
Nobody wants to reach the end of their life and experience regret. Instead, we desire to experience satisfaction with the life weve been given. 【1】 . To live a life without regret in the future, you should try to stay away from the following four common unhealthy habits.

2 It is good to have a destination to go to but it is the journey that matters in the end. Too often, we live our lives from destination to destination. But life is not lived merely in these destinations. In fact, it is far more often lived in the pathways between them. We should appreciate the joy in the journey rather than always hurry to the next destination.

Be defined by your negative circumstances. Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most. This is an important truth and an important promise. Our lives should not be defined by the negative circumstances that happened in our past. They may have affected our lives, but they do not write the final chapter. 3

Focus entirely on yourself. The size of our universe becomes smaller considerably when we place ourselves at the center. 4 On the contrary, those who see their life as an opportunity to bring joy to others quickly find it themselves.

5 Every excess (過量) adds burden to our lives. And yet we continue to pursue and accumulate more than we needmore houses, more cars, more clothes, and more dishes. Owning less means less cleaning, less burden, less anxiety, and less stress each day. It provides the space and opportunity to pursue the things in life that bring lasting satisfaction to our lives.

A. Blame everybody else.

B. Carry more than you need.

C. It is we ourselves who hold the pen.

D. Miss the joy of the journey for the destination.

E. Only a fool believes the wide road is necessarily the right road.

F. The fact is that too many people experience regret at the lives they chose to live.

G. And the people who are most focused on themselves are the least satisfied in life.















科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:



1、列舉不文明行為: 2、指出其影響: 3、提出建議。




As a tour guide of an international travel agency,I find it so embarrassing to see many Chinese tourists behave badly abroad.





科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 短文改錯






Hi Lana,

I am 61 years old and I am from New Zealand. I start teaching in China last February.

I decided that I reached 60 years I would like to do something different. I was lucky to have got a degree in English, that helped me find a job as a teacher in China. Now I work with two Canadian teacher. One, 57, has been here for four years, and the other, 63, have been teaching here for 6 years. He married with a lovely Chinese lady. The Chinese people are hard-working but the students are so willing to learn.

How an interesting country to live in!

I feel safer here than anywhere I lived. I have found her tips on teaching so usefully.

Thank you!



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】There are stories about two U.S. presidents, Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren, which attempt to explain the American English term OK. We don’t know if either story is true,but they are both interesting.

The first explanation is based on the fact that President Jackson had very little education. In fact,he had difficulty reading and writing. When important papers came to Jackson,he tried to read them and then had his assistants explain what they said. If he approved of a paper, he would write “all correct” on it. The problem was that he didn’t know how to spell. So what he really wrote was “ol korekt”. After a while,he shortened that term to “OK”.

The second explanation is based on the place where President Van Buren was born,Kinderhook,New York. Van Bnren’s friends organized a club to help him become President They caned the club the Old Kinderhook Club,and anyone who supported Van Buren was called “OK”.

【1The author____________.

A. believes both of the stories

B. doesn’t believe a word of the stories

C. is not sure whether the stories are true

D. is telling the stories just for fun

【2According to the passage, President Jackson__________.

A. couldn’t draw up any documents at all

B. didn’t like to read important papers by himself

C. often had his assistants sign documents for him

D.wasn’t good at reading,writing or spelling

【3According to the first story, the term “OK”____________.

A. was approved of by President Jackson

B. was the title of some Official documents

C. was first used by President Jackson

D. was an old way to spell “all correct”

【4】According to the second story, the term “OK” was first used __________.

A. by Van Buren

B. in a presidential election

C. to organize the Old Kinderhook Club

D.by the members of the ‘‘Old Kinderhook Club”


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


There are a lot of famous women of1achievein the world. They all do2( good ) in their work, such as Lin Qiaozhi, Jane Goodall and Song Qingling. There is no doubt3they are real heroines and4( worth ) of being praised. But in my opinion, all healthy humans have the ability to do that. It just depends on5you have the determination to do it and whether the situation is in your favor. But never before have I admired a person so much6Helen Keller, who I just read about. She was an unlucky girl,7could neither hear8see. I just can’t imagine how she could be so successful. I really don’t believe that a deaf-blind lady could become a world-famous writer.9great difficulties she must have met and what great efforts she must have made. If I10( be ) her, I wouldn’t have the courage to live on. It is by her courage and imagination and intelligence that I was struck.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Without plants, people couldn’t live. We eat plants. ____【1】___. And we need plants for another reason: We need them because they are beautiful.

_____2_____.Imagine no flowers with their sweet smells, their beautiful colours and their lovely shapes. Imagine, when the wind blows, we are not able to hear the leaves of the trees or watch the branches swing from side to side.

_____3____.That is why we have parks full of trees and flowers. That is why people always like houses with room for some grass and a garden.

Do you talk to your plants? _____4___Perter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, writers of a book called The Secret of Plants, tell of an experiment in which two seeds were plants in different places. While the plants were growing, one plant was given love and hopeful ideas. ___5____Under the earth it had more and longer roots; above the earth, it had a thicker stem and more leaves.

A. Plants get energy from the sun.

B.After six months, the deserted plant faded away.

C. After six months, the beloved plant was bigger

D. We take in oxygen that plants make.

E. Everywhere people need beautiful plants.

F. Imagine a world with no plants.

G. Do you give them love and take good care of them?


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Leaving for work one morning, I noticed that my newspaper hadn’t been delivered yet.Since I always took it to work, it me that I would have to stop at the store and pick one up.I was already running late, but figured I could make it if I hurried It was putting me in a mood

As I pulled into the parking lot of the to get a newspaper, I noticed a young man in a wheelchair who seemed to be with his wheelchair.“I’m sure he’s all right”, I thought, “or if he’s not, someone else will help him.”

by the customers and cars that were passing him by, I guessed they were thinking the thing.I got out and walked over to see what the .was.

“Is there anything I can do?” I asked I noticed he wasn’t able to , and was still struggling with the wheelchair.

I at the wheelchair and noticed that the clamp(夾鎖) holding the electronic keyboard and chair controls had loosened, causing the equipment to slip down, out of his reach.

I pulled it back into .His hand pulled over to the keyboard and he hit a single key.An electronic voice said, “Thank you.”

I felt a wave of gratitude come over me. I was truly blessed to have the physical that allowed me to live a normal life.The young man helped me gain a new way of thinking in lie.

【1】A. annoyed B. ignored C. permitted D. avoided

【2】A. guilty B. curios C. bad D. good

【3】A. office B. store C. library D. station

【4】A. comparing B. living C. struggling D. playing

【5】A. Judging B. Waiting C. Attracted D. Interrupted

【6】A. particular B. happy C. same D. strange

【7】A. accident B. trouble C. comment D. surprise

【8】A. share B. deliver C. move D. speak

【9】A. look up B. look down C. come down D. hold up

【10】A. gradually B. luckily C. suddenly D. obviously

【11】A. space B. form C. place D. shape

【12】A. gratitude B. attitude C. manner D. ability


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Every November 21 is World Hello Day, ___【1】____ people say hello to each other to express friendliness and love. World Hello Day __2___(found) in 1973 by Brian and Michael McCormack, in response (回應) to the conflict (沖突) between Egypt and Israel. They sent a large number of letters on __3___ importance of communication to world leaders and ___4__(celebrity) to advocate(倡議) setting ___5__ World Hello Day. The first World Hello Day was celebrated on Nov.21, 1973.

Originally, people around the world took World Hello Day as a ___6____(value) opportunity to encourage world leaders to use communication rather than force(武力) to settle conflicts. ___7____ (late), ordinary people started ___8____(greet) each other on that day to express ___9____ (they) love for other people and world peace.

Now, World Hello Day is observed by people in 180 countries. Why not greet your parents and friends 【10___ a warm hello and a bright smile on this holiday?


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容, 從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項。選項中有兩項為多余選項。

How to unlock your talent


To find your hidden talent (才能), you’ll have to search for it! We all know people who are great at drawing or good at sports, don’t we? They’re the lucky ones who have a natural talent for what they love doing. 【1 It’s just that we might have to look a little bit harder, that’s all!


2 Developing a new talent takes time and lots of effort, so don’t worry if you haven’t discovered yours by the end of the day, the week or even the month. You will get your light-bulb (靈感) moment finally!


Ask for help to get you started. Do you have an aunt who can help you start a blog or a sporty mom who’ll get active with you? 3 Sometimes we don’t need to look further than our own families to see what skills can be passed down to us!


Find out what excites you! The more enthusiastic (熱情的) you are about a hobby, the more you’ll want to keep doing it. And, you’ve guessed it, the more you keep doing it, the better you’ll get!

New ideas

Be open to new ideas. There’s no point saying that you can’t write a book or take amazing photos if you’ve never really tried. 5

A. Get excited

B. Don’t give up

C. It won’t happen overnight.

D. Is your grandma great at making cakes?

E. Make today your day to try something new.

F. Have you ever doubted what you’re doing now?

G. But that doesn’t mean we can’t all find something we’re good at.

