【題目】—How is the result, doctor?

—Well, your health is ________ good, but you do have a few minor problems.




考查副詞詞義辨析。句意:——醫(yī)生,結(jié)果怎么樣?——嗯,你的健康狀況還不錯,但確實有一些小問題。A. normally正常地;B. frequently 頻繁地;C. generally一般地, 通常,普遍地;D. regularly有規(guī)律地。根據(jù) but you do have a few minor problems.可知,此處指“一般地”健康狀況。故選C。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】____________the physical responses are a sense of comfort and a rush of relaxation.

A.AccompaniedB.Being accompaniedC.AccompanyingD.To accompany


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Smiling doesn’t ________ mean you’re happy. Sometimes, it just means that you’re strong enough to face problems.



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Welwitschia mirabilis

Title: the world’s most resistant plant

It’s not pretty to look at, but welwitschia mirabilis is unique. It consists of only two leaves and a strong stem with roots. Two leaves continue to grow and the stem thickens and can grow to be almost 2 meters high and 8 meters wide. Its lifespan is 400 to 1,500 years. It can survive up to five years with no rain. The plant is said to be very tasty either raw or baked in hot ashes.

Dionaea muscipula

Title: the Venus Fly Trap

Dionaea muscipula is the most famous carnivorous(肉食性的) plant due to the active and efficient nature of its unique trap. It may be famous, but it’s also threatened. It produces a short leaf that forms two sides of a trap. Each side contains some sensitive hairs. When it is touched two to three times, the trap will shut in less than a second, fast enough to catch flies and other insects. The leaf, once closed, produces some enzymes() that slowly dissolve the insects and supply the plant with food.

Rafflesia arnoldii

Title: the world’s largest flower

Rafflesia arnoldii, the largest flower in the world, is an exotic and rare plant. The flower is 3 feet across and weighs 15-24 pounds. However, you wouldn’t want to grow it in your garden. In a rainforest-type environment, it gives off a most unpleasant smell, which is somewhat like rotten meat. This is why it is often called the Corpse Plant by some natives of Indonesia where it comes. Its flowers only last for three days to a week.

Euphorbia obese

Title: the Baseball Plant

Euphorbia obese is known as the Baseball Plant. Over-harvesting by plant collectors for its interesting and curious appearance has severely reduced the wild population. However, it has become very common now. By growing euphorbia obese in large numbers, many gardens have been working to ensure that the plants being traded and sold among plant collectors are not wild plants.

1From the passage, we know that __________.

A.welwitschia mirabilis is very beautiful

B.dionaea muscipula is famous for its trap

C.rafflesia arnoldii feels like rotten meat

D.euphorbia obese can be used as baseball

2According to the passage, rafflesia arnoldii __________.

A.shuts its trap two or three times in one second.

B.gives off a special smell to attract flies and insects

C.smells bad in a hot and wet environment

D.has a big flower, a strong stem and two leaves

3Plant collectors like euphorbia obese because __________.

A.it looks strange

B.it tastes delicious

C.it can be planted in the garden

D.it is worth a big fortune


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


I was walking with a friend yesterday 1 I found a cellphone in a pile of snow. I picked 2 up and it still worked! I started looking through the name list and dialing numbers to see whether I could figure out whose phone it was. 3 (luck), only one person answered and she didn't recognize the number.Since that lady didn't know whose phone it was, my friend suggested that we go back to 4 house that we found the cellphone in front of. I knocked on the door and two collegeage persons answered. They 5 (lose) their phones, but as I told them the story and mentioned some 6 on the name list, the young man said that he also had those names and it 7 be the phone of their friends. I really didn't have anything to say, because in my mind I was just doing the right thing. I 8 (immediate) tried to find the owner, because that is exactly 9 I would want someone to do if either I or any of my family members lost phones. The purpose of helping others is not for return. 10 (help) others is more than enough for me and it is the most endless joy of life.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 There is a huge need for shark fins () in Asian countries. As a result, many sharks are caught and killed. According to reports, sharks are being killed at an shocking rate (速度) of up to 273 million worldwide every year.

Some experts predict that if the killing continues at the current rate, many shark species will be lost forever. It can be very dangerous. Sharks are very important and they should be protected.

In a study of the east coast of the United States, 11 species of sharks were eliminated from their range. Of the 14 species of ocean life that those sharks used to eat, the populations of 12 exploded and caused great damage to the ecosystem. For example, the cownose ray () population was no longer kept under control by sharks and so grew out of control. As a result, the rays destroyed the population of bay scallops (扇貝), their favorite food. The scallop fishery, which had been in good condition for over 100 years, was destroyed completely. Also, the removal of the scallops most likely had an effect on water quality as they were no longer there to perform their function (功能) of cleaning the water.

Sharks tend to eat very efficiently (高效地), going after the old, sick, or slower fish in a population, keeping that population healthy. Sharks help keep many populations of ocean life to the right size so that those prey (獵物) species don’ t do harm to the ecosystem by becoming too populated. The ocean ecosystem is made up of very complex (復(fù)雜地) food webs. For the most part, sharks are at the top of these webs and are considered by scientists to be “keystone” species, meaning that removing them may cause the whole structure to fall apart. Therefore, we should protect sharks because doing so is to protect the whole ecosystem.

1According to the passage, in Asian, people kill sharks mainly because ________.

A.sharks are dangerous for peopleB.there are too many sharks

C.shark fins are in great needD.sharks often attack swimmers

2Which of the following can replace the underlined word “eliminated” in Paragraph 4?


3After the number of cownose rays greatly increased, ________.

A.water quality improved as wellB.bay scallops grew out of control

C.there are more food for sharkD.the local scallop fishery was harmed

4What can we know about sharks from Paragraph 4?

A.They can’t find enough food to feed on.

B.They never eat the old, sick or slower fish.

C.Their large populations can harm the ecosystem.

D.They play a key role in keeping the ecosystem healthy.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Christmas at the mountain cline would have to wait. The banks beside Mary Breckinridge’s Wendover, Kentucky, clinic were ruined after a heavy rain. She had to find a way to get her five patients to the hospital in Lexington.

With a neighbor’s help, Mary and the nurses built a boat. They named it Ambulance, and on the morning of December 30,1926. Mary another nurse, and the patients set off down the river. After sixteen wild miles on the dangerous river, they arrived at the train station in Krypton. As she watched the train pull away with her patients safely on board. Mary smiled and waved.

Mary had not planned to be a nurse. She was the daughter of a wealthy Kentucky politician. As a child, Mary was influenced by her family who had always been concerned about the poorer people of the state. When she grew up, Mary was inspired to become a nurse. So in 1925 Mary hired a few British-trained nurses and, with some money from her family, started the Frontier Nursing Service in Wendover, Kentucky.

Before Mary and her nurses came, the mountain people lived a hard life. Families made so little money that they could not afford doctors or medicine. Many children had diseases and nearly every person was malnourished for lack of food.

Mary and the nurses built clinics and a small hospital deep in the forests of Leslie County. There were no paved roads, electricity, or telephones. Each day the nurses rode on horseback to outlying farms, often in bad wenther, to answer calls for help. They worked hard to keep an eye on their patients.

To the grateful mountain people, Mary and the nurses seemed to be everywhere. They treated everything from cut fingers to pneumonia (肺炎), gave shots, and delivered babies. The proud countrymen liked the nurses because they treated everyone with respect.

The Frontier Nursing Service grew. Today their Nursing Service reaches far beyond the Kentucky mountains. Medical professionals from all over the world come to Wendover to study rural health care in action. When these men and women go back to their own countries, they are prepared to help people in need.

1How did Mary Breckinridge get her five patients to Krypton?

A.By trainB.By car

C.By waterD.On horseback

2The underlined word “malnourished” in Paragraph 4 most probably means .

A.mysteriousB.lacking nutrition

C.carelessD.in danger of dying

3We can learn from the text that Mary Breckinridge .

A.remains a great influence on health care today

B.wanted to set up more clinics to help the sick

C.wiped out diseases in the Kentucky mountains

D.trained all of her assistants herself

4What is the main idea of the text?

A.Mary and her family were always helpful to others

B.The Frontier Nursing Service set up many branches

C.Rural nurses found creative ways to transport supplies and patients

D.Mary and other nurses provided kind medical care to rural people


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Although it's great to spend vacations seeing the world with family, friends, or a lover, traveling alone can also be completely incredible. A solo adventure has the potential to be life-changing. Here are some reasons you should travel alone at least once.

If you enjoy meeting new friends, here's your chance; you will likely find some when traveling alone, Since you won't be focused on talking to anyone you know, you'll be more likely to strike up conversations with strangers. Meeting people from different backgrounds opens our minds, expands our world, and can inspire us a lot. You may meet some amazing locals or other adventurers like yourself; either way you're bound to make some new friends during your journey.

A trip alone can ignite your creativity. Spending time alone with an open mind can be exactly what you need for your imagination to soar. Your enthusiasm and passion for life may sky-rocket from your awesome adventure.

When traveling with a partner or a group, every idea can be bounced off someone else. When you travel alone, you will learn to be decisive; you will be making every decision alone. From where to eat, to what time to wake up, to what sights to see, and which airline to use, traveling solo forces you to rely on yours truly. As you realize you can make good choices without help from others, you will likely trust your instincts more, and this new found self-assurance and confidence will be helpful in many areas of your life.

1Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

A. You will meet new people.

B. You light your life fire.

C. You will learn to enjoy being alone.

D. You will learn to be decisive.

2From the passage, we know that _______.

A. Traveling alone you can do anything you want to.

B. Traveling alone, we would learn more thing.

C. You'll learn to thrive outside your comfort zone.

D. The strangers who we meet are all kind.

3Which of the following is similar to the underlined phrase in paragraph four?

A. hesitateB. independent

C. fearlessD. determined

4Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

A. How to travel alone.

B. You should travel alone at least once in your life.

C. Trave ling will make you have more friends.

D. Let us enjoying vacations trip.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Corn has been a significant part in American food since before European arrival. After the Civil War, grits (粗玉米粉), which is made out of corn, became a diet mainstay (支柱) because water-powered mills (磨坊) worked to grind dried corn. They were relatively inexpensive and could be eaten with almost anything, making it possible for everyone to enjoy.

Grits are usually cooked with water, cream and butter over the course of many hours. There can be varying types of grits from smooth to grainy. There are even instant grits for those without the hours to cook. Worth noting is that sugar is not typically added.

Grits can be served for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but they're commonly used as a base, usually topped with seafood and a delicious sauce. It's a dish eaten by everyone from sitting presidents to blue collar workers in a variety of ways, both in fine dining restaurants and oily spoons.

Shrimp and grits is the most well-known dish incorporating grits, especially in coastal areas like Charleston, South Carolina. It was originally a fisherman’s breakfast, a hearty meal before a long day of work, and today, it's found on menus throughout the nation.

Chefs have also become creative with the dish, adding modern elements to the traditional. Mashama Bailey has a foie gras (鵝肝醬) and grits dish at The Grey in Savannah, Georgia. Edward Lee has prepared it like the porridge his Korean parents cooked during his growing up, but uses Kentucky's Wiesenberger grits. Nathalie Dupree has made her career on the dish with her cookbook titled “Shrimp and Grits," while Virginia Willis has the appropriately titled “Grits”.

1Why did grits become main food?

A.Because corm played a key role.

B.Because dried corn was extremely cheap.

C.Because the Civil War broke out.

D.Because water-powered mills turned up.

2What can we learn about grits from Paragraph 3?

A.They are popular among all walks of life.

B.They are smooth to feel.

C.They are placed on top of other foods.

D.They are expensive to purchase.

3What breakfast did South Carolina fishermen like?

A.Grits with shrimp.B.Grits with sugar.

C.Grits with butter.D.Grits with cream.

4Why does the author mention Lee's parents?

A.To introduce Lee's upbringing experiences.B.To promote Lee's cooking techniques.

C.To explain a modern flavour of grits.D.To advertise a newly-published cookbook.

