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科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解


61.        .

Dear editor,

I am a junior at university majoring(讀……專業(yè))in law I’m interested in administrative law and plan to study it during my postgraduate years. But my dream is to be a great reporter. My question is : is it possible for me to be a reporter if I major in administrative law? I’m worried about my future. Please help me.

62.        .

Dear editor,

I am a university junior in public administration. I like English very much and I once tried unsuccessfully to change my major to English. So I decided to take the postgraduate exam and learn more English in graduate school. But since my first degree isn’t in English, it’s unlikely that I’ll be enrolled as an English major. Are there any non English majors that also offer English training so that I can master the language after graduation and find a good job?

63.        .

Dear editor,

    I was born in a remote country area in northwest China and had to give up school because of poverty, leaving my compulsory education unfinished. Afterwards, I helped my parents with farm work for four years. Then I left home and have worked as a waitress for one year in Xi’an, Shanxi Province. I am now 20, young and determined. This life as a waitress earning less than 500 yuan a month can really ruin my youth. Could you give me some advice for my future.

64.        .

Dear editor,

    I’m a freshman majoring in Japanese. I also have a great love for English and my English level is fairly good. But now I’m worried that if I take a job as a Japanese interpreter or translator in the future, I’ll lose touch with English. Is there a job that can combine both my major and my interest?

65.        .

Dear editor,

I’m in a situation that makes me very confused. I got two job offers at the same time. One is a small, private company doing foreign trade, which I’m interested in. The other is large, famous company. However, the job isn’t so related to foreign trade. Furthermore, the second company is far away from my family and friends. I have to make a choice right now. I need your help.

A.Editor writes:

It all depends on what you value most in your work. If you think your interests are the most important, choose the first company. If you value a big company’s working experience, then go with that one. Of course, you need to consider other factors, like compensation, commute time, on the job training, and family and friends.

B.Editor writes:

I have been working in media for over five years and have met lost of reporters. Actually, very few of them major in journalism. They have various educational backgrounds, including international politics, philosophy, law, even computer science. Writing a good news story is difficult. Reporters have to have a clear understanding of the issues they’re working on. Their job often requires some expertise in certain fields. So, if you’re going to be a journalist in the future, your knowledge in administrative law will surely be a plus not a disadvantage.

C.Editor writes:

Getting into an internship(實習)could be very competitive, and you’ll need to use all the sources to maximize your chances of getting in. Not only teachers, but family, friends and students a few grades above you may also be sources of information. Try them all. Actually, I think most professionals don’t like being interrupted by students asking about internships all the time. So try to locate human resources people and their e mail address and send your resume that way, instead of trying to locate them through a phone call.

D.Editor writes:

Don’t worry. And good English skills you have won’t be wasted in future. You could be a trilingual translator, which surely makes you more competitive than those who have only mastered one language. You could also find a position in a Japanese company that needs you to communicate with European or American customers. The globalized world needs more trilingual or even multilingual experts.

E.Editor writes:

You’re young and aspiring, I think you surely deserve a better life. People say education can change one’s fate. Have you ever thought about continuing your study? When I was reading your letter, I was impressed by your good English. You must be intelligent and talented. You could start learning by yourself from some high school or even primary school textbooks It might take a couple of years, but I’m sure you can eventually enter a university if you work hard. You could apple for grants(助學金)to cover your tuition and living costs. I believe your life will be back on track after you strengthen your overall abilities through higher education.

F.Editor writes:

Yes, some schools, most related to business studies, provide some English training,

For example, at University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, many postgraduate courses are taught in English and use English textbooks. Such courses include international trade and LLM(Master of Law). You can visit some university’s websites for course details.


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

A whale that became stranded in the River Thames in Central London has died after attempts to save its life failed. The whole nation had been hoping for a more successful outcome to the attempted rescue, updates of which were shown on TV news programmes throughout the day and night.

 The five- meter long bottle-nosed whale, which probably weighted about four tones, was first spotted in the river on Friday. There had been reports that a pod of whales had swum into the Thames Estuary earlier in the week, which caused terror among naturalists, as this kind of whale only thrives (群集)in much deeper water. It was the first sighting of the endangered species in the Thames since records began nearly a century ago.

There was no more news of the pod, which suggests that most of them turned back and swam out to sea. However, one whale clearly became separated from this group.

Incredibly, the first person to raise the alarm was a man who saw the giant mammal from the train he was on when it crossed the river. Almost immediately, a rescue attempt was mounted and further attempts to move the whale began on Saturday morning. After unsuccessfully attempting to gently encourage it to swim downstream of its own accord towards the Thames Estuary and eventually the sea, rescuers decided to move it onto the barge(駁船).

The rescue operation involved winching(絞車)the whale onto an inflatable raft which had been placed on the barge. 3,000 onlookers watched as the whale was treated with extreme care by the rescuers and applauded when the transfer operation was complete. The barge then set off with the intention of freeing the whale in deeper water. Sadly, it began to convulse(抽筋)during the journey and died.

Earlier in the day,  naturalist and TV presenter Terry Nuktins had warned that attempts to move the large mammal were misguided and that the proximity(靠近)of the rescuers to the whale was potentially disastrous. He said that the whale would have been terrified by the people around it and it wouldn’t have been used to the sight of boats and the noise of the engines and propellers.


56.People throughout the country learned about the attempted rescues by        .

      A.listening to the radio                             B.reading newspapers

       C.watching TV news                              D.a(chǎn)sking some rescuers

57.Who was the first person to raise the alarm?

       A.A person who was walking on the bridge over the Thames.

       B.A naturalist who was interested in whales.

       C.A passenger who was taking the train across the Thames.

       D.A rescuer who was worried about the whale.

58.What can we learn from the second paragraph?

       A.It was common that whales were found in the Thames.

       B.Whales didn’t like to stay in deep water.

       C.Naturalists were terrified at the whales in the Thames.

       D.Whales of this kind in the Thames were in danger of dying out.

59.According to Dr. Nuktins, why did the whale die in the end?

A.Because it was badly ill.

       B.Because there were to many watchers.

       C.Because it was freed into the sea.

       D.Because the rescue itself was not peoper.

60.This passage is most probably taken from        .

       A.a(chǎn) newspaper                                        B.a(chǎn) biology textbook

       C.a(chǎn) guide book to saving animals’ lives     D.a(chǎn) travel journal


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

SPAIN is unique. Enough sunshine, gorgeous beaches and delicious food make it a favourite holiday spot for millions of Europeans. But eating and sunbathing is not all this Mediterranean country has to offer. Its wild nightlife has given Spaniards a well―earned reputation as non-stop party animals. The traditional afternoon nap known as a “siesta” means millions of Spanish people can live a crazy life every day. Not into drinking and dancing? Take a look at the vibrant arts scece, with numerous galleries and museum featuring Spain’s many famous artists like Salvador Dail, Pablo Picasso and Antonio Gaudi. Take our tour around the country.

Barcelona, located on the Mediterranean sea, is famous as the host city for the 1992 Olympic Games. It is Spain’s second largest city, after Madrid. Barcelona is filled with landmark places and world-class museums, including Antonio Gaudi’s famed La Sagrada Familia cathedral, the Museu Picasso, and the Las Ramblas street.

Barcelona also has great nightlife. There are many outdoor squares in the city. So when the weather is good, which it usually is, there are also popular places for people to get together. Nightlife kicks off from about 8 or 9 pm. Then things quiet down until a second surge of energy brings out the post-dinner crowds from 11pm to midnight.

Madrid, the capital of Spain, located in the center of the Iberian Peninsula (半島), has a number of places, castles, museums and other unique places, such as the Plaza Mayor, the Cibeles Fountain, and the Palacio Real, as well as the fantastic bullring(斗牛場), Las Ventas. The city of 3.5 million people also has many theatres, live music venues and nightclubs because dinner is served late in Spain, usually around 9 pm, nightlife doesn’t really get under way until after 11 pm. Native people are so fond of wandering around at night that they are known in Spain as gatos(cats.) Young people love to meet in nightclubs to drink and sing together.

Valencia,  on the Mediterranean coast, is Spain’s third―largest city. It is usually a quiet city with a population of half a million. But during the Las Falls Festival in March, the number can reach 3 million. Valencia is famous for its nightlife and bars. In the summer, people enjoy gathering at open―air bars. The bars play music, often have dance floors, and are open from late May to September. The nightlife lasts from 7 or 8 pm to 2 am on weekdays, and 5 am on weekends.


52.According to the passage, which is the largest city in Spain?

       A.Madrid                                               B.Barcelona

       C.Valencia                                              D.It’s not mentioned

53.Among three cities, which are the coastal ones?

       A.Barcelona and Valencia.                        B.Valencia and Madrid

       C.Madrid and Barcelona                           D.All of the three cities

54.What do three cities in this passage have in common?

       A.They all have world―class museums    B.They all have wonderful nightlife.

       C.They are all wealthy and crazy.             D.They are all crowded and noisy cities.

55.The author writes this text most probably to            .

       A.a(chǎn)ttract visitors to Spain                         B.show his or her pride in Spain

       C.sing high praise for Spain                     D.tell the readers Spain’s long history


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Podcasting is like radio broadcasting, except that it uses the Internet. Anyone with a computer and a microphone can record a show about any subject. Anyone with a computer and an MP3 player can download the podcasts(網(wǎng)播節(jié)目) and listen.

Podcasting does require some technical knowledge, but not very much.

Many education-related podcasts are aimed at college students. But a growing number is created for, and by, students in middle school and high school.

At mountain View Alternative High School in Centreville, Virginia, the students have spent several weeks preparing for their project. They have written their stories. And they have recorded music and other sound to use in their podcasts. Next, they bring together the different elements on a computer.

Their teachers help by offering comments and suggestions. The students have made decisions about how to present their information. They have decided how it will be read, and how other sound will be used.

Some students decide to read their story themselves. Others choose to create a different effect by having someone else read parts of it.

Through voices, music and sound effects, the students are able to create something deeply personal.

With podcasting, students are using their skills in writing, reading and public speaking. At the same time, they are learning several new skills. They learn to work with the computer programs that are used for podcasting. They also gain experience in communications, broadcasting and problem-solving.

Podcasts are being used in English classes and social studies, as well as foreign language classes. Being able to listen to recordings of their own voices helps students to hear mistakes.

There are tens of thousands of podcasts on the Internet. They can be found on almost any subject, from current events of financial planning and poetry. People are now recording their thoughts on just about everything.


48.Podcasting is different from radio broadcasting in that          .

       A.it is produced only by and for students

       B.it makes use of the Internet

       C.it can be used in any field

       D.it calls for a little technology knowledge

49.The underlined word “it” in the sixth paragraph refers to           .

       A.information                                         B.record                

       C.voice                                                  D.story

50.Paragraphs 4―7 are mainly about           .

       A.how to record sound and music            B.how to present information

       C.how to create a podcast                       D.how to write a story

51.The follow statements are all true EXCEPT that            .

       A.students can learn how to communicate with others with podcasting

       B.personal podcasts used in English classes enable students to hear mistakes

       C.students will get a lot of training in many new skills with podcasting

       D.podcasting can make it easy for students to learn anything well


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Happiness is like a stone dropped into a pool to set in motion an ever-widening circle of ripples(波紋). As Stevenson has said, being happy is a duty.

There is no exact definition of the world happiness. Happy people are happy for all sorts of reasons. They key is not wealth or physical well―being, since we find beggars, patients and so-called failures who are extremely happy.

Being happy is a sort of unexpected dividend(額外收獲). But staying happy is an achievement, a victory of soul and character. It is not selfish to struggle for it. It is, indeed, a duty to ourselves and others.

 Being unhappy is like an infectious disease; it causes people to stay away from the fufferer. He soon finds himself alone, miserable and upset. There is, however, a cure so simple as to seem, at first glance, ridiculous: If you don’t feel happy, pretend to be!

It works. Before long you will find that instead of repelling people, you attract them. You discover how deeply rewarding it is to be the center of wider and wider circles of good will.

Then the make believe becomes a reality. You possess the secret of peace of mind, and can forget yourself in being of service to others.

Being happy, once it is realized as a duty and established as habit, opens doors into unimaginable gardens crowded with grateful friends.

45.The best title of the passage is          .

       A.Pretending To Be Happy                       B.Being Happy Is A Duty

       C.Staying Away From Unhappiness           D.Keeping Happy Is Easy

46.We can learn from the passage that         .

       A.everyone has the same happiness and different unhappiness

       B.people generally try to keep away from those who are always unhappy

       C.people who are rich and healthy are surely happy

       D.being happy is the key to success in your work

47.What does the underlined words “make-believe” mean?

       A.imagining happiness                             B.pretending to be happy

       C.making yourself believe others              D.creating happiness




科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Harry Houdini(1874―1926) was a world-famous magician and a performer of death-defying stunts(逃生絕技). His world fame was based on a series of astonishing escapology tricks. He was able to free himself from obviously escape―proof devices, including leg irons, handcuffs(手銬)(as many as ten pairs at the same time), locked prison cells and crates(板條箱) which had been nailed shut. His most striking skill was when he escaped from an airtight tank that was filled with water.

Houdini was born in Budapapest, Hungary, and his family moved to the USA when he was a child. For a time, they lived in a cheap boarding house in New York and they struggled to make a living. One of Harry’s first jobs was an apprentice(學徒)to a locksmith(鎖匠), which is where he mastered the art of opening locks without using a key.

In 1891, Houdini became a professional magician, but at first he met with little success. When he began experimenting with escapology, however, he so impressed a theatre manager who saw him that he was strongly advised to concentrate on that part of his act.

Within months, he was a huge success, performing at top theatres, not only in the USA but also in Europe. He created a sensation in London, when he made an elephant disappear from the stage of the Hippodrome Theatre. What the audience didn’t know was that below the stage was a swimming pool filled with water, where the somewhat terrified elephant finished up!

Back in the USA, he produced the most dangerous act of his career―the Water Torture. He was suspended(掛,懸) upside down in a water tank which was full to overflowing. He had to hold his breath for more than three minutes to escape. In a fictionalised film of his life, he “died” doing this trick. This is not true. He actually died of peritonitis(腹膜炎) in a Detroit hospital.


41.Who was Harry Houdini?

       A.A famoust American magician

       B.A New York locksmith born in Hungary.

       C.An Hungarian escapologist born in New York.

       D.An elephant trainer in London.

42.Which is the right order of the events about Houdini?

    a.He worked as an apprentice to locksmith.

    b.His family moved to America.

    c.He went to Europe to give performances.

    d.He produced the most dangerous magic.

    e.He became a professional magician.

       A.a(chǎn) b c e d B.a(chǎn) c b d e C.b a e c d D.b c e a d

43.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

       A.It was his parents who advised him to fix his attention on performing magic.

       B.Houdini was successful at the very beginning of his career.

       C.Houdini was famous for his astonishing magic.

       D.Houdini died of an accident while giving an performance.

44.It is not mentioned but can be inferred from the passage that

       A.Houdini was once a locksmith.

       B.Houdini’s family was poor and life was hard when he was a young boy.

       C.Houdini’s father began his own business in the U.S.A.

       D.Houdini could open any lock in the world without using a key.


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

In the busy city of New York, such an astonishing thing ever happened.

On a Friday night, a   21  young artist stood at the gate of the subway station, playing his violin. Though the   22  was great, people were quickly going home for the weekend. In this case, many of them   23   their paces and put some money into his hat.

The next day, the young artist came again and put his hat on the ground gracefully   24  from the day before, he took out a large piece of paper and   25  it on the ground. Then he   26  the violin and began playing.

Before long, he was   27  with people, who were all   28  by the words on that paper. It said, “Last night, a gentleman named George Sang put an important thing into my hat   29  . Please come to claim it soon.”

Seeing this, it caused a great   30  and people wondered what it could be. After about half and hour, a middle-aged man ran there   31   and rushed through the crowd to the violinist and grabbed his shoulders and said, “Yes, it’s you. You   32  come here I knew that you’re an honest man and would   33   come here.”

The violinist asked the man some questions and handed a   34   to him. The man seized it, kissed it and then danced with the violinist.

The story   35  to be this: George bought a lottery ticket(彩票) a few days ago and won a prize of $ 500,000. When he passed by the violinist he put $ 50 into the hat. However, the lottery ticket was also   36  in. When the artist was   37  he found the ticket. Thinking that the owner would return to   38  it, he came back to where he was given the ticket.

Later someone asked the violinist, “You’re in badly need of money for your tuition fee (學費), why didn’t you   39  it for yourself?”

The violinist said, “Although I don’t have much money, I live happily; but if I lose   40  I won’t be happy forever.”









23.A.sped up

B.slowed down

C.turned down

D.put down





















29.A.by accident

B.in turns

C.by mistake

D.on purpose





















35.A.turned up

B.turned out

C.turned down

D.turned off





37.A.taking up

B.making up

C.cleaning up

D.checking up

38.A.wait for

B.look for

C.beg for

D.hope for










科目: 來源: 題型:

--Look, these boys are playing like crazy in the street, all wet through.

--Yeah, they don’t seem to         the heat, the darkness, or the passing cars.

       A.see                     B.sense                  C.feel                     D.notice


科目: 來源: 題型:

--Dad, my birthday is coming.

--Oh, you        have a new MP4 for your birthday, Kathy.

--Thank you, Dad.

       A.ought to              B.can                     C.shall                    D.must


科目: 來源: 題型:

---What do you think of her speech last night?

---Just so so. She gave us too much information, so that everyone got          .

       A.confused             B.to confuse           C.confusing            D.to be confused

