【題目】As we all know, every minute, full use of our lessons, will do good to our students.

A. which makes; studying B. when made; to study

C. that is made; to study D. which is made; studying


【解析】考查定語從句句意:當每一分鐘都被充分利用學(xué)習(xí)我們的功課時候,每一分鐘都對學(xué)生有好處。everyminutemake 之間是被動關(guān)系,When madefulluseofto studyourlessons =wheneveryminuteis madefulluse ofto studyourlessons.make full use of的賓語是every minute,of后面用to study表示目的。makefulluseoftime to do sth 充分利用時間來干某事 when made是省略結(jié)構(gòu)。故選B.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:







Alibaba’s founder Jack Ma, his company has been valued at more than $22 1billion of which Ma owned 6%, is put in the top position among China’s wealthiest. But he stays outside the list of the world’s 10 rich people.

Fought against a hard life, young Ma still managed to learn English well ‘enough to gain a degree and became a teacher, Afterwards he started a translation agency in which took him to the US, where he introduced to the Internet. His fate was bound to change before he was accidentally appointed to take an American visitor Jerry Yang, a co-founder of Yahoo, in a tour of the Great Wall. The meeting obvious proved to be a turning point for all of them, promoting the birth of Alibaba and the later cooperation with Jerry Yang.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Fear may be felt in the heart as well as in the head, according to a study that has found a link between the cycles of a beating heart and the chance of someone feeling fear.
Tests on healthy volunteers found that they were more likely to feel a sense of fear at the moment when their hearts are contracting(收縮) and pumping blood around their bodies, compared with the point when the heartbeat is relaxed. Scientists say the results suggest that the heart is able to influence how the brain responds to a fearful event, depending on which point it is at in its regular cycle of contraction and relaxation.
Sarah Garfinkel at the Brighton and Sussex Medical School said: “Our Study shows for the first time that the way in which we deal with fear is different depending on when we see fearful pictures in relation to our heart.”
The study tested 20 healthy volunteers on their reactions to fear as they were shown pictures of fearful faces. Dr Garfinkel said, “The study showed that fearful faces are better noticed when the heart is pumping than when it is relaxed. Thus our hearts can also affect what we see and what we don’t see一and guide whether we see fear.”
To further understand this relationship, the scientists also used a brain scanner(掃描儀) to show how the brain influences the way the heart changes a person’s feeling of fear.
“We have found an important mechanism by which the heart and brain ‘speak’ to each other to change our feelings and reduce fear,” Dr Garfinkel said.
“We hope that by increasing our understanding about how fear is dealt with and ways that it could be reduced, we may be able to develop more successful treatments for anxiety disorders, and also for those who may be suffering from serious stress disorder.”
(1)What is the finding of the study?
A.One’s heart affects how he feels fear.
B.Fear is a result of one’s relaxed heartbeat.
C.Fear has something to do with one’s health.
D.One’s fast heartbeats are likely to cause fear.
(2)The study was carried out by analyzing.
A.volunteers’ heartbeats when they saw terrible pictures
B.the time volunteers saw fearful pictures and their health conditions
C.volunteers' reactions to horrible pictures and data from their brain scans
D.different pictures shown to volunteers and their heart-brain communication
(3)Which of the following is closest in meaning to “mechanism” in Paragraph 6?
(4)This study may contribute to.
A.treating anxiety and stress better.
B.explaining the cycle of fear and anxiety
C.finding the key to the heart-brain communication
D.understanding different fears in our hearts and heads


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Xie Lei flew to London six months ago to study for a business qualification and it was the first time that she 1 (leave) her motherland. Her preparation course is helping her to get used 2. the academic 3 (require) of a Western university.

Her tutor told her not to write 4 other people had said without acknowledging them and that she should read 5. (difference) texts that contain various opinions and give her own. She had to learn how to use the phone, how to pay bus fare and how to ask 6 shopkeeper for things she didn’t know the English for.

7 (live) with a host family, 8. she says, gives her chances to adjust to the new environment quickly. Besides, she has learnt a bit 9 (much) to balance her study and life. We wish her all the best and seek for a job 10 (success)

after graduation.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Therearenoeasystepstocontrolyouranger.Theimportantthingistoallowyourself timetobebetterateachsmallstepoftheway.


1YouoftenhearofpeoplesayingthatitisOKtoletyourangerout.Butitjust feedsangermoreasyouarefocusedonit.Realizethatyouareangryandknowthatthereis nothingpositiveinbeingangry.


Angerisjustakindoffeeling.Itoftenhappensinthefollowingsituation.3 When you realize that it is a feeling then youknowthereissomethingyoucandoaboutit.It’snot somethinguncontrollable.


Patienceisoneofthebestwaystocontrolyouranger.4Itallowsyourmindto clear.Youneedtorecognizethefeelingandthenstepaway.Asyourealizemore,you will stay more in control.


Havethewisdomtolearnaboutyourself.Letgoofyoursenseofwhatisrightandwrong,shouldorshouldnot.Whenyouhavethewisdomtoseethingsforwhattheytrulyare,then youroutburstsofangerwill becomelessfrequentasyoupracticethesesteps.

Willyoucontinuetobeangryeventhoughyouknowthesesteps?5Butjustlike everythingyoupractice,youwillbecomemoreskillfulatitandyouwillbeableto controlyourangerbetter.









科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

(1)The students are required to (復(fù)述)the story after reading it.
(2)In (三月), the weather begins to get warmer in northern China.
(3)To (證明) his point, Professor Brown mentioned several other experiments which had similar results.
(4)The little girl picked some grapes and put them into her (籃子).
(5)They want to (邀請) us to go over to their place and stay for the weekend.
(6)Fewer than a thousand (大熊貓) still live in the wild.
(7)Such a blood pressure is (正常的) for a person of his age.
(8)I’ve got a good sense of (平衡) and learnt to ski quite quickly.
(9)The boy looked at his father (滿懷希望地) because he thought his father had brought him a present.
(10)These measures are strongly (支持) by environmental groups.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

I used to be a very self-centered person, but in the past two years I have really changed. I have started to think about other people 1 I think about myself. I am happy that I am becoming a 2 person.
I think my 3 started when I was at Palomar College. At first, I just wanted to get my 4 and be left alone. I thought I was smarter than everyone else, so I hardly ever 5 to anyone in my classes. By the end of my first semester, I was really 6.It seemed as if everyone but me had made friends and was having fun. So I tried a(n)7.I started asking people around me how they were doing, and if they were having trouble I 8 to help. That was really a big 9 for me. By the end of the year, I had several new friends, and two of 10 are still my best friends today.
A bigger cause of my new 11 , however, came when I took a part time job at Vista Nursing Home. One old lady there who had Alzheimer's disease became my 12.Every time I came into her room, she was so 13 because she thought I was her daughter. Her real daughter never 14 her, so I took her place. She let me 15 that making others feel good made me feel good too. When she died, I was 16 , but I was also very grateful to her.
I think I am a much 17 person today than I used to be, and I hope I will not 18 these experiences. They have 19 me to care about other people more than about myself. I 20 who I am today, and I could not say that a few years ago.
(1)A.since B.before C.or D.unless
(2)A.famous B.simple C.different D.skilled
(3)A.education B.career C.tour D.change
(4)A.balance B.homework C.degree D.interest
(5)A.talked B.wrote C.lied D.reported
(6)A.careful B.lonely C.curious D.guilty
(7)A.argument B.game C.experiment D.defence
(8)A.dared B.offered C.hesitated D.happened
(9)A.dream B.problem C.duty D.step
(10)A.us B.which C.them D.whom
(11)A.attitude B.hobby C.hope D.luck
(12)A.friend B.partner C.guide D.guest
(13)A.polite B.happy C.strange D.confident
(14)A.bothered B.answered C.visited D.trusted
(15)A.explain B.guess C.declare D.see
(16)A.homeless B.heartbroken C.bad-tempered D.hopeless
(17)A.quieter B.busier C.better D.richer
(18)A.forget B.face C.improve D.analyze
(19)A.forced B.preferred C.ordered D.taught
(20)A.miss B.like C.wonder D.expect


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】It was Mother’s Day and I was shopping at the local supermarket with my five-year-old son, Tenyson. As we were ____, we realized that only minutes earlier an ____ woman had fallen over at the entrance and hit her head on the ground. ____ was with her, but there was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly in shock. ____ a lot of people stopped to help out.

____ we were walking towards the scene, Tenyson became very ____ about what had happened to the elderly couple. He ____ to me, “Mom, it’s not much fun falling over in front of ____.” Seeing that there was a flower store at the front of the supermarket, he added, “Why shouldn’t we ____ the lady a flower? It will make her fed better.” I was ____ that he’d come up with this ____ idea. So we went over and told the flower seller ____ we wanted. “Just take it,” she replied. “I____ take your money for such a wonderful ____.”

By now medical staff had arrived, and were ____ the injured woman. We gave the flower to the woman’s husband and I told him it was ____ my son. At that, the old man started crying and said, “Thank you very much.” He then turned to me, “You have a ____ son. Happy Mother’s Day to you.”

The man bent down and gave his wife the flower, telling her who it was from. ____ being badly hurt, the old lady looked up at Tenyson with ____ in her eyes and gave him a little ____.

1A. driving B. leaving C. stopping D. moving

2A. injured B. awkward C. elderly D. honest

3A. The seller B. My son C. The crowd D. Her husband

4A. Specifically B. Particularly C. Fortunately D. Interestingly

5A. If B. While C. Since D. Unless

6A. guilty B. worried C. angry D. sorry

7A. complained B. lied C. said D. responded

8A. no one B. everyone C. someone D. anyone

9A. buy B. bring C. leave D. lend

10A. confused B. amazed C. puzzled D. concerned

11A. wise B. crazy C. innocent D. sweet

12A. which B. what C. when D. whether

13A. must not B. may not C. can’t D. needn’t

14A. scene B. deed C. flower D. habit

15A. checking with B. paying for C. operating on D. looking after

16A. about B. to C. with D. from

17A. wonderful B. cheerful C. successful D. respectful

18A. Out of B. As to C. Thanks to D. Regardless of

19A. hope B. love C. pity D. pain

20A. smile B. money C. idea D. comfort


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Four habits to help you succeed.

We all want to succeed, whether it is in losing weight or learning the guitar. For those who have tried and failed, success seems difficult to understand. 1

Know your values.

Finding your values is in line with creating motivation. 2. Pick a handful of things and write them down. Remind yourself of your values every day and reflect on whether you are honoring those values through your work.

Pick a goal and focus on it.

Choose one goal to start something large enough that will give you a sense of achievement, while adjusting well to your values. Focus is key here.3If you perform many tasks at a time, you might never finish your projects because they will take far too long.

Set a time for success.

Set a date for success. Know when you hope to realize your goal. 4By setting a time limit, you are making the process realistic..


Failure can’t be avoided when you take risks. By its very definition, the desire to succeed means you are risking failure. Many people rent to give up far too early. Don’t fall into this trap! Remember your mindset earlier. Know it will happen. A failure is only you working out the details, and learning w hat works and what doesn’t. Use failure. Treat it as a good thing, and go on.

A. The more focused you are on one goal, the higher chance you have of success.

B. Make the right decision.

C. I have made a list of four habits to help you set goals and realize them.

D. Don’t give up because of failure.

E. Keep it realistic, while not giving you too much time.

F. Sit and reflect on what you value most.

G. Push yourself to be courageous, and take that next step

