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6.Number sense is not the ability to count.It is the ability to recognize a (1)change   in number.Human beings are born with this ability.(2)Surprisingly,experiments show that many animals are,too.For example,many birds have good number sense.If a nest has four eggs and you remove one,the bird will not (3)notice.However,if you remove two,the bird (4)generally leaves.This means that the bird knows the (5)difference   between two and three.
Another interesting experiment showed a bird's (6)amazing   number sense.A man was trying to take a photo of a crow (烏鴉) that had a nest in a tower,but the crow always left when she saw him coming.The bird did not (7)return   until the man left the tower.The man had an (8)idea.He took another man with him to the tower.One man left and the other stayed,but they did not(9)fool   the bird.The crow stayed away until the second man left,too.The experiment was (10)repeated   with three men and then with four men.But the crow did not return to the nest until all the men were (11)gone.It was not until five men went into the tower and only four left that they were (12)finally   able to fool the crow.
How good is a human's number sense?It's not very good.For example,babies about fourteen months old almost always notice if something is taken away from a(13)small   group.But when the number goes beyond three or four,the children are (14)often fooled.
It seems that number sense is something we have in common with many animals in this world,and that our human (15)ability   is not much better than a crow's.


分析 本文是一篇說事理性的說明文,篇章模式為總-分-分-總的結構.第一段提出話題,說明什么是數字感,并通過拿鳥類作為例子說明,不僅人類與生俱來都有這種數字感,而且動物也有;第二段運用一個人想對一只烏鴉進行拍照的另一個有趣的例子來進一步鳥類的神奇的數字的分辨力;第三段,以一個嬰兒為例說明人類的數字感并不是很好;最后一段為結論段,重申主題:人類和許多動物一樣都有數字感,而且人類的這種能力不比烏鴉好多少.

解答 1.C  考查動詞辨析.根據下文的"removeone/two"語義提示可知,這里是數字發(fā)生變化;由此可知本句含義為"數字感是分辨數字變化的能力",C項符合語境,故選C.
2.B  考查副詞辨析.根據上下文的語境可知,分別說到"人類與生俱來具有這種能力(分辨數字變化的能力)"和"很多鳥類也有很好的數字感.",運用邏輯推斷可知,這里表示這是"令人驚訝的是".故選B.
3.D  考查動詞辨析.根據上文第一句的"recognize"和下文的"knowsthe   5"語義提示可知,這是這二個詞的同義詞復現,本句句義為:如果一個鳥窩里有四顆鳥蛋,你拿走一個,鳥兒就會發(fā)現.A"生存下來",B"關心",C"孵(蛋)"均不符合語境.故選D.
4.A  考查副詞辨析.根據常識判斷,這里要表達的意思是:如果取走兩顆鳥蛋時,鳥類在通常情況下會離開(飛走).故選A.
5.C   考查名詞辨析.根據上文說到的"拿走一個和二個鳥蛋時,鳥的反應和表現"的語義提示可知,這些都是屬于difference的范疇.而且這里的difference與第二句中的change形成同義詞復現的關系.本句句義為:這說明鳥類知道二和三的區(qū)別.故選C.
6.A   考查形容詞辨析.根據上下文的語義提示可知,這里要表達的意思是:另一個有意思的實驗也顯示了鳥類的這種令人驚奇的數字感.故答案為A.amazing與第四句空格2"Surprisingly(令人吃驚或驚奇的是)"構成同義詞的復現關系.
7.D   考查動詞辨析.根據下文第十一空前"notreturn to the nest"的語義提示可知答案,四個選項的含義分別為:A"放松",B"恢復",C"反應",D"返回,歸還".本句句義為:這只鳥直到那個人離開那座塔之后才離開.事實上這里的return與上句中的left形成反義詞的復現關系.故選D.
8.C   考查名詞辨析.根據上下文的語境可知,這個人第一種方法行不通,所以這里再用另一方法,由此運用邏輯推斷可知,這里要表達的意思是:這個人有(或想出)了一個主意.根據語境,下文講了他的具體做法.A、B和D都不符合,C為正確答案,先有了想法或主意,然后是具體的行為.故選C.
9.C  考查動詞辨析.根據上下文的語境可知,他們只是在做實驗,根據常識并運用邏輯推斷可知,他們不是要抓(catch)烏鴉.其他三項A"愚弄",B"傷害",D"殺死"均不太符合語境.故選C.
10.B  考查動詞辨析.根據上下文的語義提示可知,本句講了實驗的進展,他們又先后用三個人和四個人重復做了實驗.并在下句交代了實驗的結果,但是烏鴉都是等到所有人(離開)后才回巢.故選B.
11.B   考查動詞辨析.根據語義提示可知,gone與上文(本段)的left,return,left,left多次構成同義詞或反義詞的復現關系.句意為表示兩次實驗的結果:但是烏鴉都是等到所有人(離開)后才回巢.故選B.
12.D   考查副詞辨析.根據上下文語境并運用邏輯推斷可知,本句以強調句的形式交代了,最后的一次實驗及實驗結果,直到五個人進入到塔中,只有四個人離開時,他們才最終把烏鴉給搞糊涂了/愚弄了烏鴉.故選D.
13.B  考查形容詞辨析.根據本段語境并結合常識可知,前兩句在說:人類的數字感覺也不是非常好.再根據大語境,全文一直在講,對于鳥類在小數字變換時的數字分辨能力的實驗.顯然可以推出本句句義為:例如,當從一個很小的一組東西中拿走一些時,十四個月大的嬰兒幾乎總是能夠注意到(這個變化).故選B.
14.D  考查副詞辨析.根據語義提示可知,這里的often與第三句中的almost形成近義詞復現關系.根據語境與行文邏輯,本句句義為:但是當數字超過三或者四時,嬰兒們通常會被搞糊涂.故選D.
15.C  考查名詞辨析.根據上文的語義提示可知,這里的ability與首段的ability形成相同詞的復現關系.文章末段與首段開甩語義照應上的前后照應的關系.根據語境,本句句義為:(好像數字感是我們與世界上的許多動物都具備的能力,而且)我們人類的這種能力不比烏鴉更強.故選C.

點評 解答此類題目可遵循以下步驟:第一步,通讀全文,了解文章大意,獲得整體印象,同時初選出一批較有把握的答案.第二步,邊核對初選答案邊補填留下的空格.如果短文難度較大,則可復讀幾遍,核對和確定答案.有些空一時決定不了,可作個記號,待復查時再確定. 第三步,復查定稿.從整體理解角度出發(fā),仔細審核答案,確保意義上、語法上沒有錯誤,同時對遺留下來的少數幾個空格作最后選擇.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:選擇題

9.The Jurassic Park is-_ Steven Spielberg movie in which_____ hero fights bravely and protects his friends and family from dinosaurs.( 。
A.不填;theB.a; theC.不填;aD.the; a


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:選擇題

5.New technologies have made ____ possible to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost.( 。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:選擇題

9.An agreement seems to be impossible because the majority of the committee members are ______________ it.( 。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:完形填空

1.Body language is the quiet,secret and most powerful language of all!It speaks   36louderthan words.According to specialists,our bodies send out more (37)messages than we realize.Infact,non-verbal(非言語)communication takes up about 50% of what we really (38)mean.Andbody language is particularly (39)Important when we attempt to communicate across cultures.
Indeed,what is called body language is so (40)much,a part of us that it's actually oftenunnoticed.And misunderstandings occur as a result of it. (41)Forexample,different societies treat the(42)distance,between people differently.Northern Europeans usually do not like having (43)bodily,contact(接觸)even with friends,and certainly not with (44)strangers.People from Latin American  countries (45)ontheotherhand,touch each other quite a lot.Therefore,it's possible that in (46)conversation.It may  look like a Latino is (47)following a Norwegian all over the room.The Latino,trying to express  friendship,will keep moving (48)closer.The Norwegian,very probably seeing this as pushiness,will keep (49)backingaway which the Latino will in return regard as (50)coldness.
Clearly,a great deal is going on when people (51)talk.And only a part of it is in the  words themselves.And when parties are from (52)different  cultures,there's a strong possibility of(53)misunderstanding.But whatever the situation,the best (54)result  is to obey the Golden Rule:treat others as you would like to be (55)treated.

41.A.For exampleB.ThusC.HoweverD.In short
45.A.in other wordsB.on the other handC.in a similar wayD.by all means
49.A.stepping forwardB.going onC.backing awayD.coming out


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:選擇題

11.-I went to the Australia Embassy yesterday to apply for a visa.
--Oh,you _____ that because you can apply on line.(  )
A.don't need to doB.mustn't do
C.can't have doneD.needn't have done


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:完形填空

18.The world's richest man might seem to have it all,but Bill Gates has one regret.The self-made billionaire said he felt stupid for not knowing any foreign languages.
Speaking in his third Ask Me Anything question-and-answer session for online forum Reddit(紅迪網),the Microsoft founder said that he wished he spoke French,Arabic or Chinese.
He said:"I took Latin and Greek in high school and got A's and I guess it helps my vocabulary.I keep hoping to get time to study one of these-probably French because it is the easiest.I did Duolingo for a while but didn't keep it up."
Gates,who is worth 79.3dollars billion,praised Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg for surprising an audience in Beijing when he spoke fluent Chinese."Mark Zuckerberg amazingly leamed Chinese and did a Q&A with Chinese students-unbelievable,isn't it?"he said.
This isn't the first time for Gates to admit his regret over language.He also showed his habits at home and personal insights.
Last February,Gates said he likes to do the dishes himself-to his own special standards every night and also told the interviewer that his wife,Melinda,would likely want Samuel L.Jackson to play her husband in a biopic(傳記片).
He also admitted that he would pick up a $100 bill if he found it on the street.
As he took the top spot on Forbes(福布斯)28th Annual Billionaires list last year for the fourth time,he said he is pretty basic when it comes to so ending on clothes and food,but that he enjoys investing in shoes and racquets(球拍)when he plays tennis.
When asked a life lesson he had to learn the hard way,the billionaire said staying up too late is a habit he is still trying to break.‘‘Don't stay up too late even if the book is really exciting.You will regret it in the morning.Pam still working on this problem,"he said.

28.Which of the following can be the best title for the passageC?
A.An Interview with Bill Gates    
B.How Bill Gates Succeeded
C.Bill Gates'Regret 
D.The Richest Billionaire
29.The underlined part in Paragraph 8may actually mean thatC.
A.it is important to lay a good foundation of life
B.food and clothing are basic needs for people's life
C.he doesn't spend much money on food and clothes
D.he never cares about buying food and clothing
30.What advice did Bill Gates giveA?
A.Avoid staying up too late.
B.Be a good language learner.
C.Do the dishes yourself at home.
D.Pick up the 100billsinthestreets.
31.Which of the following is true according to the passageC?
A.Bill Gates is also the founder of Facebook
B.Bill Gates topped the list of Forbes 28 times.
C.Bill Gates was good at learning languages in high schoo1.
D.Bill Gates'wife wants Samuel to play a game with Gates.


科目:高中英語 來源:2017屆山東省淄博市高三第二次模擬考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Many schools across the US hold graduation ceremonies this time of year. In some schools, even 5 and 6-year-olds observe their graduation from kindergarten. And so can older people, much older. Meet 70-year-old Jerry Reid, who just graduated from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. He earned a bachelor’s degree.

Mr. Reid might not look like the average college student; his hair is definitely grayer. But still Jerry Reid’s age is easy to forget, other UVA students know him as one of their own.

Mr. Reid sat into the “Hoo Crew,” a group that cheers loudly for the school at sports events. He also joined a men's group on campus. He sang drinking songs along with many other students. Mr. Reid’s school friends say they can talk to him just about anything.

About a half century ago, in his 20s, Mr. Reid was not in school. Instead, he was racing cars and chasing girls. But he says his friend Bill invited him to UVA parties.

“Bill told me what a terrible life I had unless I came up here and went to school with him,” said Reid.

That was in 1963. Jerry Reid says it took him 48 years to take that advice. In 2011, he entered college. UVA Professor Luke Wright says Mr. Reid influences students. He opened the minds of the young adults. The teacher says Mr. Reid showed them that life does not end at 40. Instead, the 70-year-old college graduate believes that getting older can be the beginning of a dream.

“Remember that path that you left waits for you. It’s there. It’s yours. All you must do is to get out of your own way and get back to it. And, that's exactly what I did,” said Reid.

Mr. Reid says that he and his wife Susan now would take some time off to enjoy his college degree. Then, he’ll return to UVA to begin studying for his graduate degree.

1.Which of the following is true of Mr. Reid?

A. He was laughed at by other students.

B. He was interested in study in his youth.

C. He enlarged the views of young people.

D. He got his graduate degree in 2011.

2.From the third paragraph, we can infer that Mr. Reid was _________.

A. considerateB. independentC. intelligentD. energetic

3.What does Paragraph 6 mainly discuss?

A. How Mr. Reid realizes his dream.

B. What teachers think of Mr. Reid.

C. When Mr. Reid entered college.

D. Why the students likes Mr. Reid.

4.What lesson can we learn from the story of Jerry Reid?

A. It is never too late to learn.

B. Two heads are better than one.

C. Actions speak louder than words.

D. A friend in need is a friend indeed.


科目:高中英語 來源:2016-2017學年甘肅省高一下學期期中考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

South Africa is a multiethnic society encompassing a wide variety of cultures, languages, and religions. It has 11 official languages. If you want to say hello, it's "sawubona" in Zulu, and "hallo" in Afrikaans. Now, South Africa's school children may start using "ni hao" to say hello.

The country's education minister says, the nation is adding the Mandarin language teaching in some schools. Mandarin is the official spoken language of China. That country is a major trading power for South Africa.

A recent agreement between the two nations centers on five areas of cooperation. They include development in basic education, school books and lessons, mathematics and science, teacher training and career education and research.

South Africa officials have not said how much they teaching Mandarin will cost. Troy Martens is an officials with South Africa's Ministry of Basic Education. She says the new partnership is extremely valuable.

A public opinion study last year found that South Africans have mixed feelings about China. The survey showed 46 percent of South Africans do not like the spread of Chinese ideas and customs in their country, the results also showed that 60 percent dislike Chinese music, movies and television.

But Ms Martens said Chinese trade is more important than those feelings. She said it is extremely helpful to learners in South Africa to study Mandarin as well as Chinese culture. And she said not every school will offer Mandarin.

“Now this will not be compulsory, it will not be for every school, and it will not be for every child. But for schools that feel they have the capacity to offer Mandarin as a subject, we think it is a great opportunity for South African learners to be exposed to this international type of language,” said Martens.

Lisette Noonan heads the 80-year-old Pretoria Chinese School in South Africa's capital. The school serves about 500 students from kindergarten to grade 12. Every student studies Mandarin.

Ms Noonan says the school welcomes the new cooperation between South Africa and China. She said it is in the best interests of children to study Mandarin. She said that especially true with China becoming what she called “a huge economic power in the world”

1.We can learn from Paragraph 1 that .

A. South Africa introduces Mandarin into its school curriculum

B. South Africa has 11 official languages

C. "ni hao"is easy to say than other languages

D. students in school must speak all official languages

2.The underlined words “the new partnership” in Paragraph 4 refers to .

A. a recent agreement about trading cooperation B. five areas of cooperation in education

C. teaching official languages D. career education and research

3.From Paragraph 5,we can know that .

A. South Africans are familiar with Chinese music, movies and television

B. all South Africans aren’t interested in Chinese ideas and customs

C. the spread of Chinese ideas and customs is popular among South Africans

D. Chinese culture has a great influence on South Africans

4.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Every school in South Africa will offer Mandarin to their students.

B. 60 percent of South Africans want to learn Mandarin.

C. It’s 80 years since Pretoria Chinese School in South Africa’s capital opened.

D. Mr.Noonan isn’t interested in the new cooperation between South Africa and China.

