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  Stonehenge(巨石陣)is the most famous of the stone circles of the British Islands for its unusual engineering.It is good in condition, so it is a good example to study.Built in 2800 B.C., Stonehenge shows that early people were very good at problem-solving and organization.The builders of Stonehenge had to figure out how to build it without modern machines.They also had to organize the work of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of workers to build it.

  First they had to carve the stones.Then, they had to transport the heavy stones(up to four tons!)twenty kilometers to Stonehenge.The next task was to stand the stones up.The most difficult task was putting the top stones in place.Each one of these tasks took a lot of planning and a lot of strength, but the workers of Stonehenge were excellent builders.

  Why did these people work so hard to build Stonehenge? Researchers believe that Stonehenge is a huge calendar.Certain stones mark the location of the rising and setting moon in midwinter.Other stones mark the rising and setting sun in midsummer.The ancient people held religious ceremonies on these days.These ceremonies probably asked the gods to bring good weather for crops and to protect the people from bad weather.

  As a historical site, Stonehenge is an engineering success.Thousands of years later, it still stands.As a calendar, Stonehenge is very accurate.It shows that early people had a deep understanding of astronomy(天文學)and the movements of the sun and the moon.They didn’t have machines or computers, but Stonehenge shows people could do many things using only their muscles and their brains.


How long does Stonehenge have a history of?

[  ]


About 2000 years.


About 2800 years.


About 4000 years.


About 4800 years.


What was the most difficult task in building Stonehenge?

[  ]


Carving the stones.


Transporting the stones.


Putting the top stones in place.


Standing the stones up.


What was the main purpose of Stonehenge for its builders?

[  ]


It was used for education.


It was built for the foreign tourists.


It was home from bad weather for the poor.


It was a calendar for marking important religious days.


The underlined word “accurate” in the last paragraph probably means ________.

[  ]










What does Stonehenge tell about ancient people?

[  ]


They didn’t need to work hard.


They didn’t care about religion.


They were good at problem-solving and organization.


They were stronger and cleverer than modern people.


科目:高中英語 來源:101網校同步練習 高二英語 人民教育出版社(新課標A 2002-3年初審通過) 人教版 題型:050


  In l8l4 Thomas Raffles sent a group of his men to look for a “mountain of Buddhist sculpture(雕塑)in stone” that was said to be buried in the forests, Working from the tales of local people, Mr.Baffles sent his men to work digging at one of the many hills in central lava in southeastern Asia.Two mouths later, one of the men working on the hill found a great sculpture of Buddha carved in stone.The temple of Borobudur had been uncovered.

  The temple was built around 800 A.D, The temple was planned to be a symbol of the universe and was built over a small bill.When seeing from above, a person can easily make out the overall design of the temple.Along the six-kilometer journey through all of the walkways of the temple leading up to the highest level, hundreds of carved images of the Buddha may be found.

  After the temple was completed, it became the center of Buddhist worship in the Sailendra Kingdom until 930 A.D.In that year, the nearby volcano, Mount Merapi, erupted.Tons of ash and lava covered Borobudur.Overnight, the temple disappeared.It was totally covered under layers of ash from the volcano.

  The temple remained hidden until Mr.Raffles and his men uncovered it again in the 1800s.However, after Mr.Raffles left Java, working on the temple was carried on without much interest.Collectors of ancient artifacts(史前古器物)stole priceless treasures from the temple, and soon, all work on the temple came to People living in the area began using stones from the temple to build and repair their homes.Nature also began to wear uncovered parts of the temple through wind and rain.

  In 1900, with Java under Dutch control, an engineer Dr.Theodore Van Erp was given the job of saving and the temple.However, two world wars and a limited supply of made his work stop.In 1973 ,the United Nations Educational Scientific ,and cultural Organization(UNESCO)stepped in and began the Borobudur Restoration Project.

  It was difficult to complete the full rebuilding of the temple.It took 700 men 10 years to rebuild the temple and it cost $25 million.When the thousand-year-old temple was finally respond, the President of Indonesia said through the use of modem technology, “Borobudur will a thousand years more.”


Which of the following do you think is the best title for this passage?

[  ]


Thomas Raffles.


The Temple of Borobudur


Mount Merapi Voleano.




How did Thomas Raffles hear about the buried Buddhist sculptures?

[  ]


People living the area told him.


Collectors of ancient artifacts told him,


He saw them in a dream


Dr, Theodore Van Erp told him.


Which of the following is true about the temple was damaged after Mr.Raffles uncovered it?

[  ]


Rain washed away the temple little by little.


Experts brought artifacts out for further study.


The work on the temple was once stopped.


The local people used the stones from the temple.


Who provided the money for the Borobudur Restoration Project?

[  ]


The people of Java.




Dr.Theodore Van Erp.


The president of Indonesia.


科目:高中英語 來源:101網校同步練習 高二英語 人民教育出版社(新課標A 2002-3年初審通過) 人教版 題型:050


  Before a new type of airplane goes into service, every part of it is tested again and again.But there are two tests that more important than all the others.

  The first is called the “tank test”.A modern airplane must fly very high in the sky.Air must be pumped into the plane so that the passengers can breathe.The metal structure(結構)of the plane has to be very strong for this reason.When the plane is filled with air, the air presses against the skin of the plane inside.The pressure(壓力)on a small window is like a huge foot that is trying to get out.If a small part of the plane were to fail, the plane would exploded in the sky.To test the structure of the plane, the plane is lowered into a huge tank or container of water.Then it is filled with air.The pressure inside the plane is greater than it ever will be when it is high up in the air.Finally, there is an explosion.This does not cause so much damage inside the water tank as it would anywhere else.Engineers can discover which part of the plane has broken.Then that part is made stronger.

  The most dangerous test happens when the new plane is going through test flights in the air.The test pilot must find out exactly what happens when the engines(發(fā)動機)are all shut off at once The plane begins to fall like a stone.It is the pilot’s job to find out how he can get control of the plane again.These two tests are examples of how planes are made safe before they ever carry passengers.


By doing the “tank test”, the engineers can find out ________.

[  ]


the amount of air in the plane


the strength of the plane structure


the pressure inside and outside the plane


the power of the airplane engines


What will happen to the plane under the “tank test”?

[  ]


It will be broken.


It will be made stronger.


It will be filled with water.


It will be tested by pilots.


According to the text, why are test flights most dangerous?

[  ]


The plane may explode in the air.


The pilot may lose control of the plane.


The engines may be damaged.


Too much air may get into the plane.


What might be the most suitable title for the text?

[  ]


Two Important Tests on Airplanes


The Importance of Flying Safely


The Danger of Testing Airplanes


How Airplanes Are Made and Tested


科目:高中英語 來源:101網校同步練習 高二英語 人民教育出版社(新課標A 2002-3年初審通過) 人教版 題型:050


  In l8l4 Thomas Raffles sent a group of his men to look for a “mountain of Buddhist sculpture(雕塑)in stone” that was said to be buried in the forests.Working from the tales of local people, Mr.Baffles sent his men to work digging at one of the many hills in central lava in southeastern Asia.Two months later, one of the men working on the hill found a great sculpture of Buddha carved in stone.The temple of Borohudur had been uncovered.

  The temple was built around 800 AD, The temple was planned to be a symbol of the universe and was built over a small bill.When seeing from above, a person can easily make out the overall design of the temple.Along the six-kilometer journey through all of the walkways of the temple leading up to the highest level, hundreds of carved images of the Buddha may be found.

  After the temple was completed, it became the center of Buddhist worship in the Sailendra Kingdom until 930 A.D.In that year, the nearby volcano, Mount Merapi, erupted.Tons of ash and lava covered Borobudur.Overnight, the temple disappeared.It was totally covered under layers of ash from the volcano.

  The temple remained hidden until Mr.Raffles and his men uncovered it again in the 1800s.However, after Mr.Raffles left Java, working on the temple was carried on without much interest.Collectors of ancient artifacts(史前古器物)stole priceless treasures from the temple, and soon, all work on the temple came to People living in the area began using stones from the build and repair their homes.Nature also began to wear uncovered parts of the temple through wind and rain.

  In 1900, with Java under Dutch control, an engineer Dr.Theodore Van Erp was given the job of saving and the temple.However, two world wars and a limited supply made his work stop.In 1973 ,the United Nations Educational Scientific ,and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)stepped in and began the Borobudur Restoration Project.

  It was difficult to complete the full rebuilding of the temple.It took 700 men 10 years to rebuild the temple and it cost $25 million.When the thousand-year-old temple was finally responded, the President of Indonesia said through the use of modem technology, “Borobudur will be a thousand years more.”


Which of the following do you think is the best title for this passage?

[  ]


Thomas Raffles.


The Temple of Borobudur


Mount Merapi Voleano.




How did Thomas Raffles hear about the buried Buddhist sculptures?

[  ]


People living the area told him.


Collectors of ancient artifacts told him,


He saw them in a dream


Dr, Theodore Van Erp told him.


Which of the following is true about the temple was damaged after Mr.Raffles uncovered it?

[  ]


Rain washed away the temple little by little.


Experts brought artifacts out for further study.


The work on the temple was once stopped.


The local people used the stones from the temple.


Who provided the money for the Borobudur Restoration Project?

[  ]


The people of Java.




Dr.Theodore Van Erp.


The president of Indonesia.


科目:高中英語 來源:天利38套《2008全國各省市高考模擬試題匯編 精華大字版》、英語 題型:050



  The latest buzzword in the tourism industry is “ecotourism”-responsible, environmentally sound vacationing.Ecotourism, or “green tourism,” means taking care of natural resources, protecting endangered species, and preserving and contributing to local communities.

  Armed with this “checklist,” I booked a vacation in an “ecoresort.”The brochure looked appealing-a hotel right on the beach, with a large swimming pool and golf course, in acres of unspoiled rain forest.

  Unfortunately, the only way to get to this resort was a 12-hour flight followed by a long taxi ride.I was relieved to see the hotel at the end of the road.It was a low-rise building, made out of local stone.But as I later found out, in order to build the resort, the wealthy owner had bought up 30,000 square kilometers of unspoiled rain-forest.

  Sunbathing by the glorious swimming pool, enjoying the sound of sprinklers on the golf course, I suddenly realized that this was an area where water is scarce.

  So far, not so eco-friendly.I decided to try some of the trips to nearby conservation projects, to give the resort another chance to convince me.

  Although it was the breeding season for turtles, we didn't see any.Apparently the large groups of tourists who arrive at the beach to see the turtles laying their eggs have driven the turtles away.A boat ride to a marine park was also disappointing.The noise of the boats means that the alligators(短吻鱷)are afraid to lie in the sun.The tourists, expecting to see some action, throw stones at the alligators in the water, in the hope of getting them to move.

  The trip to the “authentic” local village was pleasant.The resort has turned the local homes into picturesque cottages.However, they are so charming that tourists are buying them, and the locals now live in small towns of badly built houses in the poorest areas of town.

  All in all, my vacation didn't meet any of the standards for ecotourism.But there are many projects around the world where you can have a genuinely “green” experience.My next trip is to a mountain village, as a paying guest in a local family's home.

  I will miss the swimming pool and the golf, though.


What caused the writer to choose this resort?

[  ]


The advertisement which looked attractive.


The resort which was a 12-hour flight away.


A useful checklist.


The writer's love of rain forest.


Why were there no turtles on the beach?

[  ]


Because tourists have caused the turtles to stay away.


Because tourists throw stones at them.


Because the noise of the boats has made them afraid.


Because the tourists take away their eggs.


According to your understanding, what will the writer think about “ecotourism” after this trip?

[  ]


He thinks it as a brilliant idea.


He likes the swimming pool and the golf course.


He is disappointed and will have some doubts about it.


He will still strongly support “ecotourism”.


The word “buzzword”(Paragraph1)means all of the following EXCEPT ________.

[  ]


a word that cause a lot of trouble


a word well-known


a word often used


a word people think very important


科目:高中英語 來源:山東省濟南外國語學校2010-2011學年高一下學期期末考試英語試題 題型:050


  Are you a man or a mouse? When people ask this question they want to know if you think you are a brave person or a coward(膽小鬼).But you will never really know the answer to that question until you are tested in real life.Some people think they are brave, but when they come face to face with real danger, they act like cowards.Other people think of themselves as cowardly, but when they meet danger, they act like heroes.

  Lenny Sputnik had always thought of himself as a nervous person.He got worried before examinations.He worried about his job and his health.All he wanted in life was to be safe and healthy.Then, on 15th January 1982, a plane crashed into the Potomac River in Washington.Lenny went to the river to see what was happening.Then he saw a woman in the ice-cold water.Suddenly Lenny did not feel afraid.He kept very calm and did a very courageous thing.He jumped into the Potomac, swam to the woman, and kept her head above the water.Seventy-eight people died that day.Thanks to Lenny Sputnik, it was not seventy-nine.

  When you are in a very dangerous situation and feel afraid, the body automatically produces a chemical in the blood.This chemical is called adrenalin.With adrenalin in the blood system, you actually feel stronger and are ready to fight or run away.However, when you are completely terrified, the body can produce too much adrenalin.When this happens, the muscles become very hard and you find that you cannot move at all.You are then disabled with fear.That is why, when we are very frightened, we sometimes say that we are ‘petrified’.This word comes from the Greek word ‘peters’ which means ‘stone’.We are so frightened we have become like stone.


According to the writer's opinion, a brave person can be judged by ________

[  ]


his words


his thought


his action


his looks


From what Lenny did, we can conclude that ________

[  ]


Lenny had a good chance


Lenny was brave


Lenny liked swimming


Lenny wanted to be a hero


In great danger, a hero always keeps ________.

[  ]










Adrenalin in our body is ________.

[  ]










If a person's body produces too much adrenaline, he will ________.

[  ]


become stronger


lose his feeling and power


become a stone


become a hero

