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科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

If you've been joining in chat room conversations, or trading e-mail with Web pals, you have become one of the millions who write in a peculiarly short form of English.?
And you've got a sense of humor about short forms like SOHF(="sense" of humor failure) to describe Internet newcomers who don't understand you.
Across the globe, every night teenagers and their elders are “talking” online—many of them are talking at the same time.?
It's fast: try talking to six people at once. It's brief: three or four words per exchange. It takes wit, concentration, and quick fingers.?
And it requires tremendous linguistic economy. There's neither time nor space for explanations. Why consume precious key-strokes telling six friends you have to leave for a moment to take care of your little brother when BRB(="be" right back) will do? Want to enter a conversation? Just type PMFJI(="pardon" me for jumping in).  Interested in whom you're talking to? Type A/S/L, the nearly universal request to know your pal's age, sex and location. You may get 15/M/NY as a response from your pal.?
If something makes you laugh, say you're OTF(="on" the floor),or LOL(="laughing" out loud),or combine the two into ROTFL(="rolling" on the floor laughing).?
And when it's time to get back to work or go to bed, you type GTG(="got" to go) or TTYL(talk to you later).?
People want to write as fast as possible, and they want to get their ideas across as quickly as they can. Capital letters are left in the dust, except when expressing emotion, as it takes more time to hold down the “shift” key and capitals. Punctuation is going, too.?

  1. 1.

    In order to talk to several people at the same time on the Internet_______.

    1. A.
      you have to speak fast and fluently?
    2. B.
      you have to express your ideas in a brief way?
    3. C.
      you should speak with wit and humor ?
    4. D.
      one should pay much attention to the accuracy of the words?
  2. 2.

    If you get 17/F/NY as an answer to your A/S/L, it means_______.?

    1. A.
      the person on the other end is 17 from New York and he is fine?
    2. B.
      you are talking to a girl who is 17 and lives in New York?
    3. C.
      you are talking to 17 girls who are from New York?
    4. D.
      the person who are talking to you is a 1.7-foot tall New York girl?
  3. 3.

    To save time on the Internet_______.?

    1. A.
      some people leave their letters in the dustbin?
    2. B.
      some people never use “shift” in their writing?
    3. C.
      many people leave the capital and punctuation?
    4. D.
      people seldom use capital letters or punctuation


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

FOR many young people, having to attend school with a parent would be their worst nightmare. However, Senior 1 student Li Qinmei is happy taking her father with her as long as she can go to classes. He is disabled and unable to take care of himself.
The 16-year-old country girl in Zhucheng, Shandong Province has experienced one disaster after another in her short life. Li lost her mother at three. Four years later, her father became paralyzed after a tractor accident. At 12, her misfortune returned with the death of her grandma. Since then she has been forced to shoulder all the responsibility for her broken family.
Li learnt to cook and managed to live a life with an allowance of only 24 yuan per month. The most difficult thing she had to deal with was helping her father bathe, dress and use the toilet as he could hardly move.
"I felt embarrassed, and so did my dad. It was really hard at the beginning," she recalled.
During most of her junior school years, Li went to classes only once a month as her father was seriously ill at the time.
"I taught myself at home and asked teachers for help on my school days," she explained.
Li's hard work paid off this fall. She was admitted by Zhucheng No 1 High School, a local key school, based on her good performance in the entrance exams.
The school offered Li and her father a room on campus to live in so she could look after him during breaks.
Once in a while, Li felt sad when she saw her classmates going shopping or hanging out with friends.
"I envy them sometimes because they have both mum and dad to look after them. However, I soon feel relieved as I still have my dad with me," she said.
Li admitted that the difficulties in life had taught her to be strong.
"I believe I will go on and continue my studies at a good university," she said, in a confident tone.
Her teacher Mr. Wang has the same belief. Li made great progress in the recent monthly exams. "She works hard and is always eager to excel . It's not easy for her never to be late for school, but she has managed to make it work," Wang said.

  1. 1.

    Li Qinmei has to shoulder the family because ________.

    1. A.
      her father was badly injured in a car accident
    2. B.
      her mother passed away when she was 3
    3. C.
      her grandma died when she was 12
    4. D.
      misfortune in her life forced her to do so
  2. 2.

    From the passage we can infer that _________.

    1. A.
      Li Qinmei doesn’t like others talking about her father
    2. B.
      many young students hate going to school with their parents
    3. C.
      Li Qinmei has made great progress in her study
    4. D.
      Li Qinmei has lost three relatives and has to take care of her father
  3. 3.

    What’s the meaning of the underlined phrase “hanging out” in the passage?_________.

    1. A.
      playing outside
    2. B.
      working hard
    3. C.
      exchanging ideas
    4. D.
      talking happily
  4. 4.

    According to the passage, which statement is Not True? __________.

    1. A.
      Li Qinmei was admitted to a local key school because of his good scores in the exams
    2. B.
      Li Qinmei is very embarrassed when she helps her father bathe
    3. C.
      Li Qinmei often goes to attend her father after class
    4. D.
      Li Qinmei is able to go to class on time though she has to attend her father
  5. 5.

    What’s the best title of the story?________.

    1. A.
      Difficulties make strong
    2. B.
      A touching story
    3. C.
      A strong-minded girl-Li Qinmei
    4. D.
      Li Qinmei’s successful study life


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

A Swedish man was dug out alive after being snowed in his car on a forest track for two months with no food, police and local media reported on Saturday.
The 45-year-old from southern Sweden was found on Friday, February17, too weak to say more than a few words.
He was found not far from the city of Umea in the north of Sweden by snowmobilers who thought they had come across a ruined car until they dug their way to a window and saw movement inside.
The man, who was lying in the back seat in a sleeping bag, said he had been in the car since December 19.
“Just incredible that he’s alive considering that he had no food, but also since it’s been really cold for some time after Christmas.” a rescue team member told regional daily Vasterbottens- Kuriren, which broke the news.
Ebbe Nyberg, duty officer at the Umea police, said police saw no reason to doubt that the man had been stuck in the car for a very long time.
“We would not make up something like this. The rescue services were on site too and saw the same as us.” he told Vasterbottens-Kuriren.
Umea University Hospital, where the man is recovering after being rescued by police and a rescue team, said in a statement he was doing well considering the circumstances.
Doctors at the hospital said humans would normally be able to survive for about four weeks without food. Besides eating snow, the man probably survived by going into a dormant-like(休眠似的)state, physician Stefan Branth told Vasterbottens-Kuriren.
“A bit like a bear that hibernates. Humans can do that.” he said. “He probably had a body temperature of around 31 degrees which the body adjusted to. Due to the low temperature, not much energy was used up.”
“Why the man ended up under the snow in the forest remains unknown,” police said.

  1. 1.

    Who found the Swedish man in the snow?

    1. A.
    2. B.
      The police.
    3. C.
      A rescue team.
    4. D.
      Local people.
  2. 2.

    “Police saw no reason to doubt that the man had been stuck in the car for a very long time.” implies that .

    1. A.
      police didn’t think it true
    2. B.
      police were sure of the fact
    3. C.
      police had some doubt on the fact
    4. D.
      police had reasons to doubt the fact
  3. 3.

    The reason why the man could survive was most probably that .

    1. A.
      he was only forty-five year old
    2. B.
      he did not use any energy
    3. C.
      he slept in the sleeping bag
    4. D.
      he was in a dormant-like state
  4. 4.

    Which is the correct order of the following events?
    a.The Swedish man was stuck in the snow.
    b.He was sent to Umea University Hospital.
    c.He was found by snowmobilers.
    d.He was recovering after treatment.
    e.He stayed in his car for nearly two months.
    f.He was dug out by people.

    1. A.
      e, a, c, d, f, b
    2. B.
      a, e, c, f, b, d
    3. C.
      a, f, c, e, b, d
    4. D.
      e, c, f, a, d, b
  5. 5.

    Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

    1. A.
      A Traffic Accident
    2. B.
      A Long Sleep in Winter
    3. C.
      An Incredible Survival
    4. D.
      A Successful Rescue


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Barack Obama makes his first trip to Asia as president this week, leaving behind a host of domestic (國內(nèi)的) problems with the visit that recognizes the region’s economic and diplomatic importance. “Obama”s trip includes stops in Japan, Singapore, China and South Korea, and his message will be simple, says Nicolas Lardy at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. “Well, I think his broadest aim is to convince Asians that the United States is fully committed to the region that we have an agenda that’s much broader than they saw over the past eight years of the very heavy focus on anti-terrorism.”
Obama’s first stop is Japan, where he meets with the new Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama who has promised to steer a diplomatic course more independent of Washington. While Japan is seen as a getting-to-know-you stop, when Obama heads to the Singapore for the APEC meeting, he will likely face pressure on trade. “Many Asians are concerned about what US trade policy will be, and they’ve been somewhat alarmed by the fact that the president really hasn’t set out very much revision for what US trade policy is in his administration.”
But the critical leg of the trip will come in China, his third stop where Obama will have to navigate the complex relationship with the country that is the largest holder of US debt. “As you say, you know, if you owe the bank one dollar, it’s your problem, if you owe the bank, you know, 3 million dollars, it’s the bank’s problem, so it’s similar with China. I mean they have no interest in trying to use the influence with us, because eventually, they’re the one that they own all those dollars.”
Also on the table will be North Korea and Iran’s nuclear ambitions as well as cooperation on Afghanistan.
With Obama enjoying sky high popularity level in the countries he is visiting, detailed results may be beside the point, given that Obama is still in his first year in office, analysts say this trip is mostly about laying the ground work for the future.

  1. 1.

    From the second paragraph, we can infer that       .

    1. A.
      Japan has not been the closest friend of America
    2. B.
      Japan and Singapore will give America some pressure on trade
    3. C.
      Japan is concerned about what US trade policy will be
    4. D.
      Japan decides not to rely on America too much
  2. 2.

    What can you infer about China’s relation with America in the third paragraph?

    1. A.
      China will sell all its shares in US national debt.
    2. B.
      It will hurt China if the value of the dollar falls.
    3. C.
      China will not be the largest debt holder of US.
    4. D.
      China is US’ s overseas bank where US can borrow money.
  3. 3.

    The author develops the passage mainly       .

    1. A.
      by examples
    2. B.
      by cause and effect
    3. C.
      by comparison
    4. D.
      by order in time


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

We all remember seeing hitchhikers, standing by the side of the road, thumb, sticking out, waiting for a lift. But it is getting rare nowadays. What killed hitchhiking? Safety is often mentioned as a reason. Movies about murderous hitchhikers and real-life crime have put many drivers off picking up hitchhikers. That no single women picked me up on my journey to Manchester no doubt reflects the safety fear: a large, strangely dressed man is seen as dangerous.
But the reason may be more complex: hitchhiking happens where people don’t have cars and transport services are poor. Plenty of people still hitchhike in Poland and Romania. Perhaps the rising level of car ownership in the UK means the few people lift hitchhiking are usually considered strange. Why can’t they afford cars? Why can’t they take the coach or the train?
Three-quarters of the UK population have access to a car; many of the remainder will be quite old. The potential hitchhiking population is therefore small. Yet my trip proves it’s still possible to hitchhike. The people who picks me up were very interesting-lawyer, retired surgeon, tank commander, carpenter, man who live in an isolated farmhouse and a couple living up in the mountains. My conclusion is that only really interesting people are mad enough to pick up fat blokes in red, spotted scarves. Most just wanted to do someone a good turn; a few said they were so surprised to see a hitchhiker that they couldn’t help stopping.
The future of hitchhiking most likely lies with car-sharing organized over the Internet, via sites such as hitchhikers. org. But for now, you can still stick your thumb out (actually, I didn’t do much of that, preferring just to hold up my destination sign) and people—wonderful, caring, sharing, unafraid people—will stop.
In the UK, with its cheap coaches and reasonable rail service, I don’t think I’ll make a habit of it. But having enjoyed it so much, I’m ready now to do a big trip across Europe and beyond. In the 1970s a female friend of my wife’s hitchhiked to India. How wonderful it would be to have another go, though Afghanistan might be a challenge. I wish I’d got that tank commander’s mobile number.

  1. 1.

    The author tried to hitchhike but was rejected by single women drivers because       .

    1. A.
      they were not heading towards Manchester
    2. B.
      they thought most hitchhikers were dangerous
    3. C.
      hitchhiking had been banned and they didn’t want to break the law
    4. D.
      he was a strong man in strange clothes who seemed dangerous
  2. 2.

    Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?

    1. A.
      Movies have discouraged people from hitchhiking
    2. B.
      Car ownership levels are lower in Romania than in the UK.
    3. C.
      25% of UK people don’t have access to cars.
    4. D.
      Increased car ownership has reduced the need for hitchhiking.
  3. 3.

    The “fat blokes in red, spotted scarves” in Paragraph 3 most likely means    .

    1. A.
      murderous hitchhikers
    2. B.
      friendly and talkative hitchhikers
    3. C.
      typical hitchhikers
    4. D.
      strange hitchhikers like the author
  4. 4.

    According to the author, future hitchhikers are more likely to             .

    1. A.
      visit websites and find people to share cars with
    2. B.
      stand by roads with their thumbs sticking out
    3. C.
      stick out signs with their destinations written on
    4. D.
      wait for some kind people to pick them up
  5. 5.

    From the last paragraph, we know that the author         .

    1. A.
      frequently hitchhikes in Britain
    2. B.
      plans to hitchhike across Europe
    3. C.
      thinks public transport is safer for travel
    4. D.
      is going to contact the tank commander


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

I began to work as a salesgirl in a department store. I got there that morning and was introduced to all the salesmen and saleswomen. Throughout the day,one of the salesmen talked with me.I thought we might become friends.That evening after work we went out for dinner. We sat together and talked,but our numbers were never exchanged.
Around 10 pm I began my 2-hour drive back. For the first part of the drive I was thinking to myself how stupid I had been for not giving him my number. Then all of a sudden, when I had gone around a corner I was completely over in another lane(車道).There was no time to even hit the brakes(剎車). I hit at once. The police came and cut the top of my car off to get me out. They sent me to the hospital quickly.
My mother got there late that night, and saw me lying in the emergency room. The next morning, mom called the manager and told him what had happened, and that I would be in the hospital for a long time. A few hours later, I received a phone call--- it was the guy(小伙子) I hadn’t given my number. Well, he came to visit me that night and the next night. We spent a lot of time together.
It was months before I would be walking and driving again, but he’d sit by me. I don’t think I could have pulled through it without him. Now I can walk freely, and just this
week we are planning on getting married one year after the day we met. It’s just amazing
how a tragedy like a car accident could bring about such a wonderful relationship!

  1. 1.

    The car accident happened because______.

    1. A.
      the girl drank a lot before driving
    2. B.
      it was so dark that the girl couldn’t see very clearly
    3. C.
      another car appeared on the girl’s lane suddenly
    4. D.
      the girl didn’t drive with great care
  2. 2.

    We can infer that the girl __________.

    1. A.
      couldn’t say anything at hospital
    2. B.
      would lose her job in the store
    3. C.
      was badly injured in the accident
    4. D.
      was careless with making friends
  3. 3.

    The guy got the news that the girl was in hospital possibly from ________.

    1. A.
      the manager   
    2. B.
      the girl’s mother   
    3. C.
      the doctor    
    4. D.
      the girl herself
  4. 4.

    The girl thought that ________.

    1. A.
      a traffic accident might bring good luck
    2. B.
      it was the car accident that brought about their marriage
    3. C.
      a true friend is one who helps you in need
    4. D.
      there was true love and friendship in the world


科目: 來源: 題型:單選題

I requested ________ talking.

  1. A.
    that she stopped
  2. B.
    she to stop
  3. C.
    that she should stop
  4. D.
    that she stops


科目: 來源: 題型:單選題

My car needs ________ .

  1. A.
    fixed up
  2. B.
    to repair
  3. C.
    fixing up
  4. D.
    to be minding


科目: 來源: 題型:單選題

This picture has ________ in my family.

  1. A.
    been handed down
  2. B.
    handed out
  3. C.
    handed up
  4. D.
    handing down


科目: 來源: 題型:單選題

Cows ________ hay during winter.

  1. A.
    fed to
  2. B.
    feed on
  3. C.
    are feeding on
  4. D.
    is fed on

