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科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】Religion was very important in Greek life. Temples were the major 1(build) in Greek cities. The Greeks thought that 12 main gods lived on Mount Olympus, the2(high)mountain in Greece. One of these was Zeus, 3was the chief god and father of the gods. The Greeks believed that the spirits of most people went to an underworld 4(rule)by the god Hades, regardless of 5the people had done in life. Greeks performed rituals to please the gods. Rituals are religious ceremonies. The Greek rituals combined prayers 6gifts to the gods. The Greeks also held7(festival) to honor the gods and goddesses. Athletic games often took place at the festivals. All Greeks were invited to these games. The first games of this kind 8(hold)at the Olympic festival in 776 B. C.

The Greeks used oracles to learn the will of the gods. An oracle was a sacred shrine(圣地)9a god or goddess revealed the future through a priest(神父)or priestess. The most famous was the oracle of the god Apollo at Delphi. Many people traveled to Delphi 10(consult) the oracle of Apollo.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】How to Talk to Someone with Hearing Loss

People who have hearing loss may struggle with a surprising side effect: less satisfying relationships, as friends and family struggle to know how to communicate, says Katherine Bouton, author of Shouting Won’t Help. 1Follow these simple tips so people with hearing loss will more easily understand what you’re saying and be able to participate.

Don’t’ shout.

2; yelling doesn’t help a person with hearing loss hear you any better. The exception: if your voice is particularly quiet, you should speak louder.


Almost all people with hearing less read lips. Don’t speak directly into their ear because the person won’t be able to see your lips.

Don’t forget to eliminate(消除)white noise

Most people with hearing loss have a hard time distinguishing speech over a noisy air conditioner, a humming fish tank or anything that whirs, murmurs or rumbles. 4.

Don’t all talk at one

At a dinner parkty or meeting where there may be eight to ten people present, try to have one general conversation instead of several overlapping ones.

Don’t say “Never mind, it doesn’t matter”

If someone doesn’t hear what you’ve said after you’ve restated it two or three times, don’t give up. Rephrase and retry. 5

A. Don’t lean in toward the ear

B. Don’t try to chat over the TV

C. To the person who can’t hear you, everything matters.

D. The person with hearing loss can feel isolated or cut off

E. Speak in a normal voice and pronounce as clearly as possible

F. Do not cover your mouth, eat, or chew on anything while talking

G. Clinically deaf, he taught friends, family and colleagues how to help


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】Why All Disney Princesses Wear Blue

If they’re not sleeping and waiting for Prince Charming to rescue them, they’re busy getting poisoned by poisonous apples or being forced 1(do) heavy housework by evil relatives. But 2turns out that even the most laidback(悠閑的) beauty is supposed to send a message of strength to young 3(girl).

That’s because they all wear blue. From Jasmine to Belle, from Ariel to Snow White, they all wear blue. Far from stereotypical(老一套的) pinks, these princesses 4(dress) in bold aqua(水藍色), cornflower(矢車菊藍). Even Dorothy form the Wizard of Oz (綠野仙蹤) 5(wear) a light blue pinafore and socks.

Why? Well, blue is 6(apparent) the colour of trust, calmness as well7 confidence. According to experts, we all have 8natural preference for blue, partly because of the sky. It’s something to look forward to, to see that blue sky. It’s 9(rely). It might cloud up, but we know it’s there.

Perhaps, Disney puts princesses in the colour to show that they’re those 10are loyal and dependable.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】A rejection letter is one of those letters that are not very easy to write.1. For example, organizations usually have to send rejection letters to applicants they cannot hire. So how to write a rejection letter?

Make the words professional and proper

What matters most in a rejection letter is the professional tone and wording. 2Instead, your choice of words should make the reader feel that he or she would do the same thing if they were in your place.

Keep it clear and simple

3. Nobody likes to read a long, winding rejection letter. Therefore, it is better to deliver the message of rejection in the beginning itself. Clearly state that you have decided to reject the request or application. Don’t beat about the bush and don’t try to give the impression that your decision could change.4. Explain why your decision is good for everyone.


Conclude with a statement of goodwill(友好). You may have rejected this application, but if you intend to consider this person for another job in the future, you may express that as well. However, that isn’t always necessary. In some situations such endings might offend(冒犯) the reader.

A. End on a positive note

B. Make your decision as soon as possible

C. Never give away what you are going to do

D. Briefly state how you came to your decision

E. A rejection letter doesn’t have to be necessarily long

F. Don’t write anything that may make the reader feel bad

G. Although writing a rejection letter can be difficult, there are situations when it’s absolutely necessary.


科目: 來源: 題型:

Queensland is one of the most amazing states in Australia. It has some of the most beautiful natural scenery on the planet, with the Great Barrier Reef, rainforests and impressive beaches.
The Great Barrier Reef
It is one of the world's largest natural features. It stretches more that 2,300 km along the north eastern coast of Australia from the northern tip of Queensland to just north of Bundaberg. The things that most surprise visitors to the reef are the colors.
Without doubt, the best way to see the Great Barrier Reef is by diving. If you have a little extra money and you are feeling a bit lazy, you can fly over the reef in a plane.
Fraser Island
Another area of natural beauty is Fraser Island. This is the world's largest sand island. It's best visited from Hervey Bay on the mainland, where there are a number of places offering trips around the island. To fully appreciate Fraser Island you should go for three or four days. Attractions include some beautiful fresh-water lakes, particularly Lake Wabby and Lake Mckenzie. You can walk around these on white sands untouched by human footprints. Indian Head also has some beautiful views. Braver travelers can go and watch sharks circling the water hundreds of meters below.
The Whitsunday Islands
It would be a pity to travel around Queensland without taking a trip around the Whitsunday Islands. They were named by Captain Cook in 1770, after the day on which he arrived. Here are some of the great things you can do there.
●Cruise around them on a relaxing trip.
●Take a sailing course.
●Look at the aboriginal (土著的) paintings in caves on Hook Island.
●Have fun in the water doing lots of water sports.
So, will you be going to Queensland?
(1)The best way to admire the beauty of the Great Barrier Reef is .
A.diving in the sea
B.taking a boat
C.flying in a plane
(2)What can we infer from Fraser Island?
A.Few places on the mainland can offer trips around the island.
B.One should have at least 2 days to fully explore Fraser Island.
C.Lake Wabby and Lake Mckenzie are rarely visited places.
D.Only brave ones can watch sharks in the deep ocean.
(3)If you want to learn sailing, you can go to .
A.Hook Island
B.The Whitsunday Islands
C.Fraser Island
D.the Great Barrier Reef
(4)The purpose of writing this passage is .
A.to adverse for Queensland
B.to inform the latest news
C.to call on people to protect Queensland
D.to break a world record


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】Encouraging pupils to keep noise to a minimum should be a valuable part of all children’s education, according to a new research.

Dr. Helen Lees, from Stirling University’s school of education, says that “enforced (強制的) silence” is seen as a punishment and often acts to suppress children’s natural ability. But she says that teaching children about the benefits of “enforced silence” — deliberate stillness that gives them the opportunity to focus and reflect in a stress-free environment — can have a significant effect on pupils’ concentration and behaviour.

It is the latest in a string of researches to establish a link between the classroom environment and pupils’ academic ability.

A study almost a decade ago in London found that children’s exam results were cut by as much as a third if they taught in noisy classrooms. Teaching unions have also called for a limit of 26℃ to be put on classroom temperatures because teachers and pupils struggle to work in hot conditions and some educationalists claim that too much clutter(雜亂的東西) on classroom walls can prevent children from concentrating.

Dr. Lees said: “When we take some research on school settings and put it all together, what we see is that education without silence does not make much sense. In areas of better learning outcomes, better self-confidence and well-being measures, enforced silence in a person’s life and an individual’s education is shown throughout the relevant research to be a benefit.”

Dozens of schools across Britain already introduce periods of “reflective silence” into the timetable.

Kevin Hogston, head of Sheringdale Primary, south London, has just introduced a minute’s silence at the start of twice-weekly meetings in which children are taught breathing techniques and encouraged to reflect. The school plans to introduce it into classrooms every day.

1According to Dr. Helen Lees, “enforced silence” _____________.

A. is an effective way of punishment

B. does not make much sense in class

C. can improve pupils’ confidence

D. can make pupils more creative

2The underlined word, “suppress”, in the second paragraph probably means “_________”.

A. prevent something from developing

B. make something better than before

C. get something back

D. unite with something.

3What can be inferred from the research on school settings?

A. Students are more creative if taught in noisy classrooms.

B. Silence makes a great difference to pupils.

C. Clutter on the walls can help students concentrate.

D. Most schools are not satisfactory in terms of classroom temperatures.

4What is the passage mainly about?

A. How to arrange classroom settings.

B. How to achieve silence in class.

C. Encouraging pupils in class is beneficial.

D. Keeping quiet in class can improve academic ability.


科目: 來源: 題型:


1When was Michael Douglas born?

A. In 1944. B. In 1945. C. In 1975.

2What was his role in the TV series, The Streets of San Francisco?

A. A star. B. A showman. C. A policeman.

3How many Oscars did the film, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, win?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.

4When did Michael Douglas’s output begin slowing down?

A. After he married. B. After he had two children. C. After he had throat cancer.


科目: 來源: 題型:


1What does the woman want to buy?

A. Some bread. B. A coat. C. Some sandwiches.

2What is the woman probably?

A. A mother. B. A teacher. C. A waitress.

3What can we learn about the boy?

A. He answered a phone from his father.

B. He likes playing tennis.

C. He helps the woman find the sandwich.

4What will the woman probably do next?

A. Call her husband. B. Go shopping. C. Have lunch with the boy.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】Plays are an important part of British culture. The West End theatre district in London is the best place to watch a professional play, but acting also takes place in every school and village hall across the country.

There are over 2,500 non-professional drama groups in the UK today and they are an active part of community life. people from all walks of life take on acting roles in addition to their regular jobs. They do it for fun, for the love of acting and as a way to meet new people.

Not everyone in a drama club is a skilled actor, but enthusiasm(熱情)is considered to be more important than talent. Friends, family members and neighbours enjoy getting together to watch the final performance and telling the people they know to “break a leg(走運)”. It’s a great way of bringing communities together. Also, in many rural parts of Britain, non-professional theatre is the only chance people have to see plays for miles around.

Many people get a taste for acting at school. Every school puts on a play at least once per year, usually at Christmas, and parents love coming to watch their children perform. Ask any British person and they’re sure to have happy memories of being in their school’s Christmas play, whether they played the role of Mary or Joseph or perhaps even a sheep or a donkey.

Another Christmas theatre tradition is the pantomime(舞劇). Pantomimes are a type of musical comedy for families .the audience is encouraged to participate in the performance-singing along with the music and shouting to the actors. Pantomimes are really fun to watch, especially for children.

British people love going to the theatre, professional or not, and many of them also enjoy performing. If you have the chance, go and see a play in the UK.

1What matters most for an actor in a drama club, according to the article?

A. Talent B. Enthusiasm

C. Professional training D. Support from family

2According to the article, what is special about pantomimes?

A. All the performers are professional child actors

B. The audience is allowed to play some small roles in them

C. The audience is encouraged to interact with the actors

D. The musical comedy is always about family life

3According to the article most Britain people ____________.

A. learn how to be a professional actor in school

B. consider acting to be their regular jobs

C. often participated in performance when in school

D. watch plays in the West End theatre district in London

4What is the article mainly about?

A. Reasons why British people love plays

B. The origin of theatre traditions in the UK

C. Rules for theatergoers to follow in the UK

D. The popularity of non-professional plays in the UK


科目: 來源: 題型:






1. 放松身心,塑造體型;

2. 欣賞音樂,鍛煉身體;

1. 廣場舞是大媽舞;

2. 運動量不足;







廣場舞: square dancing 大媽:Dama

Recently, a primary school in Xiangyang, Hubei province has added square dancing to their curriculum ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

