【題目】 Yoga is an age-old practice that stretches (伸展) the body and calms the mind. By performing a series of poses(體式), called asanas, you will feel more relaxed. This results in lower blood pressure, a decrease in stress and healthy muscles. 1 With poses ranging from simple to challenging, yoga gives your mind something to think about. So get started by trying simple poses.

Mountain Pose

Stand barefoot on a no-slip mat and put your feet side-by-side, 2 Stretch your leg muscles and feel your knee caps lift. Practice holding your head and neck in a straight line. Relax your shoulders. Breathe in and out, and focus on your breathing.

Triangle Pose

Begin in Mountain Pose. As you breathe out, move your left foot about three or four feet to the left side. Lift your arms until they’re parallel with the floor. Stretch your fingertips outward. Then turn your left foot 90 degrees to the left, and turn your right foot about 45 degrees toward your left. 3

Cat to Cow Pose

This is a great way to loosen a tight back, neck or shoulders. Begin with your palms(手掌) under your shoulders and your knees under your hips(臀部). 4 Then drop the head and neck toward your mat, pull your stomach muscles tight, and round your back up toward the ceiling. Hold that pose and breathe in and out.

5 Gradually add more asanas to your practice. Before long, you’ll notice a positive change in your body and your mind.

A. Continue moving back and forth.

B. It can be hard to balance in this way.

C. Perform these poses every day, if you can.

D. Hold your back and neck in a straight line.

E. Adjust your feet till they feel good against the mat.

F. But beyond its health benefit yoga brings a lot of fun!

G. The heels of both feet should be in line underneath your arms.









1設(shè)空句前的This results in lower blood pressure, a decrease in stress and healthy muscle.是介紹瑜伽能給健康方面帶來的好處。設(shè)空句后的With poses ranging from simple to challenging. yoga gives your mind something to think about.是介紹瑜伽給精神方面產(chǎn)生的影響。設(shè)空句應(yīng)該是承上啟下句,F項中的But beyond its health benefit是承上,yoga brings a lot of fun是啟下。瑜伽除了會帶來健康方面的益處,它也會帶來很多樂趣。選項F切題,故選F

2設(shè)空句前Stand barefoot on a no-slip mat and put your feet side-by-side.中出現(xiàn)了feetmat,詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn),選項E符合。而設(shè)空句前句義為:赤腳站在防滑墊上,將雙腳并排放置?芍,是教授如何靜止站立進行相關(guān)瑜伽動作的。選項E:調(diào)整你的雙腳直到它們可以舒適地接觸墊子。是靜止站立的動作要領(lǐng),切題,故選E。

3設(shè)空句上文的Lift your arms until they’re parallel with the floor. 抬起手臂,直到它們與地板平行。設(shè)空句前一句Then turn your left foot 90 degrees to the left, and turn your right foot about 45 degrees toward your left. 然后向左轉(zhuǎn)動左腳 90 度,將右腳向左轉(zhuǎn)動約 45 度?芍@一瑜伽動作是腳與手臂配合。選項G:雙腳腳跟都應(yīng)該與你的手臂下面形成一條線。是腳與手臂配合。選項G切題,故選G

4設(shè)空句后Then drop the head and neck toward your mat…然后把頭和脖子朝墊子伸去...,句中的then表明設(shè)空句是這一段落所介紹動作的后一部分,設(shè)空句是進行與此相關(guān)的動作的前一部分。選項D:保持背部和頸部成一條直線。是下一步動作的開始,選項D切題,故選D。

5設(shè)空句在文章尾段,是文章的總結(jié)段落,要總結(jié)前文的內(nèi)容。設(shè)空句后的Gradually add more asanas to your practice. Before long, you’ll notice a positive change in your body and your mind. 逐漸在你的練習(xí)中添加更多的體式。不久,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)你的身體和頭腦有積極的變化。這句是設(shè)空句內(nèi)容的延續(xù)深化。選項C如果你可以的話,每天練習(xí)這些體式。選項C切題,故選C。

在做七選五題型的題目時,可以通過設(shè)空句上下文中詞匯與選項中詞匯有無同義或近義,先對七個選項做初步篩選。然后根據(jù)上下文語義的相關(guān)性做進一步確定。本題中的第2小題中設(shè)空句前的Stand barefoot on a no-slip mat and put your feet side-by-side.句中的feetmat,在選項E中出現(xiàn)了相同的詞匯,可以初步認(rèn)定選項E符合詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn)。再進一步看設(shè)空句前的語義為:赤腳站在防滑墊上,將雙腳并排放置。可知,是教授如何靜止站立進行相關(guān)瑜伽動作的。而選項E語義為:調(diào)整你的雙腳直到它們可以舒適地接觸墊子。也是靜止站立的動作要領(lǐng),從而最終確定選項E就是該小題答案。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


增加: 在缺詞處加一個漏字符號( ∧), 并在其下寫出該加的詞。

刪除: 把多余的詞用斜線(\)劃掉。

修改: 在錯的詞下劃一橫線, 并在該詞下面寫出修改后的詞。

注意: 1.每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;

2.只允許修改10, 多者(從第11處起)不計分。

Dear Billy,

Now I am on holiday with my families in Yangshuo, Guangxi. I knew Yangshuo was well-known as its natural scenery before I came here. And I am still amazed at its breathtaking beauty now. The local traditional culture have also impressed me deep. Here you can meet friends from all over the world. It is not surprised that many shopkeepers communicate with foreigners in English. In a word, the town was well worth a visit.

To experience more local customs and enjoy beauty of nature, we have decided to stay for another two days. We will post some postcards to my friends, including you of course, before I will leave here.


Li Hua


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1. 學(xué)生心態(tài)向往城市,不愿下鄉(xiāng);

2. 就業(yè)現(xiàn)狀城市人才過剩,農(nóng)村渴求人才;

3. 就業(yè)前景農(nóng)村天地廣闊,可施展才華。

參考詞匯:大學(xué)一年級新生 freshman n.就業(yè) occupation n.

注意:1. 信的開頭和結(jié)尾已經(jīng)給出;

2. 必須包括以上要點,可以適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫;

3. 詞數(shù)100左右,不包括開頭、結(jié)尾。

Dear editor,

I am writing to you to talk about college graduates’ occupations.



Li Hua


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1Where are the speakers?

A.In a hotel room.B.Just outside a hotel.C.At a hotel registration desk.

2What might have happened, according to the woman?

A.Someone locked the door from inside.B.The man forgot where he put his passport.

C.Some animal came into the room through the window.

3Where is the man’s wallet likely to be now?

A.By the tree.B.In the drawer.C.In the fruit bowl.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Frederick Phiri is the junk-art king of Zambia: at just 22, he started to earn an international reputation for being able to make complex and elegant sculptures from scrap (廢棄的) metal found in his community.

Phiri’s father died when he was starting primary school. Then his mother abandoned him and he had to stay with his grandfather. His grandfather paid for his schooling through primary school but when he entered secondary school, he had to get various jobs to pay for his fees. Yet even in school, he was always drawing and making things in class.

After graduating, he did what he could to support himself by making animal sculptures from wires and sold them to tourists. His work was so popular that it caught the eye of Karen Beattie, director of Project Luangwa, a nonprofit organization dedicated to education and economic development in central Africa.

“I introduced him to a local welder (焊工),” Beattie told Newsweek.

In 2017, Phiri worked with welder Moses Mbewe during the rainy season, helping to make a complex set of doors for Project Luangwa. The piece sparked an idea in Beattie’s mind: “I handed him a bunch of scrap metal and said, ‘Make something with this.’ And he did. It was wonderful.”

Today, Phiri continues his art, using pieces of junk people bring him—keys, broken bike chains, old metal plugs and whatever scrap metal is lying around. He then turns the junk into abstract animals—elephants, cranes, giraffes, chameleons—and sells them at Project Luangwa headquarters. The community has recognized his talents.

“My dream is to earn enough to study art at the Evelyn Hone College in Lusaka and be able to make a living from it,” Phiri said “and then to make very large sculptures.”

1What is Phiri known for?

A.Serving his community.B.Collecting works of art.

C.Being the king of Zambia.D.Turning trash into treasure.

2What can we learn about Phiri from paragraph 2?

A.He had an unhappy childhood.B.He paid for his primary school.

C.He had to support his grandfather.D.He missed school to do part-time jobs.

3How does Phiri feel about his future?



4What can be a suitable title for the passage?

A.A Successful Path of Art.B.The Junk-art King of Zambia.

C.A Young Man’s Wildest Dream.D.The Modern Junk Works of Art.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1. 建議參加;

2. 給出理由;

3. 表達期望。

注意:1. 詞數(shù)100左右;

2. 可以適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫。



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】What is the conversation mainly about?

A.A competition.B.The woman’s dress.C.A trip to Paris.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】We haven’t found any evidence of his ______ attempt to ruin our reputation, but we still suspect he did it intentionally.



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】About the Scottish Portrait Gallery

The Scottish National Portrait Gallery is one of Edinburgh’s most extraordinary buildings—a great red sandstone neo-gothic palace which sits proudly on the city’s skyline. Following a dramatic three-year redecoration, completed in December 2011, the Gallery now offers 17 new displays. Each of these explores different aspects of the story of Scotland and her people.

The Building

The Scottish National Portrait Gallery was designed by Sir Robert Rowand Anderson as a holy palace for Scotland’s heroes and heroines. A detailed Arts and Crafts decorative scheme, both inside and outside, with its glittering friezes, evocative murals and extensive sculptural embellishment, makes it a very special visitor experience.

The Collection

The Portrait Gallery’s collection is an exceptional national resource of over 30,000 fascinating images containing a rich variety of media and including many internationally outstanding works of art. The portraits depict(刻畫) the men and women whose lives and achievements helped shape Scotland and the wider world. The Gallery is also home to the NGS’s outstanding collection of photographs which includes around 6,000 works by the early Scottish pioneers of the medium, Robert Adamson and David Octavius Hill as well as new works by leading-edge contemporary photographers.

Visitor Facilities

The new Portrait Gallery cafe serves a delicious menu of fresh dishes and classic recipes, using the very best local ingredients and seasonal produce. Our new shop offers a fresh twist on design-led gifts and souvenirs. The gallery now has all the facilities which today’s visitors expect, including a fantastic new lift, an Education suite and disabled access throughout the building.

1What do we learn about the Scottish National Portrait Gallery?

A.It is well-known for its building.B.Every display reflects Scotland.

C.There are about 6,000 works in itD.It has a comparatively short history.

2Its visitor facilities can be described a ______.

A.rare and user-friendlyB.modern and all-round

C.characteristic and attractiveD.beneficial and conventional

