精英家教網 > 高中英語 > 題目詳情

【題目】Stephen William Hawking, the writer of A Brief History of Time, is always being _______ as a model of strong will.

A. taken up B. held up

C. picked up D. kept up


【解析】句意:史蒂芬·威廉·霍金,《時間簡史》的作者,總是被作為堅強意志的模型而被模仿。hold as展示;提出(作為榜樣)(后與as連用)。如:He's always holding up my father to scorn, which made me hate him.



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1I like this job not because of the high salary but because it can let me make full use of my a_______.

2After being d________ to make a big fortune, the young man left for the large city.

3As is m_____ above, our global is becoming warmer, and as a result, the sea level is rising.

4It is generally agreed that taking regular exercise is ________ (有益) to our health.

5Our work was ________ (打斷)because of the power cut.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


假如你是李華,你校即將舉行一年一度的“校園書市 (a campus book fair)”活動,其目的是給同學們提供一個交換、利用圖書的機會。請你用英語寫信給你的加拿大筆友Mike, 介紹此次活動的有關情況。內容應包括:

1. 活動目的;

2. 活動內容:買書,賣書,交換圖書;

3. 活動意義。

Dear Mike,

How are you doing these days?








Li Hua


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Many people believe that they will be happy once they arrive at some specific goal they set for themselves. However, more often than not, once you arrive there you will still feel dissatisfied, and move your there vision to yet another point in the future. By always chasing (追尋) after another there, you are never really appreciating what you already have right here. It is important for human beings to keep sober-minded(頭腦清醒的) about the age-old drive to look beyond the place where you now stand. On one hand, your life is developed by your dreams and aspirations (抱負). On the other hand, these drives can pull you farther and farther from your enjoyment of your life right now.

To be grateful means you are thankful for what you have right now. Gratitude (感激) fills your heart with the joyful feeling and allows you to fully appreciate everything that arises on your path. As you try hard to keep your focus on the present moment, you can experience the full wonder of here.

There are many ways to develop gratitude. Here are just a few suggestions you may wish to try:

Imagine what your life would be like if you lost all that you had. This will most surely remind you of how much you do appreciate it.

Make a list each day of all that you are grateful for, so that you can stay conscious (有意識的) daily of your blessings. Do this especially when you are feeling as though you have nothing to feel grateful for. Or spend a few minutes before you go to sleep giving thanks for all that you have.

Spend time offering assistance (幫助) to those who are less fortunate than you, so that you may gain a new perspective (觀點).

What really matters is that you create a space in your consciousness for appreciation for all that you have right now, so that you may live more happily in your present moment.

【1】According to the first paragraph we know ___________.

A. many people feel satisfied with what they have right now

B. aspirations can pull a person farther from his present life

C. none can be sober-minded about his dreams and aspirations

D. we should be busy with chasing one after another there

【2】Gratitude can NOT ____________.

A. fill your heart with happy feelings

B. allow you to fully appreciate your here

C. make people experience the wonder of here

D. drive people to give up their future

【3】If we want to develop gratitude, we should better NOT____________.

A. check out what we lose everyday

B. give thanks for all that we have before sleeping

C. help others who are less fortunate than us

D. make a list each day of all that we should thank for


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


【1She has one of the most _________(才華橫溢的) minds in the country.

【2Scientists have made a major_______(突破) in the treatment of cancer.

【3Please help me to _______(計算) out my income tax.

【4They made use of ______(先進的) technology to send up a man-made satellites.

【5The stamp ______(附著) to the envelope is unique.

【6】The surgeon _______(診斷) his illness as a rare bone disease.

【7】During the most productive time in her _____(生涯), she wrote five novels.

【8Please tell me what happened in ______(簡潔);I don’t go into the details.

【9】Our main task now is increasing _____(產量)。

【10________(農業(yè)) plays an important part in our daily life.

【11】The public should be ______(教育) in how to use energy more efficiently.

【12】There was a woman lying _____(昏迷不醒的) on the floor.

【13】Although we were busy, we accepted the _______(邀請) to the wedding.

【14】She got into a ______(恐慌) when she couldn’t find the keys.

【15】I hope our holiday will be ____(延長)

【16】We asked for _______(平等)

【17He won a round of _______(掌聲) when he ended his speech.

【18】Some historians think the dreams of ancient peoples led to the development of _______(宗教)

【19】I seem to have ________(使參與) myself in something I don’t understand.

【20】The old man knows how to _____(交流) with dogs.

【21】If it is ____(方便的) to you, I will call on you after work.

【22】Because of the heavy traffic, I had to get to my ______(目的地) two hours before the lecture time.

【23】Have you found a ______(解決方法) to your trouble?

【24Not many people agree with the government’s ________(預言) that he economy will be improved.

【25】After some argument, Ruth was ________(最終) won over to our side.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Many of you may have heard of “jet lag”, which is a condition of sleep disorder, 1 from rapid travel over time zones, such as on a jet plane. The symptoms of jet lag may include: loss of2(食欲), headache, great tiredness 3even mild depression.

Here 4a few tips for you to avoid jet lag. First adjust your biological clock several days 5 your departure, and develop a plan to start switching to the time zone of your destination. For example, if you will be flying from New York to Paris, where 6is 6 hours later, get up one hour earlier for a couple of days, then two hours earlier, then three hours earlier. You will try to at least get 7h way to a new time zone. Second, during the time of your adjustment and especially during the 8 f , drink plenty of water. Third, when you arrive in your destination, try to9(抵制) the urge to sleep during day time, and get a good night’s sleep for the first couple nights. Finally, when you return home, make full use of the same tips 10a to return to your previous time zones.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Our room was on the second floor but you could still hear the roar of the ocean and see the stars at night. I used to take long walks along the water. The food in town was wonderful and the people were very friendly. The area was very quiet and peaceful, and fairly deserted.

The last evening of our vacation, however, we all heard strange footsteps following closely behind us as we were walking up to our room in the holiday centre. We turned around and noticed a fairly young man moving very rapidly across the beach and getting closer to us. He was tall and wore a baseball cap. We didn’t have any cell phones on us. I never saw Dad as worried as he was then and knew that something was terribly wrong. The sense of fear started to overwhelm Mom and me. We had had such a good time in town. Now, the night was rapidly turning into a dangerous situation.

We could hear the man’s footsteps getting closer. Dad’s face was almost pale. The so-called intruder (侵入者) had moved nearer and nearer when all of a sudden, the nearby vending (自動販賣) machine started going crazy and spitting out cans of soda! The noise actually scared the intruder and he ran out of sight. My parents were shaking, but we all turned around to see who had put money into the vending machine downstairs, and actually saved us, but no one was around at all.Not a soul.

It’s one vacation I will never forget.

【1】Where did the author spend her vacation?

A. Near a lake. B. In a village.

C. At the seaside. D. In a mountain.

【2】What happened on the last evening of their vacation?

A. They lost their way.

B. Their cell phones were missing.

C. Their money was stolen.

D. They were followed by a stranger.

【3】The underlined word “overwhelm” in Paragraph 2 means ________.

A. move B. control C. excite D. impress

【4】What helped them get out of the trouble?

A. Their quick action.

B. Other people’s kind help.

C. The young man’s warning.

D. The noise from the vending machine.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


【1】__________ (not know) anything about the accident, he went to work as usual.

2The next morning she found the man __________ (lie) in bed, dead.

3Good morning. Can I help you?

Id like to have this package __________ (weigh)

4Most of the artists __________ to the party were from that university.

5__________(give) more attention, the trees could have grown better.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Taking a gap year is a good chance for students to learn skills and gain life experience, ______ them an edge in the job market.

A. given B. to give C. giving D. having given

