






1. What will they do tonight?

  A. Play music        B. Dance         C. Hear music

2. What can you learn from the dialogue?

A.   Jim is Frank’s brother

B.   Jim is frank’s teacher.

C.   Jim is Frank’s friend.

3. What is wanted in the ad?

  A. Waiter          B. Waitress          C. Cook

4. What was the result?

A.   Italy won the game.

B.   France won the game.

C.   Both are winners.

5. Does the woman enjoy her job now?

  A. Yes, very much.      B. No.        C. It’s not mentioned.

第二節(jié) (共15小題;每題1.5分,共22.5分)



6. Who are the speakers?

A.   A passer-by and a policeman.

B.   A passer-by and a driver.

C.   A passenger and a taxi-driver.

7. What is the woman’s house number?

  A. 1323          B. 3023          C. 4023

8. Why can’t the man turn left?

A.   It is rush hour.

B.   It is a one-way street.

C.   The street is narrow.


9. Where did the man go this morning?

  A. His own garden      B. A playground      C. A park.

10. Did the man often go there early in the morning?

  A. No, it is the first time.   B. Yes, often.   C. No, only a few times.

11. What do we know about the man?

A.   He is from another city in China.

B.   He is a foreigner.

C.   He is a Chinese.


12. What are the speakers going to do in the coming new year?

  A. To save money.    B. To work harder.    C. To lose weight.

13. What did Henry do last year?

A.   He joined a health club.

B.   He stopped smoking.

C.   He got a good job.

14. Who wants to have a nice vacation?

  A. Jeff          B. Alice          C. Henry


15. When did the club open again?

A.   Oh the twelfth

B.   On the thirteenth.

C.   On the fourteenth.

16. What will Mary do today?

A.   She will go to see a film.

B.   She will play tennis.

C.   She will go home to see her family.

17. Bill is looking for today’s newspaper in order to     .

A.   get some important news

B.   find what films are showing this week

C.   find today’s date


Before our music  18  at four,

I’m going to repeat some of our hospital rules.

The hospital can sleep

  19  patients

It is our own hospital radio wishing you

A speedy  20  .




21. As some experts say, shopping by television will never take  place of shopping in stores, because many people find shopping at a store   great enjoyment.

  A. 不填;a      B. the; a      C. a; the      D. a; 不填

22. I haven’t seen     of her films, but judging from the one I have seen recently I think she’s a promising actress.

  A. both        B. any        C. either        D. none

23. When the village was flooded, the last man     his house was my uncle.

  A. left          B. to leave     C. leaving      D. being left

24.-----Haven’t I told you that I like my beef well done?

  -----Yes, but I     it longer than I usually do.

  A. am cooking    B. had cooked    C. cook     D. cooked

25. Since 1995,      people call the Year of the Internet, the world has turned flat thanks to the network.

  A. when       B. which       C. in which      D. by which time

26.----Mom, I can’t find my new T-shirt.      ?

  ----Yes, you have to wear another one.

  A. Is it washed           B. Is it being washed

  C. Was it being washed    D. Was it to be washed

27. The company has a free long-distance telephone number  consumers can call with any questions they have about the products.

  A. unless        B. even though     C. as if      D. so that

28.----There are so many things to learn today.

  -----Don’t worry. You needn’t trouble      them all.

  A. to remember          B. remembering

C. remembered          D. and remember

29. The Olympic Games hold the ideal      matters is not winning but participating.

  A. that it      B. what it      C. that what      D. what that

30.----You seem to enjoy your holiday here.

  ----Exactly! It      good to lie in the sun or swim in the cool sea.

  A. does        B. makes        C. plays        D. feels

31. Don’t get this kind of ink on your shirt, for it      wash out.

  A. can’t       B. mustn’t       C. shouldn’t      D. won’t

32. The further falling of the stock market as reported today has     a fresh wave of selling.

  A. set off      B. given off      C. put off      D. got off

33.----Can you explain      it came about that you were an hour late?

  ----Sorry, sir. I overslept.

  A. where       B. why       C. how        D. whether

34. So little      about traffic regulations that she couldn’t answer the questions asked by the policeman.

  A. Susan knew             B. knew Susan

  C. should Susan know       D. did Susan know

35.-----Do you need my help?

  -----      , but I can manage.

  A. Yes, go head             B. That’s all right

  C. That’s very kind of you     D. You are welcome



    As a young man, Al was a skilled artist, a potter. He had a wife and two fine sons. One night, his oldest son  36  severe stomachache. Thinking it was only some  37  intestinal disorder, neither Al nor his wife  38  the condition very seriously. But the disease was actually acute appendicitis(急性闌尾炎), and boy died suddenly that night.

Knowing the death could have been  39  if he had only realized the seriousness of the situation, under the enormous burden of his  40  Al’s emotional health-worsened.  41  his wife left him a short time later, leaving him alone with his six-year-old younger son. The hurt and  42  of the two situations were more than Al could  43  , and he  44  alcohol to help him cope. In time Al became an alcoholic.

45  the alcoholism progressed, Al began to lose everything he possessed ---- his home, his land, his art objects, everything.  46  Al died alone in a San Francisco motel room.

When I heard of Al's death, I reacted with the same disdain(輕視) the world shows for one who ends his life with  47  material to show for it. "What a complete  48  !" I thought. "What a totally wasted life!"

As time went by, I began to re-evaluate my earlier harsh  49  . You see, I knew Al's now adult son, Ernie. He is one of the kindest, most caring, most loving men I have ever known. I  50  Ernie with his children and saw the free flow of love between them. I knew that kindness and caring had to come from somewhere.

I hadn't heard Ernie talk much about his father. It is so hard to  51  an alcoholic. One day I worked up my courage to ask him. "I'm really  52  by something," I said. "I know your father was basically the only one to raise you. What on earth did he do that you became such a(n)  53  person?"

Ernie sat quietly and reflected for a few moments. Then he said, "From my earliest memories as a child until I left home at 18, Al came into my room every night, gave me a kiss and said, `I love you, son.'"

Tears came to my eyes as I  54  what a fool I had been to judge Al as a failure. He hadn’t left any material possessions behind. But he had been a kind  55  father, and he left behind one of the finest, most giving men I have ever known.

36. A. earned

B. contracted

C. infected

D. developed

37. A. rare

B. common

C. usual

D. plain

38. A. took

B. thought

C. look

D. held

39. A. delayed

B. stopped

C. prevented

D. dropped

40. A. behavior

B. guilt

C. deed

D. action

41. A. As a result


B. In the end


C. As a matter of fact


D. To make matters worse

42. A. fear

B. regret

C. pain

D. pity

43. A. bear

B. stand

C. handle

D. twist

44. A. asked for

B. addicted to

C. turned to

D. applied for

45. A. while

B. as

C. until

D. when

46. A. Eventually

B. Desperately

C. Basically

D. Naturally

47. A. nothing

B. anything

C. everything

D. something

48. A. success

B. nonsense

C. failure

D. artist

49. A. statement

B. judgment

C. treatment

D. complaint

50. A. heard

B. watched

C. admitted

D. cared

51. A. connect

B. contact

C. fight

D. defend

52. A. amazed

B. pleased

C. puzzled

D. frightened

53. A. active

B. normal

C. ordinary

D. special

54. A. explained

B. realized

C. recognized

D. imagined

55. A. careful

B. sensitive

C. loving

D. devoting





If I were writing a history of my family, some of the darkest moments recorded would be those surrounding Christmas trees. One would certainly think otherwise; nevertheless, selecting and putting up our trees have always been filled with peril. For instance, one afternoon dangerously close to Christmas Eve my mother bought what she found to be a bargain: a glorious tree that was so full and tall that we could hardly get it into the house. Once we did, my father immediately realized that we would have to hire a carpenter to build a stand for it. Another December, perhaps the very next one, we bought a tree earlier that we ever had before. We were pleased with its shape and delighted that its size was manageable. We easily placed it in a stand, decorated it from top to bottom, and then sat back to bask(享受) in its soft light. Two or three days passed, and the truth couldn’t be hidden: we had bought a tree cut so long ago that it was now shedding its needles. There was nothing to do but undecorated it, take it down, and begin tree shopping again.

Our most recent Christmas tree offered still another challenge. When we brought it home, once again it seemed larger than it had in the great outdoors. To complicate matters, we had bought a new stand, whose nuts and bolts worked more difficultly than those of our old stand. Our only resource was to persuade two young neighbors to stop playing the basketball and to help us get the tree into the house and set it securely in the stand. Unfortunately, no one noticed the mud on our helpers’ sneakers; so only after removing several reddish brown spots from the carpet were we able to discuss the question of where the lights and ornaments(裝飾物) were stored. Perhaps those who cut their own trees have tales to tell more harrowing than these. I don’t care to hear them, for my family’s experiences, of which these are but three, are enough to tempt me to make the following suggestion: “Let’s forget the tree next Christmas. Let’s simply decorate a garland over the mirror in the hall and hang a wreath on the front door.”

56. The darkest moments in the writer’s family concerned the fact      .

A.   that the family bought big Christmas trees.

B.   that they had problems putting up their Christmas trees.

C.   that they had problems picking suitable Christmas trees and decorating them.

D.   that they had problems finding carpenters for putting up Christmas trees.

57. From the passage, we can learn that the writer would like to      .

A.   forget about Christmas.

B.   get the neighbors to put up their tree.

C.   buy a better tree.

D.   make some other decorations to celebrate Christmas.

58. The new stand was bought      .

A.   for the neighbors.

B.   for the most recent Christmas tree.

C.   with lights and ornaments

D.   so father wouldn’t hire a carpenter.

59. The underlined word “harrowing” in Paragraph 2 means      .

  A. dull      B. painful      C. disappointing    D. interesting



A rock group called the Rocket Crew is on tour. Their agent has asked the town officials about Wilbour City on the tour. The stadium in the town is large enough to hold the expected crowd. Ticket sales in the area would be good because several towns are around Wilbur City. However, many people in the town don’t want a rock concert because they fear the damage the crowd might cause. To settle the problem about whether or not to invite the group to appear, the mayor(市長) took a poll(民意測驗(yàn)). The results are:

Would buy tickets

Would not buy tickets





Fear the damage

Not fear the damage





Thought it would help the city

Didn’t think it would help the city





60. If about.20% of the total surveyed people were expecting the band to come, how many people would it be?

  A. 3002      B. 2000      C. 1550      D. 4600

61. From the results of the poll, we know that half of the people or more      .

A.   would buy the tickets for the concert

B.   haven’t yet given their own opinions

C.   are against the invitation to the group

D.   are for the invitation to the group

62. The concert is probably to be held in      .

  A. a cinema     B. a stadium     C. a theatre     D. a concert hall

63. What would be the best title for the passage?

  A. A Poll               B. The City of Wilbour

  C. The Rocket Crew      D. A Rock Concert


What is the most pressing environmental issue we face today? “Global warming”? The “greenhouse effect”? At the Oscar ceremonies, Al Gore referred to a “ Climate crisis”, but in his State of the Union address President Bush chose the comparatively comforting phrase “climate change”. They all refer to the same thing, but the first rule of modern political speech is that before addressing any problem each side must “frame the debate” in the most favorable way.

In recent years there has been a contest between “global warming” and “climate change.” Bush’s use of the latter was consistent with Republican practice, which calls for de-emphasizing the urgency of the situation. Unlike the “catastrophic”(災(zāi)難性的) meaning of global warming, strategist Frank Luntz wrote, “climate change sounds a more controllable and less emotional challenge.” So should activists favor “global warming”? Well, not necessarily. Richard C.J. Somerville, a leading researcher at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, thinks “global warming” is problematic because it puts the focus on worldwide average temperature, rather than the more serious regional dangers of storms, floods and drought.

In any case, “global warming” seems to have won out over its rivals(競爭對(duì)手), if one can judge by The New York Times, where for each of the last three years “global warming” is more often used than “climate change” by almost exactly two to one. Both of these phrases have triumphed(勝過) over “greenhouse effect,” which was the most common term in the early 1980s. George Lakoff, the Berkeley professor of linguistics(語言學(xué)), is a strong backer of the dark house “climate crisis,” which is also favored by Gore. “ Climate change doesn’t suggest immediate action,” says Lakoff. “Climate crisis says immediate action needed. The framing is not just a matter of labels, it’s modes of thought.”

“I don’t like words that leave me anxious,” says Somerville. “Using crisis conveys the thought that this is hopeless. But there’s a lot that can be done about this. I’m still looking for the right words to describe what’s happening, but it’s not keeping me from trying to stop it.”

64. Which would be the best title for this passage?

A.   The War of the Words

B.   The most pressing environmental issue.

C.   Climate Crisis or Climate Change

D.   Language and Politics

65. A republican would probably prefer to use the term     .

  A. climate change          B. climate crisis

  C. global warming          D. greenhouse effect

66. Which of the followings is NOT true?

A.   Politics has something to do with language.

B.   Activists would certainly like the phrase “global warming”.

C.   “Greenhouse effect” is not often used today than it was 20 years ago.

D.   “Climate change” sounds more comforting than “climate crisis”.

67. From the last paragraph we can infer that     

A.   Somerville is against using the term “climate crisis”.

B.   Somerville is in favor of the term “climate crisis”.

C.   Somerville thinks the term “climate crisis” makes people worried.

D.   Somerville thinks nothing can be done to stop using the term “climate crisis”.


One of the most expected revolution in aviation is to take off pretty soon, as new super-fast, relatively cheap airplanes called “very light jets” (VLJs) finally go into service.

Thanks to breakthroughs in the performance of engines for small jets, along with better airplane manufacturing techniques, companies such as Eclipse Aviation, the Albuquerque, and Adam Aircraft of Denver are promising a new kind of airplanes for a new travel: jet-speed transportation between as many as 5,500.US. airports and in planes that cost less than before.

Waiting for final certification by the Federal Aviation Administration, Eclipse’s six-seat E500 could be in the hands of pilots this July.

Linear Air has already ordered 30 of the Eclipse very light jets and plans to put them in service between August and late 2007. The planes can fly at more than 400 mph, twice the typical speed of private propeller-driven planes.

“This is the absolute future, and everybody in the aviation business knows it,” said Arthur Allen, chairman of the Massachusetts Aeronautics Commission, which oversees 38 smaller airports around the States.

Because VLJs weight as little as a minivan, they can land on runways as short as 3,000feet---compared with 4,000 or 5,000 feet required by the smaller jets today. Allen forecasts that the new jets will open up new markets for air taxi and charter services.

“It’s like an executive car service with wings,” said Bill Herp, Linear Air’s chief executive. “VLJs are going to revolutionize the way a large percentage of the traveling public gets around.” Parts of Linear’s plan with scheduled charter service is to introduce passengers who have a licence to operate a jet by themselves to the private plane experience and turn them to future consumers for $ 1,500 or $3,000 charter flights, either for business or vacation travels.

For Herp, the huge advantage of VLJs is that they will cost one-third as much to buy and half as much to operate per hour as traditional small jets, vastly extending the market for air taxi and charter services.

68. According to the text which of the following is NOT true about the new jets?

A.   They can cost less both in buying and using.

B.   They can carry more people on the board.

C.   They can fly faster and can be more convenient.

D.   They need shouter runways.

69. We may learn from the text that Linear Air is going to      .

A.   sell the new jets at lower prices

B.   let people experience the travel of the new jets

C.   make the course and the price of the tickets of all jets

D.   make contracts with taxi business

70. According to the text, the underlined phrase “charter service” is a service      .

A.   for those who want to hire a plane for a particular purpose.

B.   for those who want to have a chat while flying.

C.   for those who want to save money for their travel.

D.   for those who want to enjoy a cheap but pleasant flight.

71. We can infer from the text that      .

A.   the jets can be operated by car drivers in the future

B.   only the rich can use the new jets as their private planes

C.   the new jets will have a promising market

D.   all companies in aviation will extend the market abroad


One year ago, when Fiona turned four, Sam and I decided to home-school her instead of sending her to pre-school. I have always felt that the 0-5 years are an irreplaceable dreamtime. As Fiona is an inventive, observant child, sensitive and funny and great company, it would be a tragedy to find school rubbing away her uniqueness and restricting the building of her personality.

I tried not to reproduce school at home. I never had the urge to get a pointer, or chalk, or a blackboard. I didn’t go and search out a curriculum(課程表). I felt that my children would learn best if I stayed accessible and stayed out of their way.

Every day we went with the flow, worked some, relaxed some, read some and played some, but Fiona did not seem particularly happy here. She lost her temper once in a while.

How strange it was that my child who was free from school didn’t want to be free at all. Her friends all went to pre-school. She felt left out of a major part of her friends’ shared lives and experiences. I thought she was not in school for very strong, clear reasons, one of which was that the quality of learning my child did at home would be good, even better than expected.

Well, here was a situation I hadn’t anticipated. When we first decided to do this, Sam and I agreed that we would reassess(再評(píng)價(jià)) the situation for each child as she turned seven. Meanwhile we would offer her non-schoolbased opportunities to give her plenty of time with other kids―ballet lessons, swimming classes and T-ball. She seemed to be enjoying all. But at times she kept asking when she was going to school. Whenever she asked this question, we told her that there would be a family meeting about it when she turned seven. She nearly always responded, “That’s when I’m going to go, then.” A fair amount of her curiosity was about school and I was afraid she was dreaming of going to school before she turned seven.

Although the advantages of home-schooling, I think, far outweigh its disadvantages, it is important for me to respect my daughter’s feelings and allow her to direct her own education. If her curiosity leads her to school, isn’t that where she should go?

Next week I’ll drive Fiona to her school. I hope that Fiona will learn to read and discover something wonderful to pursue in the world that opens up for her. I hope she will find the activities she is involved in provide her with satisfactory kid-time.

72. The writer decided to home-school her daughter, Fiona, because      .

A.   she thought children aged 0-5 were too young to go to pre-school

B.   she was afraid that Fiona may not be accepted by schools for her bad temper

C.   she knew that home-schooling was much better than school education

D.   she believe that children at Fiona’s age were too young to have their characters formed by school

73. In home schooling her daughter the writer tried      .

A.   to make her home just like a school

B.   to teach with a pointer, a piece of chalk, and a blackboard

C.   to be there when her child wanted her but tried not to stand in her way

D.   to teach according to a curriculum, which was suitable for Fiona

74. What was the writer’s biggest problem in home schooling her daughter?

A.   She couldn’t decide what to teach and how to teach her daughter

B.   She was not sure whether her teaching was suitable for Fiona.

C.   She could not make Fiona give up the thought of going to school.

D.   She didn’t know how to control Fiona’s temper

75. We can learn from the text that      .

A.   Fiona always acted against her mother’s instructions

B.   it was against Fiona’s with that she was educated at home

C.   home-schooling was popular some years ago

D.   Fiona’s parents would ask her opinions about school education







Gabriella works at a university as adviser. Students can      76.     

come and see her for many a problem if they need help      77.     

or advices. A lot of them are worried about their studies      78.     

and exams. Some want help with the problem connecting with 79.     

renting on flats. The biggest problem, though, is loneliness.   80.     

Universities are exciting places but some students find it hardly 81.     

to make friends. They miss their families and felt lost in the new 82.     

environment. They are upset. Gabriella’s job is to listen but try  83.     

to understand that they are anxious about. But of course she also  84.   

gives practical advice when she is needed on their problems.     85.   


請(qǐng)以”Parents and Children” 為題,寫一篇看圖作文,作文的內(nèi)容應(yīng)包括:

1.     4月9日發(fā)生在李華家的事情;

2.     你個(gè)人的感受。


1.     詞數(shù)100左右,題目已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù);

2.     短文要求觀點(diǎn)明確,結(jié)構(gòu)合理,緊湊連貫。


















1-5  BCBBB    6-10 CBACA    11-15 BABAA   16-17 BC

18. 800        19. program      20. recovery



21-25 BABDB    26-30 BDACD    31-35 DACDC


36-40 DBACB   41-45 DCCCB   46-50 AACBB   51-55 DCDBC


56-59 CDBB    60-63 ADBA    64-67 AABA    68-71 BBAC

72-75 DCCB



76. ∧an         77. for--with      78. advices-advice

79. connecting-connected            80. 去掉on

81. hardly- hard    82. felt--feel      83. but―and

84. that- what或加all    85. she―it


On the evening of April 9th, Li Hua was watching TV while his mother was busy preparing dinner in the kitchen. How attentive he was watching the TV program when the telephone rang. It was from a friend of his mother’s, who wanted to say happy birthday to his mother. “Today is my mother’s birthday?” Li Hua thought to himself, feeling ashamed.

At the story, I get deeply shocked. It is not easy for parents to bring us up. They give us lots of love and care, while we don’t care for them enough. Now it’s never too late to realize this and show our love and care for them.

