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科目: 來源:2016-2017學年江蘇南通中學高二12月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

________ must you destroy the environment when you do it.

A. In no timeB. With no doubt

C. For no reasonD. On no account


科目: 來源:2016-2017學年江蘇南通中學高二12月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

—The manager of the factory wants to improve production a great deal, but he doesn’t spend much on technology.

—I am afraid he won’t realize his dream. You know ________.

A. you can’t eat your cake and have it

B. empty vessels make the greatest sound

C. enough is as good as a feast

D. two heads are better than one


科目: 來源:2016-2017學年江蘇南通中學高二12月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:完形填空

Our risk of cancer rises dramatically as we age. So it makes sense that the elderly should be routinely screened for new tumors — or doesn’t it?

While such vigilant(警覺的) tracking of cancer is a good thing in general, researchers are increasingly questioning whether all of this testing is necessary for the elderly. With the percentage of people over age 65 expected to nearly double by 2050, it’s important to weigh the health benefits of screening against the risks and costs of routine testing.

In many cases, screening can lead to additional biopsies(活檢) and surgeries to remove cancer, which can cause side effects, while the cancers themselves may be slow-growing and may not pose serious health problems in patients’ remaining years. But the message that everyone must screen for cancer has become so ingrained(根深蒂固的) that when health care experts recommended that women under 50 and over 74 stop screening for breast cancer, it caused a riotous reaction among doctors, patients and advocacy groups.

It’s hard to uproot deeply held beliefs about cancer screening with scientific data. Certainly, there are people over age 75 who have had cancers detected by routine screening, and gained several extra years of life because of treatment. And clearly, people over age 75 who have other risk factors for cancer, such as a family history or prior personal experience with the disease, should continue to get screened regularly. But for the remainder, the risk of cancer, while increased at the end of life, must be balanced with other factors like remaining life expectancy(預期壽命).

A recent study suggests that doctors start to make more objective decisions about who will truly benefit from screening—especially considering the explosion of the elderly that will soon swell our population.

It’s not an easy calculation to make, but one that make sense for the whole patient. Dr. Otis Brawley said, “Many doctors are ordering these tests purely to cover themselves. We need to think about the rational(合理的) use of health care and stop talking about the rationing of health care.”

That means making some difficult decisions with elderly patients, and going against the misguided belief that when it comes to health care, more is always better.

1.Why do doctors recommend routine cancer screening for elderly people?

A. It is believed to contribute to long life.

B. It is part of their health care package.

C. The elderly are more sensitive about their health.

D. The elderly are in greater danger of tumor(腫瘤) growth.

2.How do some researchers now look at routine cancer screening for the elderly?

A. It adds too much to their medical bills.

B. It helps increase their life expectancy.

C. They are doubtful about necessity.

D. They think it does more than good.

3.What is the conventional view about women screening for breast cancer?

A. It applies to women over 50.

B. It is a must for adult women.

C. It is optional for young women.

D. It doesn’t apply to women over 74.

4.Why do many doctors prescribe routine screening for cancer?

A. They want to protect themselves against medical disputes.

B. They want to take advantage of the medical care system.

C. They want data for medical research.

D. They want their patients to suffer less.


科目: 來源:2016-2017學年江蘇南通中學高二12月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Energy independence. It has a nice ring to it. Doesn’t it? If you think so, you’re not alone, because energy independence has been the dream of American president for decades, and never more so than in the past few years, when the most recent oil price shock has been partly responsible for kicking off the great recession.

“Energy independence” and its rhetorical (修辭的) companion “energy security” are, however, slippery concepts that are rarely though through. What is it we want independence from, exactly?

Most people would probably say that they want to be independent from imported oil. But there are reasons that we buy all that oil from elsewhere.

The first reason is that we need it to keep our economy running. Yes, there is a trickle(涓涓細流)of biofuel available, and more may become available, but most biofuels cause economic waste and environmental destruction.

Second, Americans have basically decided that they don’t really want to produce all their own oil. They value the environmental quality they preserve over their oil imports from abroad. Vast areas of the United States are off-limits(禁止) to oil exploration and production in the name of environmental protection. To what extent are Americans really willing to endure the environmental impacts of domestic energy production in order to cut back imports?

Third, there are benefits to trade. It allows for economic efficiency, and when we buy things from places that have lower production costs than we do, we benefit. And although you don’t read about this much, the United States is also a large exporter of oil products, selling about 2 million barrels of petroleum products per day to about 90 countries.

There is no question that the United States imports a great deal of energy and, in fact, relies on that steady flow to maintain its economy. When that flow is interrupted, we feel the pain in short supplies and higher prices, At the same time, we derive(得到,獲得) massive economic benefits when we buy the most affordable energy on the world market and when we engage in energy trade around the world.

1.What does the author say about energy independence for America?

A. It sounds very attractive.

C. It will bring oil prices down.

B. It ensures national security.

D. It has long been everyone’s dream.

2.Why does America rely heavily on oil imports?

A. It wants to expand its storage of crude oil.

B. Its own oil reserves are quickly running out.

C. It wants to keep its own environment intact.

D. Its own oil production falls short of demand.

3.What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A. To arouse Americans’ awareness of the energy crisis.

B. To stress the importance of energy conservation.

C. To explain the increase of international oil trade.

D. To justify(證明… 有理的) America’s dependence on oil imports.


科目: 來源:2016-2017學年江蘇南通中學高二12月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Have you ever seen a real night sky that looks like Van Gogh’s Starry Night? I hope not! So, why would an artist paint the sky this way? Perhaps I can answer that with another question. When you’re happy, why do you sing instead of speaking? Or when you’re in love, why do you speak of roses and honey? When we do these things, we, too are artists. We’re using something that goes beyond a mere scientific description in order to communicate our feelings more powerfully than straightforward words can. So consider for a moment that Van Gogh might not have been hallucinating on the night he painted this. Maybe he felt something so powerful that he had to go beyond the familiar to express it.

I hope I’m reminding you of something you already know as I describe the experience of being outside at night under a crystal clear sky that makes everything seem clean and refreshing. So you look up. And suddenly you see the sky that you’ve seldom seen before. It’s not just the same old dark night sky tonight. Instead, the blackness is a deep, rich blue that is more bottomless than any ocean. The stars are not spots of light but brilliant, magical diamonds that dance like tiny angels. In just this special moment, the sky is somehow alive, and it seems to speak to you silently about the meaning of infinity.

Now look at the painting again. Can you see something of what makes this such a famous and well-loved image? But there’s more here than that. Van Gogh painted this while he was quite struck down by a mental disease. It is natural to imagine that he frequently battled the fear that he would never escape his prison to true freedom. It is natural for us to imagine this because each of us has faced our own personal prison, whether it be disease, the loss of a loved one, serious financial problems … In such moments it is tempting to give up to despair and collapse in hopelessness.

Looking at this painting, I imagine Van Gogh in just such a moment of despair, when he is struck by the memory of one of those amazing night skies. He recalls the sense that he is not alone, that there is a living, infinite world with rich colorful creatures and scenes all around.

And so the sky flows across the canvas full of vitality and power. The stars don’t just sparkle; they explode. Looking closer, we notice that the earth itself seems to respond to the movement in the sky, forming its own living waves in the mountain and rolling trees. In the sleepy village, the windows of the houses glow with the same light that brightens the universe. The giant trees at the left seem to capture the joy by stretching upwards toward the sky.

What a tremendous message of hope there is in this masterpiece! Even if our troubles persist, the world around us assures us that life is worth living. That’s what the angels sing about. Doesn’t it make you want to sing, too?

1.Looking at the painting Starry Night, we can see all the following except ________.

A. the singing angelsB. the giant trees

C. the sleeping villageD. the sparkling stars

2.Van Gogh does NOT describe a feeling of ________ through the Starry Night.

A. happinessB. vitalityC. powerD. despair

3.What is the main purpose of this passage?

A. To explain how Van Gogh painted the Starry Night.

B. To tell us how to appreciate the Starry Night.

C. To prove Van Gogh was in a hallucinating state of mind while painting the picture.

D. To show us the beauty of the sky on a Starry Night.


科目: 來源:2016-2017學年江蘇南通中學高二12月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Mail lay scattered across the kitchen table. I couldn’t put off sorting through it any longer. I checked the envelopes, putting aside the ones addressed to my husband.

It had been over three years since Bob had died. To friends and family it looked like I had moved past the worst of my sorrow. I took care of my house, socialized and kept up with community. On the outside everything appeared to be normal. But inside I was anything but I worried I would never get better, never be myself again. They say sorrow has no set time limit, but I was so tired of feeling empty and hopeless. My sorrow was sharp and fresh as ever. It was like a wall of pressure in my chest, pressing my heart.

I picked up a piece of Bob’s mail and held it out to tear in half, but stopped myself from cutting up the envelope. The letter was from an organization that funded a Haitian orphanage called My Father’s House. Its founder, Carol Hawthorne, had given a presentation at our church. Bob and I had donated, and Bob ended up on the mailing list to receive the newsletter (通訊) with updates on the children.

I hadn’t read one since Bob died. But just three months before, in January 2012, the country had been hit by a terrible earthquake. In my depressed state, it hadn’t even occurred to me to wonder whether the orphanage had survived. I opened the newsletter and was surprised to find out that My Father’s House was still standing. Of course now it was more crowded than ever. At the bottom of the page was an announcement about an upcoming trip to visit the orphanage in person. “I should go.” The thought wouldn’t leave me. I contacted Carol Hawthorne.“What would I do if I go?” I asked.“Build houses?”

“The Haitian people there are eager to work and they know what they’re doing,” said Carol. “What they need are raw materials, and we provide them. We also visit with the children. We go to clinics and schools, pass out supplies. You’ll be very busy, I promise!” I reserved a seat but didn’t mention it to any of my friends. Just a few weeks later, I was at the airport with seven strangers, waiting to board a plane to Haiti. Even after takeoff I wasn’t really sure of what I was doing.

In Haiti we were met by Pastor Ronald Lefranc, the director of My Father’s House. We piled into an old school bus and drove over uneven roads full of stones and mud. We passed women shaking under the weight of huge water buckets balanced on their heads. Piles of rubbish scattered across the landscape, and the land was covered with broken tents. Finally we pulled up to the orphanage. A crowd of children—52 in all—rushed up to greet us. I couldn’t understand the words of the song they sang in Creole, but with the smiles on their faces I didn’t need to. Each child planted a big kiss on my cheek.

Carol and Pastor Ronald led us into the main building. “What are those over there?” I asked, pointing to a collection of thin tents. “Is there not enough room in the building for all the children?”

“We have the room,” said Pastor Ronald. “But many of these children came here after the earthquake. They still don’t feel safe sleeping under a roof.”

There was no sign of fear in the playroom inside. I played dolls and other games. Children I’d just met presented me with pictures they’d drawn and letters written in Creole. In the evening the children gathered in the dining room. They took turns reading aloud and then they all joined in song. The words were strange, but the tune sounded familiar.

They’d lost so much, yet were so joyful. In the evening the children gathered in the dining room. One of the older children stood up to speak and then they all joined in song. The words were strange, but the tune sounded familiar. The children settled down. In the silence, a quiet noise began.

1.During the three years after her husband’s death, the writer ________.

A. kept in close touch with friends and neighbors

B. just stayed at her home to take care of her house

C. forgot her unhappiness completely with busy work

D. lived in emptiness and hopelessness due to hardships

2.What does the underlined part “My Father’s House” refer to?

A. An association that fund the research into earthquake in Haiti.

B. An institution where children without parents greet foreigners.

C. An organization that collect money for children without parents.

D. A place where children without parents live and are looked after.

3.The writer enjoyed herself at ________.

A. driving over the roads

B. viewing the landscape

C. seeing the expressions on children’s faces

D. observing water buckets on women’s heads

4.Why did the children love to live in the thin tents?

A. Because they had to make preparations for the newcomers.

B. Because the tents are convenient for drawing in the open.

C. Because the rooms in the building are used to house guests.

D. Because they worried there might be another earthquake.

5.What can we conclude from the passage?

A. The writer decided to settle down in Haiti at last.

B. The writer overcame her loss by helping others.

C. The writer taught the children to sing in English.

D. The writer picked up Creole during her stay there.


科目: 來源:2016-2017學年江蘇南通中學高二12月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解


Some students get so nervous before a test, they do poorly even if they know the material. Sian Beilock has studied these highly anxious test-takers.

Sian Beilock: “They start worrying about the consequences. They might even start worrying about whether this exam is going to prevent them from getting into the college they want. And when we worry, it actually uses up attention and memory resources. I talk about it as your cognitive horsepower that you could otherwise be using to focus on the exam.”

Professor Beilock and another researcher, Gerardo Ramirez, have developed a possible solution. Just before an exam, highly anxious test-takers spend ten minutes writing about their worries about the test.

Sain Beilock: “What we think happens is when students put it down on paper, they think about the worst that could happen and they reappraise the situation. They might realize it’s not as bad as they might think it was before and, in truth, it prevents these thoughts from appearing suddenly when they’re actually taking a test.”

The researchers tested the idea on a group of twenty anxious college students. They gave them two short math tests. After the first one, they asked the students to either sit quietly or write about their feelings about the upcoming second test.

The researchers added to the pressure. They told the students that those who did well on the second test would get money. They also told them that their performance would affect other students as part of a team effort.

Professor Beilock says those who sat quietly scored an average of twelve percent worse on the second test. But the students who had written about their fears improved their performance by an average of five percent.

Next, the researchers used younger students in a biology class. They told them before final exams either to write about their feelings or to think about things unrelated to the test.

Professor Beilock says highly anxious students who did the writing got an average grade of B+, compared to a B- for those who did not.

Sain Beilock: “What we showed is that for students who are highly test-anxious, who’d done our writing intervention, all of a sudden there was no relationship between test anxiety and performance. Those students most prone to worry were performing just as well as their classmates who don’t normally get nervous in these testing situations.”

But what if students do not have a chance to write about their fears immediately before an exam or presentation? Professor Beilock says students can try it themselves at home or in the library and still improve their performance.

Title: Overcoming test 1.______________


Some students get nervous before a test, so they can’t do 2. __________ even if they know the material.


3.__________ about the consequences 4._________ them their attention and memory resources.


Write down their worries to 5.________ the negative thoughts appearing suddenly.

Results of the researches

College students: 6._______ with those sitting quietly, students writing about their fears improved their performance.

Younger students: highly anxious students who did the writing instead of 7._______ things unrelated to the test got 8. _______ grades.

9.___________ ways to solve the problem

If students have no 10.________ to write about their fears immediately, they can try it themselves at home or in the library.


科目: 來源:2016-2017學年江蘇南通中學高二12月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解


1.Going round to the bank was part of the r__________ of his work, so he always cares for his duty.

2.He is hard-working. He practices English every day to p__________ his spoken English.

3.They didn’t attend because of r__________ reasons. They don’t believe in God.

4.Over three hundred people have died of s__________ for the lack of food.

5.You are not p__________ to drive if you do not have a driving license.

6.I’m looking for some __________(臨時的) work to buy my sister a new bike.

7.Having read the book, she will be able to pass on the __________(獲得) knowledge to her students.

8.Without consulting his __________(同事), he flew from Los Angeles to Chicago.

9.Tom had determined to live up to the __________(期望) of his parents.

10.__________ (可替代的) energy sources are renewable, which means they can be used without running out.


科目: 來源:2016-2017學年江蘇南通中學高二12月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單詞拼寫


It was 7:30 in the morning. As usual I was on the subway to school. It was so crowded with people that it felt like the air conditioner wasn't working. I was standing there looking around. Then, I saw an old lady get on the train with a 7-year-old child who seemed to be her grandson.

A warm-hearted gentleman generously offered his seat to the old lady. Instead of sitting down herself, however, the old lady called her grandson over and told him to sit.

Sooner or later, children mature and step into the complicated world. Love is necessary in the early development of children, yet, to the disappointment of many, too much love definitely prevents children from learning the rules of the real world. Teaching the child about the rules of society within the family helps the child to achieve success later. By giving up seats to their children, grandparents may destroy kids' best chance for character development.


1. 以約30個詞概括上文的主要內容。

2. 以約120個詞談談你對長輩溺愛孩子的看法,內容包括:



1. 作文中可以用親身經歷或虛構的故事。2. 不得直接引用原文中的句子。3. 作文中不能出現(xiàn)真實姓名和學校名稱。


科目: 來源:2016-2017湖南瀏陽一中、攸縣一中高二12月聯(lián)考英語卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Welcome to Marksdale State Park

Where fun, fitness, and education come together

Don’t miss our new summer classes available during May 23- Aug 5!

Swimming lessons: Ages 4—adult. Cost: $ 5 per class or $ 15 for one month.

Hiking: Have a state park keeper hike through our paths with you and teach you about the park’s wildlife and plants.

Soccer: Our youth soccer program is unusual in that it is non-competitive. Different teams are formed every day. The focus is on each player learning to work as a team, not on one team winning it all.

Boating: These classes are only for 20-year-olds and above. Fishing is only allowed with a permit.

Bicycling: We have special paths built for bicyclists. Signs are posted for self-guided tours of our park. Group cycling is also available with a park guide. Paths range from easy to challenging.

A message from the director:

Hiking paths! Sport fields! Playgrounds! Campgrounds! Fun activities! Located on McQueeney, Marksdale State Park offers something for everyone. We have a number of plants and animals, which are in danger of dying out, being protected in our park. Sign up for one of our new summer community classes, or take a camping trip with your friends or family!

Glen Harwood, Park Director

1.If you plan to learn to swim from June 1st to July 31st, you should pay ______.

A. $5 B. $15 C. $25 D. $30

2.Which of the following activities is only intended for adults?

A. swimming B. boating C. hiking D. bicycling

3. What can we learn about Marksdale State Park?

A. Many endangered plants can be found there.

B. Special paths will soon be built for bicyclists.

C. It is a park full of fun activities and sea animals.

D. The youth soccer program focuses on how to win.

