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科目: 來源: 題型:

He admits that he has a __________(偏見) against women drivers


科目: 來源: 題型:

A public person mustn’t be too _________(敏感的)to criticism or he be will hurt frequently.


科目: 來源: 題型:

I’m still____________(猶豫)whether to go abroad for further education.


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Some people can stay up all night and still get work done the next day. I’m not one of them. After a night without enough sleep, I feel sleepy. I have trouble remembering things. And all I want to do is to go back to bed and sleep.

How do you feel after you’ve stayed up late to finish schoolwork? Or the day after a slumber party? Scientists now say that your answers to these questions may depend on your genes, which tell our bodies and brains what to do. People have about 40,000 genes, and each gene can have different forms.

A new research suggests that a gene called period3 affects how well you function without sleep. The discovery adds to older evidence that period3 helps determine whether you like to stay up late or get up early.

The period3 gene comes in two forms: short and long. Everyone has two copies of the gene. So, you may have two longs, two shorts, or one of each. Your particular combination depends on what your parents passed on to you.

Scientists studied 24 people who had to stay awake for 40 hours straight. Then. they took tests that measured how well they could remember lists of numbers.

Results showed that the people with the short form of period3 performed much better than those with the long form did. In both groups, people performed worst in the early morning. After the first round of experiments, participants were finally allowed to sleep. People in the group that performed well on the tests took about 18 minutes to nod off(磕睡)

People with long period3 gene fell asleep in just 8 minutes. They also spent more time on deep sleep. That suggests that people with the long form of the gene need more and deeper sleep to keep their brains working in top form.

I think I must have the long form period3. What about you?


58. The purpose of the writer in the first paragraph is to ____________.

   A. show his /her envy of those energetic people

   B. show his /her poor memory for things

   C. attract readers to the topic of the passage

   D. prove his/her need for sleep

59. Whether you can stay up or not depends on___________.

   A. the size of your brain        B. your will

   C. your health                      D. the kind of genes you have

60. The aim of the research is to _______.

   A. find a new gene called period3

   B. find out how genes affect a person’s need for sleep

   C. test how long you can stay awake

   D. measure how good your memory is


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

When I lived in Guangzhou, I went to La Seine every month. Now I am in Shanghai, and I have discovered that there is also a fronchise(加盟店)here. But unfortunately, the Shanghai one is very far from the Guangzhou one in terms of quality and service. The personality of the chef is key, as it impresses its mark on the choice of wines, on the menu, and more importantly on the efficiency and the dedication of the staff.

The French chef, Nicolas Varnoux, previously his own boss in Paris, has been in Guangzhou for almost two years now. His passion for cooking finally led him to become the chef in La Seine, and he really manages his staff with a strong hand!

Decoration: Nothing extraordinary, a slight dark but cozy atmosphere, tables not too close to each other, a few boxes allowing for some intimacy.

Menu: Of course the menu is well packed, with dishes rooted in the French culinary(烹飪)tradition. The wine list includes a number of treasures, but it is possible to order wine by the glass.

An interesting thing about La Seine is that they hold a buffet(自助餐) every Saturday and Sunday noon. For 96 RMB, free access to a well-stocked buffet is granted. Various soups, salads, well-chosen main courses and tempting desserts are ideally suited for inviting Chinese friends to discover French cuisine(烹飪), without taking any risk as they will always find something they like. Tea or coffee is included in the buffet price.

In conclusion, I’m sure it’s a place you will want to visit again. Of course, having the chef as a friend helps, but he is such a great guy that it is easy to have a chat with him when he comes to the dining room to check if everything is okay. And he is always ready to share some little trick-of-the-trade.


53. The reason why the Shanghai one is not so good as the Guangdong one is that___________.

   A. the location of the Shanghai one is not satisfactory

   B. it doesn’t have a good chef to manage it well

   C. the price is high and the service is disappointing

   D. no buffet is provided on Saturday and Sunday

54. What is the meaning of the underlined word “cozy”?

   A. Comfortable    B. Friendly     C. Convenient     D. Traditional

55. From the passage we can infer that _____.

   A. the writer likes Guangzhou more than Shanghai

   B. the writer used to invite his Chinese friends to La Seine

   C. the buffet price is not as expensive as the writer expected

   D. the writer is fond of French food

56. From the description we can imagine the personality of the French chef is__________ .

   A. responsible     B. boastful     C. sweet-talking    D. ambitious

57. What is the writer’s conclusion in this passage?

   A. The Shanghai Franchise is inferior to the Guangzhou one

   B. it is of great help to often chat with the chef

   C. The La Seine restaurant in Guangzhou is worth many visits.

   D. The writer doesn’t like Chinese food at all.


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

To prevent the deserts coming near, China has planted billions of trees---to replace destroyed forests and as barriers against the sand. This isn’t a cure, though, say experts, as thirsty trees can make the problem worse by taking in groundwater.

“Planting tress is one way, but it isn’t that simple. It doesn’t solve the basic issue of water resources,” says Wu Bo, a professor. “We need to calculate how much water the trees will absorb, or else it could have a negative effect.”

Villagers in Zhengxin have taken on this challenge, with limited success. When the irrigation channels began to run dry, Lu Xianglin switched from wheat to cotton on his land. He also planted trees to protect his fields from sandstorms. He says he still gets good yields using flood irrigation and earns a good income for his family.

Other farmers haven’t stuck it out: About one in three have left Zhengxin in the past 10 years after their wheat crops died. Young people who can find jobs in the towns rarely return.

Last week, Mr Lu joined the other men in his village on a government-arranged trip to see the land that has been set aside for their relocation, nearly 40 miles to the south. The next day, he was back, shaking his head at the plan. The idea of uprooting his family troubles him, as does the idea of giving up the land that fed his forefathers. He prefers to stay and keep up the fight.

“With enough water, this problem can be solved,” Lu says. “We can plant trees and grass, and they will grow bigger. That will stop the desert.”

Experts say that farmers could switch to drip irrigation to lessen their water intake for growing crops. Elsewhere in the region, farmers have built brick greenhouses as part of a plan to grow vegetables using less water. Roadside signs urge farmers to “Save Water, Protect the Environment”.


49. The negative effect of planting trees in deserts is that __________.

   A. it can make groundwater become less

   B. it can prevent the sand moving freely

   C. it can stop crops growing well

   D. it can get the soil to become poor

50. Why did Mr Lu NOT accept the idea of relocation?

   A. Because the plan of relocation will cost him much money.

   B. Because his family had trouble moving away.

   C. Because he was reluctant to give up his land.

   D. Because he would rather stay than fight against the deserts.

51. What can we infer from the passage?

   A. The deserts drive more and more people to leave their homes for their lives.

   B People have no means to fight against the land becoming desert

   C. Water is the biggest barrier for people to stop the desert.

   D. Planting trees cannot solve the problem of desertification of farmland

52. What advice is given by experts to save water?

   A. To plant more trees         B. To build greenhouses

   C. To change crops             D. To use drip irrigation. 


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Prince Harry stood tall with saber(軍刀)drawn during ceremonies marking his graduation from Britain’s elite(精英) military academy, marching proudly in front of his beaming grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, as he completed 40 weeks of training.

The 21-year-old second son of Prince Charles entered Sandhurst Military Academy in May 2005 and trained to become an army officer in the Blues and Royal regiment of the Household Cavalry, one of the Britain army’s oldest units.

Charles, the Duchess of Cornwall and the Duke of Edinburgh, looked on with pride as the cadets paraded around the academy’s grounds about 40 miles southwest of London. The Queen, in a peach overcoat and matching hat, delivered a short speech.

“If you look at the careers of successful officers, you will find that, no matter how clever they have been, what really matters is how they relate to people under their command,” she said.

She noted that preparing to be an officer was more than learning some basic military procedures--- but rather the first step in becoming a leader.

As the new officers marched past the Queen, his brother, Prince William, and other new cades saluted. As other officers approached, the order of “eyes right!” was shouted, and Harry snapped his neck to look at his grandmother.

About 450 cadets took part in the ceremony.

The training course, which was set in east Sussex woodland, was designed to allow Sandhurst officials to assess their cadets’ long-term endurance and ability to work in a team.

The young royal, known to his comrades as Officer Cadet Wales, had spent four nights sleeping outdoors practicing battlefield techniques.

A former recruit, who had got the same training, described the self-reliance exercise as “hard work”. He said, “They are extremely tough and challenging days.”


45. What do we know about the training according to the passage?

   A. Long term    B. Full of fun    C. Convenient   D. Tough

46. We can infer from the passage that______.

   A. Prince Harry didn’t want to attend the training

   B. the Queen gave the speech to show her pride in Price Harry

   C. it’s always necessary for a person to attend the training before joining the army

   D. the training was about how to relate to people under the command.

47. What do you think of Harry after reading the article?

   A. A Royal Prince  B. A qualified cadet  C. A nice officer  D. A good son

48. What is mainly discussed in the passage?

   A. The graduation ceremony      B. Sandhurst Military Academy

   C. The Royal Family                 D. Harry’s finishing military training


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

America hopes to start building a base that can contribute to exist all the time on the moon within 20 years. By the mid-2020s, astronauts will be staying there for six months a time. So what do scientists think food and water will be like for those first moon residents?

In the short term, food would have to be brought from Earth. The dream, however, is to grow things in greenhouses on the moon. “You’d grow things in liquid---there’s no reason why that wouldn’t work,” says Pillinger, a professor. This would mean floating plants in a nutrient-rich solution of water. “Soil is not a necessary thing for plants; it’s only to keep them standing upright,” Pillinger adds.

It would take at least a decade of experiments after the base was built before such a plan would work, however. The main problem is working out how to get nutrients from the lunar(月球的) soil. “Getting all that to work requires a minimum level of infrastructure(基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施)present before you can start experimenting with greenhouses,” says Pillinger.

Finding strong plants to grow in space will also be hard, though scientists are already working on it: scientist Amy Grunden of North Carolina State University has been working on genetically engineering food crops that can be grown in hars, off- planet environment.

Water is a somewhat easier prospect(前景). One of the reasons that America wants to put its base at the moon’s south pole is that it thinks that, in the permanently shaded craters, there are large pools of frozen water. If that is true, it could easily be mined and used to drink and to create oxygen for the habitants.


41. The passage is mainly about______.

A. life on the moon by 2020 

B. America’s first moon base that exists forever

C. food and water on the future moon base 

D. housing for settlers on the future moon base

42. How do people plant on the moon in the future?

  A. By burying plants in the lunar soil

  B. By growing plants in water.

C. By keeping plants standing straight.

D. By making use of the moonlight

 43. What difficulty will scientists meet in solving the food problem?

   A. How to find water to irrigate plants.

   B. Where to experiment with plants.

   A. How to grow plants in the moon soil.

   D. What plants are suitable to grow in the moon

44. Scientists want to build the base on the moon’s south pole because_______.

   A. there is oxygen for people to breathe

   B. people have found the frozen water that can be drunk there

   C. it is a place where water will possibly be found and supplied

   D. there are large pools that can let people have a swim.


科目: 來源: 題型:

She’s hoping to be out of hospital_______ to celebrate her birthday at home.

   A. at a time     B. at times     C. at one time    D. in time


科目: 來源: 題型:

I’ve _______ all my papers but I still can’t find the contract.

   A. looked into   B. dipped into   C. broken through   D. looked through

