Listening Comprehension

Section A(22.5 marks)

Directions:In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers.For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C.Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.

You will hear each conversation TWICE.

Conversation 1

1.Who is supposed to attend the meeting?




2.When does the meeting start?

A.At 3∶30.

B.At 3∶15.

C.At 3∶00.

Conversation 2

3.What can we learn about Bill?

A.He just got out of trouble.

B.He did something right.

C.He enjoyed the film.

4.What kind of film does the woman prefer?




Conversation 3

5.What is the woman's problem?

A.She hasn't got a ticket.

B.She can't find her luggage.

C.She can't afford the extra charge.

6.Who is the woman probably talking to?

A.A taxi driver.

B.A railway clerk.

C.A hotel manager.

Conversation 4

7.What is the mother probably doing?



C.Resting in bed.

8.Why does the pizza cooked by the father turn out to be bad?

A.Because he followed the recipe strictly.

B.Because one page of the recipe is missing.

C.Because he is using the directions for a different food.

9.What can we learn from the dialogue?

A.The father seldom does housework.

B.They decide not to eat that evening.

C.The girl is too particular about food.


10.Where did the man meet Claudia?

A.On the Internet.

B.At a music store.

C.At a class discussion

11.What is the relationship between the man and Claudia?

A.Web friends.

B.Close friends.

C.Boy friend and girl friend.

12.What does the woman suggest about greeting Claudia?

A.Arriving on time.

B.Using her family name.

C.Bringing her some flowers.

Conversation 6

13.Why is the man now more interested in surfing?

A.Because it is a water sport.

B.Because his friend is good at surfing.

C.Because it is more challenging than sailing.

14.How long is it since the man began to learn surfing?

A.One year.

B.Two years.

C.Three years.

15.How many sports items are mentioned?




Section B(7.5 marks)

Directions:In this section, you will hear a short passage.Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard.Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.You will hear the short passage TWICE.


  答案:C B C B A B C B A A A C C A B six a cross Face and head Body feet





  M:Hello, International Friends Club.Can I help you?

  W:Oh, hello.I read about your club in the paper today and I thought I'd phone to find out a bit more.

  M:Yes, certainly.Well, we're a sort of social club for people from different countries.It's quite a new club-we have about 50 members at the moment but we're growing all the time.

  W:That sounds interesting.I'm British actually, and I came to Washington about three months ago.I'm looking for ways to meet people.What kind of events do you organize?

  M:Well, we have social get-togethers, and sports events, and also have language evenings.

  W:Could you tell me something about the language evenings?

  M:Yes, every day except Thursday we have a language evening.People can come and practice their languages.We have different languages on different evenings.Monday-Spanish; Tuesday-Italian; Wednesday-German; and Friday-French.On Thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant for anyone who wants to come.

  W:Well, that sounds great.I really need to practice my French.

  M:OK.Well, if you can just give me your name and address, I'll send you the form and some more information.If you join now you can have the first month free.



  Section A

  Directions:In this section, you'll hear six conversations between two speakers.For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices.Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions.You will hear each conversation TWICE.

  Questions One and two are based on Conversation One.You now have ten seconds to read the questions.

  Conversation 1

  W:Do you know where Tom is, Sam?

  M:Sorry, I don't know.

  W:Oh, my God!

  M:What's the matter?

  W:He is supposed to be at the meeting a quarter later.But I can't find him anywhere.

  M:Oh, I remember something.John told me that Tom went out for lunch at about a quarter to two and would not come back until 3∶30.

  W:Then he will be late for the meeting.

  M:What's the time now?

  W:Three o'clock.

  M:Don't worry.I'll call him.

  Questions three and four are based on Conversation Two.You now have ten seconds to read the questions.

  Conversation 2

  W:Hi, Bill, you look happy.

  M:Yes, I'm just seeing a very funny film on TV.

  W:What was it about?

  M:It was about a careless man who got into trouble wherever he went.He couldn't do anything right.

  W:So you liked it?

  M:Yes, I did.It made me laugh a lot.

  W:But I'd rather see something not only interesting but also instructive.

  M:Oh, Jane, don't be so serious.People sometimes need relaxation.

  Questions five and six are based on Conversation Three.You now have ten seconds to read the questions.

  Conversation 3

  W:Now, look.I do understand the rules, but I'm in a great hurry.If I'm to catch my flight, I just have to get on this train.

  M:Well, you'll have to go back to buy a ticket.

  W:I can't do that with all this heavy luggage!Can't I get a ticket on the train?

  M:Yes.But there'll be an extra charge.

  W:Well, I've got no choice, but I don't think it's fair.

  Questions seven to nine are based on Conversation Four.You now have fifteen seconds to read the questions.

  Conversation 4

  M:Time to eat!

  W:Coming.Oh, I'm so hungry that I could eat a horse…Oh!What's that?And where is mom?

  M:Mom put me in charge of dinner for she's not feeling well tonight.

  W:But what is it?And that smell?

  M:It's pizza.I just followed an old family recipe here, and…

  W:Let me see that…Oh, Dad, you're missing a page!

  M:Oh, uh, well, uh…well I couldn't find the second page of the recipe, but don't worry.I have plenty of experience around the house.Plenty of experience in cooking.

  W:That's not what mom says.

  M:Well, wait.Let me try a piece first.Oh….It is great.

  W:Why are you making that face?

  M:Well, it's just, just a little rich for me.

  W:Let me try it, Dad.You put a little too much salt in it and besides, it's burnt.

  M:Well, okay, what can we do now?

  W:How about some cold noodles?

  Questions ten to twelve are based on Conversation Five.You now have fifteen seconds to read the questions.

  Conversation 5

  M:Hey, Lucy, I'd like to ask you a question.

  W:Yes, go ahead.

  M:Well, don't laugh.But, I met this nice woman through an online music group.I need some advice.You see, Claudia.

  W:Ok.So it's Claudia.

  M:Yeah, yeah.She invited me to spend two weeks in Germany.She is planning on introducing me to her parents.What should you do when you greet someone for the first time in Germany?

  W:Well, it depends upon your relationship with the person, now speaking of your girlfriend Claudia.

  M:Hey, I didn't say she was my girlfriend.

  W:Oh, ok.Now if you are meeting someone for the first time, like Claudia's parents, you should make sure you arrive on time.

  M:Ok, so arrive on time.Err, what about common greetings?

  W:Well, Germans often shake hands and they use the person's family name unless they are really close friends.

  M:Ok, what about with Claudia?

  W:You can call her Claudia, shake hands, and why don't you take her some flowers?

  Questions seven to nine are based on Conversation six.You now have fifteen seconds to read the questions.

  Conversation 6

  W:I hear you've given up sailing.

  M:Not completely.I still go every now and then, but I'm much more interested in surfing nowadays.It's more of a challenge, but I still go out in a boat occasionally.

  W:When did you begin to show interest in surfing?

  M:It was last summer.My friend invited me to go with him.He is an expert in surfing.At first I just watched.But he kept encouraging me to have a try.So I did it.I felt it was fantastic.Always up and down with the waves, and it can always keep me in high spirits.

  W:Do you like any other sport?Like football?

  M:I have no interest in ball games or any other sports.But I like all water sports.Besides sailing, surfing, in the future, I may try water skiing, windsurfing or something else.

  Section, B

  Directions.In this section, you will hear a short passage.Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard.Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.You will hear the short passage TWICE.

  Drawing a cartoon rabbit is a simple task.Now get a pen and let's get started!

  You can just begin with a simple rabbit framework.Rabbits usually look cutest when they stand upright.Draw six circles arranged in such a way so that your cartoon rabbit will be sitting in an upright position.After that, go ahead and map out the face with a cross.Then draw a couple of lines of about equal length to put some nice long rabbit ears in place.

  The second step is to draw the face and head.Remember, the framework is only a guideline.You don't necessarily need it, but it does help to keep balance.

  Let's come to the final step.Draw the body and finish it off with details.With the head in place, move down to draw the feet, paws and finally, the body of your cartoon rabbit.When you have finished, be sure to sketch in some well-placed details, such as the insides of the ears, lines for toes and so on.Get creative!


科目:高中英語 來源:2010年福建省廈門市杏南中學(xué)高二上學(xué)期10月月考英語卷 題型:閱讀理解

Pressure too much?
In our daily life we are used to hearing these words, “I can't wait for my holiday,” “I wish I could stay home today” And “I'm very tired.” These words come from pressure at work. Now the “iron rice bowl”(鐵飯碗) is being broken into pieces. Workers may be fired if they don’t perform their duties well. They have to do their jobs better.
People feel pressure not only because they might find themselves out of work but also because they get no real pleasure from their work. For most of the workers, work is just a way of earning money. It appears to be meaningless and worthless.
But pressure is a natural part of work. There is no way to keep away from it. We should face up to it.
Work should be a cause of happiness and pride rather than a punishment or a burden .In fact, a certain amount of pressure can provide challenge and chance for learning. To a modern man who is worried and low in spirit, developing a hobby and finding a new interest is of first importance. I like listening to pop music, which makes me calm and gives me pleasure.
If pressure becomes difficult to deal with, we should turn to our friends or families. We can have a drink with our friends and talk about the problem. We should always discuss our problems with our families. Good advice, warmth and happiness that families bring to us can reduce our pressure and encourage us to smooth away all difficulties.
【小題1】Peopel feel pressure at work mainly because ______.

A.they will lose their jobs
B.most of them find less interest in their work
C.they can make more money after work.
D.they want to stay at home.
【小題2】Which of the following is WRONG in the writer’s opinion?
A.Where there is work there is pressure.
B.Work shouldn’t be regarded as punishment or burden.
C.All modern men are worried and low in spirit.
D.A certain amount of pressure is necessary.
【小題3】From the text we can know that when pressure is too big, ________.
A.we should drink coffee with our friends
B.we can get help and comfort from our friends or families.
C.we can go home because it is warm talk out the problem to our friends and families is the best way.


科目:高中英語 來源:2013屆浙江省慈溪中學(xué)高三第一次月考英語試題(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

It’s 10:30 p.m. and 11-year-old Brandon Blanco is sound asleep at home. Suddenly, a loud noise wakes him up. Naturally, Brandon reaches for his cell phone. He blinks twice, and the message on the screen becomes clear: “ R U awake?”
But the late-night text does not annoy Brandon. He gets frequent messages and calls, even after bedtime. And he can’t imagine life without them. “ If I didn’t have a cell phone, I wouldn’t be able to talk to my friends or family as often,” he told TFK.
Brandon’s use of technology doesn’t stop there. He also has a computer, a TV and three video-game consoles in his room. With so many choices, it is no surprise that when he is not at school, he spends nearly every waking minute using one or more of these devices. Brandon is hardly alone. According to a recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, kids aged 8 to 18 are spending more time than ever before using electronic devices. How much time? More than seven and a half hours a day on average, the study found. That’s about an hour more than just five years ago.
The jump is the result of a huge explosion in mobile devices, says Victoria Rideout, the lead author of the study. Today, nearly seven out of ten kids have cell phones. Just five years ago, it was four out of ten.
“ These devices have opened up many more opportunities for young people to use media, whether it’s on the bus, on the way to school or waiting in line at the pizza parlor,” says Rideout.
Often, kids multitask, or use more than one device at a time. “ If you’ve got a chance to do something on your computer and take a phone call and have the TV on in the background, why not?” Media expert Cheryl Olson says.
Most experts agree technology has much to offer kids. But some worry the kids could be missing out on other activities like playing outside or hanging out with friends. “ It’s a matter of balance,” says Olson. “ You’ve got to work on it.”
Multitasking while doing homework is another concern. Some kids listen to music, watch TV or use the phone while doing their homework. “It’s important to make sure that you can stop and concentrate on one thing deeply,” says Rideout.
Logan Jones, 11, of Maumelle, Arkansas, describes himself as a “game freak”. Still, he is glad not to have unlimited time with his PlayStation 2. “I’ll tell my mom I’m going to play a game, and she’ll say, ‘Okay, but only for 30 minutes,’”, Logan told TFK.
With new and exciting devices hitting stores every year, keeping technology use in check is more important than ever. “ Kids should try,” adds Rideout. “:But parents might have to step in sometimes.”
【小題1】The text is mainly about kids’ _________

A.cell phone useB.various hobbies
C.favorite video gamesD.using electronic devices
【小題2】It can be learnt from the text that _________.
A.Brandon feels annoyed about his late-night message.
B.Olson is against teenagers’ using mobile phones.
C.many teenagers lack friends in their middle school have too many electronic devices to choose from
【小題3】Which of the following is an example of multitasking?
A.Watching TV while using the computer
B.Talking on the phone while lying on the sofa.
C.Playing video games after having lunch.
D.Listening to loud music while relaxing.
【小題4】The underlined phrase “in check” in the last paragraph can be replaced by ______. control
【小題5】According to the text, Victoria Rideout would probably agree that kids should ____. homework while watching TV homework in a place without disturbance
C.spend more time on homework
D.have less homework


科目:高中英語 來源:2012-2013學(xué)年貴州省晴隆民族中學(xué)高一上學(xué)期期中考試英語卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

White was the owner of a private school in a town. Last year, he married one of his classmates.The beautiful woman spent much time in learning nothing during middle school.   But she wasn't worried about anything in the future, because her parents were very rich and could provide her with everything.So he could make poor Mr White listen to her. Mr White was busy in dealing with school affairs and his wife had to stay at home alone.But she hated the lonely and boring life.Her father introduced her to some businessmen who wanted to employ her .But she wanted to stay with children.So her husband was asked to allow her to work in his school.At first her husband didn't agree with her. She didn't supply money to him any more, so the poor man had to give in.Otherwise , his school would shut down for lack of her money. The woman could not teach students, because she knew neither maths nor physics.She thought she often played in the zoo,so she decided to teach biology.But she didn't know how to teach the subject at all.She thought hard, and finally she decided to bring the students to the zoo.
Pointing to a crocodile, she shouted ,”Look at it carefully! It’s a whale!”
“Excuse me ,madam,” said a student.   “It’s a crocodile!”
“Shut up!” Mr White said angrily.   “It’s a whale!”
【小題1】Why did Mr White have to employ Mrs White as a teacher ?

A.Because his school would shut down without her money.
B.Because Mrs White learned many things during school time.
C.Because no businessman wanted to employ Mrs White.
D.Because Mrs White knew something about biology.
【小題2】Which of the following is not true about Mrs White?
A.She was the daughter of a rich man.
B.She often went to the zoo to study animals.
C.She knew nothing about the subject of biology.
D.She was one of Mrs White’s classmates.
【小題3】What happened when Mrs White brought her students to the zoo?
A.The students didn't know whales and crocodiles.
B.Mrs White taught the right animals to her students.
C.A whale came up to the bank to have a breath.
D.Mrs White mistook a crocodile for a whale.
【小題4】Why didn't Mr White agree to accept his wife as a teacher?
A.Because he wanted to change his fate of listening to his wife.
B.Because he knew his wife could not be a good teacher.
C.Because his wife liked being at home.
D.Because his wife only knew something about maths and physics.


科目:高中英語 來源:2011屆廣東高州長坡中學(xué)高三第6周抽考英語卷 題型:閱讀理解

   Editor’s notes: AWL is well known for its dictionaries and English language teaching materials. Some readers have written in to ask us for the latest information on high quality books on English, so here we introduce two texts that aim to improve spoken English fluency.
Let’s speak (Beginner)
By Bev Dusuya, Naoko Ozeki and Kevin Bergman
ISBN: 962001359X
Speak Up(Pre-Intermediate)
By Bev Kusuya, Nako Zeki
ISBN: 0583338050
“Teach the students about your culture and help them talk about their own.” How often are these worthy goals kept from being achieved by the limitations of your beginner level learners? Students at all levels want to talk about culture.
Topics include food, shopping, sports, fashion, the roles of men and women, health, music, and many more.
These are all chosen from surveys of over 15,000 students about their own interests in cross-cultural communication.
Let’s SpeakandSpeak Up” share a special but excellent way that allows all students to take part in.
The series has questions which start thinking and then help collect opinions about personal topics. Conversation practice is provided by ready to use (現(xiàn)成的)models of basic exchanges on the topic. Also, the cultural information presented in the series comes in the form of interesting, relevant(相關(guān)的)facts and ideas from other countries through listening tasks and Culture Quiz exercises.
Team activities in books provide lively problem solving games to enable sharing and comparison of cultural values.
Let’s Speak” is fit for entry level students of all ages. “Speak Up” provides for the needs of higher level beginners, offering the same careful listening and speaking help, but with slightly more open ended discussion.
For any information about AWL’s books, please get in touch with the following addresses:
Beijing Addison Wesley Longman Information Center
Room 2306, FLTRP Beijing
19 Xi San Huan Beilu, Beijing 100081
Tel: (010)68917488 (010) 68917788
Fax: (010) 68917499E-mail:
【小題1】In the sentence “Teach the students about your culture and help them talk about their own”, “your culture” here means the culture of           

A.the English native speakers B.the English learners
C.the readers of the two booksD.the readers of the newspaper
【小題2】Which of the following are mentioned about the two books in the passage above?
a.publisher       b.titles          c.content         d.writers 
e.prices          f.pages  number
A.a(chǎn),b,d,f B.a(chǎn),c,d,gC.b,c,d,eD.b,c,e,f
【小題3】The two books have in common everything EXCEPT         
A.the same interesting topics
B.the same level of learners
C.proper ways to excite the learners to talk
【小題4】The passage above is probably taken from the            section in a newspaper.


科目:高中英語 來源:2013屆山西省四校高三第四次聯(lián)考英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:寫作題

1. 不良習(xí)慣:浪費水、電、食物等;
2. 危害:增加父母經(jīng)濟負(fù)擔(dān),浪費自然資源;
3. 制止浪費的措施:(由自己設(shè)想)。
Dear friends,
May I have your attention, please? Now I’d like to make a speech here.
Thanks for listening.

