
  David Moore taught science at the City School. He needed some expensive books , so he bought them. He left them in his car in a quiet street . Then he went to buy some other things. At six o’clock he came back to the car . One window was open-and the books were not there ! David drove home to Fry Road.

  That night he wrote a letter to a newspaper. The next day he went to the police.

  On Friday people read this in the newspaper:


  Have you any old books ? I buy old and new books .

  Open all day on Saturday David Moore, 26 Fry Road.

  David stayed at home on Saturday. His first visitor came at eight o’clock. David took him to the kitchen. At half past nine another man arrived . He had a bag under his arm.

  “Mr Moore?” the man asked.

  “That’s right ,”David said. “Can I help you ?”

  “I’ve got some good books. You buy books , don’t you ?”

  “Yes. Bring them in . I’ll have a look at them. ”

  Soon the books were on the dining-table. “Come in now ,”called David, “ and bring the list.”

  A policeman came into the dining-room . He read the names on the list in his hand . They were the same .

“Come with me sir ,”the policeman said to the man.

1.David had a job as ______.

[  ]

A.a bookseller  B.a policeman 

C.a driver    D.a school teacher

2.David bought some books . They were ______ books .

[  ]

A.cheap  B.old  C.science  D.new

3.How did the man get the books ?

[  ]

A.He bought them from David.

B.He found them in an old car.

C.He bought them from a bookseller.

D.He took them from a car.

4.The names on the list were the names of ______ .

[  ]

A.David Moore’s friends 

B.the books

C.the booksellers 

D.The school in the city

5.David looked at the books on the dining-table. He thought:”They’re all ______ .

[  ]

A.mine B.his C.novels D.theirs

6.How did David get his books back?

[  ]

A.A man brought them to David’s house.

B.David bought them from the visitor.

C.David got them back from a friend.

D.The police found them and gave them to David.

7.The policeman was waiting ______ .

[  ]

A.in a quiet street  B.outside the bookshop

C.in the kitchen    D.in the dining-room

8.David’s first visitor was a ______ .

[  ]



C.good friend of his 

D.person interested in old books

9.We may consider David a man of ______ .

[  ]

A.careless  B.interesting  C.humor  D.wisdom

10.The title of the passage may be ______ .

A.Missing Books  B.Books Finding 

C.A Trap      D.Punishment


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:053


  Even at the age of 89 Rene Huyghe still loves the woman with whom he spent World Wardriving her from her house to safety, hiding her in his office, even sharing a bedroom with her. She was “Mona Lisa”, masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci and a centerpiece of the Louvre. He was the chief curator(管理員)of paintings there.

  Foreseeing the Nazi drive across Europe, Huyghe began planning in 1938 to hide his charges. When Germans entered Poland a year later, Huyghe’s trucks took Louvre paintings to hiding places far from Paris. “Mona Lisa” rode in a car, “always going with a curator, sometimes with me,” he recalls.

  She was carried from place to place out of fear. Bombs could strike her hiding place; fire could burn her; she could end up in a German collection.

  Once, as Nazi troops passed her last hiding place, Chateau de Montal, a Resistance fighter inside fired at them. Fearing retaliation(報復), Huyghe shouted to the man, “You are mad! Stop it at once!” The troops moved on and the following day razed(洗劫) entire village nearby.

  “At war’s end every single work was back in the Louvre,” Huyghe says. “Mona Lisa” herself returned in a curator’s private car.

1According to the passage, the one Rene Huyghe still loves is ______.

[  ]

  Aa painting      Ba German girl

  Ca Resistance fighter Da lady

2When did the Nazi drive across Poland?

[  ]

   ANot mentioned.  BIn 1938.

   CAfter 1938  DBefore 1938.

3In paragraph 2, “Huyghe began planning in 1938 to hide his charges.” Means ______.

[  ]

AHuyghe wanted to hide his money in 1938

BHuyghe had planned to complete his tasks

CHuyghe made a plan to hide the paintings of the Louvre in 1938

DHuyghe hoped to take good care of his photos in 1938.

4Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]

AA resistance fighter stayed together with the old man.

BA village in which they stayed was razed by the Germans.

CAll the works were returned to the museum after the war.

DThe curator is 89 years old now.

5Which of the following will be the best title for the passage?

[  ]

ANazi’s Rise and Fall

BRene Huyghe’s Ever Lasting Feeling with “Mona Lisa”

CThe World War and the Louvre Paintings

DA Louvre Curator’s Wartime Companion


科目:高中英語 來源:高一英語Unit3 Tomorrow’s world單元質量評估(譯林牛津版必修4) 題型:050


  Experienced actor Zhang Guoli went on extreme diet to better fit into his new role in“Jian Guo Da Ye”, a big budget film celebrating the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China.

  The television-film begins at the end of World War Ⅱ and is based on real events that took place during the years leading up to the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949.It focuses on the birth of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC), the country's top political advisory body.

  Zhang Guoli, famous for a series of ancient emperor roles, played the Kuomintang(KMT)leader Chiang Kai-shek.Zhang was reported to have reduced his food intake and eating only one meal each day, to better look like this historical figure.

  The result was obvious and he lost 5.5 kg in half a month.

  Sina.com reported, Zhang first refused to play the role for the big difference between his image and Chiang Kai-shek.

  Despite Zhang's wavering confidence at the beginning, his friends believed that he could do it.Vivian Wu Junmei, a Chinese actress who became internationally known for her role in the Oscar-winning film“The Last Emperor”, said Zhang Guoli not only resembles Chiang in appearance but also in spirit.

  “I think what really makes Zhang Guoli successful is not his look but the resemblance in spirit.The way he deals with some details in his acting is very captivating.”Vivian Wu added she could not think of anyone else who could do the role better.

  Vivian Wu, also the star of“The Soong Sisters”, played a much more mature Madame Chiang Kai-shek(Mayling Soong)during the period of 1945~1949.


The purpose of producing the film“Jian Guo Da Ye”is ________.

[  ]


to make more money and gain more awards


to celebrate the 60th anniversary of PRC


to provide more entertainments and amusements


to promote the declining image of the movies


The period set in the film is ________.

[  ]


from the end of World WarⅠ to the foundation of PRC


from the end of World WarⅡ to the foundation of PRC


from the start of Anti-Japanese War to the foundation of PRC


from the start of the Liberation War to the foundation of PRC


The reason why Zhang Guoli went on diet was that ________.

[  ]


he wanted to make his new role more cool and attractive


he wanted to win more votes if the film went to the Oscar


he wanted to better resemble the historical figure


he wanted to replace the role of Vivian Wu in the film


The underlined word“wavering”in the passage means ________.

[  ]










科目:高中英語 來源:山東省高青縣第二中學2009-2010學年高二上學期期末(模塊)檢測英語試卷 題型:050


  She is widely seen as proof(證據(jù))that good looking can last forever.But, at nearly 500 years of age, time is catching up with Mona Lisa.

  The health of the famous, painted by Leonardo Da Vinci(萊昂納多·達芬奇)in 1505, is getting worse by the year, according to the Louvre Museum.

  “The thin wooden panel(嵌板)on which the Mona Lisa was painted in oil has changed shape since experts checked it two years ago,” the museum said.Visitors have noticed changes but repairing the world's most famous painting is not easy.Experts are not sure about the materials(材料)the Italian artist used and their chemical states.

  Nearly 6 million people go to see the Mona Lisa every year, many attracted by the mystery of her smile.“It is very interesting that when you're not looking at her, she seems to be smiling, and when you look at her she stops,” said Professor Margaret Living Stone of Harvard University.“It's because direct vision is excellent at picking up details, but less suited to looking at shadows.Da Vinci painted the smile in shadows.”


What experts worry most is ________ of the Mona Lisa.

[  ]


the age of the famous painting


how to keep the famous painting


what to do with the changes of the famous painting


a place suitable(適合)for keeping the famous painting


In order to repair the famous painting, it is important and difficult ________

[  ]


to prove if it can last forever


to find out the chemical state of the oil


to interpret(破譯)the mystery of Mina Lisa's smile


to keep the thin wooden panel changing


According to the passage, it's ________ that interests the visitors all over the world.

[  ]


the wooden panel on which the Mona Lisa was painted


the place where the Mona Lisa is kept


the painter of the Mona Lisa


Mona Lisa's smile


We can learn from the passage that ________

[  ]


Da Vinci painted the “smile” in a particular way.


Mona Lisa seems to be always smiling


vision seems to decide the beauty of a picture


details are more important than materials


What might be the best title of the passage?

[  ]


Mona Lisa, a Smiling lady


Mystery, Uncovered for Centuries


Smiling in Shadows, Da Vinci's Style


Famous Painting Faces Damage(毀壞)


科目:高中英語 來源:浙江省浙南、浙北部分學校2012屆高三12月聯(lián)考英語試題 題型:050


  ROME:The legend of Leonardo da Vinci is covered in mystery:How did he die? Are the remains buried in a French castle really those of the master? Was the "Mona Lisa" a self-portrait in disguise(偽裝)?

  A group of Italian scientists believe the key to solving those puzzles lies with the remains, and they say they are seeking permission to dig up the body to conduct carbon and DNA testing.

  If the skull is undamaged, the scientists can go to the heart of a question that has fascinated scholars and the public for centuries:the identity of the "Mona Lisa." Recreating a virtual and then physical reconstruction of Leonardo's face, they can compare it with the smiling face in the painting.

  "We don't know what we'll find if the tomb is opened.We could even just find grains and dust," says Giorgio Gruppioni, an anthropologist who is participating in the project."But if the remains are well kept, they are a biological record of events in a person's life, and sometimes in their death." Silvano Vinceti, the leader of the group, said that he plans to press his case with the French officials in charge of the said burial site at Amboise Castle early next week.

  Leonardo moved to France at the invitation of King Francis I, who named him "first painter to the king." He spent the last three years of his life there, and died in 1519 at age 67.The artist's original burial place, the palace church of Saint Florentine, was destroyed during the French Revolution and remains that are believed to be his were eventually reburied in the Saint-Hubert Chapel near the castle.

  "The Amboise tomb is a symbolic tomb; it's a big question mark," said Alessandro Vezzosi, the director of a museum dedicated to Leonardo in his hometown of Vinci.Vezzosi said that investigating the tomb could help identify the artist's bones with certainty and solve other questions, such as the cause of his death.He said he asked to open the tomb in 2004 to study the remains, but the Amboise Castle turned him down.

  The group of 100 experts involved in the project, called the National Committee for Historical and Artistic Heritage, was created in 2003 with the aim of "solving the great mysteries of the past," said Vinceti, who has written books on art and literature.

  Arguably the world's most famous painting, the "Mona Lisa" hangs in the Louvre in Paris, where it drew some 8.5 million visitors last year.Mystery has surrounded the identity of the painting's subject for centuries, with opinions ranging from the wife of a Florentine merchant to Leonardo's own mother.

  That Leonardo intended the "Mona Lisa" as a self-portrait in disguise is a possibility that has interested and divided scholars.Theories have existed:Some think that Leonardo's taste for tricks and riddles might have led him to hide his own identity behind that puzzling smile; others have guessed that the painting hid an androgynous lover.

  If granted access to the grave site, the Italian experts plan to use a tiny camera and radar to confirm the presence of bones.The scientists would then exhume(挖掘)the remains and attempt to date the bones with carbon testing.

  At the heart of the proposed study is the effort to discover whether the remains are actually Leonardo's, including with DNA testing.

  Vezzosi questions the DNA comparison, saying he is unaware of any direct descendants(后代)of Leonardo or of tombs that could be attributed with certainty to the artist's close relatives.

  Gruppioni said that DNA from the bones could also eventually be compared to DNA found elsewhere.For example, Leonardo is thought to have rubbed colors on the canvas with his thumb, possibly using saliva(唾液), meaning DNA might be found on his paintings.

  Even in the absence of DNA testing, other tests could provide useful information, including whether the bones belonged to a man or a woman, and whether the person died young or old.

  Even within the committee, experts are divided over the identity of the "Mona Lisa."

  Vinceti believes that a tradition of considering the self-portrait to be not just a faithful imitation of one's features but a representation of one's spiritual identity may have resonated(共鳴)with Leonardo.

  Vezzosi, the museum director, dismissed as "baseless and senseless" the idea that the "Mona Lisa" could be a self-portrait of Leonardo.He said most researchers believe the woman may have been either a wife of the artist's sponsor, the Florentine nobleman Giuliano de Medici, or Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a rich silk merchant, Francesco del Giocondo.The traditional view is that the name "Mona Lisa" comes from the silk merchant's wife, as well as its Italian name:"La Gioconda."


Why does the author ask a couple of questions in the beginning?

[  ]


To arouse the interest of readers.


To puzzle Italian scientists.


To answer the questions himself.


To make fun of French officials.


The best title of this story might be “________”.

[  ]


What Is the Purpose of an Investigation?


How Did Leonardo da Vinci Die in France?


Are the Remains Really Those of the Master?


Did Leonardo Paint Himself as 'Mona Lisa'?


The sentence “he plans to press his case with the French officials”(underlined in Paragraph 4)suggests that Vinceti intends to ________.

[  ]


press the French officials to participate in their project


urge the French officials to open the tomb early next week


persuade the French officials to allow opening the tomb


record events in a person's life with the French officials


Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

[  ]


Scholars have the same opinion on DNA testing.


Scientists doubt if the remains are those of da Vinci.


The identity of “Mona Lisa” has already been proved.


Alessandro Vezzosi got permission to open the tomb.


We can infer from the last two paragraphs that ________?

[  ]


“Mona Lisa” is the name of the wife of a silk merchant


the “Mona Lisa” is a self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci


experts divided the committee into several groups


opinions differ of the identity of the “Mona Lisa”


科目:高中英語 來源:福建省師大附中2012屆高三高考模擬英語試題 題型:050


  The research carried out by the University of Bari in Italy could help prove hospitals who are accused of wasting money on art and decoration as it suggests a pleasant environment helps patients ease discomfort and pain.

  A team headed by Professor Marina de Tommaso at the Neurophysiopathology Pain Unit asked a group of men and women to pick the 20 paintings they considered most ugly and most beautiful from a selection of 300 works by artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Sandro Botticelli.They were then asked to look at either the beautiful paintings, or the ugly painting, or a blank panel(板)while the team put a short laser pulse at their hand, creating a sensation as if they had been stuck by a pin.The subjects rated the pain as being a third less intense(劇烈的)while they were viewing the beautiful paintings, compared with when looking at the ugly paintings or the blank panel.Electrodes(電極)measuring the brain's electrical activity also confirmed a reduced response to the pain when the subject looked at beautiful paintings.

  While distractions, such as music, are known to reduce pain in hospital patients, Prof de Tommaso says this is the first result to show that beauty plays a part.

  The findings, reported in New Scientist, also go a long way to show that beautiful surroundings could aid the healing process.

  "Hospitals have been designed to be functional, but we think that their artistic aspects should be taken into account too," said the neurologist."Beauty obviously offers a distraction that ugly paintings do not.But at least there is no suggestion that ugly surroundings make the pain worse.I think these results show that more research is needed into the field how a beautiful environment can alleviate suffering."

  Pictures they liked included Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh and Botticellis Birth of Venus.Pictures they found ugly included works by Pablo Picasso, the Italian 20th century artist Anonio Bueno and Columbian Fernando Botero."These people were not art experts so some of the pictures they found ugly would be considered masterpieces by the art world," said Prof de Tommaso.


The underlined word “alleviate” in the fifth paragraph probably means “________”.

[  ]










Which of the following is TURE about the view of Prof Marina de Tommaso?

[  ]


Beautiful surroundings could help to heal sufferings completely.


Hospitals must take their artistic aspects into consideration first.


Ugly surroundings will surely make the pain worse.


Both music and beauty can reduce pain in hospital patients.


From the last paragraph, we know that ________.

[  ]


some artists' paintings were beautiful, so they were masterpieces


only art experts could judge they were masterpieces or not, though ugly


the artists mentioned above were not really art masters.


some of them were art masters, while others were not.


Which of the following is the suitable title for the passage?

[  ]


Beautiful surroundings can ease pain.


Ugly paintings could be masterpieces.


More research should be done in the field.


Latest environmental research.

