C. repaired   D. drove

(   ) 2. A. waited   B. cared   C. prepared   D. looked

(   ) 3. A. carefully   B. anxiously   C. freely   D. easily

(   ) 4. A. watched   B. noticed   C. surveyed   D. supported

(   ) 5. A. cut   B. kept   C. found   D. set

(   ) 6. A. hold   B. get   C. end   D. pick

(   ) 7. A. well   B. long   C. fast   D. soon

(   ) 8. A. make   B. provide   C. practice   D. discover

(   ) 9. A. confused   B. embarrassed   C. exhausted   D. surprised

(   ) 10. A. cause   B. sign   C. chance   D. excuse

(   ) 11. A. learning   B. running   C. teaching   D. falling

(   ) 12. A. progress   B. improve   C. achieve   D. succeed

(   ) 13. A. decision   B. result   C. reason   D. matter

(   ) 14. A. hardly   B. perfectly   C. probably   D. nearly

(   ) 15. A. mistakes   B. choices   C. plans   D. wishes

1. B 由I went to pick up my mother from work可知,"我"把車停在一個小公園旁。

2. A 根據(jù)上文I went to pick up my mother from work可知,作者在等母親,故選A.

3. C 根據(jù)下文 from some sort of prisons 可知,小孩子是在自由地跑動,故選C.

4. A 根據(jù)下文without looking back at his mother 可知,不遠處的孩子的媽媽是在看著孩子玩耍。

5. D 句意為:男孩面帶燦爛的微笑,好像剛從牢籠里被放出來一樣。set free意為"釋放",符合句意。

6. B 前面提到fall to,所以后面應(yīng)是get up ,表示孩子跌倒后"爬起來"。

7. C 根據(jù)run可知,孩子是盡快地跑,故選C。

8. A 根據(jù)語境可知,大部分成年人不會在失敗后進行第二次嘗試。make an attempt"嘗試"符合語境。

9. B 不敢進行第二次嘗試是因為不想因此而被人嘲笑,變得尷尬。

10. D 根據(jù)下文They would end up too afraid to attempt again for fear of failure可知,成年人是想為自己的失敗找到借口。

11. A 根據(jù)They try again and again.…可知,小孩子們把失敗當(dāng)成是一種學(xué)習(xí)的過程。

12. D 句意為:小孩們一次又一次地嘗試,直到他們成功。

13. B 根據(jù)語境可知,小孩子還沒有將"跌倒"與"失敗"聯(lián)系在一起,所以他們不會氣餒。

as a result意為"結(jié)果",符合語境。

14. C 根據(jù)that it's quite okay to fall down and that it's not wrong to do so可知,此處是表示他們心里的一種想法,表示推測。

15. A 根據(jù)上下文語境可知,孩子們允許自己在錯誤中成長。

題目來源:中考英語組合訓(xùn)練完形填空+短文填詞 > 組合訓(xùn)練54


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

  I have spent years of my life traveling all over the world. When I arrive in a new country or city,usually I am very 1        and go to bed early. For this 2       ,my first day or night in any new place is always quiet and very little 3      

  4       my first night in Algeciras was very different.  That night was very strange and unusual.

  At that time Algeciras in Southern Spain was a dirty and 5        looked after city. I arrived late in the afternoon 6        boat. As soon as I 7        the boat,I went to look for a 8      I found a small one not far from the quay (碼頭) .

 This hotel 9        dirty and untidy from the outside. I was very tired and did not know my 10        around the city of Algeciras,so I decided to stay in this limited hotel on the quay. I also decided to stay in this hotel for 11        reason. The moon was full and it was a clear,12       night. From the hotel,I could 13        at the sea.I could see the huge rock of Gibraltar in the bright 14       .

  The hotel had a narrow 15        and no name. When I went through this doorway,I had to climb up narrow and dark stairs to the first floor.I walked for a small cupboard with desk in front of it. This was the hotel office.

(   ) 1. A. scared   B. puzzled   C. tired   D. surprised

(   ) 2. A. schedule   B. reason   C. camp   D. journey

(   ) 3. A. happens   B. appears   C. exists   D. forms

(   ) 4. A. So   B. But   C. And   D. Because

(   ) 5. A. badly   B. perfectly   C. mildly   D. lately

(   ) 6. A. with   B. on   C. by   D. in

(   ) 7. A. made up   B. got off   C. showed up D; ran after

(   ) 8. A. county   B. shop   C. hotel   D. village

(   ) 9. A. looked   B. sounded   C. smelt   D. tasted

(   ) 10. A. view   B. plan   C. spot   D. way

(   ) 11. A. other   B. another   C. no   D. some

(   ) 12. A. dark   B. cloudy   C. bright   D. rainy

(   ) 13. A. look down   B. look up   C. look after   D. look for

(   ) 14. A. sky   B. night   C. space   D. moonlight

(   ) 15. A. step   B. stair   C. doorway   D. door


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

 To me,life without music would not be exciting. I r 1       that this is not true for everybody. Many people get along quite well without g 2       to concerts or listening to records. But music plays an important part in everyone's life,w 3       they realize it or not. Try to imagine,for example,w 4       films or TV plays would be like without music. Would the feelings,the moving plot (情節(jié)) ,and the greatest interests,be as e 5       ? I'm not sure about it.

  Now,we have been speaking of music in its more common meaning―the kind of music we hear in the concert hall. But if we look at some parts of music closely,we d 6       them in our everyday life―in the rhythm (節(jié)奏) of the sea,the melody of a bird in the woods and so on. So music surely has meaning for e 7       ,in some way or other. And,of course,it has special meaning for those who have spent all their 1 8      working on playing or writing music.

  It is well said ," through music a child enters a world of beauty,expresses h 9       from his heart,feels the joy of doing things alone,learns to take care of others,develops his mind and m 10      his body strong."

1.r       2. g       3. w       4. w       5. e         

6.d       7. e       8. 1       9. h       10. m       


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

  They are rarely out of the spotlight themselves,and they make their money from getting 1       to stare at the big screen.

  But this hasn't stopped two of the biggest stars in Hollywood from 2        that they limit the amount of television that their children watch.

  Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg share the same opinion that children shouldn't be brought up on TV and should be made to 3      

  "My kids,I really don't like them to watch 4        television , ” Cruise,40 ,said during a visit to Berlin to promote the film Minority(《少數(shù)派報告》) earlier this month. " We're focusing on reading."

  Tom Cruise,who has major boxoffice appeal (票房號召力) ,has starred in many hit movies such as Rain Man(《雨人》) and Mission:Impossible(《諜中諜》) .

  He has two adopted (收養(yǎng)的) children with 5        Australian exwife Nicole Kidman.

  As a father,he allows them 6        about three and a half hours of television every week but only if his children 7        school.

  "I can actually see the difference when they watch too much television. 8       affects their education and their reading as well as their behavior," he said.

  Cruise and Kidman divorced last year 9       10 years of marriage. He and Kidman agreed to raise their children inAustralia. "Americawas in a position 10        people were so irresponsible that human life holds so little value to them," he said.

  Hollywood Oscarwinning director Steven Spielberg agrees with Cruise's stand (立場) on 11        to educate children.

  As the director of Minority Report,he said at a news conference (新聞發(fā)布會) that he felt the same way 12        Cruise when it came to television.

  "My kids are allowed to watch TV for one hour a day―if their homework 13       ”, he said. "They can't come home from school and watch TV."

  He insists that his fi ve children do their homework and their chores (雜務(wù)) first,and if they have time 14        over,watch TV for an hour.

  Spielberg,whose films Saving Private Kycm (《拯救大兵瑞恩》) and Schindler,s 《辛德勒名單》) talk about the tragic events of World War H,said he also keeps his children away from the news on television.

  He said the reason is that one could 15        tell what it was going to be about. And he never knew if it would be suitable for children to watch.

(   ) 1. A. the other   B. others   C. another   D. the others

(   ) 2. A. speak   B. tells   C. saying   D. talked

(   ) 3. A. write   B. recited

       C. listen to the tape   D. read books

(   ) 4. A. that much   B. too many   C. a lot   D. a numebr of

(   ) 5. A. his   B. her   C. their   D. us

(   ) 6. A. watch   B. to watch   C. looking through   D. saw

(   ) 7. A. be good at behaving   B. do well in

       C. studies hard at   D. learned a lot

(   ) 8. A. Those   B. This   C. That   D. It

(   ) 9. A. in   B. later on   C. after   D. behind

(   ) 10. A. who   B. when   C. which   D. where

(   ) 11. A. how   B. what   C. why   D. who

(   ) 12. A. like   B. as   C. such as   D. likely

(   ) 13. A. did   B. is done   C. will do   D. has been done

(   ) 14. A. leaving   B. leaves   C. left   D. leave

(   ) 15. A. ever   B. sometimes   C. seldom   D. never


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

 There are some people who just can't make up their minds by themselves. They often ask the advice of their friends and then do the opposite of what their friends have said.

  My brother,Mike,is such a person. He can never decide what to do and always asks my i 1       I try to help him as well as I can. But he never f 2       my advice. Yesterday I answered his questions in a d 3       way. "Look," he said,and s 4       me a letter. "What do you think I should do?"

  The letter was an offer of a job. It seemed to be a good c 5       for a young doctor. Mike would be s 6       to Africa to work. The job would pay very well,and he would be able to t 7      and visit many interesting places.

  "What do you think,Peter?" he asked. "Should I go? If I take the job,I'll have to stay outside very long. But it will be a w 8      time for me,what should I do?"   "Don't go," I told him. " You wouldn't be happy."

  "Don't go. ” He looked very s 9      at my answer.

  As you've probably g 10       ,Mike took the offer. I don't know if he found that I really wanted him to take the job.

1.i       2. f       3. d       4. s       5. c         

6.s       7. t       8. w       9. s       10. g       


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:


1. at least          2. grow up         

3. hurry up          4. book report         

5. Oliver Twist          6. Tom Sawyer         

7. Little Women          8. Treasure Island         

9. Robinson Crusoe          10. Alice in Wonderland       


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

17. It's a good place to practice speaking English,(practice doing sth.)




科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

(   ) 13. With a computer,we can listen to any music online without using any        .

   A. record      B. TV       D. phone


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:


  26.A. She used to fight over almost everything with her family.

   B. She fought over almost everything with her family        the        .


