假定你是某國際學(xué)校的學(xué)生會主席李華。請你圍繞“珍愛環(huán)境,保護地球”的主題用英語給全校 學(xué)生寫一份倡議書,內(nèi)容包括:

  1. 保護環(huán)境的重要性;

  2. 個人應(yīng)該如何做。


  1. 詞數(shù)100左右;

  2. 開頭和結(jié)尾己給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。

Dear friends,



Dear friends,

   With the development of modem agriculture and industry,large quantities of waste gases are created every day,which are making the earth warmer and warmer.

   Climate change may be a big problem,but there are many little things we can do to make a difference. For example,by turning off lights,televisions,and computers when we are not using them,we can help a lot. We can save energy by taking the bus,riding a bike,or walking. Planting trees is fun and a great way to reduce greenhouse gases.

   Only by our joint efforts will we make the world a better place for us to live in.


題目來源:2016年英語周報高三新課標(biāo) > 第44期 2015-2016高三課標(biāo)


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

   As consumers,we all want low prices,but how can big retailers(零售商) afford to make their prices so attractive? What they do not do is 1 their own profits to reduce prices. They pass those “l(fā)ow prices” along the supply chain to the 2 , who are forced to 3 with each other globally to be the cheapest. The producers then have to pass on the cost of 4 production to their workers. That is to say,they can only 5 these workers — some of them are the poorest in the world — minimum salaries or less.

   That's why FAIRTRADE,a social movement has appeared. David Simpson,one of the staff 6 ,aWe first visit existing producers to take a close look at their products and their business strengths and weaknesses. 7 everything is good,we sit down and work out an action plan,a strategy,together. Sometimes the producers might need help or 8 in order to get their products to meet the market demands. But what is much more 9 is that we also agree to buy directly for a fair price that is 10 ,that is,we will not suddenly offer to pay less. The FAIRTRADE minimum price defines the 11 price that a buyer of FAIRTRADE products must pay the producer. The minimum price is 12 based on talks between FAIRTRADE producers and traders and makes sure that producers receive a price,which 13 the cost of workable production. This 14 workers to start climbing out of poverty. Later,we provide training in marketing and other 15 so that producers can gradually become independent. Meanwhile,the products themselves are already being 16 in our own FAIRTRADE shops and in an increasing number of other shops."

   FAIRTRADE products are now recognized 17 and sales are rising. Consumers realize they are buying a quality product at a competitive price while 18 the producer. Instead of increasing the profits of the middlemen,their 19 are building a Aiture for some of the world's 20 people.

1. A. show   B. cut   C. increase   D. earn

2. A. workers   B. consumers   C. retailers   D. producers

3. A. argue   B. compete   C. cooperate   D. discuss

4. A. mass   B. quick   C. cheap   D. efficient

5. A. pay   B. bring   C. lend   D. send

6. A. agrees   B. explains   C. complains   D. imagines

7. A. If   B. Because   C. Though   D. Unless

8. A. praise   B. friendship   C. success   D. support

9. A. convenient   B. practical   C. important   D. interesting

10. A. decided   B. guaranteed   C. suggested   D. permitted

11. A. average   B. selling   C. lowest   D. fairest

12. A. set   B. changed   C. predicted   D. admitted

13. A. returns   B. shares   C. ignores   D. covers

14. A. advises   B. forces   C. allows   D. expects

15. A. interests   B. skills   C. facts   D. processes

16. A. presented   B. sold   C. used   D. examined

17. A. widely   B. quickly   C. excitedly   D. eagerly

18. A. trusting fi. training   C. encouraging   D. helping

19. A. kindnesses   B. improvements   C. presents   D. purchases

20. A. saddest   B. busiest   C. poorest   D. weakest


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯誤僅涉及一 個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。

增加:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號(∧) ,并在其 下面寫出該加的詞。

刪除:把多余的詞用斜線(\) 劃掉。

修改:在錯的詞下劃一橫線,并在該詞下面寫 出修改后的詞。

注意:1. 每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;

2. 只充許修改10處,多者(從第11處起) 不計分。

   When I was 8 ,I caught a disease naming ADD. which led to me having trouble concentrating. I don't realize how bad it was until early middle school. I noticed I couldn’t focus in my lessons. Obviously,I fell farther behind in my studies. One of my classmate even told me I would never get out of high school. I told me the only thing I could do was try as hard as possible. With the help of my teachers try as hard as possible. With the help of my teachers and classmates,T ve made a great progress and becoming a top student. I am a senior this year and ready to graduate from high school. I’m writing this story tell people you can be great at anything unless you work hard.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯誤僅涉及一 個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。

增加:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號(∧) ,并在其下面寫出該加的詞。

刪除:把多余的詞用斜線(\) 劃掉。

修改:在錯的詞下劃一橫線,并在該詞下面寫 出修改后的詞。

注意:1. 每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;

    2. 只充許修改10處,多者(從第11處起) 不計分。

    One day,my mother took me to a restaurant for a lunch. There was an old man,wearing an old army jacket,which obviously behaved strange. The waitress was not patient and insisted the man showed her his money after she took his order. When we were checking in,the old man was in front of us,paying his bill. My mother reached out and paid his bill. She told the waitress not judge a man by his clothes. Besides,she told the waitress everyone should show respects for the old. The waitress went red and making an apology to the old man. I was proud of my mother,who always told myself to do the right thing.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


   注意:1. 詞數(shù)100左右;

       2. 可適當(dāng)增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫;

       3. 開頭和結(jié)尾己給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。

Dear David,

   In your email you ask me what my favourite course is.                                                                                                                                                     

   Actually,I’m really looking forward to the next class!


                                                        Li Hua


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

   簡要描述圖片內(nèi)容,結(jié)合生活實際,就圖片的 主題談?wù)勛约旱母邢搿?/p>




科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

   A little boy was saddened because one of his classmates told him his parents said there wasn’t a Santa Claus. 41,his grandma told him there was a Santa Claus. In fact,she said she was on Santas team,and she invited her 42 to join that same team.

   Grandma gave the little boy $10 and took him to a 43 downtown. She let the little boy go all by himself with just one 44 : he must use the $10 to buy something for someone else,someone 45 something.

   For such a little guy that's a 46 order,but he took the job quite 47 . After all,Grandma said if he succeeded in this 48 he,too,could be on Santa's team.

   As he wandered around the store,fingering the 49 in his hand,he finally 50 Bobby Decker. Bobby is a boy in his class who never plays outside 51 he just doesn’ t  have a good coat to keep him 52 in the winter winds.

   So the little boy shopped around the store and found a 53 to fit Bobby. He 54 it and Grandma drove him to Bobby Deckers house. They walked 55 in front of the house,as Grandma said Santa 56 insists on secrecy. Then they put the coat outside the door and left.

   On the way home,the little boy was very happy because Bobby was 57 to laugh and play with the other kids. He was warm that 58 . And the little boy learned that Grandma was 59 all along. There most certainly was a Santa!Never had anything made^him feel so good,and so 60,as being on Santas team.

41. A. Therefore   B. However   C. Instead   D. Besides

42. A. classmates   B. parents   C. friend   D. grandson

43. A. school   B. charity   C. store   D. playground

44. A. reason   B. instruction   C. concern   D. invitation

45. A. in need of   B. in charge of   C. in face of   D. in favor of

46. A. tall   B. logical   C. specific   D. direct

47. A. easily   B. slowly   C. seriously   D. anxiously

48. A. exercise   B. duty    C. business   D. task

49. A. gloves   B. cloth   C. gifts   D. money

50. A. dreamed of   B. thought of   C. talked about   D. heard about

51. A. and   B. or   C. because   D. while

52. A. warm   B. glad   C. calm   D. strong

53. A. hat   B. coat   C. bag   D. key

54. A. designed   B. made   C. bought   D. repaired

55. A. quickly   B. excitedly   C. tiredly   D. quietly

56. A. never   B. always   C. sometimes   D. seldom

57. A. willing   B. surprised   C. able   D. relieved

58. A. winter   B. autumn   C. summer   D. spring

59. A. kind   B. right   C. clever   D. patient

60. A. relaxed   B. brave   C. comfortable   D. proud


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

   In a new study from the University of Iowa,

! researchers found that pigeoiis can categorize and name both nattffal and human-made objects — and not just a few objects. These birds categorized 128 photographs into 16 categories,and they did so simultaneously(同時地) .

   Ed Wasserman,UI professor of psychology and I corresponding author of the study,says the finding I suggests a similarity between how pigeons learn :words and the way children do. “Our pigeons were trained on all 16 categories simultaneously,a much closer analog(類似物) of how children leam words I and categories,” Wasserman says of the study,published online in the journal Cognition.

   For researchers like Wasserman,who has been;studying animal intelligence for decades,this latest!experiment is further proof that animals — whether primates(靈長目動物) ,birds,or dogs — are smarter than once assumed and have more to teach scientists.

   “As our methods have improved,so too have!our understanding and appreciation of animal :intelligence ,” Wasserman says. “Differences between :humans and animals must indeed exist: many are already known. But,they may be outnumbered by ;similarities. Our research on categorization in pigeons;suggests that those similarities may even extend to i how children learn words."

   This time,researchers used a computerized version of the “name game” in which three pigeons were shown 128 black-and-white photos of objects from 16 basic categories. They then had to peck (啄) on one of two different symbols: the correct one for that photo and an incorrect one that was randomly chosen from one of the remaining 15 categories. The pigeons succeeded in learning the task.

   Pigeons have long been known to be smarter than average birds. Among their many talents,pigeons have a “homing instinct(本能) ” that helps them find their way home from hundreds of miles away. They have better eyesight than humans and have been trained to spot orange life jackets of people lost at sea.

   Wasserman acknowledges the recent pigeon study is not a direct analog of word learning in children and more work needs to be done. However,the model used in the study could lead to a better understanding of the associative principles involved in children's word learning. “That's the similarity that we are pursuing,but a single project — however creative it may be — will not be enough to answer such a big question ,” Wasserman says.

6. What does the new study indicate?

   A. Aniinals are strange to scientists.

   B. Animals are smarter than humans.

   C. Animals are cleverer than we once thought.

   D. Animals are less similar to humans than expected.

7. What can be concluded from the experiment?

   A. Pigeons are good learners.

   B. It is a complicated process to learn.

   C. Humans do better in solving problems.

   D. Pigeons learn differently from children.

8. What is Paragraph 6 mainly about?

   A. How pigeons travel.

   B. Why pigeons are smart.

   C. Pigeons’ good eyesight.

   D. Pigeons’ special ability.

9. What does the underlined part “a big question”(in the last paragraph) refer to?

   A. How children learn words.

   B. How animals get motivated to learn.

   C. When children show eagerness to learn to speak.

   D. If pigeohs and children leam words in a similar way.

10. The text is most likely to be taken out of a .

   A. science report   B. personal diary

   C. zoo guidebook   D. fashion magazine


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

   In 1769,William Smith was bom in a little town in Oxfordshire,England. He received basic village schooling but mostly he wandered on his uncle's farm collecting the fossils in the rocks of the Cotswold hills. When he grew older Smith learned surveying from books and at 18 he learned from a local surveyor. He then began to teach himself geobgy (地質(zhì)學(xué)) .

   When he was 24 ,he went to work for the company that was digging the Somerset Coal Canal in the south of England. This job gave Smith an opportunity to study the fresh strata created by the newly dug canal. He later worked on similar jobs across England all the while studying strata and collecting all the fossils he could find. Smith used mail coaches to travel 10 ,000 miles per year. In 1815 he published the first modem geological map UA Map of the Strata of England and Wales with a Part of Scotland”.

   In 1831 when Smith was recognized by the Geological Society of London as the “father of English geology”,it was not only for his maps but also for something even more important. People had hoped strata could be used to calculate geological time,but scientists found the sequences(順序) of rocks sometimes differed from area to area and that no rock type was ever going to become a dependable time marker. Even without the problem of regional differences,rocks present a difficulty as unique time markers. Quartz (石英) is quartz; there's no difference between two-million-year-old quartz and quartz created over 500 million years ago.

   As he collected fossils from strata,Smith noticed the fossils told a different story from the rocks. Particularly in the younger strata the rocks were often so similar that he had trouble distinguishing the strata,but he never had trouble telling the fossils apart. Some fossils appear in many strata,but others occur only in a few strata,and a few species had their births and extinctions within one particular stratum. Fossils are thus identifying markers for particular periods in Earth's history.

28. What do we know about young Smith?

   A. He spent most of his time reading.

   B. He showed much interest in geology.

   C. He learned surveying just by himself.

   D. He received a very good formal education.

29. Which can be used to describe Smith according to Paragraph 2 ?

   A. Adventurous and brave.

   B. Talented and productive.

   C. Warm-hearted and honest.

   D. Hard-working and devoted.

30. The author mentions quartz to show that .

   A. no rock can be a reliable time marker

   B. no quartz can be found in recent times

   G. quartz can fell people rocks,geological time

   D. the sequences of rocks differ from area to area

31. Which of the following is Smith's greatest achievement?

   A. He drew many maps of strata.

   B. He used fossils to identify strata.

   C. He built a lot of canals in England.

   D. He was the creator of modem geology.

