





Insurance companies are normally willing to insure anything, but it must be unique to insure a dish. It was a unusual pie dish, for it was eighteen feet in long and six feet in width. They had been purchased by a local authority so that an enormous pie could baked for an annual fair. The pie committee decided that the best way to transport would be by a canal, so they insured it for the trip. Short after it was launched, the pie committee went to the local inn to celebrate. In the same time, a number of teenager climbed on to the dish and held a little party of their own. Dancing proved to be more than the dish could bear, but during the party it capsized (傾覆) and sink in seven feet of water.

【答案】1. a改成an.

2. long 改成 length.

3. they 改成 it.

4. could 后加 be .


6. short 改成 shortly.

7. In 改成 At.

8. teenager 改成 teenagers.

9. but 改成 for 或 because .

10. sink 改成 sank

【解析】考查不定冠詞。a 用在以輔音開(kāi)頭的字母前,an 用在以元音開(kāi)頭的字母前。故將a改成an.

考查形容詞和名詞的用法。In是介詞,后面應(yīng)該跟名詞而不是形容詞,in length 表示(持續(xù))時(shí)間的長(zhǎng)短;故將long 改成 length.

考查主語(yǔ)一致性。前面句子的主語(yǔ)是it,所以后面也應(yīng)該是it,故將 they 改成 it.

考查情態(tài)動(dòng)詞的被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)。Pie fair之間的關(guān)系是被動(dòng)關(guān)系,情態(tài)動(dòng)詞+be+過(guò)去分詞。故could 后加 be 。


考查短語(yǔ)。Shortly after意為不久之后,故short 改成 shortly.

考查介詞。同時(shí)應(yīng)該是at the same time.故將 In 改成 At.

考查名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式。a number of 表示一些,應(yīng)該用復(fù)數(shù)形式。故將teenager 改成 teenagers。

考查連詞。此處表原因,并不是表轉(zhuǎn)折,故將but 改成 for because。

考查動(dòng)詞的過(guò)去式。and前后時(shí)態(tài)應(yīng)該保持一致,capsized用了過(guò)去式,sink也應(yīng)該用過(guò)去式sank,故將 sink 改成 sank。


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:


A new football competition,Man V Fat,has been organize recently in England.1 (judge) from the name, it is easy to guess that players can only join if they are fat. They can only win when they score or lose 2(pound) after each game.So,the aim of this competition is 3(get) overweight men to do regular exercise.

Jay Ali,a bank manager,4(find) it a brilliant idea.He said,“I don’t want to go to weight loss classes in 5almost all participants are women.And I don’t want to play football with my friends who are all 6 (fat)than me,so this gives me the perfect opportunity to exercise with guys who are the same7 me.Here,no one judges me,so I don’t have to get8(embarrass)”.Mr Shanahan from Staffordshire shared the same opinion,“I took part in the competition after getting fed up with weight loss classes which were 9(main) filled with women.”

10 seems that this football competition has offered overweight men an effective way to lose weight.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

“I never did hate the Yankees (北方佬). All that I hated was the war...” That's how my great-aunt Bettie began her story. I heard it many times as a child, whenever my family visited Aunt Bettie in the old house in Berryville, Virginia.
Bettie Van Metre had good reason to hate the Civil War. Her brother was killed at Gettysburg, and her husband, James, a Confederate (南方聯(lián)盟軍) officer, was taken prisoner and sent to an unknown prison camp somewhere.
One day in late September, Dick came to Bettie reporting that he had found a wounded Union soldier in a farmhouse half a mile away from the Van Metre home. When talking about her first sight of the man in the blood-spotted blue uniform, she always used the same words. “It was like walking into a nightmare: those awful bandages, that terrible smell.” She went out into the cool air, trying not to be sick at the thought of that smashed right hand, that missing left leg.
The man’s papers Bettie found in the farmhouse showed his identity: Henry Bedell, 30 years old. She knew that she should report the presence of this Union officer to the Confederate army, but she wouldn't. This is how she explained it: “I kept wondering if he had a wife somewhere, hoping, and not knowing—just as I was. It seemed to me that the only thing that mattered was to get her husband back to her.”
Slowly, patiently, skillfully, Aunt Bettie fanned the spark of life in Henry Bedell. Of drugs or medicines she had almost none. And she was not willing to take any from the few supplies at the Confederate hospital. But she did the best she could with what she had.
The October nights in the valley grew cold. With the help of Dick and his wife, she moved the Union officer at night, to a hidden room above the warm kitchen of her own home. But the next day, Bedell had a high fever. Knowing that she must get help, she went to her family doctor, Graham Osborne. Dr. Osborne examined Bedell and said, “there was little hope unless proper medicines could be found.”
“I'll get them from the Yankees at Harpers Ferry.” Bettie said. The doctor told her that Harpers Ferry was almost 20 miles away. Even if she reached them, the Yankees would never believe her. “I'll take proof,” Bettie said. She found a blood-spotted paper bearing the official War Department seal (印章). “When I show it, they'll believe me.”
Early the next morning she set off with a list of medical items. For five hours she drove, stopping only to rest her horse. The sun was almost down when she finally stood before the general at Harpers Ferry. The general listened, but did not believe her. “Madam,” he said, “Bedell's death was reported to us.” “He's alive,” Bettie insisted. “But he won't be much longer unless he has the medicines on that list.” “Well,” the general turned to a junior officer, “see that Mrs. Van Metre gets the supplies.”
With the medicines, Bedell gradually recovered. Ten days later he was walking with sticks. “I'd better go back as soon as possible.” Bedell told Bettie. So it was arranged that Dick should help Bettie deliver Bedell to Harpers Ferry in his wagon. Bedell lay down in a box filled with hay, his rifle and sticks beside him.
At Harpers Ferry, the soldiers were amazed when the Union officer with the missing leg rose from his hay-filled box. Bedell told the story to Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, who wrote a letter of thanks to Bettie and signed an order to free James Van Metre. It was arranged for Bedell to go with Bettie as she searched for her husband. Records showed that a James Van Metre had been sent to a prison camp in Ohio. Then at Fort Delaware, near the end of the line of prisoner, a tall man stepped out and walked clumsily into Bettie's arms. Bettie held him, tears streaming down her face. And Henry Bedell, standing by on his sticks, wept, too.
(1)Why wouldn’t Bettie report the presence of Bedell to the Confederate army?
A.Because she felt it her responsibility to save soldiers of the Union.
B.Because she wanted to save Bedell so that her husband could be freed.
C.Because Bedell was more a suffering human being than an enemy to Bettie.
D.Because Bedell begged Bettie not to give him away to the Confederate army.
(2)Dr. Osborn thought it was ______ of Bettie Van Metre to drive to Harpers Ferry for the medicines.
(3)Still recovering, Henry Bedell decided to leave as soon as possible mainly because ______.
A.he was eager to return to the Union to fight
B.he didn’t want to go on putting Bettie in danger
C.he was concerned about his safety at the Van Metre home
D.he could be treated with better medicines back at Harpers Ferry
(4)Rearrange the following statements in terms of time order.
a. Bettie's husband was found and freed.
b. Bettie helped deliver Bedell back to Harpers Ferry.
c. Bettie moved Bedell to a safe room in her own house.
d. Bettie drove all the way to Harpers Ferry to get the medicines for Bedell.
e. In spite of being short of medicines, Bettie attended to Bettie with what she had.
f. Bettie saw Bedell in a farmhouse half a mile away from her house for the first time.
A.f, e, c, b, d, a
B.f, c, e, d, b, a
C.f, e, c, d, b, a
D.f, c, e, b, d, a
(5)What message is conveyed through the end of the story?
A.Giving is a reward in itself.
B.Happiness comes from giving.
C.Help yourself by helping others.
D.God helps those who help themselves.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

At the news that the war , people cheered and jumped with joy.
books in the library are lost,so the school has decided to take some action.
The castle wasin the war and now it is .
When they met for the first time,the old miner gold.
At the news that his son was ill in hospital,he rushed to the hospital .
She treats him he a stranger,which makes him very sad.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

We discuss the issue of when to help a patient die. Doctors of our generation are not newcomers to this question. Going back to my internship(實(shí)習(xí))days, I can remember many patients in pain, sometimes in coma(昏迷), with late, hopeless cancer. For many of them, we wrote an order for heavy medication—morphine(嗎啡)by the clock. This was not talked about openly and little was written about it. It was essential, not controversial.
The best way to bring the problem into focus is to describe two patients whom I cared for. The first, formerly a nurse, had an automobile accident. A few days later her lungs seemed to fill up; her heart developed dangerous rhythm disturbances. So there she was: in coma, on a breathing machine, her heartbeat maintained with an electrical device. One day after rounds, my secretary said the husband and son of the patient wanted to see me. They told me their wife and mother was obviously going to die; she was a nurse and had told her family that she never wanted this kind of terrible death, being maintained by machines. I told them that while I respected their view, there was nothing deadly about her situation. The kidney(腎) failure she had was just the kind for which the artificial kidney was most effective. While possibly a bit reassured, they were disappointed. Here was the head surgeon seemingly determined to keep everybody alive, no matter what.
Within a few days the patient's pacemaker(起搏器) could be removed and she awoke from her coma. About six months later, the door of my office opened and in walked a gloriously fit woman. After some cheery words of appreciation, the father and son asked to speak to me alone. As soon as the door closed, both men became quite tearful. All that came out was, "We want you to know how wrong we were."
The second patient was an 85-year-old lady whose hair caught fire while she was smoking. She arrived with a deep burn; I knew it would surely be deadly. As a remarkable coincidence there was a meeting for discussion going on at the time in medical ethics(道德). The speaker asked me if I had any sort of ethical problem I could bring up for discussion. I described the case and asked the students their opinion. After the discussion, I made a remark that was, when looking back, a serious mistake. I said, "I'll take the word back to the nurses about her and we will talk about it some more before we decide." The instructor and the students were shocked: "You mean this is a real patient?" The teacher of ethics was not accustomed to being challenged by actuality. In any event, I went back and met with the nurses. A day or two later, when she was making no progress and was suffering terribly, we began to back off treatment. Soon she died quietly and not in pain. As a reasonable physician, you had better move ahead and do what you would want done for you. And don't discuss it with the world first. There is a lesson here for everybody. Assisting people to leave this life requires strong judgment and long experience to avoid its misuse.
(1)In the early days when a patient had got a deadly, hopeless illness, _____.
A.doctors used to ask the patient to go back home and wait for death
B.doctors would write all their treatment plan on the patient's medical record
C.doctors would talk about their treatment plan openly
D.usually doctors would inject more morphine into the patient to end his life
(2)In the second paragraph, why were they disappointed?
A.Their wife and mother was going to die.
B.They doctor didn't do as they asked to.
C.Their wife and mother had to receive a kidney transplant.
D.The doctor scolded them for their cruelty
(3)At the meeting, the author discussed with the students_____.
A.how to help patients end their lives
B.the importance of mercy killing
C.the relationship between mercy killing and ethics
D.the case about an old lady
(4)The author suggested that doctors_____ before they assist a patient in killing himself.
A.discuss it with the others first
B.make sure there is no other choice left
C.be required to do so first by the patient
D.give the patient enough morphine
(5)Which of the following can best describe the author?


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

I'm a TV show host. One Sunday, I took my 7-year-old daughter by the sea for lunch. On arriving at the beach, I saw JoJo, a wealthy man in the hotel business. We sat down to chat in an open air cafe while I watched my daughter enjoy herself on the swings in front of us. Our conversation varied from business to entertainment to the economy.
Suddenly our conversation was interrupted by a stranger, who politely asked permission to speak to me. Often people want to tell me something about my controversial TV show, when I'm out on the streets.
He asked to speak to me privately, so we stood a bit away from my table. He said, “I'm James, 35 years old, father of a 7-year-old girl, who's very sick. She needs treatment abroad. The doctors said that if she was treated in the UK, she would probably survive. But I'm poor, so can you please help me?”
Speechless, I stared in the man's eyes full of tears and asked how I could help. After we talked for a while, I went to sit back at the table. JoJo asked me, “What's wrong with you? Your face changed.” I told him and he was very sorry for this family and said I had the means through the media to help him. Later we headed off to our destinations(目的地).
All weekend I thought about James, his daughter and his family. I even considered doing a special TV show to raise money for this sick child.
On Monday morning I was at the office after I finished presenting my show, when my secretary said a man needed to speak to me. It was JoJo. He walked into my office. Actually JoJo is so busy with his hotel business that I never imagined he had time to come and see me at the studios.
“Please, call the man with the sick child and tell him that I'll pay all expenses for his sick daughter's treatment.” JoJo said, with a check in his hand. “I've been married for 35 years. I wasn't lucky enough to have a child. I want to help this child now.” I picked up the phone to call James.
Now James' daughter is well and living a normal life, so James and his wife are the happiest couple on earth. JoJo often visits her. I'm so happy that there are so many good people on this earth.
(1)The writer went to the beach to ______________.
A.meet JoJo on purpose
B.make a TV show
C.have lunch with his daughter
D.help James
(2)James asked to speak privately to the writer rather than JoJo probably because __________.
A.He didn't know that JoJo was wealthy
B.He thought a TV show host could help him through the media
C.He believed that rich people were seldom willing to help others
D.He knew that the writer was a warm-hearted TV show host
(3)The writer was ________ when he heard that JoJo came to his office to see him.
(4)Which is True according to the story?
A.The writer was cold-hearted and refused to give help.
B.It was very impolite of James to ask the writer for help.
C.Both James and the writer were bad-tempered.
D.JoJo was full of love and was willing to help the James.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

(1)He (時(shí)常)takes a walk in the morning.
(2)I don't want to make the (航海) by myself.
(3)The President was leaving for a four-day (正式的) visit to Mexico.
(4)(事實(shí)上), on second thoughts, I don't think I will go out with him.
(5)It is said that the (身份) of the woman is still unclear.
(6)The teacher advised him to build his v by doing more reading.
(7)Go s ahead, and you will find the entrance.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

【題目】Eating nuts and peanuts reduces the risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke, a new study claims. Researchers found they were linked with a reduced risk of death from heart disease among people on low incomes.And they believe their findings suggest peanuts may be a cost-effective measure to improve cardiovascular(心血管) health because they are so cheap.
However, experts cautioned today that salt-covered nuts would not have the same health benefits. Nuts are rich in nutrients and peanuts, although classified as one bean, have nutrients similar to tree nuts.
The new study, led by Dr Xiao-Ou Shu, of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Tennessee, analysed various groups of people.One involved 72,000 low-income black and white men and women living in the US, the other 134,000 men and women living in Shanghai, China.In both groups, men ate more peanuts than women.In the US group, about half of the nuts consumed were peanuts, and in the Chinese group only peanut consumption was considered..
The researchers found that overall, eating nuts reduced the risk of death from heart disease.This was regardless of gender, race, body condition, smoking, alcohol consumption and conditions such as diabetes(糖尿病), high blood pressure and obesity.
In the US, the highest consumption resulted in a risk reduction of 21 per cent. In the Chinese group, it was 17 per cent.
Dr Shu said: 'We observed no significant associations between nut or peanut consumption and risk of death due to cancer and diabetes.She added the findings highlight the large public health impact of nut or peanut consumption in lowering deaths from heart disease - especially for their affordability.
The research was published in JAMA Internal Medicine.
Dr Mitchell Katz, deputy editor of the journal, added: 'Of course, peanuts are not really nuts - they are legumes since they grow in bushes, unlike tree nuts.'But who cares if they help us to live longer at an affordable price?'
(1)Peanuts are considered very useful in improving heart health mainly because______.
A.Nuts are rare.
B.People can afford to buy peanuts.
C.Peanuts are people's favorite.
D.peanuts and nuts are the same.
(2)According to the passage,which of the following statements is true?
A.Peanuts are classified as nuts.
B.The Chinese eat less peanuts than Americans.
C.Peanuts have no effects on cancer.
D.People care if they can live longer.
(3)In paragraph 2,the underlined word “cautioned”is probably the closest to____.

(4)Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.Peanuts: a best nut
B.Peanuts: People's favorite
C.Peanuts: a medicine for all
D.More peanuts, fewer deaths.


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

【題目】How to Communicate With a Deaf Person

Communicating with a deaf person doesn’t have to be as difficult as it might seem. The trick is to be patient, straightforward, and to remember that deaf people communicate visually. Before you know it, you’ll forget you were ever worried!

Method 1: Staring Your Conversation

1You can do this by moving into the person’s field of vision and waving from a polite distance, or by tapping the person gently on the shoulder. If it’s a real emergency, you can also turn the lights off and on quickly.

Position yourself carefully. Make sure that the light in the room is shining directly onto your face, and that you’re not standing with your back to a light. 2

Find out how the person prefers to communicate. Some deaf people are better lip-readers than others. Some deaf people may prefer to write back and forth or to use an interpreter. Man interactions between the deaf and the hearing require a combination of these methods. 3

Method 2: Communicating through Lip-reading.

Keep your sentences simple and use plain language. 4The more complex your phrasing and vocabulary, the more likely your deaf companion is to miss something. Try to avoid using slang or expressions that aren’t widely known.

When someone else is speaking, don’t turn away from the deaf person in your group. 5You don’t have to look at the deaf person while someone else is talking, but try to make sure your face is visible.

A. Get the person’s attention.

B. It’s important not talk too quickly.

C. Or, they’ll miss parts of the conversation.

D. If so, it’ll make them feel left out of the conversation.

E. Stand directly in front of the person, at a normal distance.

F. The best way to know which methods are most effective is to ask.

G. Try not to be too difficult when using your words in the beginning.

