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Can you imagine a world without chocolate? It's not something I'd 1ike to do.so I was relieved to read that there’s a university with a program me to safeguard the future of chocolate!

The University of Reading,in England,has just opened a new clearing house for all the world’s new cocoa varieties.They must be quarantined(隔離檢疫)before they can be grown.Why? Cocoa production hit a record high of 4.4 million tons last year but about 30%of the precious crop is regularly lost to pests and diseases.Now we don’t want that,do we?

Demand for chocolate has been increasing faster than the world supply of cocoa and researchers think that new varieties are key to solving this problem.

The University of Reading has been protecting the quality of the new crops since 1985,after it took over the task from the Royal Botanical Gardens in Kew,London.And it has improved its facilities.The leader of the institution’s cocoa project,Professor Paul Hadley,says,“One of the main issues concerning cocoa improvement is the supply of reliably clean,healthy,interesting cocoa material.”

The cocoa centre has a collection of 400 plant varieties and their greenhouse uses a lot of energy to keep them in tropical conditions.After up to two years in quarantine,clean and safe seeds are sent to some 20 countries,including several in West Africa.That’s where 75%of the cocoa used for chocolate worldwide comes from.The crop is extremely important for the local economy:it employs about two million people.

Professor Hadley says he works with a small team of skilled technicians who look after the collection.And more of us seem to count on them now.

The scientist says,“there is some concern within the industry that demand is increasing constantly,particularly in countries like China,where the standard of living is increasing and people are getting a taste for different chocolates.”

1.What is the text mainly about?

A.Safeguarding cocoa seeds.

B.Planting cocoa worldwide.

C.Keeping cocoa in greenhouse.

D.Finding the new market for cocoa.

2.The institution’s cocoa project is to_______.

A.have cocoa skin removed

B.offer more jobs to people

C.ensure the quality of cocoa

D.supply cocoa for two million people

3.What does the last paragraph tell us?

A.The taste of chocolates is changing.

B.Demand for cocoa is increasing fast.

C.People are concerned about cocoa varieties.

D.Chinese have a long history of eating chocolates.

4.What’s the purpose of the text?

A.To educate. B.To advertise.

C.To warn. D.To inform.


科目:高中英語 來源:2015-2016學年四川綿陽南山中學高二3月入學考試英語卷(解析版) 題型:短文改錯


某英文雜志正在舉辦以“Imagine yourself as an interviewer”為主題的征文活動,請你以 為題,寫一篇英語短文。

內容包括: 1. 采訪的對象 2. 采訪的原因 3. 想提的問題

注意: 1. 字數(shù)100左右

2. 可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫

3. 短文中不能出現(xiàn)與本人相關的信息

4. 短文的標題已給出,不計入總數(shù)量

A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview





科目:高中英語 來源:2016屆江西省新余市高三下學期高三模擬考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解


We all know what a brain is.A doctor will tell you that the brain is the organ of the body in the head.It controls our body's functions, movements, emotions and thoughts.But a brain can mean so much more.

A brain can also simply be a smart person, If a person is called brainy, she is smart and intelligent.If a family has many children but one of them is super smart, you could say, "She's the brains in the family." And if you are the brains behind something you are responsible for developing or organizing something.For example, Bill Gates is the

brains behind Microsoft

Brain trust is a group of experts who give advice.Word experts say the phrase

"brain trust" became popular when Franklin D.Roosevelt first ran for president in

1932, Several professors gave him advice on social and political issues facing the U.S.

These professors were called his "brain trust."

These ways we use the word "brain" all make sense.But other ways we use the

word are not so easy to understand.For example, to understand the next brain

expression, you first need to know the word “drain." As a verb to drain means to,

remove something by letting it flow away.So a brain drain may sound like a disease

where the brain flows out the ears.But, brain drain is when a country's most educated people leave their countries to live in another.The brains are, sort of, draining out of the country.

However, if people are responsible for a great idea, you could say they brainstormed it.Here, brainstorm is not an act of weather.It is a process of thinking creatively about a complex topic.For example, business leaders may use brainstorming to create new

products, and government leaders may brainstorm to solve problems.

If people are brainwashed, it does not mean their brains are nice and clean.To brainwash means to make someone accept new beliefs by using repeated pressure in a forceful or tricky way.Keep in mind that brainwash is never used in a positive way.

1.According to the text, if you're the CEO of Bai Du you can be called

A.the brains behind Bai Du

B.Bai Du's brain trust

C.the brain drain of Bai Du

D.the organ of Bai Du

2.Why did Roosevelt successfully win the election?

A.Because he was smart at giving advice.

B.Because word experts were popular.

C.Because he got his brain trust.

D.Because he was the brains behind America.

3.Which of the following expression is always used in a negative way?

A.Brain trust

B.Brain drain




科目:高中英語 來源:2016屆湖北省黃岡市高考英語閱讀理解專項精練(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

閱讀理解。閱讀下列短文, 從給的四個選項 (A、B、C和D) 中, 選出最佳選項。

After years of study,I have known there are only two types of people in this world:those who get to the airport early and those who arrive as the plane is about to take off.

If there were any justice in this world,the early?airport people would be rewarded for doing the right thing and the late?airport people would be punished.But the early?airport people get ulcers(潰瘍),heart attacks and bite their finger?nails to the bone (急得團團轉).The late?airport people are hardly aware that they are flying.

A guy of that kind once said,“Don’t hurry.If you miss your flight,it’s because God didn’t want you to go.”This is clearly a guy who is never going to get an ulcer.

Early?airport people suffer another“name”.They are called exactly what they are—wimps(懦夫).I know I am an early?airport person for years.My luggage will get on the plane first,which makes it the last luggage they take off the plane after landing.

Another strange thing:No matter how early I showed up,I was always told that someone had called two or three years ahead of me and asked for the best seat.I figured it was a trick.I figured there was someone in America who called every airline every day and said,“Is that wimp Simon flying somewhere today?If he is,give me his seat.”

After a lifetime arguing with my wife over whether I really have to pack 24 hours in advance and set the alarm clock four hours ahead,I have learned another fact about early?airport people and late?airport people:

They always marry each other.

1.We can learn from the passage that________.

A.late?airport persons often get ulcers or heart attacks

B.early?airport persons are always relaxed during the flight

C.early?airport persons get their luggage first after landing

D.late?airport persons always take things easy

2.The fifth paragraph mainly tells us________.

A.someone always plays tricks on the writer

B.the airlines usually fool passengers

C.early?airport persons always can’t get good seats

D.the service of airlines is very bad

3.The purpose of writing the passage is to________.

A.give useful tips on taking a plane

B.offer advice about catching a plane

C.express the writer’s anxiety about taking planes

D.show peoples two attitudes toward catching planes

4.It could be inferred that the writer’s wife is________.

A.an early?airport woman B.a late?airport woman

C.a hot?tempered woman D.a sensitive woman

5.The writing style of the passage would be best described as________.

A.serious B.simple

C.humorous D.ironic


科目:高中英語 來源:2014-2015學年山東省濰坊市高三第一次模擬考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:短文改錯








As we all know,everyone have a dream.I have dreamed of being a doctor since I entered into the primary schoo1.Nowadays with modern life go rapidly,many people suffer from different kind of diseases,both mentally and physically.As a result,doctors are in great need at home and abroad.My dream is to become successful doctor,helping to save people’s lives.Although to be a good doctor was very difficult.I will do whatever I can to keep everyone health.To make my dream come true,I have told me over and over again that I'll concentrate more to studies.After all,only by working hardly can one succeed.


科目:高中英語 來源:2014-2015學年山東臨沂市高三第八次月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Minimalism (簡約主義) is a term that describes movements in various forms of art and design, especially visual art and music, where the work is reduced to its most basic features.

As for me, minimalism functions well not in art or design, but in my daily life.

When I was packing for university, I found it extremely difficult to let go of some of the things I owned. I knew I couldn’t take everything with me, but I kept asking myself “how could I possibly throw this away?”, “what if I need it one day?”, and “what about all of the memories?” Now that I’ve moved, and left that stuff behind, I don’t even miss it. Whether or not I got rid of it, it barely makes a bit of difference to me now.

I’ve learned that over time people forget, or their need for a particular object eventually disappears. Either they store it away or they get rid of it.

You might think nostalgically(懷舊的) about the toys you cared about when you were a child, but what is making you smile now is not the thing itself but the memory of it. I’ve heard it a hundred times, “you don’t need things to make you happy.” It takes something life-changing like moving across the country to realize how true this is.

Speaking of which, for a lot of people, minimalism is about able to move. It’s about being able to go almost anywhere at any time because you don’t have many possessions to carry. When you keep things you don’t need they become a burden that ties you to a place. Moving to university was a good time to let go of a lot of stuff. And when I visit for the holidays, I’ll probably get rid of even more, to lighten the burden.

Of course there are exceptions. There are some things that are irreplaceable, very rare or expensive or we simply love and cherish for some reason or another, since we are humans. But after we keep those, how much is left that we don’t really need?

Hence, minimalism. And why does minimalism bring happiness? That was a bit of a roundabout way of saying that, it’s because what really makes me happy is freedom. And the key to freedom is minimalism because minimalism reduces our attachment to things.

Attachment to too many objects creates a great mess and can severely hold back our freedom to do whatever we want, while minimalism helps us start new projects, move, travel, learn new things, work, expand, be debt-free, be healthy – really living life to our full potential.

I left the nest to fly onwards and upwards, I can’t do it with old things weighing me down. And that is why I have adopted minimalism with open arms.

1.In paragraph l, the writer gives the definition of minimalism to

A.introduce a topic B.present his own idea

C.describe a scene D.offer an argument

2.Many people don’t want to let go of some of their belongings because

A.they haven’t had any life-changing experiences

B.they fear their memories will be gone with the thrown-away stuff

C.they hope to live life to their full potential by storing things away

D.they may have to change their lifestyle because of the loss of them

3.Which of the following is NOT the reason why the writer favors “minimalism” in life?

A.It takes the burden off her while she is moving.

B.It reduces her attachment to her personal things.

C.It enables her to gain the freedom that she desires.

D.It helps her to realize how true life is.

4.By saying “there are exceptions”, the writer means

A.little is left if we keep what we cherish most in our life

B.minimalism should be practised accordingly in different situations

C.minimalism is a method difficult to employ in reality

D.life is full of exceptions so it’s difficult to preserve what we value

5.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Minimalism brings happiness.

B.Minimalism is applied in many fields.

C.Minimalism makes people think nostalgically.

D.Minimalism is about able to move.


科目:高中英語 來源:2014-2015學年山東臨沂市高三第八次月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

Due to the unreasonable individual income _______, the gap between the rich and poor has become an outstanding issue.

A.contribution B.association

C.accommodation D.Distribution


科目:高中英語 來源:2014-2015學年江西南昌十所省命制高三第二次模擬2英語試卷(解析版) 題型:七選五


Over the last 25 years, British society has changed a great deal – or at least many parts of it have. 1. . Ideas about social class – whether a person is “working - class” or “middle - class” – are one area in which changes have been extremely slow.

In the past, the working-class tended to be paid less than middle-class people. The typical working man would collect his wages on Friday evening and then, it was widely believed, having given his wife her "housekeeping", would go out and squander the rest on beer and betting.

The old style of what a middle-class man did with his money was perhaps nearer the truth. He was-and still is - inclined to take a longer-term view. Not only did he regard buying a house as a most important thing, but he also considered the education of his children as extremely important. 2. . Only in very few cases did workers have the opportunity (or the education and training) to make such long-term plans.

3. . In a large number of cases factory workers earn as much as their middle – class supervisors (管理者). Social security and laws to improve century, have made it less necessary than before to worry about "tomorrow". Working-class people seem slowly to be losing the feeling of inferiority(自卑感). In fact there has been a growing tendency in the past few years for the middle-classes to feel slightly ashamed of their position.

4. .They generally tend to share very similar tastes in music and clothes, they spend their money in having a good time, and save for holidays or longer-term plans when necessary. There seems to be much less difference than in precious generations. 5. . As long as this gap exists, there will always be a possibility that new conflicts and jealousies will emerge, or rather that the old conflicts will re-appear, but between different groups.

A.Nowadays, a great deal has changed

B.Both of these provided him and his family with security

C.As a result, differences in life – styles and attitudes came into existence

D.However, we still have a wide gap between the well – paid and the low - paid

E.In recent years, the working – class people have begun to design long – term plans

F.In some ways, however, very little has changed, particularly where attitudes are concerned

G.The changes in both life – styles and attitudes are probably most easily seen among younger people


科目:高中英語 來源:2014-2015學年湖南益陽箴言中學高三下學期第十次模擬英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

The agreements, _______ from culture and education to special training programs, will play a key role in the China-Latin America partnership.

A. ranged B. having ranged

C. ranging D. to range

