Our house was directly across a popular hospital. We rented the upstairs rooms to outpatients at the clinic. One summer evening, there was a knock at the door. I opened it to see a truly awful looking man, his face lopsided from swelling, red and raw. He told me he’d been hunting for a room since noon but he had no success. “I guess it’s my face. I know it looks terrible, but my doctor says with a few more treatments…”

For a moment I hesitated, but his next words convinced me: “I could sleep in this rocking chair on the porch. My bus leaves early in the morning.” I told him we would find him a bed, but to rest on the porch. It didn’t take a long time to see that this old man had an oversized heart crowded into that tiny body. He told me he fished for a living to support his daughter, her five children, and her husband, who was hopelessly crippled from a back injury. He didn’t tell it by way of complaint. He was grateful that no pain accompanied his disease.

At bedtime, we put a camp cot in the children’s room for him. When I got up in the morning, the bed linens were neatly folded and the little man was out on the porch. Before he left for his bus, haltingly, he said, “Could I please come back and stay the next time I have a treatment? I can sleep fine in a chair.” He paused a moment and then added, “Your children made me feel at home. Grownups are bothered by my face, but children don’t seem to mind.” I told him he was welcome to come again.

In the years he came to stay overnight with us. There was never a time that he did not bring us fish or oysters or vegetables from his garden. When I received these little remembrances, I often thought of a comment our next-door neighbor made after he left that first morning. “You can lose roomers by putting up such people!”

Maybe we did lose roomers once or twice. But oh! If only they could have known him, perhaps their illnesses would have been easier to bear. I know our family always will be grateful to have known him; from him we learned what it was to accept the bad without complaint and the good with gratitude.

1When the old fisherman stayed overnight, the author’s children ________________.

A.were botheredB.were terrified

C.felt normalD.felt at home

2Which of the following statement is true about the fisherman?

A.He is both tall and strong.

B.He has five grandchildren.

C.He is pessimistic about life.

D.He suffers from a back injury.

3The old fisherman gave the author fishes and oysters because he________.

A.wanted the author to buy them.

B.wanted to pay the rent with them.

C.had fished too many fishes and oysters.

D.wanted to show his thankfulness to the author.

4What can we learn from the story?

A.Never judge a book by its cover.

B.Little strokes fell great oaks.

C.Stay positive, stay grateful.

D.Honesty is the best policy.









推理判斷題。根據(jù)第三段老人的一番話…Your children made me feel at home. Grownups are bothered by my face, but children don’t seem to mind.(你的孩子們使我感到賓至如歸。大人會為我的臉煩惱,但孩子們似乎并不介意。)可推斷,作者的孩子們沒有因為其相貌丑陋而拒絕他,因此,他們抱著平常心態(tài)對待老人,故選C。


細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段He told me he fished for a living to support his daughter, her five children, and her husband, who was hopelessly crippled from a back injury.(他告訴我,他以捕魚為生,以養(yǎng)活他的女兒、她的五個孩子和因背部受傷而殘廢的丈夫。)可知,老人有五個外孫,故選B。


推理判斷題。根據(jù)第三段“Your children made me feel at home. Grownups are bothered by my face, but children don’t seem to mind.” I told him he was welcome to come again.(“你的孩子們使我感到賓至如歸。大人會為我的臉煩惱,但孩子們似乎并不介意!蔽腋嬖V他歡迎他再來。)和第四段In the years he came to stay overnight with us. There was never a time that he did not bring us fish or oysters or vegetables from his garden.(多年來,他來我們這里過夜。他從來沒有一次不給我們送來他園子里的魚、牡蠣或蔬菜。)可知,因為作者的收留,讓他感激因而每次來都送給作者魚和牡蠣,故選D。


推理判斷題。本文講述了一位相貌丑陋多次遭人拒絕的求宿老人遇到熱心的作者和家人容留心存感念,作者在最后一段發(fā)出感慨I know our family always will be grateful to have known him; from him we learned what it was to accept the bad without complaint and the good with gratitude(我知道,我們一家人會永遠感激能認識他;從他那里,我們學(xué)會了毫無怨言地接受不好的東西,心懷感激地接受好的東西),故可知,選項A . Never judge a book by its cover.(不要以貌取人)符合題意,故選A。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Commuters of the future could get some relief from congested roads especially the peak-hour traffic if Uber’s plans for flying taxis work out.

The battery-powered aircraft looks like a cross between a small plane and a helicopter, with fixed wings and rotors (旋轉(zhuǎn)器). It was presented at an international technology conference in Lisbon, Portugal.

Catering for the need of shorter city travel time, the vehicle is intended to soar over traffic congestion. Uber hopes it will eventually become a form of convenient mass transport and cost commuters aboard less than using their own car, though initially it will be more expensive than that, Uber’s Chief Product Officer Jeff Holden said.

The scheme still faces plenty of challenges, including certification of the new vehicle by authorities, pilot training and constructing urban air traffic management systems that prevent collisions.

Holden declared that Uber is joining NASA’s project to expand air traffic systems, which scores of other companies already belong to.

He told The Associated Press in an interview that he has no dollar figure for the total investment. He said Uber is putting some of its own money into the project, developing software, while other investors are also involved, such as aircraft manufacturers that are developing the vehicle and real estate companies that are providing so-called “skyports” where people will catch their airborne taxi.

Uber is making a bid to reform and polish up its image which has been damaged by certain negative news. Holden said those episodes did not slow development of the flying taxi project of the great company that is in transition.

1What result is Uber’s flying taxis aimed to achieve?

A.Shorter city travel time.B.Smooth flow of traffic.

C.Higher economic efficiency.D.Convenience of people’s life.

2Which of the statement is correct according to Holden?

A.Flying taxis are more cost-effective than driving private cars.

B.Uber has to cooperate with NASA to reach it’s goal.

C.The success of this project, if possible, will polish up Uber’s image.

D.The final achievement of Uber’s goal relies not only on the company itself.

3What does the underlined word “episodes” in the paragraph probably mean?



4What is implied in the last paragraph?

A.Uber is committed to developing the flying taxi project.

B.Uber is to accomplish it’s transition period in the near future.

C.Uber’s reputation used to be ruined by rumors.

D.Uber has recovered from it’s damaged image.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Healthy eating habits have positive effects on everyone. However, students can especially benefit from meeting the particular nutritional demands of the school day. To be good academically, children must be physically able to attend class and focus on the tasks at hand. Math, language study, reading and creative thinking also require physical support from food energy and nutrients. 1

Attendance:2Getting enough nutrition keeps you from taking sick days and missing out on daily lessons. Eating a healthy breakfast makes you more likely to achieve your daily nutritional goals. This keeps your body strong and less likely to fall ill.

Focus: School is a social network that requires cooperation from students, teachers and staff. 3Hunger makes you hard to focus and easy to get angry. In contrast, eating a healthy breakfast keeps you focused and cheerful. A 2019 study proved these findings.

Thinking: Food energy and nutrients serve neurological(神經(jīng)的) as well as physical body functions. The same 2019 report concluded that eating breakfast regularly affects the brain's blood sugar requirements and nutritional support. 4Let alone, these skills are vital to learning and achieving high grades.

Test scores: Balanced nutrition plays a part in testing well. 5Healthy eating also contributes to better performance on vocabulary tests. You can improve your test scores by eating right every day.

A.You can focus on the test papers.

B.This improves the memory, problem solving and concentration skills.

C.Students who eat breakfast work faster with fewer math and number errors.

D.You can't keep up with homework and tests if you aren't in school every day.

E.While the education individuals receive influence intelligence, so does their food.

F.And your behavior in this environment depends partly on getting to school well fed.

G.A healthy diet can improve your performance in school’s social, physical and mental aspects.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假設(shè)你是李華,就讀于某國際學(xué)!,F(xiàn)校學(xué)生會各部門(文娛部、外聯(lián)部、學(xué)習(xí)部……)聘干事,請你用英文給此次招聘負責人 Mr. Smith 寫一封申請信,內(nèi)容包括:

1. 申請崗位;

2. 個人優(yōu)勢;

3. 你的希望。


1. 詞數(shù) 80 左右;

2. 可適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。

參考詞匯:干事 secretar



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 The traffic signals along Factoria Boulevard in Bellevue, Washington, generally don't flash the same length of green twice in a row, especially at rush hour. At 9:30am, the full red/yellow/green signal cycle might be 140 seconds. By 9:33am, a burst of additional traffic might push it to 145 seconds. Less traffic at 9:37am could push it down to 135. Just like the traffic itself, the timing of the signals changes.

That is by design. Bellevue, a fast-growing city just east of Seattle, uses a system that is gaining popularity around the US: intersection(十字路口) signals that can adjust in real time to traffic conditions. These lights, known as adaptive signals, have led to significant declines in both the trouble and cost of travels between work and home.

“Adaptive signals can make sure that the traffic demand that is there is being addressed, ” says Alex Stevanovic, a researcher at Florida Atlantic University.

For all of Bellevue’s success, adaptive signals are not a cure-all for jammed roadways. Kevin Balke, a research engineer at the Texas A&M University Transportation Institute, says that while smart lights can be particularly beneficial for some cities, others are so jammed that only a sharp reduction in the number of cars on the road will make a meaningful difference. “It’s not going to fix everything, but adaptive signals have some benefits for smaller cities,” he says.

In Bellevue, the switch to adaptive signals has been a lesson in the value of welcoming new approaches. In the past, there was often an automatic reaction to increased traffic: just widen the roads, says Mark Poch, the Bellevue Transportation Department’s traffic engineering manager. Now he hopes that other cities will consider making their streets run smarter instead of just making them bigger.

1What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Increased length of green lights.B.Shortened traffic signal cycle.

C.Flexible timing of traffic signals.D.Smooth traffic flow on the road.

2What does Kevin Balke say about adaptive signals?

A.They work better on broad roads.

B.They should be used in other cities.

C.They have greatly reduced traffic on the road.

D.They are less helpful in cities seriously jammed.

3What can we learn from Bellevue’s success?

A.It is rewarding to try new things.B.The old methods still work today.

C.I pays to put theory into practice.D.The simplest way is the best way.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


I honestly believe there’s a danger that the more connected we are, the more isolated we feel. I don’t think this is such an issue for my generation who’ve lived 1 technology for so long. We know how to be alone and, more importantly, we know that it’s OK to be alone. 2 the under 20s are another kettle of fish. They’re so busy that they never experience the feeling of solitude and run the risk of not learning how to enjoy their own company. In addition, they’re learning conversation through messages that can 3 (edit) and changed at the expense of learning the art of real conversation in real time with the person in front of you .


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1Why is the man worried about Carol?

A.She lost her credit card.

B.She fails to pay her money back.

C.She is crazy about buying things.

2What will the man do to deal with Carol’s problem?

A.Remain silent.

B.Talk to her about it.

C.Try to ask her family for help.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 According to a recent study in the Journal of Consumer Research, both the size and consumption habits of our eating companions can influence our food intake. And contrary to existing research that says you should avoid eating with heavier people who order large portions(), it's the beanpoles with big appetites you really need to avoid.

To test the effect of social influence on eating habits, the researchers conducted two experiments. In the first, 95 undergraduate women were individually invited into a lab to ostensibly(表面上)participate in a study about movie viewership. Before the film began, each woman was asked to help herself to a snack. An actor hired by the researchers grabbed her food first. In her natural state, the actor weighed 105 pounds. But in half the cases she wore a specially designed fat suit which increased her weight to 180 pounds.

Both the fat and thin versions of the actor took a large amount of food. The participants followed suit, taking more food than they normally would have. However, they took significantly more when the actor was thin.

For the second test, in one case the thin actor took two pieces of candy from the snack bowls. In the other case, she took 30 pieces. The results were similar to the first test: the participants followed suit but took significantly more candy when the thin actor took 30 pieces.

The tests show that the social environment is extremely influential when we're making decisions. If this fellow participant is going to eat more, so will I. Call it the “I’ll have what she's having” effect. However, we'll adjust the influence. If an overweight person is having a large portion, I'll hold back a bit because I see the results of his eating habits. But if a thin person eats a lot, I'll follow suit. If he can eat much and keep slim, why can't I?

1What is the recent study mainly about?

A.Food safety.B.Movie viewership.

C.Consumer demand.D.Eating behavior.

2What does the underlined word “beanpoles” in paragraph 1 refer to?

A.Big eaters.B.Overweight persons.

C.Picky eaters.D.Tall thin persons.

3Why did the researchers hire the actor?

A.To see how she would affect the participants.

B.To test if the participants could recognize her.

C.To find out what she would do in the two tests.

D.To study why she could keep her weight down.

4On what basis do we “adjust the influence” according to the last paragraph?

A.How hungry we are.B.How slim we want to be.

C.How we perceive others.D.How we feel about the food.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:







To welcome the coming New Year, our class hold a party last night. Before the party, we decorated the classroom with colorful balloons and flower. Our teachers also came to the party. We sang and danced happy at the party but we enjoyed ourselves so much. All the teachers present gave performances. Our teacher of English sang English song. Guess what! He surprised at us. I had never known that he could sing so well. We applauded loudly after he finished sing the song. We were too excited that we could not fall asleep at night. As a result, all of us is sleepy today. The good news is what we can go home today and will have a two-day holiday.

