【題目】Silence is unnatural to man.He begins life with a cry and ends it in stillness.In between he does all he can to make a noise in the world,and he fears silence more than anything else.Even his conversation is an attempt to prevent a fearful silence.If he is introduced to another person,and a number of pauses occur in the conversation,he regards himself as a failure,a worthless person,and is full of envy of the emptiest-headed chatterbox(喋喋不休的人). He knows that ninety nine percent of human conversation means no more than the buzzing of a fly,but he is anxious to join in the buzz and to prove that he is a man and not a waxwork figure(蠟塑人像).

The aim of conversation is not,for the most part,to communicate ideas;it is to keep up the buzzing sound.There are,it must be admitted,different qualities of buzz;there is even a buzz that is as annoying as the continuous noise made by a mosquito.But at a dinner party one would rather be a mosquito than a quiet person.Most buzzing, fortunately,is pleasant to the ear,and some of it is pleasant even to the mind.He would be a foolish man if he waited until he had a wise thought to take part in the buzzing with his neighbors.

Those who hate to pick up the weather as a conversational opening seem to me not to know the reason why human beings wish to talk.Very few human beings join in a conversation in the hope of learning anything new.Some of them are content if they are merely allowed to go on making a noise into other people's ears,though they have nothing to tell them except that they have seen two or three new plays or that they had food in a Swiss hotel.At the end of an evening,during which they have said nothing meaningful for a long time.They just prove themselves to be successful conservationists.

1According to the author,people make conversation to .

A. exchange ideas B. prove their value

C. achieve success in life D. overcome their fear of silence

2By “the buzzing of a fly”(Para.1),the author means “ ”.

A. the noise of an insect B. a low whispering sound

C. meaningless talks D. the voice of a chatterbox

3According to the passage,people usually talk to their neighbors .

A. about whatever they have prepared B. about whatever they want to

C. in the hope of learning something new D. in the hope of getting on well

4What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?

A. To discuss why people like talking about weather.

B. To encourage people to join in conversations.

C. To persuade people to stop making noises.

D. To explain why people keep talking.







1D細節(jié)理解題。文章的第一段Even his conversation is an attempt to prevent a fearful silence.可知交談是克服沉默的恐懼。故D正確。

2C詞義理解題。根據(jù)文章第一段大意及最后一句but he is anxious to join in the buzz and to prove that he is a man and not a waxwork figure可知the buzzing of a fly無意義的交談之意。故C正確。

3B細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)文章第二段最后一句he waited until he had a wise thought to take part in the buzzing with his neighbors可以得出答案。故B正確。



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


How exciting it is to visit China! China can offer what appeals to every visitor, 1 given the population, the crowds can be an issue.

Before getting on the plane, train, or bus, learn from these mistakes to avoid the crowds and make the __2__ (much) of your holiday.

There are certain 3 (date) throughout the year when the entire country takes a vacation at the same time. If you travel in China during one of these golden weeks, you can expect never-ending lines, 4 (crowd) public transportation, and seas of strangers appearing in the background of your photos. So it is important to get familiar with the dates 5 (minimize) your travel stress.

Of course, any trip to China wouldnt be complete without seeing major cultural landmarks like 6 Great Wall, or the Forbidden City. However, there are so many worthwhile places to experience 7 may not be listed in your tour book.

Also, with a family to travel together, 8 (wake) up early can be a challenge. Do your best to wake up early and take your breakfast to go; its worth it. Getting to an 9 (attract) early will allow you to experience it __10__ (full) without the hindrance(妨礙) of a large crowd.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

As the evidence began to accumulate, experts felt to investigate, for the given by people who claimed to the puma were extraordinarily similar.
Our vicar is always raising money for , but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired.
is human nature, that a great many people are willing to higher pay the of becoming white-collar workers.
This can to curious situations, as it in the case of Alfred Bloggs who worked as a dustman for the Ellesmere Corporation.
Editors of newspapers and magazines often to provide their readers with unimportant facts and statistics.
Not only the poor man , but he had been sent to prison as well.
The was suddenly broken when a large car, with its headlights and its horn , roared down the arcade.
One of the thieves was by a heavy statue, but he was to busy diamonds to notice any pain.
Of course, New York is the ideal place for such an interesting study, because there is tall buildings.
The Titanic turned just in time, the immense wall of ice which over 100 feet out of the water beside her.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Every year gray whales swim a 10,000 miles round-trip, from the cold waters near Alaska, down the coast of North America to the warm waters near Mexico, and back again. It is one of the longest migrations (遷徙) of any mammal (哺乳動物).
All day, all summer long, in the cold waters near Alaska, gray whales eat and eat.
Instead of teeth, gray whales have baleen (鯨須) they use to get food from ocean water. They get big mouthfuls of muck (淤泥) from the ocean floor, then push that muck right back out through their baleen. The mucky water flows through, but tiny animals get trapped in the baleen and licked up.
When the water starts to freeze, the whales begin their long trip south. They swim night and day, without stopping to eat or rest. During the long journey, migrating whales may push their heads out of the water to see where they are.
Two months later, the whales reach Mexico. Babies are born here in warm, shallow (淺的) waters called lagoons (瀕海湖). Ocean lagoons have no food for the adults, but the babies are safer here than in the open seas. All winter the babies grow big and strong.
In spring first the dads and teenagers leave the lagoons, then the moms with babies. Migrating gray whales swim close to shore, especially moms with babies. The ice is melting up (融化) north, and it's time for the hungry whales to make the long journey back to their summer feeding grounds.
(1)The underlined phrase “l(fā)icked up” in Paragraph 3 probably means “”.
A.eaten up
B.ended up
C.broken up
D.given up
(2)During their long journey to Mexico, gray whales .
A.always swim under the ocean
B.find food to supply their energy
C.face the colder and colder water
D.travel to the lagoons without a break
(3)Where do mother gray whales give birth?
A.In warm shallow waters near Mexico.
B.Off the coast of North America.
C.In the open seas near Mexico.
D.In cold waters near Alaska.
(4)Which of the following is NOT mentioned about gray whales in the text?
A.How they get their food.
B.How long they live.
C.When they get back to Alaska.
D.How long they spend traveling to Mexico.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Grandma celebrated her fifty-third birthday just weeks before grandpa died of cancer in 1965. Although his passing was very difficult for her, I think their shared struggle to make his life longer taught grandma that good health was not to be taken for granted, and she made up her mind to live her rest of her own life as fully and as long as she could. One day, when she announced to attend lessons at the Fred Astaire Dance Studio in Portland, Oregon, where she lived, we rolled-our eyes in embarrassment and helplessly wished she would just stay home and bake cookies as normal grandmothers did. Many years filled with countless dance lessons passed before we learned to appreciate the wonder of having a dancing grandma.
I suppose grandma’s primary motivation for wanting to learn to dance was social. She had been a shy girl, always very tall and heavy, and had married into grandpa’s quiet lifestyle before developing any elegance or confidence in her personal appearance. Dancing, on the other hand, filled her life with flash lights,wonderful parties, beautiful dresses, handsome young dance instructors, and the challenge of learning. Although the weekly dance lessons did not change her ample, two-hundred-pound figure, grandma surprised everyone with energetic performances on the dance floor, which soon gave her as much elegance and confidence as any Miss American competitor.
Having taken weekly dance lessons for years, my grandma learned various dances easily and was soon participating in dancing matches all over the Northwest. When I was fourteen, grandma proudly invited me to watch her compete in one of these matches to be held in the grand ballroom of the Red Lion Inn. My attitude was still unenthusiastic at that point, but to make her happy, my mother and I attended the match. As if to prove me wrong, grandma made a wonderful showing in every event she entered. I thought she was truly the queen of the ball during the dance, and my thoughts were shared by the judges a short time later when she was awarded a gold cup for her outstanding performance.
(1)What did grandma learn from grandpa’s death?
A.Good health was not there for everyone.
B.She should take dance lessons.
C.She had to struggle to live a better life.
D.She should wear beautiful dresses.
(2)Normal grandmas usually in the author’s point of view.
A.took dance lessons
B.did some exercises at home
C.took care of grandchildren at home
D.did some housework at home
(3)The author felt when he was invited to watch grandma’s match.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

After years of research and testing, the hybrid car was developed and put on the market. It' s an interesting and exciting new improvement in today' s world as we look for better ways to protect the quality of the air we breathe and conserve our natural resources.
The quality of our air is affected by many different things. But one of the largest sources of air pollution is the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and gasoline which is used to power a car' s engine. The EPA has set national standards to help control the level of harmful pollutants sent off into the air, and the automobile industry has acted by producing a hybrid car that uses less gas and therefore causes less pollution.
A hybrid car is a combination of a regular car that runs on gasoline and an electric car that is battery powered. Some people tend to think that since the hybrid car is partially electric, you have to plug it in to charge it. But that's not how it works. The 144volt battery pack is actually recharged through the energy that is produced when the car's brakes are used. This is referred to as “regenerative braking”, because it generates electricity.
Although the hybrid car still runs on gasoline most of the time, this helps it use less gas than a regular car. When the driver stops at a traffic light, the engine automatically shuts off to save fuel. Then, as soon as the driver puts the car in gear and touches the gas pedal, the engine starts back up.
Have you ever ridden in a car with someone who ran out of gas? That probably wouldn't happen if you were riding in a hybrid car. It flashes a warning on its computer screen that says, “I am low on gas”. When it completely runs out, the warning reads, “YOU ARE NOW OUT OF GAS!” Then the electric power supply kicks in to let the driver travel a few more miles to a gas station.
(1)Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.The hybrid car will be put on the market.
B.Hybrid cars run faster than regular cars.
C.When the hybrid car stops at a traffic light, the driver will get a warning.
D.The burning of fossil fuels is one of the largest sources of air pollution.
(2)According to the passage, the word“hybrid”refers to ________.
A.a high-tech discovery
B.energy saving
C.a new invention
D.a combination of two things
(3)“Regenerative breaking”is an important process of the hybrid car because ________.
A.it allows the car to come to a quick stop
B.it gives the driver a smoother ride
C.it produces energy to charge the battery
D.it can control the speed of the car
(4)Which of the following is right about the EPA?
A.They designed hybrid cars.
B.They outlawed (宣布……為不合法) the burning of fossil fuels.
C.They set important guidelines that help control pollution.
D.Their main purpose is to protect endangered plants and animals.
(5)Which of the following is the reason for developing hybrid cars?
A.They use less gas than regular cars.
B.They' re safer to drive than most cars.
C.They're more modern than other cars.
D.They cost less than regular cars.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】The Arctic is not a safe place to be by any stretch of the imagination. Essentially a vast, floating block of ice, with only a small area of land, the landscape can be almost totally different from year to year. Even the most experienced explorers are lucky to return with all their fingers and toes, not to mention their lives.

Into this extreme environment stepped Nabil Al Busaidi. In fact, he didn’t just step—he stepped and skied his way across 650km, pulling 50kg of equipment. He also carried the flag of the Sultanate of Oman, which he held in the air at the North Pole, becoming the first Arab to achieve this impressive feat (壯舉).

On the way to the North Pole, Nabil was driven by the reward of success and the pain at the thought of failure. “Through the 20-whatever days , every minute there was a different thing that kept me going, either the fear of failure, the fear of dying or the reward of finishing and getting somewhere warm. ”

The ever-present cold, averaging around -40 but dropping as low as a recorded -81, is his overriding (首要的) memory of the experience. As an Omani, Nabil had an additional 20 drop in temperature to get used to, compared to his British teammates. Apart from the extreme cold, polar bears were a common feature of the journey, and Nabil and the team had their fair share of bear encounters. “Polar bears are dangerous, but they are not that threatening because they don’t intend to harm humans. They’re usually either curious or just don’t care. We saw five bears, and none were aggressive,” said Nabil.

One final problem Nabil faced was the stress put on team relations by the severity of the conditions, especially during the first three stages of the journey. However, during the fourth and final leg, the team worked so well together that they travelled 130km in only two and a half days.

1What does Paragraph 1 show?

A. Nabil’s hard-won success. B. The value of Arctic exploration.

C. Nabil’s good luck. D. The change of the Arctic.

2Which is the problem Nabil faced on his journey?

A. Gradually rising sea level. B. Frequent polar bear attacks.

C. Constantly changing climate. D. The heavy psychological burden.

3What can we know about Nabil?

A. He had gone on an Arctic journey before.

B. He explored the Arctic with pretty light packs.

C. He finished the exploration of the Arctic all alone.

D. He suffered more from extreme cold than his teammates.

4What is the passage mainly about?

A. Life in the Arctic.

B. Climate of the Arctic.

C. The first Arab to step into the Arctic.

D. Achievements scientists made in the Arctic.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

①There was a time that this singer was popular with the young men.
② It was a fun to play football after class.
③I am determining to change my job. No one else can change my mind.
④ He insisted that the problem discussed at the meeting was carried out right away.
⑤Shall we go straightly to the hotel or have a rest first?
⑥Although I try to talk to my classmates, I still find it hard make good friends with them.
⑦Now they make up their mind to go and settle in the countryside.
⑧Parents should actively urge their children to take advantage with the opportunity to join sports teams.
⑨ She insisted that I went to the prison to visit her brother with her.
⑩It's no pleasure look through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】I have been living in the United States for twenty years,but seldom _______ so lonely as now.
A.have I felt
B.I had felt
C.I have felt
D.had I felt

