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科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解


       A.SIMMONS The College of Arts and Sciences and Modem Studies.Simmons educates women to achieve their work and life goals.More than 40 majors.Lies in the heart of Boston, US.News &Worid Report ranks Sinuous among the top state universities in the North and among the best values.617-521-2051 www.simmons.edu

       B.PAUL SMITH'S COLLEGE   The College of Nature.Experience a different kind of classroom: 15,300 acres of forests, lakes and streams, a hotel and a restaurant, 99% placement upon graduation.Two-and-four-year degree programs.PO Box 265 Paul Smith, NY 12970800-421-2605   www.paulsmith.edu

       C.ST.MARY'S UNIVERSITY Located in the mid-west of the U.S.Personal attention. Powerful programs.Experience the technology of today at our co-educational university.One Camino Santa Utah 78228-8503 800-FOR-STMU www.stmarytx.edu

       D.NORTHERN UNIVERSITY A famous private university with 3,200 students in the Colleges of Arts & Sciences, Business and Engineering.Medicine and Law among the top ten by U.S. News &World Report Old Union 232 CA 94305-3005 650-723-2091 www.stanford.edu

       E.UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX   Adult education course.Earn an online degree with University of Phoenix today.100% online, fast and convenient Learn why most working professionals choose University of Phoenix Online.www.Phoenixun.edu

      F.PETER'S COLLEGE  Experienced professors are available.Equipped with a lot of modem facilities, two students a dorm itory, two computers, power never fails, PO.356 Peter. 16753800-333-12-2135   www.peterun.edu

       61._____ Bobby is tired of working indoors and wouldn't like to be too far away from his girlfriend who studies at Simmons.Also he considers gaining better chance for future career.

       62._____Maria wants to learn modern science and she prefers to stay neither by the ocean nor in the northeast

       63.____Andrew wishes to study business in a non-state-run university, which he thinks is of better quality and if the employment status of its graduates is ideal, that's better.

       64._____Lucy enjoys taking her further education in a women-only university with a variety major for her to choose.

       65._____Scott is in search for a university located in a nice place, with better living conditions.The most important is that he hopes to play the computer conveniently for fun.


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

With only a click of the mouse, rumors can be forwarded between microblogs very quickly. As an example, recently, perceptive netizens discovered mat some photos displayed on microblogs describing Beijng's June rainstorm had actually been fabricated

Sina. com is one of the major internet portals in China with hundreds and thousands of users and a majority of celebrities and renowned citizens have their microblog accounts on this portal.As recently as six months ago, the website decided to establish a specialized team to verify rumors and provide accurate information for its users.Tan Chao is in charge of the team.

"Before I took the job, I usually couldn’t identify what information was real and what was fake.But during the rumor verification process, we discovered that a lof of information was false, including fake photos, fake news stories and rumors that had been spread through microblogs."

It’s not just website portals which are taking on fact-checking rcsponsibunies, but also a number of civic-minded netizens, who recently set up a Rumor Verification Federation on Sina. com's microblog system to help netizens identify fake information online.

Dianzizheng is the team leader of the federation.He says they've publicized more than 150 pieces which refute rumors, which attracted more than 10 thousand visitors within two months "We live in an age of new media, so we can't use the old methods to verify rumors.We can't wait for the media to verify the facts with related administrative departments and then release a formal announcement.We can’t allow rumors to run rampant and then deal with it, we seed to fight rumors while they're spreading.I think that this is the best way to deal with rumors nowadays."

Some experts say this demonstrates the advantages of the internet compared to other traditional media.The open platform allows information to be examined and clarified by netizens.But experts like Ding Wenguo, President of the Journalism and Communication College at the China University of Political Science and Law says this self-correction function of the internet is still quite limited.

"It’s still quite difficult to tell which information is true in such an open environment by just reading a number of different opinions on the same issue.This is something which we need to pay attention to.If society is deluged with too much false information, and it's allowed to spread in such a fast manner, then people will be suspicious of all kinds of information including important information from authorities.It also exacerbates problems relating to social communications and mutual-understanding, which in turn harms society as a whole."

Experts suggest that the government should react more quickly in the internet age.Once a minor begins to spread, administrative departments should make announcements as early as possible to dispel rumors before they lead to bad outcomes.

55.Sina.com decided to found a specialized team to ____.

       A.prevent the spread of rumors on the Internet

       B.a(chǎn)dvance the development of microblogs

       C.limit the number of microblogs

       D.urge the government to react quickly to the rumors

56.Whick of the following is TRUE according to the text?

       A.All the rumors have been spread through microblogs.

       B.Sina.com is the most popular Internet portal in China.

       C.Traditional media tend to get rumors examined and clarified.

       D.The photos displayed on microblogs might have side effects.

57.The underlined word "fabricated" in the first paragraph can be replaced by "__".

       A.made up         B.dug out            C.got round        D.given away

58.What is the best way to prove rumors on microblogs?

       A.Shutting down me website immediately.

       B.Substituting the Internet for traditionally media.

       C.Examining and checking while they are spreading.

       D.Making announcements after they are spread.

59.The writer cited Ding Wenguo's words in Paragraph 8 to __.

       A.draw a conclusion                      B.introduce a topic

       C.support an argument                    D.describe a scene

60.What's the writer's attitude towards the rumors from microblogs according to the passage?

       A.Negative.         B.Sympathetic         C.Supportive.           D.Changeable


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Until recently, the "science of the future" was supposed to be electronics and artificial intelligence.Today it seems more and more likely that me next great breakthroughs in technology will be brought through a combination of those two sciences with organic chemistry and genetic engineering.This combination is the science of biotechnology.

Organic chemistry enables us to produce marvelous synthetic(合成的)materials.However, it is still difficult to manufacture anything that has the capacity of wool to conserve heat and also to absorb moisture.Nothing mat we have been able to produce so far comes anywhere near the combination of strength, lightness and flexibility that we find in the bodies of ordinary insects.

Nevertheless, scientists in the, laboratory have already succeeded in "growing" a material that has many of the characteristics of human skin.The next step may well be "biotech hearts and eyes" which can replace diseased organs in human beings.These will not be rejected by the body, as is the case with organs from humans.

The application of biotechnology to energy production seems even more promising.In 1996 the famous science fiction writer, Arthur C.Clarice, many of whose previous predictions have come true, said that we may soon be able to develop remarkably cheap and renewable sources of energy.Some of these power sources will be biological.Clarke and others have warned us repeatedly that sooner or later we will have to give up our dependence on non-renewable power sources.Coal, oil and gas are indeed convenient.However, using them also means creating dangerously high levels of pollution.It will be impossible to meet the growing demand for energy without increasing mat pollution to catastrophic levels unless we develop power sources that are both cheaper and cleaner.

It is attempting to think that biotechnology or some other "science of the future" can solve our problems.Before we surrender to(屈服于) mat temptation we should remember nuclear power.

Only a few generations ago it seemed to promise limitless, cheap and safe energy, today those promises lie buried in a concrete grave in a place called Chernobyl, in me Ukraine.Biotechnology is unlikely, however, to break its promises in quite the same or such a dangerous way.

50.According to the passage, the science of the future is likely to be_____.

    A.electronics                        B.biotechnology   

    C.genetic engineering                  D.nuclear technology

51.Organic chemistry helps to produce materials mat are_____.

    A.a(chǎn)s good as wool                B.a(chǎn)s good as an insect's body

    C.not as good as natural materials         D.better than natural material

52.According to the passage, it may soon be possible_____.

    A.to make something as good as human skin   B.to produce drugs without side effects

    C.to transplant human organs         D.to make artificial hearts and eyes

53.In 1996.Arthur C.Clarke predicted that _____.

    A.biological power sources would be put into use soon

    B.oil, gas and coal could be repeatedly used in the future

    C.dependence on non-renewable power sources would be reduced soon

    D.the Chemobyl disaster would happen in two years

54.What do we leam from the last paragraph?

    A.Biotechnology can solve all our future energy problems.

    B.Biological power is cheaper than nuclear power.

    C.Biological power may not be as dangerous as nuclear power.

    D.Biological power will keep all its promises.


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Doctors in Britain are warning of an obesity time bomb, when children who are already overweight grow up.So, what should we do? Exercise more? Eat less? Or both? The government feels it has to take responsibility for this expanding problem.

The cheerful Mr.Pickwick, the hero of the novel by Charles Dickens, is seen in illustrations as someone who is plump and happy.In 18th century paintings, beauty is equated (使…等同) with rounded bodies and soft curves.But nowadays being overweight is seen as indicating neither a cheerful character nor beauty but an increased risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

So what do you do? Diet? Not according to England's chief medical officer.Sir Liam Donaldson.He says mat physical activity is the key to reducing the risks of obesity, cancer and heart disease.And the Health Secretary John Reid even said that being inactive is as serious a risk factor in heart disease as smoking.

So, having bought some cross trainers, how much exercise should you do? According to Sir Liam Donaldson, at least 30 minutes of moderate activity five days a week.Is going to the gym the answer? Luckily for those who think that running machines are boring, me Health Development Agency believes that physical activity mat fits into people's lives may be more effective.They suggest taking the stairs rather than the lift, walking up escalators, playing active games with your children, dancing or gardening.And according to a sports psychologist.Professor Biddle, gyms "are not making the nation fit", and may even cause harm.

There's new scientific evidence that too much exercise may actually be bad for you.Scientists at the University of Ulster have found that unsuitable exercise releases dangerous free radicals that can adversely (opposingly) affect normal function in unfit people.The only people who should push their bodies to that level of exercise on a regular basis are trained athletes.

So, should we forget about gyms and follow some expert's advice to reduce sedentary (久坐不動的) activities and increase exercise in our daily life? After all, getting off the bus a stop early and walking the rest of the way can't do any harm! One final thought How come past generations lacked gym facilities but were leaner and fitter than people today?

45.Mr.Pickwick and the paintings of the 18m century are used as examples to show that_____.

       A.fatness was considered something good at one time

       B.a(chǎn) fat man is usually a cheerful character

       C.beauty should be overweight

       D.fatness leads to an increased risk of disease

46.According to Sir Liam Donaldson, we should_____.

       A.do regular physical activity                B.go on a diet

       C.give up smoking                       D.go to the gym

47.The underlined phrase cross trainers probably refers to _____.

       A.people who help you do exercise          B.places where you can do exercise

       C.a(chǎn) form of vehicles                                                  D.a(chǎn) kind of shoes

48.Being overweight indicates _____.

       A.a(chǎn) cheerful character                            B.a(chǎn) happier life

       C.a(chǎn)n increased risk of diseases                                         D.a(chǎn) beauty

49.What is the passage mainly about?

       A.the dangers of exercise in the gym.

       B.increased risks for overweight people.

       C.how to keep fit and avoid fatness.

       D.the benefit of a balanced diet.


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Sir William Osler has a few words for you: “In the Life of a young man the most essential thing for happiness is the gift of friendship.” Truer words were never spoken. For what more could you ask than comradeship during the peaks and valleys of life? To whom else but a close, valuable friend can you brag(吹虛)about your successes and complain about your failures or losses?

What is a “good friend? How is he best described? Well, it has been my observation that although many will cry with you, few can sincerely rejoice with you. Therefore, in my opinion, a good friend is one who can enjoy your successes without envy; one who can say, “That was wonderful! You can do it again, even better if you want!” and mean it. Nothing taxes a friendship more than the prosperity(興旺、發(fā)達、成功) of one and not the other. Even the closest of friendships often cannot resist such pressure and fail. No wonder many minor friendships go down day by day for the same reason.

A person of good character and sound moral, of honor and humor, of courage and belief is a friend to be sought and treasured — for there are few. Too often we hear, “If you can count your good friends on more than one hand, consider yourself blessed .” And even then I would add, “Even if you have lost two fingers of that hand to the electric saw(鋸).”

What makes a friendship last? Well, I don’t know all the answers, but one of my observations is that most good friends usually have similar tastes. They generally like and dislike many of the same things.There also usually seems to exist a similarity of personality traits-especially in the fundamental values of life such as honesty, sincerity, loyalty, and dependability.More often than not, birds of a feather do fly together.I don't think it matters a lot whether one prefers jazz or hockey to another's Mozart or ballet Much other matters far more: confiding(傾訴), relying, sharing, giving, getting, enjoying; a sympathetic ear always there; criticism when it can help; praise - even if only because it would help.With not many people on this earth will you find this much in common.When you find one, hang on to him, for a good friend found is a rare treasure.

41.The function of Paragraph 1 is to introduce_____.

       A.a(chǎn) famous saying                       B.the topic for discussion

       C.a(chǎn) famous person                       D.two different attitudes

42.What is the meaning of the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2?

       A.People don’t have to pay taxes to develop friendship with others.

       B.Good fortune and success of one person can promote his friendship with others.

       C.Friendship can be affected by the difference in fortune and success between friends.

       D.Nothing can affect friendship because it has gone through the peaks and valleys of life.

43.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?

       A.One is lucky to nave many friends.

       B.A friend should have a good character.

       C.We should count our friends on more than one hand.

       D.A true friend should be treasured because there are few.

44.According to the passage, which of the following plays the LEAST important role in a long-lasting friendship?

       A.Hobbies.       B.Tastes.       C.Personality.            D.Sympathy.


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

I would like to suggest that for sixty to ninety minutes each evening all television broadcasting in the United States be forbidden by law.

Let us take a 21 ,reasonable look at what the results might be if such a(an)  22 were accepted; families might use the time for a real family hour.Without the distraction(分散注意力) of TV, they might 23 to gether after dinner and actually talk to one another.It is well known that many of our 24 —everything in fact, from me generation gap to the high divorce rate to some forms of 25 illness —are caused at least in part by 26 to communicate.By using the quiet family hour to 27 our problems, we might get to know each other better, and to like each other better.

On evenings when such talk is 28 , families could discover more active pastimes(娛樂).Freed from TV and forced to find their own activities, they might take a 29 tog ether to watch the sunset.30 they might take a walk together. 31 free time and no TV, children and adults might discover reading.There is more entertainment in 32 than in a TV program. 33 rep ort that the generation growing up with television can hardly write an English sentence, 34 at the college level. 35 is often learned from reading.A more literate new generation could be a product of the quiet hour.

A different form of reading might also be done 36 it was in the past: reading aloud.The quiet hour could become the story hour.When the 37 ends, the TV networks might be forced to 38 with better shows i n order to get us back from our newly- discovered activities.

At first glance, this idea seems radical (激進的) .39 will we spend the time then? The fact is: it has been only twenty-five years since television came to control American free time. Those of us thirty-five and older can 40 childhoods without television.It wasn't that difficult.

21.A.valuable        B.pleasant        C.quick         D.serious

22.A.a(chǎn)dvice         B.suggestion      C.opinion        D.offer

23.A.get around      B.stand stiff      C.meet with      D.sit around

24.A.problems       B.troubles        C.a(chǎn)ffairs         D.misfortunes

25.A.physical       B.common       C.mental         D.familiar

26.A.a(chǎn)ttempt        B.failure         C.a(chǎn)bility         D.permission

27.A.discuss        B.talk           C.comment       D.remark

28.A.impossible      B.unnecessary     C.funny         D.unpleasant

29.A.walk          B.look          C.ride           D.rest

30.A.And          B.Or           C.But           D.While

31.A.At            B.In            C.For           D.With

32.A.a(chǎn) fine poem     B.a(chǎn) good book     C.a(chǎn) quiet hour     D.a(chǎn) composition

33.A.Professors      B.Scientists       C.Parents        D.Educators

34.A.yet           B.still           C.even          D.just

35.A.Writing        B.Skill          C.Speaking       D.Listening

36.A.a(chǎn)s            B.before         C.a(chǎn)fter          D.when

37.A.reading        B.quiet-hour      C.a(chǎn)ctivity        D.programme

38.A.come across    B.come about     C.come up       D.come out

39.A.Whether       B.How          C.What         D.If

40.A.remind        B.remember      C.recognize      D.know


科目: 來源: 題型:

—Faney meeting you here at this time!


    A.Glad to see you. B.It's a small world.

    C.So did I. D.Oh, haven't you?


科目: 來源: 題型:

—Did Jack come back early last year?

—Yes.It was not yet eight o'clock ___he arrived home.

    A.that       B.when         C.since             D.before


科目: 來源: 題型:

Tell them the basic proposal and what they can gain, and ____ the big details unless they request for more information.

       A.bring out           B.let out                C.leave out                       D.make out


科目: 來源: 題型:

I think that something has to be done to stop the air from being polluted, ___ ?

    A.doesn't it B.isn't it C.don't they D.haven't they

