【題目】In the current global economic crisis, China, though________to some degree, is undoubtedly a country recovering the most rapidly from it according to some statistics.
A.having affected
B.has been affected
D.has affected



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

A young student was one day taking a walk with a professor, who was commonly 1the students' friend. As they went2, they saw lying in the path a pair of old 3, which they supposed to belong to a poor man who was employed in a 4 close by. The student turned to the professor, saying, “Let's play the man a5 ,We will hide his shoes, and6ourselves behind those bushes, and wait to see his7when he cannot find them.”
“My young friend,” answered the professor, “we should never8ourselves at the 9of the poor. But you are10, and may give yourself a much greater11by means of the poor man. Put a coin into each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and 12how the discovery affects him.” The student did so, and they both placed themselves behind the bushes. The poor man soon finished his work, and came13the field to the path14he had left his coat and shoes. While15his coat he slipped his foot into one of his shoes; but feeling16, he stopped down to feel 17 it was, and found the coin. Astonishment and wonder were seen upon his face. He now put the money into his pocket, but his 18was doubled on finding the other coin. He fell upon his knees, looked up to heaven and uttered aloud a fervent(熱烈的)thanksgiving, in which he19his wife, sick and helpless, and his children without bread. The student stood there deeply20, and his eyes filled with tears.
(1)A.held B.kept C.named D.called
(2)A.along B.on C.over D.back
(3)A.socks B.gloves C.shoes D.trousers
(4)A.field B.factory C.company D.shop
(5)A.game B.trick C.joke D.word
(6)A.hide B.have C.let D.make
(7)A.excitement B.sorrow C.disappointment D.anxiety
(8)A.make B.treat C.amuse D.laugh
(9)A.price B.expense C.value D.pay
(10)A.poor B.kind C.honest D.rich
(11)A.pleasure B.money C.thought D.benefit
(12)A.notice B.watch C.realize D.find
(13)A.about B.across C.into D.by
(14)A.where B.that C.there D.which
(15)A.wearing on B.dressing up C.putting D.pulling in
(16)A.soft B.terrible C.strange D.hard
(17)A.what B.how C.whether D.why
(18)A.confidence B.embarrassment C.surprise D.joy
(19)A.mentioned B.remembered C.recommended D.reminded
(20)A.amazed B.defeated C.puzzled D.affected


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定你是李華,今年十月份即將去英國的布萊頓大學(xué)(Brighton University)留學(xué)。請給你在布萊頓的網(wǎng)友Tora寫一封英文電子郵件,讓他介紹一下布萊頓這座城市,告知他你的租房需求并請他幫忙租房子。



Dear Tom,










Li Hua


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】I was at a loss for how to handle the fights among my kick- Many activities had been tried, but they didn’t work. After reading What I Know for Sure written by Oprah Winfrey, a thought occurred to me one day.

“Starting with Dora, I want everyone to find the chance to say ‘thank you’.” I declared.

“What?” Ashley asked. “What’s going on?’’

“Just do it.”

Naturally, the kid^ all thought I had lost my mind. I wasn’t sure if they were wrong, but I pressed on.

“Now, we’re going to keep going around and everyone tells what they’re thankful for.”

Clearly doubtful and frustrated, the kids launched in, and I kept them going.

“I’m thankful for our house.”

“I’m thankful for my clothes.”

“I’m thankful for my whole life and everyone in the world.”

“What? What am I supposed to say?”

‘‘Keep going.”

“I’m grateful for my underwear!” Instant laughter erupted, music to my ears!

“Great, lei it out!” I encouraged. “What else?”

And that was all we needed. The gratitude--great and small, serious and funny---came rolling out.

“My backpack.”

“My teachers.”

On and on it went until every face was lit with a new kind of joy and laughter. I could sense a new feeling of peace and comfort in the air a reminder of not only our blessings, but the love we really did have for each other.

“I’m grateful for being grateful!” Dora declared.

“Me, too!” was the unanimous response.

I don’t remember the activities that took place the rest of the day. But it was a day when our family was transformed by two simple words: thank you. Since then, it’s become a family motto.

1Why did the author ask her kids to find the chance to say “thank you”?

A. To play games among them. B. To kill their free lime.

C. To solve their fights. D. To make them be polite.

2How did Ashley react when hearing his mother’s suggestion at first?

A. He was puzzled. B. He felt very glad.

C. He supported it. D. He responded actively.

3What does the underlined word “unanimous” probably mean?

A. Funny. B. Unimportant.

C. Unexpected. D. Agreed.

4What may be the best title for the text?

A. Mom’s Big Heart B. A Sweet Home

C. Magic of a Family Motto D. A Meaningful Family Meeting


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:










注意: 1. 短文必須寫在答題卡的制定區(qū)域,詞數(shù)80-120(不含已經(jīng)寫好的部分)2. 短文必須包括表中所列要點,可根據(jù)內(nèi)容分段表達。3. 可適當(dāng)增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。4. 參考詞匯:眼界---horizon(或view)
The summer holiday is coming. Our class have had a discussion about what to do during the holiday.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

He is sunglasses the strong sunlight.
(2)他簡化了指令以便于兒童理解。(so that)
He the instructions the children .
(3)人們對保護環(huán)境已投入很多注意力。(pay attention to)
Great attention of the environment.
(4)我不喜歡你用那樣的方式嘲笑她。( way )
I don't like her.
The population of the village .


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假如你是李華,約好陪你校外教Mrs. Wilson到中國最美十大海島之一崳山島(Yushan Island)游玩,因故不能踐約,另安排李明同學(xué)陪同。請你給她寫封郵件,表示歉意并說明 理由。



Dear Mrs. Wilson,

I’m Li Hua.______________________________________________________________________________








Li Hua


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】I had a great time this past summer visiting Stone Mountain Park with my twin grandsons.I had the opportunity to spend the day with them seeing the various sights and attractions.One thing that my grandsons had really wanted to do that particular day was to climb to the top of the mountain.Stone Mountain isn't a particularly tall mountain and fortunately has walking trails to the top,but for two 5-year-olds,along with grandpa,it's a formidable task.

Since my grandson's enthusiasm was much greater than mine,I decided to start the slow walk up the mountain. The beginning part of the trail was slow and gradual.It seemed like we were taking forever to climb just a short distance,but I had to remind myself that it took 3 of their steps to equal 1 of mine,so I found myself walking ahead of them,then having to stop and let them catch up,over and over again.

I was tired and sweaty,just wanting to get to the top of the mountain so I could rest well before starting my way back.I learned early on during our walk that this wasn't going to be the case.We had to stop and look at every large rock with someone's name carved in it.We looked at unusual plant formations.We examined large trees and we explored small rock overhangs that reminded the kids of caves.My grandsons viewed the walk as an exciting adventure.Climbing the mountain was a trial to me but my grandsons were not focused at all on the trial of climbing the mountain;they were simply enjoying the journey of the walk.

I know when I face a trial in life,I tend to always think of the problem.I want the trial to be over quickly and let life get back to normal.What can I learn during the course of the trial? At some point,the trial will be over and we'll be joyous for sure.

However,the real joy should not be that the trial's over,but I am celebrating what I learned during the journey.

1What does the underlined word "formidable" in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Relaxing. B. Meaningful.

C. Strange. D. Difficult.

2What can we know from Paragraph 2?

A. The writer kept challenging his grandsons to catch up with him.

B. Old as the writer was,he walked much faster than his grandsons.

C. The writer and his grandsons walked up the mountain very fast at the beginning.

D. The writer was more eager to climb to the top of the mountain than his grandsons.

3Why did the writer only want to reach the mountain top?

A. To have a good rest. B. To get a better view.

C. To enjoy unusual plants. D. To see large rocks carved with names.

4What can be the best title of the text?

A. A tiring day spent with grandsons. B. Joy coming from mountain-climbing.

C. A life lesson learnt from grandsons. D. Learning to enjoy the journey.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】All of England

In fact, literary landmarks are so common in London that “blue plaques(木牌)” have been introduced to show off well-known literary sites. One of the more interesting plaques can be found at 221B Baker Street-the apartment of famous fictional detective Sherlock Holmes (although we can be pretty sure that he never actually stayed there).

Outside of London, it is possible to take organized tours around the countryside where England best writers grew up. If you join a Charles Dickens or Jane Austen tour, you’ll have the unique opportunity to visit the locations of famous fictional scenes. But to truly experience literature in person, you can visit Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare, and watch nightly performances of his plays.

Shanghai, China

Shanghai is a really charming city, where — underneath the surface of the city — one can find some real literary treasures. One star of Shanghai literature is LU Xun, a Writer often celebrated as the father of modern Chinese literature, who spent his last nine years in the city. It’s necessary, then, for all Shanghai literary travelers to visit Lu Xun Park, which features a memorial hall dedicated to the great writer.

Another place worth visiting is the old neighborhood of poet Xu Zhimo. Xu is well known for bringing “New Wave” romanticist poetry into Chinese works. Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore once stayed at his home while visiting Shanghai.

Rome, Italy

The English romantic poet John Keats once traveled to Rome in the hope that the Mediterranean air would cure his tuberculosis(肺結(jié)核). It didn’t, and Keats died within three months.

Despite the fact that Keat’s visit was a quick one, Rome has a reminder of it — the Keats-Shelley House. Keats’ former home has been transformed into a small museum, complete with a working library.

What’s more, just across the street is the Antico Caffe Greco, a cafe frequented by famous authors like Charles Dickens, Loud Byron, Henry James, Hans Christian Andersen, Many Shelley...We could go on, but you probably get the idea that this is somewhere any literary traveler has to go.

1This passage is mainly about ________ in different places.

A. cultural introduction B. famous poets

C. scenic spots D. literary sites

2In England, ________.

A. Shakespeare’s plays are performed anywhere

B. Sherlock Holmes once lived in London for a short time

C. blue plaques are pinned to mark the literary sites

D. June Austen’s former residence is in London

3From the second part of the passage, we know ________.

A. Lu Xun Park is mainly made up of his former houses

B. Tagore once visited Xu Zhimo

C. Xu Zhimo created realistic Chinese poetry

D. Lu Xun spent all his lifetime in Shanghai

4Antico Caffe Greco is ________.

A. a beautiful and grand construction

B. a museum in honor of John Keats

C. a place providing various collections of poems

D. a cafe which was visited by many authors in history

