
1What does the woman want to do?

A. Go to an eventB. Do some shopping.C. Take a photo

2Why does the man refuse to change the shirt?

A. He likes the pocket in it.B. He has nothing else to wear.C. He thinks it is his lucky shirt.






W: I need you to change that shirt. I refuse to go to Ian’s party with you looking like that. Literally, in every picture we have together you are wearing that shirt. I know you have other clothes!

M: This is my lucky shirt! I met you when I had this on. It was the reason why you came up to and talked to me in the first place!

W: It’s a formal event, Peter! Are you afraid to take it off?

M: Okay, here’s the truth. I tried to wash the suit I bought last weekend and I had left a chocolate bar in my pocket. It’s all ruined.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


When you’re sitting at your computer, do you work all day without a break? Or do you allow yourself to become distracted (分心)now and again ... to open a few extra tabs, check social media, read a bit of news, keep up with the latest fashion trends, and maybe catch up on some celebrity gossip.

Stop! You’re ‘cyberloafing’. This word is a combination of ‘ cyber’, which means ‘related to computers’, and ‘loafing’, which means ‘ relaxing in a lazy way ’ . We do it, and we do it a lot. A study from the University of Texas suggests we are guilty of this form of procrastination (拖延)for 14% of our working day. On a Friday afternoon, I expect it’s more than that.

I’ll admit to losing myself in cyberloafing. In fact, I’ve already done it in the course of writing this story. Okay, more than once. It can damage your productivity and even your career because according to the University of Texas research, each time a worker gets distracted by the Internet, it takes an average of 23 minutes to get back to work.

More than that, cyberloafing has a dark side, according to a report published in The Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace. It argues that cyberloafing is connected to several negative personality qualities. People who cyberloaf are more likely to be selfish and tricky.

Why do we do it? For some, it’s most likely an escape from what they’re supposed to be doing. Others might get a feeling of satisfaction from finding a great deal online.

When you have the whole world of the Internet at your fingertips, it’s hard to resist.

How do we solve this problem? If you can truly ask yourself why you are cyberloafing,then that can help identify the base problem. And if that sounds like too much hard work,you could just switch off the Internet for a couple of hours!

So,in the meantime,let me just close those extra tabs.

1How is the word "cyberloafing" formed?(不多于8個單詞)

2What can cyberloafing damage?(不多于6個單詞)

3Why do people do "cyberloafing"?(不多于13個單詞)


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Mr. and Mrs. Zuckerberg announced to donate money again! The couple donated a total of 3 billion dollars to their program 1(call) CZI over the next 10 years to help cure, prevent or manage a diseases by the end of the 2lst century. In December 2015, they launched the program just to honor the birth of 2 daughter, Max.

Last year, when their baby girl was born, the Facebook’s CEO 3(give) away the majority of his wealth and wrote a letter to their new baby girl, in which he announced the 4(create) of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, 5 will focus on personalized learning, curing disease, connecting people and 6(build) strong communities.

“For your generation to live in a 7(good) world, there is so much more our generation can do.” Zuckerberg wrote. “Today we will spend our lives doing our small part to help solve these challenges. We will give 99% of our Facebook shares—8(current) about $45 billion—to advance this valuable mission,” he wrote. “We know this is a small contribution compared 9 all the resources and talents already working on these issues, 10 we want to do what we can, working alongside many others.”


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1】【1How was the weather last weekend?

A. Windy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny.

2】【2What does the woman like to do on Sunday?

A. Do some reading. B. Enjoy concerts. C. Go to the cinema.

3】【3What time does the man usually get up on Sunday?

A. At about 6 o’clock. B. At about 7 o’clock. C. At about 10 o’clock.

4】【4What do we know about the man?

A. He dislikes spending much time cooking. B. He doesn’t care what he eats.

C. He isn’t good at cooking.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Fu Xuewei, a 25-year-old girl from Chengdu, China1(recent )shared a beautiful set of wedding photos on the Internet. However, there's a debate on the photographs, 2 no groom(新郎) seems to be found in the photos. In fact, the only people 3 (feature) in the photos are Ms. Fu and her 87-year-old grandfather.

Despite having no plans of getting married anytime soon, Fu decided 4 (wear) the wedding dress for her grandfather. The man fell seriously ill last September, with doctors warning that he could pass away5 any time. Fearing he might never get to fulfill the dream of walking her down to the Mr. Right, Fu arranged the surprise photoshoot. She took 6 (she ) grandfather for a regular hospital check-up, only to reveal that they were going to take pictures later and he agreed。

Ms Fu 7 (raise) by her grandparents from the age of ten, 8 makes them mean a lot to her. She insists that she takes care of them in return. The young woman even 9 (have) a tattoo of her grandfather. "I had my grandfather’s appearance tattooed on my arm because I want all my new 10 (friend) to know what he looks like in the future, "she said。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1How will the man give the woman the story?

A. He will send it by fax.

B. He will send it by email.

C. He will bring it to her in person.

2For whom did the woman buy a laptop several months ago?

A. For herself.

B. For her younger brother.

C. For the man.

3Why does the man know about computers?

A. Because he often helps repair computers.

B. Because his job requires him to know about computers well.

C. Because he majored in computer science in college.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定你是李華,下周瑞典某中學師生團將訪問你校。請你給你將接待的瑞典學生 Peterson寫封電子郵件,內(nèi)容包括:



1.詞數(shù)80左右: 2.可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】According to a study conducted in 2010, about 39 % companies had blocked employee access to Facebook. They think some employees spend their entire day sitting glued to Facebook, updating and commenting, which has a negative effect on their work. 1 Some reasons are listed why employees should be allowed access to Facebook.

2 Employees may be working hard to find a particular solution, but cannot come up with anything. Browsing through Facebook can help them gel inspired to find solutions in a different way and be successful at it.

Blocking access to Facebook means that the employer doesn’t trust the employees. People are dissatisfied with the company if they’re not allowed access to Facebook. 3 Therefore, allowing access to Facebook means that the employees are given a certain amount of freedom.

Today many companies have pages on Facebook which they use for spreading news and something about products. If Facebook pages arc blocked in an office, how will employees like or share something from the company page? Employees can also interact with each other through Facebook. It creates a sense of bonding and they get along well with each other. 4 Many talented professionals don’t like to join places where Facebook is blocked, and thus companies may lose talented employees.

As far as I’m concerned, whether an organization should ban Facebook depends largely on factors like its culture, type of work, Internet policy, business goals, etc. As far as the employees are concerned, most of them will be in support of allowing access to Facebook. 5.

A. However, their banning isn’t widely accepted.

B. People hold different attitudes towards Facebook now.

C. People who have special skills are interested in Facebook.

D. Keeping in touch through it helps in improving their relations.

E. So the company should take the employees, interest into account.

F. In order to keep people active, essential that they are kept happy.

G. Firm, they think it’s necessary to take a break after working for hours.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Life-Changing Science Discoveries

Here’s a look at some discoveries that have changed the world. It’s impossible to rank their importance, so they’re listed in the order they were discovered.


Before French chemist Louis Pasteur began experimenting with bacteria in the 1860s, people did not know what caused disease. He not only discovered that disease came from micro-organisms, but also realized that bacteria could be killed by heat and disinfectant(消毒劑). This idea caused doctors to wash their hands and disinfect their instruments, which has saved millions of lives.


Antibiotics are powerful drugs that kill dangerous bacteria in our bodies that make us sick. In 1928, British Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic, penicillin, which he grew in his lab. Without antibiotics, infections like strep throat could be deadly


On February 28, 1853, James Watson of the United States and Francis Crick of England made one of the greatest scientific discoveries in history. The two scientists found the structure of DNA. Our genes are made of DNA and determine how things like what color hair and eye we’ll have. In 1962, they were awarded the Nobel Prize for this work. The discovery has helped doctors understand diseases and may someday prevent some illnesses like heart disease and cancer.


Wilhelm Roentgen, a German physicist, discovered X-rays in 1895. X-rays go right through some substances, like flesh and wood, but are stopped by others, such as bones and lead. This allows them to be used to see broken bones or explosives inside suitcases, which makes them useful for doctors and security officers. For this discovery, Roentgen was awarded the first-ever Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901.

1What did Louis Pasteur contribute to the world?

A. He discovered bacteria.

B. His findings helped save lives.

C. He found ways to grow bacteria.

D. His discovery won a Nobel Prize.

2Which discovery was made by two scientists from different countries?

A. Micro-organism. B. Penicillin.

C. DNA. D. X-rays.

3Why is the discovery of X-rays important?

A. It can be used to see through bones and lead.

B. It can help us to know why we are different.

C. It is useful for doctor and security officers.

D. It is used to kill dangerous bacteria in our bodies.

4What is common among the discoveries above?

A. They can help to prevent certain diseases.

B. They are all related to medical fields.

C. They are awarded the Nobel Prize.

D. They are all made in Europe.

