The effects of rapid travel on the body are actually far more disturbing than we realize. Jet Lag is not a psychological consequence of having to readjust to a different time zone. It is due to changes in the body’s physiological regulatory mechanisms, specifically the hormonal systems, in a different environment.

     Now that we understand what Jet Lag is, we can go some way to overcome it. A great number of the body’s events are scheduled to occur at a certain time of day. Naturally these have to be regulated, and there are two regulatory systems which interact.

    One timing system comes from the evidence of our senses and stomachs, and the periodicity we experience when living in a particular time zone. The other belongs in our internal clocks (the major one of which may be physically located in a part of the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus) which, left alone, would tie the body to a 25-hour rhythm. Normally the two timers are in step, and the surroundings tend to regularize the internal clocks to the more convenient 24-hour period.

     If, however, you move the whole body to a time zone which is four hours different, the two clocks will be out of step, like two alarm clocks which are normally set together, but which have been reset a few hours apart. Whereas the two clocks would normally sound their alarms together, now they ring at different times. Similarly, the body can be set for evening while the sun is rising.

     In time the physiological system will reset itself, but it does take time. One easily monitored rhythm is palm sweating. A man flown to a time zone different by 10 hours will take eight days to readjust his palm sweat. Blood pressure, which is also rhythmical, takes four days to readjust.

What can we do about it? It is not feasible to wait four days until the body is used to the new time zone. Fortunately there is a short cut. It relies on two things-the power of the stomach to regulate the timing of other events, and the pharmacological actions of coffee. The basic assumptions are:

Coffee delays the body clock in the morning, and advances it at night. Coffee at mid-afternoon is neutral. Protein in meals stimulates wakefulness, while carbohydrates promote sleep. Putting food into an empty stomach helps synchronize the body clock.

46. What is jet lag associated with?

  A. Psychological change.            B. Physiological change.

  C. Inexperience of rapid travel.       D. Unfamiliar environment.

47. What helps us to adjust to a 24-hour rhythm?

  A. Alarm clock.                   B. Suprachiasmatic nucleus in our brain.

  C. Signals from outside of the body.   D. Our senses and stomachs.

48. What do we know from the fifth paragraph?

  A. A person moving to a different time zone will suffer from high blood pressure.

  B. A person moving to a different time zone will sweat a lot.

  C. Moving to a different time zone will affect both palm sweat and blood pressure.

  D. If the rhythm of blood pressure and palm sweat are not in step, there will be jet lag.

49. What should we do if we want to stay awake?

  A. To take coffee at three o’clock in the afternoon.

  B. To have meals that contain lots of protein.

  C. To have some carbohydrate drinks.

  D. To stop putting food into our stomach.

50. How can we cure jet lag?

   A. To sleep for days.      B. To wait for self-recovery.

   C. To drink tea.           D. To get something to eat.












科目:高中英語 來源:2012-2013學(xué)年浙江省高三第九次教學(xué)質(zhì)檢英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Many trees in the Brackham area were brought down in the terrible storms that March. The town itself lost two great lime trees from the former market square. The disappearance of such striking features had changed the appearance of the town center entirely, to the annoyance of its more conservative inhabitants(居民).

Among the annoyed, under more normal circumstances, would have been Chief Inspector Douglas Pelham, head of the local police force. But at the height of that week's storm, when the wind brought down even the mature walnut tree in his garden, Pelham had in fact been in no fit state to notice. A large and healthy man, he had for the first time in his life been seriously ill with an attack of bronchitis.

When he first complained of an aching head and tightness in his chest, his wife, Molly, had tried to persuade him to go to the doctor. Convinced that the police force could not do without him, he had, as usual, ignored her and attempted to carry on working. Predictably, though he wouldn't have listened to anyone who tried to tell him so, this had the effect of fogging his memory and shortening his temper.

It was only when his colleague, Sergeant Lloyd, took the initiative (主動) and drove him to the doctor's door that he finally gave in. By that time, he didn't have the strength left to argue with her. In no time at all, she was taking him along to the chemist's to get his medicine and then home to his unsurprised wife who sent him straight to bed.

When Molly told him, on the Thursday morning, that the walnut tree had been brought down during the night, Pelham hadn’t been able to take it in. On Thursday evening, he had asked weakly about damage to the house, groaned (含糊不清地說) thankfully when he heard there was none, and pulled the sheets over his head.

It wasn't until Saturday, when the medicine took effect, his temperature dropped and he got up, that he realized with a shock that the loss of the walnut tree had made a permanent difference to the appearance of the living-room. The Pelhams’ large house stood in a sizable garden. It had not come cheap, but even so Pelham had no regrets about buying it. The leafy garden had created an impression of privacy. Now, though, the storm had changed his outlook.

Previously, the view from the living-room had featured the handsome walnut tree. This had not darkened the room because there was also a window on the opposite wall, but it had provided interesting patterns of light and shade that hid the true state of the worn furniture that the family had brought with them from their previous house.

With the tree gone, the room seemed cruelly bright, its worn furnishings exposed in all their shabbiness. And the view from the window didn’t bear looking at. The tall house next door, previously hidden by the tree, was now there, dominating the outlook with its unattractive purple bricks and external pipes. It seemed to have a great many upstairs windows, all of them watching the Pelhams' every movement.

“Doesn’t it look terrible?” Pelham whispered to his wife. But Molly, standing in the doorway, sounded more pleased than dismayed. “That's what I’ve been telling you ever since we came here. We have to buy a new sofa, whatever it costs.”

1.Why were some people in Brackham annoyed after the storm?

A.No market could be held.

B.The police had done little to help.

C.The town looked different.

D.Fallen trees had not been removed.

2.In the third paragraph, what do we learn about Chief Inspector Pelham’s general attitude to his work?

A.He finds it extremely annoying.

B.Не is sure that he plays an important role.

C.Не considers the systems are not clear enough.

D.He does not trust the decisions made by his superiors.

3. What aspect of the Pelhams’ furniture does “shabbiness” in paragraph 8 describe?

A.its condition.       B.its colour.          C.its position.        D.its design.

4.As a result of the storm, the Pelhams’ living-room _____.

A.was pleasantly lighter                    B.felt less private

C.had a better view                       D.was in need of repair

5.Why did Molly sound pleased by her husband’s comment?

A.It proved that he was well again.

B.She agreed about the tree.

C.She thought he meant the sofa.

D.It was what she expected him to say.



科目:高中英語 來源:2014屆江西贛州市十一縣(市)高二上學(xué)期期中考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

What doomed the Titanic is well known, at least in outline. On a moonless night of April 15, 1912, the ship hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic ,with 1,500 lives lost.

A century later many people presented new theories to explain the real reason for the disaster. Now two new studies argue that rare states of nature played major roles in the disaster.

The first says Earth’s nearness to the Moon and the Sun — a proximity not matched in more than 1,000 years — resulted in record tides that help explain why the Titanic met with so much ice, including the fatal iceberg.

Recently, a team of researchers found an apparent explanation in the heavens. They discovered that Earth had come unusually close to the Sun and Moon that winter, enhancing their gravitational pulls on the ocean and producing record tides. The rare orbits took place between December 1911 and February 1912 — about two months before the disaster came about. The researchers suggest that the high tides refloated masses of icebergs traditionally stuck along the coastlines of Labrador and Newfoundland and sent them adrift into the North Atlantic shipping lanes.

And a second, put forward by a Titanic historian from Britain, contends that the icy waters created ideal conditions for an unusual type of mirage(海市蜃樓) that hid icebergs from lookouts whose duty was to watch carefully for  danger ahead and confused a nearby ship as to the liner’s identity, delaying rescue efforts for hours.

Most people know mirages as natural phenomena caused when hot air near the Earth’s surface bends light rays upward. In a desert, the effect prompts lost travelers to mistake patches of blue sky for pools of water. But another kind of mirage occurs when cold air bends light rays downward. In that case, observers can see objects and settings far over the horizon. The images often undergo quick distortions — not unlike the wavy reflections in a funhouse mirror.

Now, scholars of the Titanic are debating these new theories. Some have different opinions on it. Over all, though, many experts are applauding the fresh perspectives.  (words:353)

1.The underlined word "It" in the title probably refers to _______.

A.the Titanic         B.the record tide     C.the cause of the disaster   D.a(chǎn)n unusual mirage

2.According to Theory First, what was the right chain of causes leading to the Titanic’s disaster?

① record tides’ forming and icebergs’ being refloated

② icebergs’ being drifted into the North Atlantic shipping lanes

③the Earth’s strange closing to the Sun and the Moon

④increasing of the gravitational force on the ocean

A.①→②→③→④    B.③→④→①→②    C.④→③→②→①    D.②→③→④→①

3.According to Theory Second, the disaster happened to the Titanic mainly because______.

A.the freezing weather made the watcher not be able to watch clear

B.the mirage on the sea attracted the watcher and made him forget his work

C.the high tides drove the icebergs float so fast that the watcher didn’t respond to them

D.the mirage made the watcher not find icebergs and a nearby ship delay rescuing

4.What is the chief function of the sixth paragraph? infer the possibility of the mirage appearing explain to the readers the ways of the mirage forming summarize the various kinds of the mirage analyze the conditions of the mirage arising

5.This passage is organized generally in the pattern of________.

A.comparison and contrast                  B.time and events

C.conclusion and proof                    D.definition and classification(分類))



科目:高中英語 來源:2013屆廣東省高二下學(xué)期期末考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

The UN Environment Programme says that rising temperatures could mean the end for some migrating animals.

Migrating or mobile animals move through several environments as they travel away from the cold of winter to warmer areas. Birds may fly from one part of the world to another, perhaps stopping at feeding grounds on the way. Whales and turtles (海龜) cover vast areas of ocean. The report says that changes in any one of the places which these animals use can cause serious harm. "Obviously these animals have developed their travelling patterns over thousands of years. But climate change is almost certain to be extreme over the next 25 to 50 years and it is extremely unlikely that these animals can change their habits fast enough," said the report author Dr Robert Hepworth.

Hardest hit by rising temperatures are turtles. Scientists have found that at higher temperatures, turtles produce far more female eggs than male ones. In parts of Malaysia, turtle birthing sites are producing only females, the report says. It also provides evidence that some turtles are more likely to develop cancer as the waters get warmer.

With birds, the main problem is climate-related damage to important areas at either end of the travels or at resting places along the way. About one-fifth of migrating birds are now in danger because of climate-related changes including rising sea levels, land loss and more violent storms, the report concludes.

Other animals picked out as particularly in danger include:

· the North Atlantic Right Whale, whose main food (tiny shrimp) is disturbed by the change in ocean flows and

· the White-Nose Dolphin, which is out-competed by other kinds of dolphins in warmer waters.

The report is not all bad news. Even with major climatic changes, protecting the environment can still help mobile animals to recover. "We need governments to start taking action at the national and international lever. “The clock is running.” said Dr Hepworth. And some animals are already adapting, with the report mentioning whales that are changing their feeding behaviour, finding new feeding grounds and new foods to eat.

1.What is the main topic of the text?

A.The effect of climate change on migrating animals.

B.How animals are adapting to changes in temperature.

C.The actions required to save migrating animals.

D.The need for government policies to prevent global warming.

2.By saying "the clock is running" in the last paragraph, Dr Hepworth means that “_______”. may be too late to save some animals is time to start protecting the animals

C.there is not much time to solve the problem takes time to complete the actions

3.According to the report, how will global warming affect turtles in the future?

A.They will only produce female babies.

B.Their food supply will gradually disappear.

C.Some will suffer from higher rates of cancer.

D.They will be in greater danger because of more violent storms.

4.Which of the following is mentioned as a consequence of rising temperatures?

A.More storms will affect the ability of whales to find their feeding grounds.

B.20 percent of all birds are likely to die out because of land loss.

C.Migrating animals are likely to start adapting to the changes more quickly.

D.Warmer oceans will increase the competition between different kinds of dolphins.

5.What can be inferred (推斷) about turtles from the text?

A.They are the only animals besides humans that suffer from cancer.

B.They have traditionally lived longer than other ocean-based animals.

C.Those born nearer a hotter area are more likely to be female.

D.Most kinds of turtles are likely to die out within 50 years.



科目:高中英語 來源:2013屆內(nèi)蒙古高二下學(xué)期期末考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

In a room at Texas Children Cancer Center in Houston, eight-year-old Simran Jatar lay in bed with a drip (點滴) above her to fight her bone cancer. Over her bald (禿的) head, she wore a pink hat that matched her clothes. But the third grader’s cheery dressing didn’t mask her pain and weary eyes.

Then a visitor showed up. “Do you want to write a song?” asked Anita Kruse, 49, rolling a cart equipped with an electronic keyboard, a microphone and speakers. Simran stared. “Have you ever written a poem?” Anita Kruse continued. “Well, yes,” Simran said.

Within minutes, Simran was reading her poem into the microphone. “Some bird soaring through the sky,” she said softly. “Imagination in its head…” Anita Kruse added piano music, a few warbling (鳴, 唱) birds, and finally the girl’s voice. Thirty minutes later, she presented Simran with a CD of her first recorded song.

That was the beginning of Anita Kruse’s project, Purple Songs Can Fly, one that has helped more than 125 young patients write and record songs. As a composer and pianist who had performed at the hospital, Kruse said that the idea of how she could help “came in one flash”.

The effect on the kids has been great. One teenage girl, curling (蜷縮) in pain in her wheelchair, stood unaided to dance to a hip-hop song she had written. A 12-year-old boy with Hodgkin’s disease who rarely spoke surprised his doctors with a song he called I Can Make It.

“My time with the kids is heartbreaking because of the severity of their illnesses,” says Anita Kruse. “But they also make you happy, when the children are smiling, excited to share their CD with their families.”

Simran is now an active sixth grader and cancer-free. From time to time, she and her mother listen to her song, Always Remembering, and they always remember the “really sweet and nice and loving” lady who gave them a shining moment in the dark hour.

1.Simran Jatar lay in bed in hospital because ______.

A.most of her hair had fallen out

B.she was receiving treatment for cancer

C.she felt depressed and quit from school

D.she was suffering from a pain in her back

2.What do we know about Anita Kruse’s project?

A.It helps young patients record songs.

B.It is supported by singers and patients.

C.It aims to replace the medical treatment.

D.It offers patients chances to realize their dreams.

3.What does the case of a 12-year-old boy suggest?

A.Most children are naturally fond of music.

B.He was brave enough to put up performance.

C.The project has positive effect on young patients.

D.Singing is the best way to treat some illnesses.

4.What is probably the best title for the passage?

A.Purple Songs Can Fly

B.Singing Can Improve Health

C.A Shining Moment in Life

D.A Kind Woman—Anita Kruse



科目:高中英語 來源:江西師大附中2010屆高三第三次模擬考試英語試題 題型:閱讀理解

Television, which made its first serious appearance in 1939, did not become common until the early 1950s.Since then, millions of children have grown up in front of the set, and many people now worry about the effect that TV has on the young, and on society in general.Educators, psychologists, and crime experts wonder if television should be abolished(取消).Many ordinary parents wish it had never been invented.Why are they so afraid? Is television as harmful as they think it is?

Like almost anything else, television has its good and its bad sides.One should surely thank its inventors for the joy and interest that they have brought into the lives of the old, the sick, and the lonely -- all those who, without it, would have no pleasure and no window on the world.

In truth, television has opened windows in everybody's life.No newspaper has ever reached so many people and shown so clearly what was happening right now in their own country and everywhere else.TV not only gives the news instantly, it also shows it in pictures more powerful than words.It can be said that TV has brought reality to the public.Millions of people now have seen the effects of a battle, a flood, a fire, a crime, disasters of every sort on the screen.

Unfortunately, television's influence has been extremely harmful to the young.Children do not have enough experience to realize that TV shows present an unreal world.They want to imitate what they see.They do believe that the violence they see is normal and acceptable.By the time they are out of high school, most young people have watched about 15,000 hours of television, and have seen about 18,000 killings or other acts of violence.All educators and psychologists agree that the "television generations" are more violent than their parents and grandparents,

According to the same experts, the young are also less patient.Used to TV shows, where everything is quick and entertaining, they do not have the patience to read an article without pictures; to read a book that requires thinking; to listen to a teacher who doesn't do funny things like the people on children's programs.And they expect all problems to be solved happily in ten, fifteen or thirty minutes.That's the time it takes on the screen.

It is certain that television has deeply changed our lives and our society.It is certain that, along with its benefits, it has brought many serious problems.To these problems we must soon find a solution because, whether we like it or not, television is here to stay.

1.First TV set was made ______. 1939      1950s     1940s     1919

2.Which of the following people have a view on TV different from the others?

       A.Educators.                               B.TV producers.

       C.Crime experts.                           D.Psychologists.

3.According to the author, who need TV most?

       A.Educators.                                          B.Crime experts.

       C.The old and the lonely.                         D.The children and their parents.

4.We can conclude that ‘television generations’ are_______.

         A.lonely            B.more patient      C.more violent     D.more gentle


