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科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

    One evening Mr. Green was driving in his Car along a lonely country road.He had been to London where he had drawn£50 from the bank,and he was now returning home with the money that he had put in his pocket book.

    At the loneliest part of the road a man in shabby,badly.fitting clothes stopped him and asked for a lift.Mr. Green told him to get into the Car and continued on his way.As he talked to the man he learned that he had been in prison for robbery and had broken out of prison two days ago.Mr. Green was very worded at the thought of the£50 that he had put in his pocket book.Suddenly he saw a police。car and had a bright idea.He had just reached a small town where the speed limit was 30 miles an hour.He Dressed down the accelerator(加速器)and drove the car as fast as it would go.He looked back and saw that the police-car had seen him and had begun to chase him.After a mile or so the police-car overtook him and ordered him to stop.A policeman got out and came to Mr. Green’s car.Mr. Green had hoped that he could tell the policeman about the escaped robber,but the man had taken a gun out of his Docket and had put it to Mr. Green's back.The policeman took out his notebook and pencil and said he wanted Mr. Green’s name and address.Mr. Green asked to be taken to the police station but the policeman said,“No,I want your name and address now.You will have to appear at the police court later.”So.Mr. Green gave the policeman his name and address.The policeman wrote it down,put his notebook and pencil back in his pocket and gave Mr. Green a talk about dangerous driving.Then Mr. Green started up his car again and drove on.He had given up all hope of his£50,but just as he reached the outskirts(外圍)to London,the passenger said he wanted to get out here.When Mr. Green stopped the car the man got out and said,“Thanks for the lift.You've been good to me.This is the least I can do in return.”And he handed Mr. Green the policeman’s notebook.

    While the policeman had talked to Mr. Green,the thief had stolen the notebook.

1.What was Mr. Green’s purpose of visiting London?

   A.To draw some money from the bank.         B.To buy a pocket book.

   C.To see a friend of his.                  D.Not mentioned in the passage.

2.What was Mr. Green worried about when he learned the man was an escaped robber?

   A.The£50 in his pocket book.      B.His life.  C.His car.  D.His pocket book.

3.The policeman_______.

    A.a(chǎn)sked why Mr. Green was driving so fast

B.took a gun out of his pocket and put it to the robber's back 

C.gave Mr. Green a ticket for dangerous driving

D.wanted Mr. Green's name and address,asking him to appear at the police court later

4.Which of the following TRUE?

A.Mr. Green wanted to be taken to the police station right away but the policeman refused him.

B.The policeman asked Mr. Green to come to the police station fight away.

    C.The policeman told Mr. Green that he would have to pay a fine.

D.Mr. Green would not give his name and address but promised to appear at the police court later.

5.What did the robber give Mr. Green when he got out of the car?

A.The gun he had put to the back of Mr. Green.

B.Some money.

    C.Some money and the stolen notebook.

    D.The policeman’s notebook.


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

  A dog can’t speak words,but it can “talk”.It has feelings just as you do.At times it may feel angry or afraid.Watch a dog closely,you can see what it is trying to tell you.When you are afraid,you may look down shyly.A fearful dog looks away from you.It may run away too.When you are angry with people,you stare at them and press your lips together.An angry dog also stares. Sometimes the hair along its back stands up.

  Do you feel guilty when you have done something you shouldn’t? Dogs can feel guilty,too.At times when I come home,my dog gives me a guilty look.Then I know he’s done something wrong.

    Doss need love and attention.Some dogs are very unhappy when they are left alone for a long time.Some dogs even snap(撕咬)if they don’t get enough attention.

  You may have a dog or you may know a dog.Treat it well if you want to have fun with it.Play with it.Take it on walks.Don’t order it round too much.Try not to punish it one time and not the next for doing the same thing.Always remember,a dog has needs and feelings just as you do.Talk to a dog, it’ll talk to you,too.

1.If a dog snaps at things,it is because it may_________.

   A.feel lonely       B.feel shy         C.be fearful               D.be disappointed

2.You can tell that a dog has done something bad when_________.

   A.its hair stands up                  B.it runs away from you

   C.it has a guilty expression   D.its lips are pressed together

3.Which of he following things does the writer advise you to do towards your dog?

   A.Never punish the dog.

   B.Never leave the dog alone.

   C.Train the dog to take orders from you.

   D.Train it the way you want to be treated.

4.Suppose you punish your dog for tearing up a shoe,what should you do the next time it does so?

   A.Talk to him.                      B.Punish it again.

   C.Pay no attention to it.            D.Take it out for a walk

5.The underlined word “guilty” in the second paragraph most probably means_________.

   A.happy      B.excited          C.frightened              D.sorry


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

  Do you have bright ideas? Ideas of inventions that change society or,at least,make life easier for somebody? Perhaps we all do sometimes,but we don’t often make the idea a reality.Recently,in Britain,there was a competition called British Designers for Tomorrow.The competition encourages young people to carry out their bright ideas.There were two groups in the contest:Group One was for schoolchildren under l6;Group Two was for schoolchildren over l6.And there were eleven prizewinners,altogether.

  Neil Hunt, one of the prize-winners,was called “Sunshine Superman”.It’s important when people study the weather to be able to record sunshine accurately.We need to know how many hours of sunshine we have and how strong it is.Most sunshine recorders only record direct sunlight.Neil’s is more accurate(精確的)and this is very important for research into the way of using solar(太陽的) power.

  You can do so much with animated(活動的)cartoon.Look at Simon West’s idea for animated road signs.He uses pictures which appear to move as you go nearer to or farther from them.This isn’t a new idea.But it is new to use these pictures on road signs.“We found that people were more likely to see moving signs,”said Simon.So now,you can really see rocks falling,trains moving,horses running or a car falling over the edge of a cliff.Quite a warning!

  The ideas in the competition were so inventive that we are surprised that British industry doesn’t ask more schoolchildren for suggestions.Perhaps this will be the start of “pupil power!”

1.The writer holds(認為)that people seldom_________.

   A.have bright ideas                     B.turn their bright ideas into reality

   C.make their life easier               D.think of inventing something

2.The organizers of the competition hoped the schoolchildren who took part in it would__.

   A.become good designers for future Britain

   B.invent something for immediate use

   C.design something useful for the next day

   D.win as many prizes as they could

3.Neil Hunt’s design would finally lead to the improvement of the way of______.

   A.recording direct sunshine             B.recording the hours of sunshine

   C.using the energy of the sun             D.knowing how strong sunlight it

4.What’s the use of Simon West’s animated road signs?

   A.To warn people to be careful while working.

   B.To warn people on the roads of the danger ahead.

   C.To add to the beauty of a city.

   D.To help make a car trip more exciting.

5.The writer seems to be encouraging the British industry to________.

   A.take better care of schoolchildren

   B.help schoolchildren in their studies

   C.stop asking schoolchildren for suggestions

   D.pay more attention to schoolchildren’s inventive power


科目: 來源: 題型:


1.Mencius is one of the greatest p________ in China.

2.About 800 historical r________ have been submerged.

3.Unfortunately,some old temples d_______ from the l8th century were destroyed in a big fire.

4.France,s______ on the River Seine,belongs to continental Europe.

5.The worst hurricane disaster of all time o____ on the 8th September l900.

6.I still need some ______ (證據(jù))to prove it.

7.It’s high time we took effective ______ (措施)to improve our working conditions.

8.He is always______ (抱怨)to me about what has happened to him,and I'm tired of it.

9.China Daily is one of the most ______ (有影響力的)newspapers among Chinese.

10.He has lived in ______ (貧窮)all his life and has never had a college education.


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解


    Father leaves for work in the morning after breakfast.The two children take the bus to school,and mother stays home cooking and cleaning until father and the kids return home in the evening. This is the traditional picture of a happy family living in Britain.But is it true today?

The answer is no! The past 20 years have seen enormous changes in the lives and structure of families in Britain.The biggest change has been caused by divorce, which leads to a situation where many children live with one parent and only see the other at weekends or holidays

There has “so been a huge rise in the number of women with children who work. The large rise in divorces(離婚)has meant many women need to work to support themselves and their children. Even where there is no divorce,many families need both parents to work in order to survive. This has caused an increase in childcare facilities,though it is very expensive and can be difficult to find in many areas.

There has also been a sharp increase ____________ single mothers,particularly among teenagers.Some people have blamed this increase for the rise in crime.They feel the lack of a male role model has damaged these children in society.

    However these changes have not had a totally negative effect.For women,it is now much easier to have a career and good salary.Children themselves grow up more independent and mature(成熟的)  than in the past.

1.What’s the best title of the passage?  (Please answer within 10 words.)

2.Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words or phrases.

(Please answer within lo words.)

3.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following sentence?

Great changes have taken place in families in the past 20 years.

4.What are the good effects of the changes according to the passage?

5.Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese.


科目: 來源: 題型:











3.參考詞匯:現(xiàn)象phenomenon;零食snacks;亂扔包裝袋 litter the food wrappersr

Dear fellow students,


the Students’ Union


科目: 來源: 題型:

She thought I was talking about her daughter, ______, in fact, I was talking about my own daughter.

A.when         B.who            C.which         D.while


科目: 來源: 題型:

The sign reads “in case of _____fire, break the glass and push ____red button”.

A./ ; a         B./ ; the           C.the ; the             D.a(chǎn);  a


科目: 來源: 題型:

The comments which she made _______ marketing made her boss very happy.

A.being concerned     B.concerned      C.concerning   D.be concerned


科目: 來源: 題型:

They transplanted the little tree to the garden _______ it was the best time for it.

A.where   B.when      C.that        D.until

