【題目】Binge-watching can be described as the act of watching many videos, TV shows, ect., in a very short period of time.1 However, recent research into this phenomenon (現(xiàn)象) has shown that it has some very bad effects on the human body.

Watching television is a leisure activity, which is usually accompanied by unhealthy snacking.2 Some research also suggests that people who binge-watch on a daily basis are doubling their chances of early death.

Apart from this, in extreme cases, people start living in a fantasy (虛幻的) world longer than they do in their real lives.3 Worse still, new studies have shown that people who watch more than three TV shows at a time are more likely to suffer from loneliness and depression.

4 Well, the most common signs of addiction (上癮) to TV arc sleep loss, weight gain, and keeping a large part of your daily conversations limited to your favorite shows.

Thus, it’s best to stop binge-watching, and only allow yourself to watch TV just for less than three hours a day. However, if you must binge-watch, remember to lake regular breaks after a period of time, and more importantly, never watch more than one show at the same time.5 In addition, taking part in human interaction (互動) regularly is one of the best ways to keep your binging in the safe zone. But keep your conversations away from the TV show!

A. This will finally result in the loss of self-respect.

B. Make sure to avoid watching those negative TV programs.

C. Anyway, binge-watching is bad if it turns into an addiction.

D. Nowadays, binge-watching has become increasingly popular.

E. Then, how does one know whether they’re binge-watching fans or not?

F. Balancing (平衡) watching TV with a good amount of physical exercise is most important.

G. So binge-watching for a long time can increase the risk of health problems like heart disease, etc.











根據(jù)下句:一些最近的研究也表明每天狂看的人將他們的死亡機會增加了一倍?芍暇湟矐(yīng)該在講狂看會帶來的危險。所以G. So binge-watching for a long time can increase the risk of health problems like heart disease, etc.(得心臟病的幾率增加。)故選G。下句中的also是關(guān)鍵詞對找到選項起著重要作用。







做七選五時,“當(dāng)心文中小also”,also是“也”的意思,這就說明前文一定存在它的一個分支了,這樣的例子比比皆是:前文交代“It helps you practice what you have learnt during the day and establish study habits that will be important in college ”雖然看上去很長的一句話,從句就有兩個,但是重點就三個單詞“It helps you”,此時在空中填上“It can also help you prepare for your classes and get a sense of progress.”,(關(guān)鍵詞It can also help you)這樣一對應(yīng)就很工整了。當(dāng)然“also”只是一個代表罷了,可以表示遞進(jìn)的詞還有很多:what’ more, besides, in addition等等。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1If everyone o________ the rules of the road, safety is much improved.

2Their marriage had never been happy and in the end they got a d________.

3I never knew you were so good at making speeches. Do you have any other hidden t________?

4Our library s________ will be happy to help if you are unable to find the book you want.

5The report goes against current t________ on what is best for working parents.

6Some ________(資歷較淺的) employees might lack the courage to approach the boss.

7This meant that students had the ________ (理論上的) right to go to any school they wished.

8The scientist's theory has filled in a gap in ________(生物化學(xué)).

9A more detailed example will be given in the next ________().

10To help things along we provide our usual ________(框架) of social activities, sharing costs between survivors.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】There are two ways to look at this question --- 1 relating to eggs in general or to the chicken egg specifically. Either way, the answer is the same: the egg came before the chicken. 2 the case of eggs in general, animals such as dinosaurs were laying eggs long before the modern chicken came into existence, 3 (mean) that in this sense, the egg predated (早于) the chicken by thousands of years. As for the chicken egg specifically , according to NPR’s Robert Krulwich, the modern chicken 4 (hatch 孵化) from an egg, meaning the egg came first.

The key to understanding the answer, and indeed the question itself, is to understand what the question is getting at. The dilemma is to understand 5 a chicken-like bird transformed into 6 is known as a modern chicken after being hatched or whether two chicken-like birds 7 (lay) and fertilized an egg that then hatched a fully formed chicken. In this case, the latter option is the most realistic, therefore answering the question of which came first. 8 (essential), a bird that was similar to a hen and another bird that is similar to 9 rooster combined their genetic material, leading to a gene mutation (突變) that resulted in the chicken that is 10 (good) known and loved today.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Bookcrossing. Com 是一個面向全球的圖書分享網(wǎng)站。該網(wǎng)站組織的分享活動有兩種參與方式:一是自由分享(wild release),即把書放在指定地點,由其他參與者自由獲。欢嵌ㄏ蚍窒恚╟ontrolled release),即直接傳遞給另一位參與者。假設(shè)你是李華,請用英文寫信申請參加。內(nèi)容應(yīng)包括:
· 表明寫信目的
· 選擇一種分享方式
· 簡述作出該選擇的理由
· 希望了解更多信息


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1The prize honors people who have contributed greatly to world culture and history.

The prize honors people who have ___________ ___________ _____________ to world culture and history.

2The Olympic flag is made up of five rings, which represent five continents.

The Olympic flag __________ __________five rings, which represent five continents.

3It is possible that Tom, my boss will be away for some time.

Tom, my boss is ___________ __________ be away for some time.

4It appears that pigeons have a compass inside them which tells them which way is north.

Pigeons ___________ ___________ ____________ a compass inside them which tells them which way is north.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


To: Members of all departments
From: Annette Derringer
Subject: Year-end party
Date: November 26

This is just a quick note to let you all know the arrangements for next month’s year-end party. As you know, the party will be held at the Green Vale Country Club, which we have reserved between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm on the evening of December 21st. 1 have received replies from almost all of you confirming attendance, but if you have not let me know yet, please do so in the next day or two. Tickets for all employees have been covered by the company.
The manager of Green Vale has asked me to explain one or two things to those of you who have not been there before. Basically, there is enough parking space for only 100 vehicles, so he would like to ask those of you planning to drive to try car pool(拼車)as much as possible. Also, the number of lockers available is small, so guests should try to keep belongings to a ,minimum.
Thanks in advance,

To: Annette Derringer aderringer@belway.com
From: Kype Berwick
Subject: Year-end party
Date: November 28

I will be able to attend the year-end party at the Green Vale Country Club on December 21st although I do not think I will be able to arrive before 7:30. I was wondering if it would also be possible to bring a couple of guests. I know it is a bit of a last-minute request, but my brother and his wife are planning to visit us at that time, and they would love to see the Green Vale. If it is not a problem, then could you let me know how much I should pay for their tickets? Also, assuming this is OK, we are planning to drive down in a single car to reduce the need for paring and also to allow us to keep our belongings in the ear. I will have a couple of days off before the party, and I will not be in my office December 17th, so could you get back to me before then?
Thanks a lot,

(1)Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the memorandum?
A.Payments for extra guests.
B.Time of the year-end party
C.Parking restrictions.
D.Storage of personal items.
(2)Kyle Berwick writes to Annette Derringer mainly to____.
A.ask the price of movie tickets
B.explain why he cannot to the party
C.confirm the route to the hotel.
D.ask if he can bring guests to the party.
(3)What can we infer from the passage?
A.The manager of the Green Vale doesn’t want the members to go there by car.
B.Annette is in charge of making arrangements for the year-end party.
C.The members can take as many belongings as they can with them.
D.Kype Berwick won’t bring guests to the party if he as to pay for the tickets.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1It was f______ that the missing children returned home safe and sound.

2High school is so busy that we can’t a______ to waste a single minute.

3The whole world, i______ with China’s achievements, is learning from our country.

4Guilin is known across the world for its beautiful s______ .

5Small fish f______ a group can deal with very difficult problem.

6Accept that you will have bad days, and then get back on ______ (軌道).

7He spoke no English and was ______ (完全) silent during the visit.

81 would ______ (感激) it very much if you could help me with my studies.

9______ (專業(yè)的) help may be needed if the same problem happens very often.

10There seems always heavy ______ (交通) in downtown Shapingba.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1Jim could ___________ (過正常的生活)now after the operation.

2She is proud to ____________ (把企業(yè)經(jīng)營得很成功).

3______________(即使那次事故讓他嚴(yán)重殘疾),he didn’t give up the experiment.

4_________(讓她煩惱的) was that she didn’t find a dress ____________(適合這種場合).

5_____________(每次我遇到困難), I can ____________(得到很多建議和鼓勵) from my fellows.

6________(總的來說),most of the old here _____________ (因為沒錢醫(yī)治所以視力很糟糕).

7The street _________(過去非常嘈雜)is __________(像其他的街道一樣破舊不堪) now.

8However,learning English as a foreign language is very difficult _______________ (由于缺乏)a native language environment.

9_______________(除寫了十篇論文外),he translated four novels.

10No one likes ________________(被嘲笑).


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Follow these steps and you'll be getting to bed earlier before you know it.

If you're currently going to bed at 11 pm, don't decide that tonight you're going to get to bed at 9 pm. But more generally, it's also important to give your body time to adjust as you start changing your bedtime. So you should take smaller steps.Write down your new bedtime.
Set up your environment to avoid objections.
What you'll need to do is to think through your specific plan, and identify potential objections.Imagine your routine for this evening, think through any possible obstacles and decide on specific ways that you'll avoid them.
Set reminders for yourself to stick to your plan.
The idea here is that reminders not only alert you in the moment, but they also help you build tiny habits for certain behaviors.
Decide what time you're going to begin the process of getting ready for bed. Add it to your calendar.
Make a public commitment.
Making a public commitment to getting something done is a great way to create responsibilities for yourself.Decide what time you're going to go to bed tonight and find friends to tell them what time you're going to bed in case you miss your bedtime.
A. Make a change gradually.
B. Studies show that once we make it, we are more likely to honor it.
C. Remind yourself to go to bed as early as possible tonight.
D. Decide to go to bed 15 minutes earlier tonight than you usually do.
E. Make sure you get success in one time when you plan to change your bedtime.
F. Once you've mapped out a plan for your evening, you can set reminders for yourself.
G. The idea is to design your environment to make it less likely that you'll give up your plan.

