



2.參考詞匯:地球一小時  Earth Hour   鳥巢  Bird’s Nest   水立方  Water Cube

Earth Hour

Earth Hour started in Australia with millions of homes and businesses turning their lights o for one hour.People are all joining together in a global effort to show that it’s possible to take action on global warming.

Beijing took part in Earth Hour this year The “Bird’s Nest” National Stadium and the nearby “Water Cube”,usually illuminated by floodlights,went dark at 8:30 p.m。,while dozens of hotel office buildings,shopping malls and restaurants also switched their lights off.People joined in activities such as candle-lit dinners and star-gazing patties as a response to the call for “going dark”.

I support the action.In my opinion, Earth Hour is a message of hope and a message of actor It will.have a great influence on people’s attitude towards global warming.We should take responsibility and get involved in working towards a bright future.Everyone can make difference.

