
Mr. Mora is a famous university president. He is remembered as a 1(humor) man because his lectures bring 2(laugh) from time to time. He is also remembered by his family and friends 3 being absent-minded. There are many interesting stories about Mr. Mora, which amuse people.

Once on a train, a conductor came to Mr. Mora, 4(ask) for his ticket. He began to search his pockets. No ticket appeared. Mr. Mora began searching his suitcase. “Never mind, sir,” said the conductor, seeing how 5(anxiety) Mr. Mora was looking for his ticket and trying to comfort him. “When you find your ticket, just post it to the station. I’m sure you have 6 somewhere.” “I’m sure, too,” said the president as he continued searching. “But I must find it. I need to know 7 I’m going.”

Mr. Mora got off the train in New York and 8(hurry) to the post office to make a telephone call to his secretary. “I’m in New York now but I don’t know why,” said Mr. Mora, feeling like a small boy 9 had got lost. Within minutes came the short reply, “You are not supposed to be in New York. You should be in Princeton to give 10 lecture.”













這是一篇記敘文。一位著名的大學(xué)校長Mr. Mora,因?yàn)樗脑S多演講有時(shí)會(huì)引人發(fā)笑,所以他以幽默著稱。但是由于許多滑稽的事情,他又被家人和朋友認(rèn)為是心不在焉的。短文敘述了他因粗心大意把火車票弄丟了,并在錯(cuò)誤的地點(diǎn)下車的故事。








考查非謂語動(dòng)詞。ask在此句中為非謂語動(dòng)詞,其邏輯主語為“a conductor”,二者構(gòu)成主謂關(guān)系,故填asking。


考查副詞。此處anxietyn)譯為焦慮、擔(dān)憂。結(jié)合句意可知,how后使用副詞anxiously來修飾句中動(dòng)詞短語look for,應(yīng)將anxiety改為anxiously。故填anxiously。








考查定語從句。分析句子可知,該句為定語從句,其先行詞為a small boy,在定語從句中做主語,應(yīng)使用關(guān)系代詞whothat。故填whothat。


考查固定搭配。此處考查give a lecture譯為“做演講”,為固定搭配。故填a


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Most of the thousands of tourists who visit Pompeii every year leave with nothing more than amazing memories. But there are some who take away a little extra – the relics themselves.

However, it seems that those visitors who have slipped a piece of the world’s most important archaeological(考古的) site into their pockets have come to regret their actions.

Tourists who took relics from the ruined Roman city have been returning them to the site, saying they are cursed (詛咒).

One man wrote from Latin America saying that he and his entire family had experienced “trauma after trauma” after he took a piece of stone from Pompeii.

Massimo Osanna, a senior official at Pompeii, said he had received up to a hundred packages from across the world in recent years containing items from the site, often accompanied by letters explaining the relics had brought them bad luck.

The “curse of Pompeii” is an old story that says the eruption(火山爆發(fā)) of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79, which buried Pompeii, was punishment from the gods after troops ruined the buildings where people showed respect to the gods.

“At a certain point, people started believing in this story again,” said Mr. Osanna. “Even proper thieves have returned things to us.”

In one case, five packages were sent to Pompeii containing stolen items, including a statue that had disappeared in 1987. The accompanying letter was sent from Spain and the writer explained the statue had brought a “curse on his entire family”.

However, some are affected by a strong feeling of dishonor in their heart, rather than an ancient curse. Mr. Osanna said that an English woman had recently returned around 10 mosaic tiles (鑲嵌地磚) that her parents had taken while on holiday during the Seventies.

“When her mother died, she received these little pieces. But in the letter she described them as ‘uncomfortable’ and said she wanted to give them back,” he said.

Mr. Osanna is considering setting up an exhibition of all the letters he has received, calling it “What I brought back from Pompeii”.

1Why did some visitors who took relics away regret?

A.Because there was nothing but amazing memories.

B.Because they took away the relics themselves.

C.Because they thought the stolen relics brought them bad luck.

D.Because they received letters from a senior official at Pompeii.

2The underlined word “trauma” probably means “________”.

A.an unpleasant and upsetting experience

B.an old object or custom that reminds people of the past

C.a building where people respect gods

D.the things that a person or animal does

3According to the old story, the gods were angry because________.

A.some people cursed them

B.the city of Pompeii was buried

C.some soldiers didn’t show them enough respect

D.too many buildings for people were ruined

4Before returning the mosaic tiles, the English woman must have felt _______.




科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1What is the cat usually like?

A.Very calm.B.Quite wild.C.A little angry.

2What does the man ask the woman to do?

A.Take out the cat.

B.Give the cat some medicine.

C.Open the door of the carrying case.

3What does the man suggest the woman do?

A.Keep her pets in different places for now.

B.Introduce the pets to each other quickly.

C.Get another pet.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1What does Jason want to try on first?

A.A jacket.B.A tie.C.A suit.

2Where is Jason going?

A.To a restaurant.B.To the airport.C.To a job interview.

3What might Jason have in common with the woman’s father?

A.They work in the same field.

B.They both like wearing ties.

C.They are never on time.

4What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Father and daughter.

B.Boyfriend and girlfriend.

C.Customer and salesman.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】People living in the country enjoy several advantages that people living in the city cannot enjoy.

1They make friends with trees and stones. They breathe fresh air. They fight with strong winds. 2

This contact (接觸) with nature is good for health. There are many diseases that are common in the city, but are not to be found in the country. For example, near-sightedness is almost unknown to country people.

Because there are less cars, one can walk more freely in the country than in the city.3. People living in the country can easily get fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and fresh milk, Are they get them at lower prices than in the city.

4There are practically no temptations to waste money.

5They say what they mean, and make and keep promises with sincerity(誠意). They do not put on air (擺架子). They do not pretend to have those ridiculous manners which are necessary in what we call polite society.

A. They listen to the song of birds.

B. Country people are mostly honest.

C. They are in close contact with nature.

D. Country people are far from town life.

E. Country life is economical (節(jié)約的) in other ways, too.

F. Country life provides much more enjoyment.

G. There are no rules of the road nor traffic signs to obey


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Imagine a school where self-awareness is celebrated, students are encouraged to solve maths problems by writing on the walls and applying learned lessons to real life is more important than homework. These are a few of the concepts that makes Space of Mind School unique.

Located in a home built in 1896 in Florida, US, the program serves students in grades 2 through 12 and will accept kindergarten students next year. It also offers an after-school program for students who attend traditional schools, as well as evening programs for adults and educators and weekend events for families.

There is a different atmosphere from that of a traditional school building. Tables and brightly colored walls are white boards. In the science room, students are studying climate changes at a weather station, while in the music room, a student is solving an equation (等式) with his academic coach while he connects music theory and maths.

The daily schedule at the school also stands out. “ We don’t assign boring or exhausting homework.” said Space of Mind founder and CEO Ali Kaufman. “ Instead of homework, we ask that they go home and take a video of themselves applying a lesson they learned or cooking a meal for their family that they learned how to make at school.”

For lunch, instead of traditional cafeteria dishes such as pizza, the school offers organic meals made out of products from local gardens and farms. “ Our students also run a business at the Delray Beach Green Market on Saturdays so they can understand sustainable living practices and how to run a business,” Kafman said.

“ We are also the first school program in Florida to start and end each day with 15 minutes of meditation (冥想),” Kaufman said. “ The positive results we have been seeing in the students from meditation are amazing. We are really about infusing social, emotional and creative skills with academic and life skills.”

1Space of Mind School_________.

A.assigns no homework.B.urges students to use what they learn.

C.teaches students to earn money in class.D.focuses on knowledge learning.

2What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.Yoga enjoys great popularity in US.

B.The practice of meditation is amazing.

C.The meditation session lasts 15 minutes daily.

D.The students benefit from meditation.

3The underlined word “infusing" in the last paragraph probably means______.



4What is the text mainly about?

A.What makes Space of Mind School outstanding.

B.Why Space of Mind School is popular in US.

C.How the after-class programs of space of Mind School are organized.

D.How Space of Mind School cultivates students' life skills.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


How much money should I spend each month? This is asked by college students at the start of every term, and it’s become a hot topic of discussion following a controversial online post. The post was about a college student who demanded 4,500 yuan for monthly living expenses from her mom, reported China Daily

In the post, this new college student explained that her school is in a top-tier city and that her expenses included skin-care products and new clothes. Her mother did not agree and “only” gave her 2,000 yuan.

The post started a heated debate. Some people came to her defense. Girls invest a lot in skin-care products and new clothes while boys invest much in shoes, latest electronic devices and equipment for games.

However, someone thinks 4,500 yuan is too much. According to a 2019 report, students in 15 cities spent more than 1,500 yuan a month on average. Beijing topped the list at 2,400 yuan, and Shanghai followed close behind at 2,300 yuan. In some cities, a parent may only earn a monthly salary of 4,000 or 5,000 yuan. Nevertheless, some students insist on buying Dyson vacuum cleaners (吸塵器) for their dormitories instead of common brooms. Others demand Apple laptops to study at Starbucks, instead of going to the library.


1.用約 30 個(gè)詞概括上文內(nèi)容;

2.用約 120 個(gè)詞談?wù)勀銓?duì)這一現(xiàn)象的看法,包括如下要點(diǎn):



(寫作要求) 不能直接引用原文句子。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】_____ the station in India, which has the most female commercial pilots around the world, Chinese airlines are struggling with an acute female pilot shortage.

A.In contrast toB.On account ofC.With regard toD.In response to


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Africa’s Most Amazing Places to Visit

Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

The most famous of the structures at Giza, near Cairo, the Pyramid of King Khufu was built around 2650 BC from 2.5 million blocks of stone. Its sides face north, south, east and west.

Sahara Dunes, Morocco

The most user-friendly part of the Sahara is accessible from the northern edge of Morocco. You can camp out in Tazzarine, where runners from all over the world complete the weeklong Marathon every spring. The foot of the Merzouga Dunes is the best location for gazing at stars, totally free of light pollution.

Lake Retba (Lac Rose), Senegal

There are few pink lakes in the world and one of them, Lake Retba, also called Lac Rose by locals is in the Cap-Vert peninsula in Senegal. The best times to see the lake at its pinkest is during Senegal’s dry season, between November and June.

Nyika Plateau National Park, Malawi

With a plateau cut by numerous rivers that reach Lake Malawi by way of waterfalls off the eastern edge of the mountains, Nyika, the largest national park in Malawi, is one of the most beautiful in Africa. The eastern border of the plateau forms the wall of the Great Rift Valley. The great domes of hills have gentle slopes, making Nyika perfect for both hiking and mountain biking as well as Jeep exploration.

1Which country will you go if you want to watch stars?


2When is the best time to see the pinkest lake?


3What makes Nyika one of the most beautiful parks in Africa?


