On the outside Betsy Lueth’s school looks like any other in Minneapolis. Yet inside, it is
Yinghua Academy, a public school where elementary(小學(xué))students study subjects ranging from
math to American history in Chinese.
Yinghua, the first such immersion(沉浸式)program in the Midwest is on the leading edge (前沿) of a movement that in recent years has seen Chinese language programs spread rapidly throughout the U.S.
The idea behind Yinghua is to introduce kids to the language and culture as early as possible —ideally, before age 12. Kindergarteners and first graders are taught in Chinese and a single period of English is introduced in second grade. By sixth grade, kids are learning half in English and half in Chinese, with the expectation of fluency in both. In Yinghua’s classrooms, the walls are covered not with ABCs but with pictures and Chinese characters.
There are many challenges at Yinghua. Most teachers come from Taiwan or mainland China, and cultural misunderstandings are very common. Lueth’s teachers are learning to be tolerant of local customs — as well as a lot more parental input (家長看法) than they are used to. “In China, teachers are respected. They are not questioned,” says Luyi Lien, Yinghua’s Taiwan-born director. “In America, parents are more expressive of their opinions.”
Research has shown that in the long run, immersion programs can provide benefits, including more flexible, creative thinking. Though students from the programs fall behind for a few years in English, by fifth grade they perform as well as or better than their monolingual(單語言)peers on standardized reading and math tests. For multicultural families, the psychological (心理上的) help can also be important. Lueth, a former teacher, co-founded the school as a way to expose her adopted Chinese daughter Lucy to her native culture. Lucy used to be annoyed when cousins asked why her skin color was different from theirs; before she started at Yinghua, she resisted exploring anything related to China. Now, Lueth says, Lucy proudly answers her cousins, “Yeah, I was born in China.”
63.Yinghua is different from other schools in Minneapolis in the way that_________.
A.it offers subjects to students mostly in Chinese
B.its language program is popular in the U.S.A
C.kids there begin to learn Chinese at the age of 12
D.its students learn subjects half in English and half in Chinese
64.One of the challenges at Yinghua is that_________.
A.most parents do not respect its teachers
B.teachers need to get used to the local culture
C.its students are mostly from nontraditional families
D.there is misunderstanding between teachers and students
65.We can learn from the last paragraph that immersion program _________.
A.enables students pass tests more easily
B.benefits students in learning psychology
C.helps some students accept the local customs
D.contributes to the better development of students
66.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Teachers in Yinghua have difficulty in understanding the local culture.
B.Parents are discouraged to speak out their opinions of the school in Yinghua.
C.The students in Yinghua are expected to speak English and Chinese fluently.
D.Yinghua is the first school in the USA to introduce Chinese culture to students.

63---66   ABDC  



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

The purpose of this book is to help business professionals or students prepare for an assignment in Germany. We surfed the web, looked through the literature and talked to a number of foreign professionals working in Germany. After lots of brainstorming, we developed a list of practical rules to help business professionals negotiate at a business meeting. Our advice is also designed to help you avoid uncomfortable situations and handle predictable and unpredictable situations at all social levels in German business. Correct conduct with German colleagues and customers, how to master negotiations, the correct tone in e-mails and letters and table manners are just some of the topics that can prepare you for a successful trip to Germany.

   This book is divided into three sections. The first section contains ten main behavior tips. The second section will provide you with a few guidelines on applying for a job in Germany, and the last few chapters contain tips on the more confusing aspects of German business culture, such as carrying out negotiations, networking and dealing with conflicts.

   Because these tips can be helpful for both Germans and foreigners, we have written the book in both German and English. As a foreigner, you should take advantage of the dual(雙重的) language aspect of the book, and refer to the dictionary to help you understand key terms. Finally, remember that cultural differences might seem difficult at first, but they are also what attract us to foreign cultures and essentially make doing business in foreign countries challenging and interesting.

If you have an argument with a German while doing business and want to solve the problem, which part of the book will you read? ______

A. Section 1.    B. Section 2.       C. Section 3.       D. The introduction.

Who would most likely buy this book?  _______  

A. Foreigners who study Germany.

B. Business professionals working in England.

C. Englishmen who travel in Germany.    

D. Business professionals working in Germany.

Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?    

A. To do business in Germany, correct behaviors with colleagues and customers are very important.

B. To find a job in a German company, you need to understand the German business culture.

C. The book mainly provides guidelines to help you handle only predictable situations.

D. Carrying out negotiations, networking and dealing with conflicts are useful when doing business in Germany.

What do you think makes the author write the book in both German and English?   ______

A. The author wants to help the business professionals or students in Germany.

B. Cultural differences are reflected in language differences.

C. German is so difficult that it may confuse foreigners.    

D. The book is useful for both Germans and foreigners.

From this passage, we can learn that _________.   

A. the author thinks it’s easy to do business with Germans

B. the author puts forward some suggestions in the book

C. this book is good because it applies many theories    

D. this book has predicted all possible situations


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Sometimes life makes more sense when you look at it in reverse (相反). That's certainly been true for me.

Last Christmas, at 39, I caught a disease which attacked my knees and eyes. At its worst I could hardly walk or see. For months I' d have to crawl (爬) across the floor to use the bathroom or get a drink of water when my husband wasn't home. For a while I could only see shapes and colors so I couldn't drive.

My parents kept begging me to let them come out to stay with me in Los Angeles, but our apartment is small and I knew there was nothing they could really do to help me. For the excellent health insurance my husband had through his job, I was receiving the best medical care possible.

My only problem was that I couldn't drive to my doctors' appointments and I didn't want my husband to keep missing work to drive me. Three days after I explained this to my parents, a check came from them with a note saying this was "taxi money". Several months later another check showed up from my brother to help make up our income since I wasn't able to work. It probably goes without saying that I was extremely grateful to have family members who could and would support me during the hard time.

In terms of my day-to-day existence, I live in a village within Los Angeles called Brentwood so I was able to walk to the local post office, market, bank, and library. But once there, I had to depend on the kindness of strangers to help me. Los Angeles is a big city, but I lived in a village with a wonderful community (社區(qū)) of people who were kind and patient.

Slowly I became well. Life was good again and I thought I had a clear understanding of the blessings (恩惠) this illness has provided.

When the author's husband was at home, he __________.

A. was still busy working

B. often had a good rest

C. often helped her a lot

D. taught her to drive a car

Why did the author not want her husband to drive her to her doctors' appointments?

A. Her husband didn't drive well.

B. Her husband was too busy.

C. She didn't want to affect his work.

D. Her doctor was far away from her.

What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?

A. The help that the author received from her family members.

B. The influence of the author's disease on her family.

C. The author's thanks to her family members.

D. The way the author saw her doctors.

What did the author feel about Brentwood?

A. She thought it was small but convenient.

B. She felt it was hard to live there.

C. She thought it was small and strange.

D. She felt warm and comfortable there.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

I was sleeping in my room when my bed started shaking and a loud noise was heard. I woke up and my mom was screaming my name. Next moment I was running along with my younger sister, mom and dad. Before I ran out of the door, I realized my elder sister hadn’t come out yet. So I screamed her name at the top of my voice. My mom said she had gone to her class. Then the four of us, along with many others, were running on the staircase. We lived on the seventh floor, so I thought we would not be able to make it and the building would fall before we managed to reach even the fourth floor. My dad’s head was injured by something falling down. I did try to put my hand over his head. When we reached the sixth floor, the building split into two. We had no way to get down.

The next thing I remember is silence. There were around 30 people on the staircase and none could react. Five minutes later, someone opened the door of the sixth-floor flat. We all went in. We were wondering how would get down. From the balcony of the sixth-floor flat, I saw people standing on the ground floor. All eyes were stuck on us. I could see my elder sister crying.

Our first hope of surviving came when a worker climbed a rope to where we were. That was the first time we thought maybe we could get down. Half an hour passed and we were still trapped. Finally RSS people arrived with ropes. They got people down one by one. My biggest worry was how my dad would get down. Finally after two and a half hours, we all got down.

That day we saw the power of nature. It has taken more than two years to build the flats and it took just one and a half minutes to destroy the structure.

What is this passage mainly about?

       A. Ways to survive an earthquake.

       B. Reasons why earthquakes happen.

       C. The love of parents in an earthquake.

       D. The writer’s experience in an earthquake.

When the building split into two, the writer and his family ____________.

       A. were still sleeping                                       

B. were trapped on the sixth floor

       C. were looking for a family member                                                          

D. were running on the staircase of the seventh floor

The first time the writer thought they would probably survive was when            .

       A. he was encouraged by people on the ground floor

       B. someone opened the door of the sixth-floor flat

       C. a worker climbed up on a rope

       D. RSS people arrived with ropes

The earthquake made the writer realize that                       .

       A. there is always hope for people

       B. the power of nature is really great

       C. natural disasters can happen any time

       D. human beings are strong in natural disasters


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Electronic waste, or e-waste, refers to electronic products that are no longer usable. This can include TVs, cell phones and computers and other office electronics, electronic toys and videos machines. Today, the average turnover(更換)rate for a computer in the United States is every two years, according to the environmental group, Greenpeace.

The group's Dai Yun says e-waste is a global problem. "The electronic industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The high speed of growth in this industry means more and more electronic products are being wasted and thrown away. If no one decides to retrieve the old products and process them properly, the electronic waste will sweep over the earth like the huge wave behind me and pollute the Earth seriously."

Greenpeace works out that 20 to 50 million tons of e-waste are produced globally each year. The components(部件)in many electronic products contain harmful chemicals that pollute ground water and the environment.

At present , the U.S. has no federal law for the disposal (處理) of e-waste although a few states have e-waste recycling programs in place, but there is no law. The U.S. exports much of its e-waste to third world countries, such as India and China, where workers took apart computers for valuable parts, hoping to sell them for money. But harmful wastes expert, Dr. Bakul Rao, says that's a dangerous practice. "From now on, the recyclers are not very educated. All they know is they can retrieve copper or gold out of it. So, the easiest way to do that is leach (過濾) it out in an acid or burn it off to retrieve it. So, that's where they don't know how to deal with it, neither do they have any health systems in place. So, their exposure is more."

What does the underlined word "retrieve" (paragraph 2) probably mean?

A. look into   B. take apart   C. get back   D. throw away

What of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. The U.S. has strict national laws for dealing with e-waste.

B. Third world countries import e-waste to get valuable parts, which is a safe and easy way to make money.

C. The way uneducated workers deal with old computers does great harm to the environment as well as to their own health.

D. More and more electronic waste is being wasted and thrown away mainly because of people's bad habits.

What is the purpose of writing the passage?

A. To attract more people's attention to e-waste.

B. To call on people not to throw away e-waste anywhere.

C. To tell people what e-waste is and how to deal with it well.

D. To warn people to break away from the electronic industry.

The next paragraph probably concerns ___.

A. how to deal with e-waste properly

B. how to protect ourselves from harm by e-waste

C. How to slow down the development in the electronic industry

D. how to make full use of e-waste


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

       The tea gardens in Sri Lanka are actually large estates(種植園). The best tea usually comes from plants grown on high grounds, the cool hilltops with rows and rows of tea plants. The plants are about one metre apart. The plant is often pruned so that it remains only 60 to 90 centimetres high. Pruning is important because it encourages the growth of tender shoots, or young leaves. It is from these shoots that the best tea is got.

       Practically all the tea pickers are women. The estates prefer to employ women pickers because they are more careful. Their thin fingers can easily remove the twin leaves and new shoots from the plant, which are the parts used for processing(加工) tea. The pickers carry large baskets into which they throw their pickings. A skilled worker can harvest between 9 to 14 kilogrammes of tea leaves a day. Usually new shoots can be picked from the plants about every ten or fifteen days.

       Processing tea shoots into the familiar dry tea leaves requires great care and skill .There are various methods of processing depending on the type of tea required .For black tea ,the young green leaves are first spread out o shelves to dry. This process removes much of its water and the leaves become soft. After this ,the leaves are passed through heavy rollers .This operation will press the leaves for juices which give the tea both its colour and taste .Then the leaves are spread out on floors and left to ferment (發(fā)酵)under wet conditions. Fermentation develops the rich taste of black tea .The fermented leaves are then dried with a hot-air blower until they become rolled-up black leaves .The final step is to sort and grade them before the black tea is ready for sale to countries all over the world.

68.In the first paragraph ,the word “pruning” means       .

  A.regular cutting of the plants    B.frequent watering

  C.regular use of chemicals         D.growing the plants high in the mountain

69.One of the reasons why women are employed to do the picking is that        .

  A.they work harder than men do in the picking

  B.they can throw their pickings more easily into the baskets

  C.their fingers fit them better for the job.

  D.they can more easily find the twin leaves.

70.How many processing steps are mentioned in the last paragraph?

  A.Three.    B.Four.    C.Five.    D.Six.

71.What is the writer’s purpose in writing the passage?

  A.To introduce various methods of tea processing.

  B.To persuade readers to buy tea from Sri Lanka.

  C.To tell a story that had happened in the tea gardens.

  D.To inform readers of tea growing ,picking and processing.

