Please call me before you buy a new camera so I can go with you.

A. declare B. dignity C. digital D. delightful


科目:高中英語 來源:2016-2017學(xué)年四川省樂山市高二上學(xué)期期末考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:七選五

Have you ever heard of an insect called the cicada(蟬)? 1. But they have an interesting internal clock that tells them when to go aboveground.

Every 17 years, billions of the noisy Brood V cicadas(十七年蟬) will swarm(成群出現(xiàn)) to northeastern parts of the US, including New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania. 2.But there are usually a lot less of them compared to the Brood V cicadas.

3. According to Discovery News, these insects started their lives in 1999. And as their 17-year life cycle comes to an end, they go aboveground when their underground homes get warmer 64 degrees Fahrenheit (about 18℃) to be exact.

Then the females will lay hundreds of eggs in trees, and after about four to six weeks, the mother and father cicadas will die. 4.

While they can be kind of annoying, these insects don’t harm humans, but they do make a lot of noise during their time aboveground. 5.

However, since there are so many of the 17-year cicadas, the amount of laid eggs can sometimes harm small trees and bushes. But after this summer, these insects will mostly mind their own business until 2033.

A. That sound is the male cicadas attracting the female cicadas.

B. The cicada insects are common in summer, especially in August and can be found in July as well.

C. There are other kinds of cicadas that come around once a year or every 13 years.

D. The baby cicadas will go underground, and the 17-year cycle will start over again.

E. As a matter of fact, people like to eat them in some cultures.

F. Well, a special kind of these insects live underground in the US for most of their lives.

G. This is what makes Brood V cicadas so special.


科目:高中英語 來源:2016-2017學(xué)年福建省漳州市高二上學(xué)期期末考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Finding the Real You

Psychometric testing — personality testing — has been very popular nowadays as studies show their results to be three times more accurate in predicting your job performance. These tests are now included in almost all graduate recruitment (招聘) and are widely used in the selection of managers.

The most popular of these personality tests is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). It is based on the theory that we are born with a tendency to one personality type which stays more or less fixed throughout life. You answer 88 questions and are then given your “type”, such as Outgoing or Quiet, Feeling or Thinking.

Critics of personality testing raise doubts about “social engineering”. Psychologist Dr. Colin Gill warns that the “popular” personality traits (特性) have their disadvantages. “People who are extremely open to new experiences can be butterflies, going from one idea to the next without mastering any of them.” However, the psychometric test is here to stay, which may be why a whole sub-industry on cheating personality tests has sprung up. “It’s possible to cheat,” admits Gill, “but having to pretend to be the person you are at work will be tiring and unhappy and probably short-lived.”

So can we change our personality? “Your basic personality is fixed by the time you’re 21,” says Gill, “but it can be affected by motivation and intelligence. If you didn’t have the personality type to be a doctor but desperately wanted to be one and were intelligent enough to master the skills, you could still go ahead. But trying to go too much against type for too long requires much energy and is actually to be suffered for long. I think it’s why we’re seeing this trend for downshifting — too many people trying to fit in to a type that they aren’t really suited for.”

Our interest in personality now exists in every part of our lives. If you ask an expert for advice on anything, you’ll probably be quizzed about your personality. But if personality tests have any value to us, perhaps it is to free us from the idea that all of us are full of potential, and remind us of what we are. As they say in one test when they ask for your age: pick the one you are, not the one you wish you were.

1.The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is based on the belief that __________.

A. personality is largely decided from birth

B. certain personality traits are common

C. some personality types are better than others

D. personality traits are various from time to time

2.According to Dr. Gill, what is the problem with personality tests?

A. The results could be opposite to what employers want.

B. People can easily lie about their true abilities.

C. Employers often find the results unclear.

D. They may have a negative effect on takers.

3.In Dr. Gill’s view, how easy is it to change your personality?

A. It’s possible in your adult life.

B. It’s easy if you have great motivation.

C. It’s unlikely because it requires much energy.

D. It’s difficult before the age of 21.

4.What final conclusion does the author reach about the value of personality tests?

A. They are of doubtful value to employers.

B. They are not really worth doing.

C. They can strengthen the idea we have of our abilities.

D. They may encourage greater realism.


科目:高中英語 來源:2017屆山西省高三下學(xué)期名校聯(lián)考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:七選五

1.Moving from high school into college can be especially different because of the freedom students experience in college along with a new set of expectations.

In high school, students usually live at home, and their parents take care of all their physical needs such as food and housing. 2.Parents are also there to help with and make sure that the student’s homework is done. During the school day, students rarely have free time. They go directly from one class to another. Teachers are always around to tell the students what to do. 3.So students can often complete their homework and reading in a short time.

4.They may be responsible for shopping, paying bills, and laundry. They also may have to cook their own meals. Their parents are not around to help with homework or even to check that it has been done. Contrary to students in high school, students in college may have a lot of free time between classes, but must discipline themselves to use this time productively or homework and other assignments. 5.

A. Students do not usually have to shop for their food, take time to pay bills, or even do their own laundry.

B. High school students have to bury themselves in piles of papers

C. Finally, the work itself it not so challenging.

D. In contrast, in college, students often live away from home in dorms or apartments.

E. In college, students may apply to a bank loan and others will try to find part-time jobs.

F. Each new level of education brings new challenges and demands to students.

G. Most important, college requires a higher level of thinking and a lot more work than high school.


科目:高中英語 來源:2016-2017學(xué)年甘肅省天水市高二下學(xué)期開學(xué)考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:完形填空

When I was three years old, my parents discovered I was totally deaf. After consulting with many doctors, they made a decision about my ______. Instead of sending me to a private school for the deaf, they decided to send me to a ______ one.

From the first day there, the other kids _______ me and called me names ______ my hearing aid and the way I talked. I experienced great _________because, in addition to the problems of “fitting in” with the other students, I also struggled with my _________ I seemed to spend every spare moment doing homework just so I could __________. The teachers didn’t know what to do with me. Because of my hearing disability, I was constantly________ everyone, “What did he/she say?” But I _______that everyone would soon grow tired of repeating everything back to me. Since fitting in was so ________ to me, every time people around me laughed or smiled, I did the same even though I__________had no idea what was going on. On the surface, I was _______, but in reality, my self-esteem(自尊) was quite low. Mrs. Jordan, my 5th grade teacher, _______ all of that with a simple three-word phrase. One morning, she asked the class a question. I read her lips and _______raised my hand. I couldn’t________it –for once I knew the ______. But, when she called on me, I was_______. I took a deep breath and nervously answered Mrs. Jordan’s question.

I’ll never forget what __________ next. With sparkling eyes and a wide smile she cried, “That’s right, Stephen!” For the first time in my young life, I was an instant star. My heart burst with pride. I sat a little taller in my chair. My __________ soared(猛增) as never before. From that day forward, my______ and speech improved greatly and my popularity among my classmates increased.

1.A. performance B. journey C. career D. education

2.A. special B. new C. normal D. big

3.A. laughed at B. talked about C. waited for D. thought of

4.A. except for B. because of C. instead of D. according to

5.A. anxiety B. fear C. regret D. shock

6.A. friendship B. schoolwork C. singing D. dancing

7.A. get out B. speed up C. grow up D. keep up

8.A. reminding B. helping C. asking D. doubting

9.A. ensured B. expected C. imagined D. worried

10.A. easy B. natural C. important D. strange

11.A. finally B. usually C. gradually D. regularly

12.A. smart B. flexible C. outgoing D. energetic

13.A. explained B. supported C. covered D. changed[

14.A. immediately B. frequently C. luckily D. carefully

15.A. have B. believe C. remember D. make

16.A. answer B. rule C. plan D. secret

17.A. angry B. quiet C. afraid D. helpless

18.A. arrived B. improved C. began D. happened

19.A. confidence B. memory C. kindness D. patience

20.A. experiments B. grades C. relationships D. conditions


科目:高中英語 來源:2016-2017學(xué)年甘肅省天水市高二下學(xué)期開學(xué)考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

Tony gave Claire a new and changed the makeup she wore.

A. housewife B. haircut C. handle D. helmet


科目:高中英語 來源:2016-2017學(xué)年甘肅省天水市高二下學(xué)期開學(xué)考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

Finally the slave trade was in 1807.

A. analyzed B. announced C. abolished D. assessed


科目:高中英語 來源:2016-2017學(xué)年遼寧省大連市生學(xué)業(yè)水平考試英語模擬試卷(二)(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Football is so popular in China. Almost everyone is interested in the sport — the young and the old, boys and girls, and now even robots.

Recently at Hangzhou Guangming Middle School, kids from several schools played football with their robots.

Robot football is very different from human football. Only two robots play in each match. The field is as big as a ping-pong table. One half is black and the other is white. Each robot tries to catch the “football” and score a goal. The robot with more goals wins.

Gao Linge, a boy from Hangzhou Guangming Middle School, helped make one of the robots for the match.

“My school bought the main board (主板),” said Gao, 14. “Then I decided what my robot looked like and made a computer program for it.”

Gao’s robot was eight centimeters tall and had two arms. It had four sensors (傳感器) to “see” and “kick” the “football”.

Ying Xuehai, a 12-year-old student from Gao’s school, also made a robot. His robot played against Gao’s. The match decided who would go to the final game. Ying lost the game. So he gave many of his robot’s parts to Gao.

Even so, Gao’s robot didn’t win the final. It played well in the first five minutes. Then it slowed down. By the end of the match, it could hardly move. What was wrong? Gao and Ying found the problem — the robot ran out of batteries (電池)!

“We’ll solve the problem and beat the other schools next time!” said the two boys.

1.________ is popular in China.

A. Football B. Robot C. Sensor D. Game

2.How many robots are needed in a match?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

3.The third paragraph mainly talks about ________.

A. a wonderful robot football game B. how robots can score more goals

C. the rules of robot football games D. how robots can win the matches

4.Gao Linge lost the match for the reason that ________.

A. his robot ran out of power

B. he broke the rules of the game

C. he used Ying Xuehai’s robot’s parts

D. his robot happened to be out of order

5.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Gao Linge is as old as Ying Xuehai.

B. Ying Xuehai’s robot was 8 centimeters tall.

C. Gao’s and Ying’s robots were both bought.

D. The passage doesn’t tell us who won the final.


科目:高中英語 來源:安徽省合肥市2017年高三下學(xué)期第一次教學(xué)質(zhì)量檢測英語試卷(有答案) 題型:七選五


You’re growing up. That means you’re probably experiencing lots of changes, all at once. Your body is changing. It might even seem as if your entire self is changing. It can be confusing and even scary. 1. And it’s good!

Growing up means that you can do more, learn more, and start to make your mark on the world. In order for that to happen, your body produces chemicals called hormones that help both body and mind grow. Hormone levels change constantly, rising and falling. 2. But it’s partly to blame for intense emotions, surprising reactions, and mood swings.

Because of the way your brain develops, it is somewhat ruled by emotion now and through your teen years. As a result, growing up can seem like an emotional roller coaster! 3.

●Take care of yourself. If you eat right, sleep enough, and get good exercise, your brain will be much more able to deal with the stress.

4. When you feel your moods swinging or you’re upset, or confused, some quiet time will allow you to gather your thoughts and get calmer.

●Practice relaxing your body and deep breathing when you wake up and when you go to bed.5. Plus, when stuff happens during the day, you’ll be able to calm yourself quickly with a deep breath or two before you react. Your body is changing.

A.Take a time-out.

B.But the truth is, it happens to every teen.

C.Work out regularly to keep physically fit.

D.This changing is needed for your body’s development.

E.It will help you fall asleep—and start the morning right.

F.Here are a few things you can do to make the ride smoother.

G.Usually, these feelings settle down when you realize what is going on.

