On that cold day, only_____handful of people were at the station, where I made_____ acquaintance of Mr. Smith.

       A.a(chǎn); an B.a(chǎn); the C.the; a D.the; the



考查冠詞用法。句意為“那天很冷,只有幾個人在車站,我就是在那里結(jié)識了Smith先生!盿 handful of…“少數(shù)的,少量的”,固定搭配;make the acquaintance of sb. Make one’s acquaintance“結(jié)識某人”。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

      Do you have any strong opinion on co-educational or single-sex schools?

      A supporter of co-educational schools would probably say that schools should be like the societies they belong to .In Hong Kong , men and women mix socially on a day-to-day basis .In many fields men are even likely to have female bosses .It is ,therefore, desirable that boys and girls grow up together ,go to school together ,and prepare themselves for a society that does not value sexual separation.

     Some would go on to argue further that growing up with members of the opposite sex is important for personal development .Regular contact (接觸)can remove the strange ideas about the opposite-sex and lead to more natural relationships .Single-sex conditions are seen as leading to more extreme opinions, and possibly even as encouraging homosexuality(同性戀),though there is no proof that this is the case.

     Those who are against coeducation often also fix their attention on the sexual side .Some parents fear that close contact with members of the opposite sex is dangerous for teenagers .They want their children to be attentive to their studies .Such parents feel uncomfortable with modern ways and the free mixing of the sexes.

     A stronger argument comes from research into school results .Girls grow up earlier than boys ,tend to be more orderly and are likely to be better at languages .In a mixed class ,boys who might do well in a single-sex class become discouraged and take on the rule of troublemaker .Certainly in the UK this situation has greatly alarmed (驚動)the government for it to be encouraging co-educational schools to have some single-sex classes .In the UK the best schools are all single-sex ,strongly suggesting that co-education is not the best answer .This may ,however ,not be as simple as it looks .It may simply be that the famous old schools that attract the best students happen to be single-sex ,rather than that being single-sex makes them better schools.

72.In the third paragraph ,by saying “though there is no proof that this is the case” ,the writer means that___

    A.students in single-sex schools will certainly become homosexual

    B.students in co-educational schools cannot have extreme opinions

    C.students in co-educational schools are likely to be homosexual

    D.single-sex school conditions may or may not have effects on the students.

73.All the following arguments can be found in the passage EXCEPT that       .

    A.co-education can produce a society-like situation

    B.co-educational schools may lead to love affairs between boys and girls

    C.co-education will help develop a better understanding about the opposite sex

    D.co-education can make boys perform well in mixed classes

74.Alarmed by the situation ,the UK government encourages        .


B.single-sex education

    C.single-sex classes in co-educational schools       

    D.co-educational classes in single-sex schools

75.At the end of the passage the writer suggests that        .

    A.single-sex schools are the best schools in the UK

    B.being single-sex does not necessarily make a school better

    C.co-educational schools are better for both sexes in personal development

    D.because boys cannot compete with girls in study ,they go to single-sex schools


科目:高中英語 來源:2012-2013學年江西景德鎮(zhèn)高一下期期末質(zhì)量檢測英語卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

This Mother’s Day will be the 8th year I have spent without my own mother. She passed away less than a month before Mother’s Day in the year 2000. She had been ill for almost two years, and I didn’t cry when she died, or at her funeral, but on that first Mother’s Day without her. On that day, I realized that this person I loved and depended on was gone forever.
She still lives in family memories, in the thoughts of her friends and co-workers, in the values she had instilled(灌輸) in her children, and in the lovely flower gardens that she had so carefully tended.
She loved her gladioli and irises. Each fall she would dig the bulbs out of the soil and carefully wrap them in paper. The bulbs would be stored until the following spring when they would be replanted. It seemed like a lot of effort to me, but each year her flower garden was more glorious than the year before. She put the same hard work into caring for her family, instilling in her children a sense of justice and fair play, compassion, and strong moral values so that we blossomed.
Share anecdotes about your mother’s life at your Mother’s Day party. Too often, we avoid speaking of those loved ones who have passed away, fearful that we will unearth sad feelings. It doesn’t have to be that way. Sharing fond memories and stories of the life we shared with her can be a healing process that binds(捆綁)the family together.
My mother passed away when her oldest grandchild was only eight years old. Children will enjoy sharing pictures and stories of the grandmother they may have never known or have little memory of. Sharing anecdotes to pass on to the next generation will give children a feeling of family history and continuity, and may be one of the best ways to honor our mothers and grandmothers who have gone before us.
【小題1】What does the underlined words “passed away” ( in Paragraph 1)mean?

【小題2】On the first Mother’s Day after mum died the author realized_______ .
A.mum had been dead for a long time B.mum had suffered a lot from the illness
C.it was true that mum had been dead D.it was impossible to depend on mum
【小題3】From the third paragraph we can infer that mum_______ .
A.loved her gladioli and irisesB.showed kindness to all her children
C.taught the children to plant patientlyD.had a good influence on the author
【小題4】At the Mother’s Day party people don’t mention their lost mums only because_______ .
A.they are simply afraid of causing sad feelings
B.they have forgotten their mums completely
C.they don’t love their mums any longer
D.they think their mums have passed away
【小題5】In order to show honor to our mothers and grandmothers we can _____ .
A.spend the Mother’s Day with our children
B.share the stories of them with the children
C.hold the Mother’s Day party every year
D.plant beautiful flowers in the family garden


科目:高中英語 來源:2012屆湖北省黃岡中學高三5月模擬考試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

On October 23, 2011, David Pologruto, a high school physics teacher, was stabbed (刺) by his smart student Jason Haffizulla. Jason got straight A’s and was determined to study medicine at Harvard, yet this was his downfall. His physics teacher gave Jason a B, a mark Jason believed would undermine (損害) his entrance to Harvard. After receiving his B, Jason took a butcher knife to school and stabbed his physics teacher.
How can someone as smart as Jason do something so dumb? Studies show there is little or no correlation between IQ and emotional intelligence.
During my early university years, I regarded myself as an intelligent guy. I got good marks in mathematics, physics, and other subjects. I thought such skills would surely give me a bright future. After one year of study with decent marks, I began to see two major classes of students. The first category of students turned up to few lectures, partied every weekend, enjoyed a great social life, and did minimal work to pass courses. The second category of students were intelligent and hard workers who got good grades and were very focused on their studies. Surely would these intelligent and hard-working students find the great jobs before the other lazier class of students?
Not so. Students are often shocked upon graduation that their qualifications are not as important as they once thought. Graduates enter the workforce only to realize that co-workers hate them and less intelligent people are the ones receiving promotions.
Educational skills are useless in some industries when interpersonal skills are absent. You can have great ideas, theories, and solve complex problems, but if you cannot effectively communicate in a persuasive and exciting manner by relating to your fellow humans, you will face an uphill battle in whatever challenges you encounter. It’s not that people dislike you because of your intelligence; it’s that people dislike you because you’re rude and not understanding. The intelligent person with poor communication skills is insensitive or unaware of others’ emotions.
【小題1】Jason Haffizulla stabbed his physics teacher because       .

A.he was unfairly treated by his teacher
B.he was disappointed with his downfall
C.he was not smart enough at studies
D.he got a worse mark than usual
【小題2】We can infer from the third paragraph that the author        in his early university years.
A.didn’t think communication skills were as important as intelligence
B.didn’t work hard
C.belonged to the first category of students
D.could keep a balance between social life and studies
【小題3】Intelligent people are hated because       .
A.they can solve more complex problems
B.they can’t settle the challenges they meet
C.they are envied for their intelligence
D.they are not understanding enough
【小題4】The main purpose of the text is to tell us       .
A.the relationship between IQ and emotional intelligence
B.what kind of students can succeed in college
C.smart people may have poorer communication skills
D.intelligent students will meet more challenges at work


科目:高中英語 來源:2012-2013學年山西省高三第二次模擬考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Trying to make a big decision while you’re also preparing for a scary presentation? You might want to hold off on that. Feeling stressed changes how people weigh risk and reward. However, an article published in Current Directions in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, suggests stressed people pay more attention to the positive sides of a possible outcome.

It’s a bit surprising that stress makes people focus on the way things could go right, says Mara Mather of the University of Southern California. She co-wrote the review paper with Nichole R.Lighthall. “This is sort of not what people would think, ” Mather says. “Stress is usually associated with negative experiences, so you’d think, maybe I’m going to be more focused on the negative outcomes.”

But researchers have found that when people are under stress, they start paying more attention to positive information and discounting negative information. “Stress seems to help people learn from positive feedback and impairs(削弱)their learning from negative feedback, ” Mather says.

When people under stress are making a difficult decision, they may pay more attention to the good sides of the alternatives they’re considering and less to the problems. So someone who’s deciding whether to take a new job and is feeling stressed by the decision might focus on the increase in salary more than the longer commute(上下班往返).

The increased focus on the positives also helps explain why stress plays a role in addictions. People under stress have a harder time controlling their urges. “The compulsion to get that reward comes stronger and they’re less able to resist it,” Mather says. A person who’s under stress might think only about the good feelings they’ll get from a drug, while the downsides shrink into the distance.

Stress also increases the differences in how men and women think about risk. When men are under stress, they become even more willing to take risks; when women are stressed, they get more conservative(保守的). Previous research backs this up — men usually react to difficulties while trying to fight them or escape them; women try to find friends and improve their relationships.

1.By saying “You might want to hold off on that” in the first paragraph, the writer suggests that      .

A.you might want to delay making your big decision

B.you should save the presentation for later

C.you should avoid taking risks

D.you might benefit from the stress

2.From the article, we can conclude that stress       .

A.often leads people to take more risks

B.often leads people to make balanced decisions

C.makes people think more of negative results

D.makes people ignore the negative side of problems

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?

A.Stress is helpful in getting rid of addictions.

B.People who are addicted to drugs are easily stressed.

C.When women are stressed, they do not tend to take risks.

D.When men are stressed, they are more likely to develop an addiction.

4.What is the central theme of the article?

A.Stress can affect decision-making.

B.Stress increases our desire to get rewards.

C.We should think more about the upside of problems.

D.There is a link between stress and negative experiences.



科目:高中英語 來源:2014屆甘肅省高二下學期期中考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

In a few states where racial prejudice is serious, violence has so come to be taken for granted as a means of solving differences, that it is not even questioned. There are states where the white man imposes his rule by force; there are states where the black man protests by setting fire to cities and by looting and pillaging. Important people on both sides, who would in other respects appear to be reasonable men, get up and calmly argue in favor of violence – as if it were a legitimate solution, like any other. What is really frightening, what really fills you with despair, is the realization that when it comes to the crunch, we have made no actual progress at all. We may wear collars and ties instead of war-paint, but our instincts remain basically unchanged. The whole of the recorded history of the human race, that tedious documentation of violence, has taught us absolutely nothing. We have still not learnt that violence never solves a problem but makes it more serious. The sheer horror, the bloodshed, the suffering mean nothing. No solution ever comes to light the morning after when we dismally contemplate the smoking ruins and wonder what hit us.

The truly reasonable men who know where the solutions lie are finding it harder and harder to get a hearing. They are despised, mistrusted and even persecuted by their own kind because they advocate such apparently outrageous things as law enforcement. If half the energy that goes into violent acts were put to good use, if our efforts were directed at cleaning up the shabby houses at improving living-standards and providing education and employment for all, we would have gone a long way to arriving at a solution. Our strength is weakened by having to mop up the mess that violence leaves in its wake. In a well-directed effort, it would not be impossible to fulfill the ideals of a stable social programme. The benefits that can be derived from constructive solutions are everywhere apparent in the world around us. Genuine and lasting solutions are always possible, providing we work within the framework of the law.

Before we can even begin to reflect on peaceful co-existence between the races, we must appreciate each other's problems. And to do this, we must learn about them: it is a simple exercise in communication, in exchanging information. "Talk, talk, talk," the advocates of violence say, "all you ever do is talk, and we are none the wiser." It's rather like the story of the famous lawyer who carefully explained his case to the judge. After listening to a lengthy argument the judge complained that after all this talk, he was none the wiser. "Possible, my lord," the lawyer replied, "none the wiser, but surely far better informed." Knowledge is the necessary prerequisite to wisdom: the knowledge that violence creates the evils it pretends to solve.

1.  What is the best title for this passage?

A.Advocating Violence.

B.Violence Can Do Nothing to Reduce Race Prejudice.

C.Important People on Both Sides See Violence As a Legitimate Solution.

D.The Instincts of Human Race Are Thirsty for Violence.

2.  Recorded history has taught us

A.violence never solves anything.


C.the bloodshed means nothing.


3. According the author the best way to solve race prejudice is

A.law enforcement.



D.Mopping up the violent mess.


