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科目: 來(lái)源: 題型:

I’m sorry to have broken up your coffee cup.

_________, Bill.

A. Go ahead                         B. You’re welcome

C. No problem                     D. Don’t mention it                           




科目: 來(lái)源: 題型:

Fred: You are listening to "students' corner" and I am your h_______ Fred. Today we are going to talk about the  English reform of NMET. Hello, Mike, you are on the a______.

Mike: Hello, Fred, I'm having a hard time p_______ for my final exams. What can I do to study better.

Fred: Well, there's really no secret, first of all, you have to make sure that you have enough v_________ and know how to use them freely.

Mike: What do you mean? I study hard, I recite the words and phrases over and over again. But I still can't remember e__________.

Fred; Er ,first, I think the most important thing is that you'd better write them down on your papers while you are reciting them, which can help you to c___________ .Second, you should make it clear  the differences and s___________ between words .A_________ from learning enough words, you also need to learn other  learning s_______ and strategies. More i_____________, deal with each part with exact time, for time is precious in the exam.

Mike: Got it, thank you.


科目: 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

More Americans are Googling themselves-and many are checking out their friends, co-workers and romantic interests, too.

In a report Sunday, the Pew Internet and American Life Project said 47 percent of U. S. adult Internet users have looked for information about themselves through Google or another search engine.

That is more than twice the 22 percent of users who did in 2002, but Pew senior research specialist Mary Madden was surprised the growth wasn’t higher.

“Yes it’s doubled, but many Internet users have never done this simple act of plugging their name with search engines,” she said.

Americans under 50 and those with more education and income were more likely to self-Google because their jobs demand a certain online persona.

Meanwhile, Pew found that 53 percent of adult Internet users admit to looking up information about someone else, not including celebrities(名人).

Often, it’s to find someone they have lost touch with. But looking up information about friends, relatives, colleagues and neighbors also was common.

Although men and women equally searched for online information about themselves, women were slightly more likely to look up information about someone they are dating.

In many cases, the search is done to find someone’s contact information. But a third of those who have conducted searches on others have looked for public records, such as bankruptcies(破產(chǎn)) and divorce(離婚) proceedings. A similar number have searched for someone else’s photo.

Few Internet users say they Google themselves regularly―about three-quarters of self-searchers say they have done so only once or twice. And most who have done so consider what they find accurate.

Pew also found that teens were more likely than adults to restrict(限制) who can see their information at an online hangout(常去之處) like Facebook or News Corp’s MySpace.


72. The number of American adult Internet users      Mary Madden.

A. frightened                 B. pleased                            C. disappointed             D. annoyed

73. What does “they” refer to in the seventh paragraph?

A. Common people                                           B. Scientists

C. Adults                                                         D. 53percent adult Internet users.

74. How many people have checked others’ photos?

A. One-fifth                  B. One-fourth               C. One-third                 D. A half

75. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Learn to Google yourself                               B. Googling oneself is popular

C. A new performance online                             D. Don’t Google yourself online


科目: 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

Divorce is bad for environment

US researchers raised a new theory on Monday: divorce is bad for the environment.

The global trend toward higher divorce rates has created more households with fewet People,scientists at Michigan State University reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

More households means more houses,fuel and water are Heeded for them,the researchers wrote.“Globally,the number of households is increasing much faster than the number of people,”said co-author “Jack” Liu in a telephone interview. “Even in regions with declining population, we see substantial increase in the number of households. Divorce is the main reason for reducing the number of people in a household,” he said.

The average divorced person’s household is about 40 to 50 percent smaller than the average married person’s household, Liu said. But whether there are three or six people in a house ,the amount of fuel needed to heat them is about the same.

In the United States, divorced households used 73 billion kilowatt―hours of electricity and 2.850 trillion litres of water in 2005 that could have been saved if households had stayed the same size as when they were married.

I the United States and 11 other countries between 1998 and 2002, if divorced households had combined to have the same average household size as married households, there could have been 7.4 million fewer households.

The number of divorced households in those countries ranged from 40,000 in Costa Rica to almost 16 million in the United States around 2000. The number of rooms per person in divorced households was 33 percent to 95 percent greater than in married households.

“If you really want to get divorced, maybe you can remarry with somebody else, or live together with somebody else you like”, Liu said.


68. In America when the number of households is        , the number of people in a house is      .

A. increasing, decreasing                                          B. decreasing, increasing

C. increasing, increasing                                          D. decreasing, decreasing

69. What does the word “substantial” in the third paragraph mean?

A. Great                       B. Little                               C. Sudden                    D. Timely

70. How much electricity would have been saved without so many people to get divorced?

A. 7.4 million kilowatt-hours                              B. 16 million kilowatt-hours

C. 73 billion kilowatt-hours                                       D. about 30 billion kilowatt-hours

71. The last paragraph is the writer’s        for people.

A. advice               B. encouragement                 C. demand                    D. order


科目: 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

What to expect in the cinema this winter?

The Golden Compass

Running Time: 1 hour 54 min

Release Date: December7, 2007

Starring: Nicole Kidman, Dakota Blue Richards

Directed by: Chris Weitz

12-year-old Lyra is a girl who lives in a world, where human souls take the form of animal companions. When her best friend disappears, Lyra promises to find him. One thing Lyra packs for the trip is a mysterious compass that many people are violently determined to get. What is awaiting her?

I Am Legend

Running Time: 1 hour 42min Release

Date: December14, 2007

Starring: Will Smith, Alice Braga, Dash Mihok

Robert Neville, a brilliant scientist, isn’t quite brilliant enough to stop a man-made virus from escaping and killing everyone in sight. Somehow, Robert is virus-free. As Robert realizes that his time may be up, he’s determined to find a way to save the human race-using his own virus-free blood.

This Christmas

Running Time: 1 hour 57min

Release Date: November29, 2007

Starring: Laz Alonso, Chris Brown

It’s Christmas! Time for joy! Love! Gifts! And, oh family. For the first time in many years, the Whitefields are all coming home. It should be a happy time for all, but after years away, it’s clear that there are plenty of reasons they’ve grown apart. How can all these people and all their secrets survive under one roof? By the time the presents are opened, they are to find out what they have missed for these years-family .

Into the Wild

Running Time: 2 hours 20min

Release Date: December22, 2007

Starring: Emile Hirsch, Marcia Harden

Freshly graduated from Harvard with a bright future, 22-year-old Christopher instead walked out of his “good” life and into the wild in search of adventure. What happened to him on the way changed this young wanderer into an enduring symbol for countless people. Was Christopher a heroic adventurer or another American loser?


65. The film with the shortest running time is      .

A. The Golden Compass                                          B. I Am Legend

C. This Christmas                                                   D. Into the Wild

66. “This Christmas” Probably         .

A. reveals how to choose Christmas gifts for our relatives

B. reveals the secrets to a successful marriage

C. reveals the importance of money to any family

D. reveals the truth of a family and its real problems

67. In the movie “Into the Wild”, the “good” life is probably        .

A. adventurous and dangerous                                  B. steady and promising

C. risky and exciting                                                D. poor and depressing



科目: 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

Russian President Putin named Time magazine’s person of the year

Russian President Vladimir Putin was named Time magazine’s “Person of the Year” on December 19th ,2007for strengthening stability(穩(wěn)定) that made Russia a world power again.

The magazine recognized Putin’s “extraordinary feat(技藝)of leadership in taking a country that was in a mess and bringing it stability,” said Richard Stengel, Time’s managing editor.

The magazine noted that “Person of the Year” is not an honor or an endorsement(認(rèn)可)but a recognition of leadership that shapes the world.

Putin, who is 56 years old, is very popular in Russia, making a great effort to cause economy to come to life on revenue(收入)from oil and natural gas.

Putin recently supported vice-PM Dmitry Medvedev’s presidential bid, and said he would accept Medvedev’s offer to serve as prime minister if Medvedev is elected March2.

The Kremlin said Wednesday the Time reconnition was seen there as an acknowledgment of Putin’s role in helping Russia pull out of its social and economic troubles in the 1990s.

Others considered for Person of the Year included Nobel Prize-winner Al Gore and author J.K. Rowling.

This year’s choice was a return to the magazine’s tradition of picking an individual rather than last year’s choice of “You”, which refers to anyone creating or using content on the World Wide Web.

Putin is the fifth Russian(or Soviet) leader to be named Person of the Year: Gorbachev, Andropov, Khrushchev and Stalin, who was named twice.


61. How did Putin try to make Russia a world power again?

A. By performing arms race                                     B. By making war

C. By strengthening stability                                     D. By getting foreign help

62. Which of the following is Not True according to the passage?

A. Russia used to be in a mess

B. Time always picks an individual to be the “Person of the Year”

C. Oil and natural gas caused Russia’s economy to come to life

D. Putin will leave office on March2, 2007

63. What does the underlined word “acknowledgement” mean?

A. Praise               B. Support                    C. Scold                 D.  Recognition

64. How many times have Russian leaders been named Person of the Year so far?

A. Five times                B. Six times                  C. Seven times              D. Eight times


科目: 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解


GENEVA,F(xiàn)eb. 11(Xinhua)-The current La Nina weather phenomenon may just be a partial cause of south China’s freeze-up at the start of 2008, said the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO)Monday.

The latest La Nina pattern, which began in the third quarter of 2007, has picked up strength in the past three months, with sea surface temperatures now about 1.5to 2 degrees Celsius(攝氏度)colder than average over large parts of the eastern and central equatorial Pacific Ocean, said the latest report issued by the WNO.

Presenting the Geneva-based body’s report, Rupa Kumar Killi, a WMO climate expert, said the recent month-long snow and ice-storms in China’s central, southern and eastern regions could be connected with the La Nina phenomenon, the climatic opposite of El Nino(厄爾尼諾現(xiàn)象).

However, he said China’s freeze-up was a result of several causes causes combined and was partly caused by a cold surge from the north and west.

He also said the present La Nina cycle may last at least until mid-2008 and it is also possible, if less likely, that the cycle could stretch into the third quarter.

La Nina is a large pool of unusually cold water in the equatorial Pacific that develops every few years and influences global weather. It is the climatic opposite of El Nino, a warming of the Pacific, and both have been associated with extreme weather around the globe.

Since Jan.10, snow, sleet and low temperatures have swept China’s southern regions, a rare occurrence for the area.


56. What partially caused south China’s freeze-up at the beginning of 2008?

A. La Nina                    B. El Nino                     C. Typhoon                         D. Frost

57. When did the latest La Nina weather phenomenon begin?

A. In the spring of 2007                                   B. In the summer of 2007

C. In the fall of 2007                                        D. In the winter of 2007

58. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Due to the La Nina, sea surface temperatures become colder over the eastern Pacific Ocean

B. The La Nina phenomenon is the climatic opposite of El Nino

C. There were several causes which brought about China’s freeze-up

D. The present La Nina cycle may last until spring in 2008 and disappear

59. What can we learn from the sixth paragraph?

A. La Nina does not happen every year but it influences global weather

B. La Nina happens every year and influences global weather

C. La Nina happens every year but seldom influences global weather

D. La Nina happens every few years and brings about warm and wet weather

60. What is the best title of the passage?

A. La Nina may be partial cause of S China’s freeze-up

B. La Nina and El Nino

C. What cause the La Nina weather phenomenon

D. How La Nina destroys the whole world’s weather


科目: 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

I think if we are lucky we will meet nice people. They will offer us help, friendship, kindness and so on.   36  , when I was 17 years old, there was a boy, who gave me something very important. It was a    37  .

The story   38  when I became a high student in the autumn of 2003. At the beginning of the term, I did not know anyone in my class because I had just   39  from a school, which was far from my new school, I was the only one who studied at my new school. I felt very lonely. I was afraid to  40  friends with anyone because I did not think they were  41  to me.

Every time I heard them talking and laughing, I felt my heart  42 . I thought my life was dark and sad. I did not know what to do and I did not want to  43  my parents anything because they would worry about it.

44, one day, something good happened, I was sitting on my seat,  45  as usual, as my deskmate talked happily with her friends. At that  46  ,a boy, who I didn’t know, entered the classroom,  47  through the seats, passed mine and suddenly turned back. It seemed that he was looking for something.  48 , he looked at me, and without a word, gave me a smile.

Suddenly, I felt like something warm, bright and friendly had  49  me and I thought I would be lucky and never live in  50 from then on. Why was that? I asked myself. Although he walked away  51 ,I knew he had smiled at me. His smile made me feel friendly, happy, lively and warm.

The smile  52 my life. I did not feel sad any more. Therefore, I think, sometimes the world is  53 you think it is .If you think you are  54 , you may always be alone. So, cheer up, those who are lonely or in  55 . The world is not that bad. Smile to the world and it will smile back.


36. A. To make things better

B. It just depends

C. I dare say

 D. Believe it or not

37. A. pleasure

B. smile

C. comfort

 D. help

38. A. made

B. spread

C. started

 D. occurred

39. A. separate

B. left

C. graduated

 D. escaped

40. A. keep

B. visit

C. make

 D. have

41. A. glad

B. friendly

C. rude

 D. happy

42. A. sink

B. beat

C. jump

D. run

43. A. say

B. tell

C. speak

D. talk

44. A. Strangely

B. Patiently

C. Willingly

D. Luckily

45. A. unusual

B. polite

C. unhappy

D. delighted

46. A. while

B. moment

C. chance

D. o’clock

47. A. got

B. went

C. broke

D. looked

48. A. Beautifully

B. Eagerly

C. Seriously

D. Surprisingly

49. A. drawn

B. defeated

C. struck

D. caught

50. A. happiness

B. darkness

C. coldness

D. friendliness

51. A. eventually

B. peacefully

C. friendly

D. carefully

52. A. colored

B. improved

C. changed

D. satisfied

53. A. something

B. where

C. everything

D. what

54. A. lonely

B. alone

C. living

D. lovely

55. A. need

B. trouble

C. honor

D. danger


科目: 來(lái)源: 題型:

―Have you completed the project?

―I’m sorry to tell you that we       it when we found how much it      .

A. have abandoned; costs                                  B. abandoned; cost

C. had abandoned; cost                                     D. abandoned; would cost


科目: 來(lái)源: 題型:

 The sign “No Photos ” means that you       take any photos in the Palace Museum.

A. needn’t                    B. may not                    C. mustn’t                    D. wouldn’t

