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科目: 來源: 題型:

 Fifty years ago, few people expected the computer would _______ wonders.

  A. make          B. produce          C. work              D. give


科目: 來源: 題型:

—What about ______ bike?

—Don’t you think it all right to buy him that bike as _____ birthday gift?

A. 不填;the      B. a;a        C. a;不填       D. the;a


科目: 來源: 題型:

 We must do something about it, _______ something effective.

A. so            B. and              C. but                D. though


科目: 來源: 題型:










       Dear Editor,






       Looking forward to hearing from you.

Your truly,

Li Hua


科目: 來源: 題型:







Yesterday afternoon, on my way to school I saw old granny crossing the street Suddenly

a young man knocked him over and escaped quickly, leaving the old granny lie on the ground.

There was so many passers-by around, but they didn't help her, I quickly run to her.It was

quite obviously that her left leg was broken. I called 120 for help. In no times, an ambulance

came but took her to the nearest hospital.I think it is a duty for us of all to help those in

need.Only when we help each other will our society be on harmony.


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

How to help kids stop smoking

Kids start smoking for many different reasons.Some start smoking out of curiosity or be cause they want to look more mature._71_ Tobacco can cause several health problems induding coughing, throat problems.Increased blood pressure, heart disease and cancer.It s important to help kids who smoke to quit early.


    1.Establish good communication with your kid from an early age so that when issues such as smoking come along, you can easily talk to him about them.__72_

    2. 73  Ask your child what he finds so appealing about smoking and whether any of his friends smoke.Consider that peer (同伴) Pressure might be in play here. Communicate in a loving, gentle and honest manner.

3.  74 Mention how smoking affects his health and how it yellows his teeth, costs a lot of money and causes bad breath and unpleasant-smelling clothes.Tell your child that if he stops smoking, he will have more energy and an improved appearance.

    4.Set limits if your child isn't ready to quit smoking.Declare your non-smoking area at home and tell your child not to smoke in your presence. 75  

5.Support your child and offer to get him nicotine gum if he is willing to quit smoking,. Consult with your doctor or call the American Lung Association or the American Cancer Society for information regarding local program to help your kid stop smoking.

    A.Setting such rules might encourage your child to quit sooner.

    B.Is your child a regular smoker, over 18 years old and ready to quit?

    C.Avoid scolding your child and try to listen to him.

    D.Find out why your child is smoking.

    E.If so, you may be interested in some support tools designed to help you quit successfully.

    F.Others smoke Because they want to rebel against adults and feel more independent.

    G.Inform your kid about the dangers of smoking and about the benefits of stopping.


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

British psychologists have found evidence of a link between excessive (過度的) Internet use and depression, a research has shown.

Leeds University researchers, writing in the Psycho pathology journal, said a small part of Internet users were classed as Internet addicts and that people in this group were more likely to be depressed than non-addicted users.

The article on the relationship between excessive Internet use and depression is from a questionnaire-based study of 1,319 young people and adults.

The respondents answered questions about how much time they spent en the Internet and what they used it for; they also completed the Beck Depression Inventory—a series of questions designed to measure the seriousness of depression.

The six-page report, by the university's Institute of Psychological Sciences, said 18 of the people who completed the questionnaire were Internet addicts.

"Our research indicates that excessive Internet use is associated with depression, but hat we don't know is which comes first—adepressed! people drawn to the Internet or does he Internet cause depression?^ the article's lead author Dr Catriona Morrison said."What is leadis that, for s small part of peoples, excessive use of the Internet could be a warning signal or depressive tendencies."

The age range of all respondent? was between 16 and 51 years, with an average age of 1.24.The average age of the 18 Internet addicts was 18.3 years.By comparing the levels of depression within this group to that within a group of 18 non-addicted Internet users, researchers found the Internet addicts had a higher chance of developing depression than non-addicts.They also discovered that addicts spent more time visiting sexually pleasing websites, online gaming sites and online communities.

"The public speculation (推測) was further proved by this study.That's to say, over-engaging in websites which serve to replace normal social function might be linked to psychological disorders like depression and addiction," Morrison said "We now need to consider the wider social influences of this relationship and clearly prove the effects of excessive Internet use on mental health.”

67.Internet addicts are people who _____ according to the passage.

       A.use the Internet more than enough      B.feel depressed when using the Internet

       C.seldom connect to the Internet               D.feel depressed without the Internet

68.What is confirmed by the study according to the passage?

       A.Depression leads to excessive use of Internet.

       B.Depression results from excessive use of Internet

       C.Excessive use of Internet usually accompanies depression.

       D.Excessive use of Internet is usually earlier to depression.

69.It is thought by the public that online communities             .

       A.can never replace normal social function

       B.a(chǎn)re intended to replace normal social function

       C.a(chǎn)re associated with psychological disorders

       D.shouldn't take the blame for psychological disorders

70.According to Dr Catriona Morrison, the public speculation           .

       A.lacks scientific evidence                   B.helps clarify their study

       C.finds a theoretical basis                    D.has little scientific value


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

◆Longman Elementary Dictionary

       A unique dictionary that ;is fun and simple for children to use.The

colorful pictures are perfect for young learners and the word families,

word origins and word-building boxes all.increase vocabulary and help

students become better writers.The Longman Elementary Dictionary is

in American English.

       ● Helps young language learners to expand their English

       ●10, 000 words arid meanings—including content vocabulary and academic words.

       ●More than 1,000 full-color photos.

●Word Families, Word Origins, and Word-building .boxes expand students' understanding of new vocabulary.

◆Longman Picture Dictionary

Especially designed for young learners, the full-color

Longman Picture Dictionary is good for use in school or at

home and is available in both

British and American English.Fun tasks and on-the-page activities

help  children build vocabulary and develop basic dictionary skills.

With its attractive format and amusing pictures, children will go back to it again and

       ●Over 1,500 words with clear pictures, 

       ●Vocabulary arranged in alphabetical (字母的)

order and by topic for easy reference.

◆Longman Picture Dictionary of American English

       This dictionary contains 1, 500 words and features fun activities to

build vocabulary and develop dictionary skills.Its combination of clarity

and humor makes it particularly appealing to primary and lower secondary


Humorous pictures in full-color make this a particularly attractive dictionary, which children will really enjoy using.Vocabulary is based on over 30 topic areas, and activities and-games on every page engage the learners' interest and help with vocabulary practice.Suitable for use both in the classroom and at home.

◆Word by Word Primary Phonies(語音)Picture Dictionary

       It is a systematic phonics-based vocabulary development program in a

lively and motivating picture dictionary format!

       ●Over 1,000 words presented m lively full-color pictures for 100%


●Short easy-to-use lessons (10~15 minutes) offer a variety of reading

materials, from simple stories to original novels to young learners.

●A flexible program designed to support core (核心) reading, language arts, or English language learning materials – not replace them.

64.Which catalogue do the four dictionaries belong to?

       A.Young Learner's Dictionaries.              B.Advanced Dictionaries.

       C.CD / DVD Dictionaries.                  D.Specialist Dictionaries.

65.The common feature of the four dictionaries is _____.

       A.being available in 'both British and American English

       B.being suitable for use both in the classroom and at home

       C.drawing materials from simple stories and original works

       D.having many pictures to explain the vocabulary

66.If you want to buy a dictionary for a child interested in word origins, you'd better choose          .

       A.Longman Picture Dictionary

       B.Longman Elementary Dictionary

       C.Longman Picture Dictionary of American English

       D.Word by Word Primary Phonics Picture Dictionary


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

The stress of daily life has caused a new phenomenon—sleep texting.People with the rare condition send incoherent (語無論次的) text messages while asleep to their friends and family—completely unaware that they are doing it.

Sleep specialist Dr David Cunnington of Melbourne Sleep Disorder Centre in Australia, said patients had reported incidents of sleep texting—and he has advised people to leave their mobile phones outside the bedroom.He said; "We have had patients who have reported sending text messages to their friends and family while asleep.It is one of those things that happen, but it is very rare, and certainly not a common trend." 

Unsurprisingly, there are no studies into sleep fexting—but a similar phenomenon, sleep emailing, was studied in 2008.Researchers at the University of Toledo reported the case of a woman, 44, who would compose emails while sound asleep.She did not remember sending the emails when awake.Dr Cunnington said cases of sleep emailing were more common, and  were likely to have a more detrimental effect on the lives of sufferers.He said; "Emails can be sent to work colleagues and have much more serious consequences, while text messages are more likely to be accidentally sent to a friend or family member, so people aren't as likely to complain, of a problem." 

Dr Cunnington described sleep texting as the result of people having too much to do during waking life.He explained; "People are doing so much during a normal day that it can mean that they feel like they're "on call'; even at night.Because it's so easy to receive emails constantly, and get notifications (通知) from cellphones, it becomes more difficult for us to separate our waking and sleeping lives." Dr Cunnington said people struggling to get a quality night's sleep should keep their phones out of the bedroom."The key point is that people need to respect their sleep, and make an effort to switch off at night."

60.What do we know from the passage about sleep texting?

       A.People send clear text messages while sound asleep.

       B.People can clearly remember the content of sleep texting.

       C.Sleep texting is generally sent to friends and family members.

       D.People send text messages to strangers while asleep.

61.According to Dr David Cunnington, sleep texting is _____.

       A.hopeless             B.beneficial            C.rare                     D.frequent

62.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word "detrimental" in Paragraph 3?

       A.Advantageous.   B.Interesting.         C.Positive.              D.Harmful

63.What would be the best title for the passage?

       A.Sleep texting caused by stressful daily life

       B.The strange phenomenon of sleep emailing

       C.Differences between sleep texting and sleep emailing

       D.Sleep texting; its advantages and disadvantages


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Jean-Francois Millet (October 4, IBM—January 20, 1875) was a

French painter and one of the founders of the Barbizon School in rural

France.Born.of a peasant family? Millet was encouraged by his father to

study art in Cherbourg, France.He can be categorized as part of the

movement called "naturalism" (自然主義).Besides, Millet is also considered as an advocate of the movement " realism” (現(xiàn)實主義).His understanding of the peasants' hard life was perfectly, expressed in his choice of subject and natural preference for powerful but simple drawing and coloring.

One of the most well-known of Millet's paintings.The Gleaners (《拾穗者》), first came in a vertical composition (垂直式構(gòu)圖) painted in 1854,.a(chǎn)nd then there came the horizontal version in 1856, which is now preserved in the Musee d'Orsay.It depicts women bending over in the fields to collect the leftovers from the harvest, and it is a monumental composition devoted to the working class.

Previously, servants were depicted in paintings as obedient to a noble or a kings and picking up what was left of the harvest was regarded as one of the lowest jobs in Millet's times.However, Millet offered these women as the heroic focus of the picture.Besides, in the painting, light lights up the women's shoulders as they carry out their work.Behind them, the field that stretches into the distance is bathed in golden light, -under a wide, magnificent sky.The forms  of the three figures, standing against the lighter field, show balance and harmony.

56.According to the passage, we can know that Millet ___    __.

       A.was born in rural France

       B.belongs to neither naturalism nor realism

       C.became famous for his love of the countryside

       D.received his high school education in Barbizon

57.As for the painting The Gleaners, _____.

       A.it is Originally a horizontal composition

       B.it is based on the effort of Musee d'Orsay

       C.it presents women in the field as the chief focus

       D.it shows how women are stopped from working in the field

58.In the painting, the viewer can appreciate Millet's _____.

       A.crazy interest in blue color             B.strong focus on the city life

       C.a(chǎn)bsolute respect for the king           D.particular choice of -main characters

59.In which of the following books can we probably find this passage?

       A.Kings and Nobles in France.              B.A Guide to French Painting.

       C.French Agricultural History.               D.The Founder of Musee d'Orsay.

