
第一卷(選擇題   共85分)


Ⅰ. 交際應(yīng)答(共5小題,計5分)


1.A. Don’t be afraid.        B. That would be fine         C. That’s all right

2.A. I like it, too           B. I’d love to.                C.I thinks so.

3.A. I can help you with you English

B. Sorry,my English is poor.

C. I don’t agree with you.

4.A. Oh, I can’t go hiking today.        

B. Ok. The bell is ringing for class

C. Great! I like reading.

5.A You need more exercise            

B. You are too slow to catch it.


Ⅱ.  對話理解(共15小題,計5分)


6、 A. Go back and turn right.    B. Go and turn left.    C. Go and turn right.

7、 A. On his head.            B. On his head.        C. Under his bed.

8、 A. 9:30                   B.9:40              C.9:50.

9、 A. She’s tall.               B. She’s short.       C. She’s great.

10、A. Green.                 B. Red              C. Red an green.

11、A. Right now.              B. Quite soon.        C. At four.

12、A. Table tennis.            B. Basketball         C. Football.

13、A. To see the new play.      B. To do some shopping .C. To visit the museum.

14、A. They are looking for a CD player in a shop.

    B. The man is teaching the woman how to use the CD player.

    C. They are learning how to press the button.

15、A. He walked along the beach at night.

    B. He swam alone in the cold water.

    C. He got the boy out of water and saved him.



16、A.doctor.          B A student.        C.A teacher.

17、A. BC756           B.PC 756          C.BC 576.

18、A. She is ill.         B. She has a meeting. C. She lent her car to Tom.

19、A. At two.           B. At three.        C. At four.

20、A. By phone.        B. By air.          C. By car.




21、A. On the bus.          B. In a café.           C. She didn’t know.

22、A.£20.5              B £10.5             C.£10.15.

23、A.A notebook and a phone card.          B. An address book and a phone card.

    C. An address book and a card.

24、A. Small and brown.      B. Big and brown.    C. Big and black.

25、A.A bus driver.          B. A conductor.       C. A policeman.





26 -Kate! Where is Mike, do you know?

   -I think he is talking with a friend of ____ on the phone in the next room.

  A. his            B. him        C. you        D .Jane

27 -We felt excited when we _____ the top of the mountain because we  can see the whole city clearly.

  A. climbed        B .reached      C. arrived       D. got

28 -Excuse me. How can I get to the bus station?

  -Walk ____ the street  ,turn right at  the  corner and you’ll find it

   A in             Bon            C around       D down

29 -Look! The new digital camera cost me 100 dollars!

   -Oh, the price is too ____

  A tall             B high         C dear          D expensive

30 You came here a little earlier; I think the supermarket doesn’t open ____half past eight

  A before          B after         C till           D until 

31 -Miss  Smith ,a man  named John phoned you ____, He asked you to call him back

   -OK, Think you

A now and then    B just now     C right now      D until

32 -Is there going to ____a basketball match this afternoon?

  -Yes. It’s at four, between Class Five and Class Six

  A take          B make        C be            D have

33 -____ have  the  students been here ?

   -Since seven this morning. They want to see you off

  A How long     B How soon        C How often            D How much 

34 -A letter?  Why not ask them to write us an E-mail?

   -But I think ____people have computers in that small mountain village

  A litter         B a litter           C few                D a few

35 -You’d better ____out at night .There may be wild animals outside

  -No, I won’t

  A don’t go        B not go           C not to go           D to go

36 - I’m terribly sorry,   ____ I can’t help you with your English this evening

  - It’s OK,   Will you be free tomorrow?

A then         B and            C but              D so

37 -Have you bought any tickets for the film?

  -Yes, I ____two yesterday.

  A have got    B has got    C had got     D got

38 The boy was so attracted by the computer games that he forgot ____else

A anything   B nothing   C something   D everything   

39 -What about a rest here ? I’m too tired to walk

  -No It’s very hot here, Let’s make ____there, under the big tree

  A it        B that      C this          D you

40 Do plant apples trees on the hill, please. The more trees, the ___harvest we’ll have 

  A much     B good     C better        D best 


V 完型填空

   閱讀下面短文,從每小題A 、B、C、D中選出一個能填入文章中相應(yīng)空白出的最佳答案

Dear Mrs. Jackson

    I hope you and the family are well, I’m writing to you thank you for the lovely time I had with you in England. Tim and Lucy were 41____friendly that I never felt 42___. You were very hospitable and made me 43__ like one of the family.

    I’ve 44___ home for three weeks and I am already busy45____ for my school exams. My mother had_46___ operation a week ago and fortunately everything went _47__.My father is also working very long hour’s __48__,   he got a new job. They send you their regards

Have you heard _49___Jose and Martina? Please send me their addresses because I _50___ my address book. I receive a letter from Matsuko and a postcard from Hans last Sunday._51__ was great to have so many friends in London.

It would be really wonderful if you __52__ cone to china nest summer. My parents said they_53__ love you to come and stay in our house in the countryside. Then I’d be able to show you the most beautiful sights in Zibo, and you’ll be amazed _54___ the lovely Chinese food.

    Please write soon, Once again many thanks for everything you did for me. I hope we can meet again soon_55__ in Britain or in China. Lots of love to you 



41  A very        B too       C  so            D such

42  A alone       B lonely     C happy          D happily

43  A feel        B to feel     C feeling         D felt

44  A gone to     B gone      C been at         D been

45  A  prepare   B preparing   C prepared       D to prepare

46  A  a        B an        C the             D /

47  A well       B good      C better           D best

48  A when      B after      C because          D while

49  A /          B about     C of               D form

50  A lose       B lost       C have lost         D had lost

51  A He        B It        C I                D That

52  A could all   B all could   C could both        D both could

53  A had       B could      C should            D would

54  A to        B both       C with             D by

55  A each      B both       C either            D neither



VI 閱讀理解(共20小題,計30分)

   閱讀下面短文,并作后面的題目。從每小題 A、B、C、D中選出能回答所提問題或完成所給句子的最佳答案。


Looking for Diamonds(鉆石)

Near the Indus River lived a farmer whose name was Ali Hafed. He owned fields, gardens, animals and fruit trees. He was a happy and wealthy man. One day Ali Hafed was visited by an old monk, The monk sat by the fire.  He told the farmer how the world was formed (形成)and ended his story by saying “ The diamond is the most precious(珍奇的)in the world. It is a drop of sunlight. If you have a handful of diamonds you can buy a whole country”

Ali Hafed could not get the thought of diamonds out of his mind, He kept thinking, “I want a handful of diamonds” The next morning he want to the monk’s house. He asked. “Where can I find diamonds?” The monk said ,“First find a river .It must run over white sands, the river must be between high mountains. In the while sands , you          will find diamonds.”

Ail Hafed sold his farm and left his family in the care of friends. He went in the search of diamonds. Following the story, he walked and walked. Yeas had passed, Finally his family(財物)was gone, A great wave came and he threw his body into it. He sank beneath the wave. He died a sad pauper.

56 What man was Ail Hafed before he left his family?

  A  A rich man       B A poor man    C A sad man    D A sick man

57 The old monk told Ail Hafed he would find diamonds____

  A near his owe house   B by the sea    C in a river      D beside field

58 Form the passage we can conclude(推斷出)that_____

  A the old monk knew Ail Hafed would not return

 B Ail felt money was more important than his family or friends

C the old monk planned to fool Ail Hafed

D Ail Hafed was not happy at home

59 In this passage a pauper is _____

  A a salesman        B a beggar       C a old man     D a farmer

60 Another good title for this passage would be ____

A Ail Hafed and the monk             B A way to Be Rich

C Death Near the Sea                 D From Richs to Rags(破布)



Reading newspapers has become an important part of everyday life. Some people read newspapers as the first thing to do in the morning, and others read newspapers as soon as they have free time during the day so that they can learn what is happening in the world.

  Sometimes, we do not have enough time to read all the news carefully, so we just take a quick look at the front page. At other times, we may in such a hurry that we only have a few minutes to look at the headlines (標(biāo)題)of the passage。

  Newspaper cam be found everywhere in the world, We get many different kinds of the newspapers in big cities, but in some mountain villages we can see few newspapers.

  Some newspapers are published(出版) twice a week, but most of the papers are published once a day with many papers, some even published twice a day! You know different people enjoy reading different newspapers. Some like world news, and others prefer short stories. They just choose what they are interested in .

  Today newspapers in English have the largest numbers of readers in the world.. The English language is so popular that many Chinese students are reading English newspapers such ad China Daily or 21st Century. Also they bring us more and more informing with Internet.

61 People read newspapers in order to ____

  A learn the latest news          B meet their own different needs

C read the short stories          D find the different news

62 From the passage we can see that _____ when people get newspapers

  A they read them every carefully    B they just read the headlines

C not everyone reads all the pages   D they have no time to read them

63 Newspapers have so many pages because_____

  A more and more people like to read them

B people enjoy reading something different 

C newspapers become cheaper

D more pages mean more many 

64 Newspapers _____ are the most popular in the world

  A in the English     B in Chinese   C in other language   D with many pages

65 According to the passage, beside newspapers, people also get information from ____

  A magazines       B advertisements     C E-mail      D Internet



Computers are very important to modern life. Many people think that in the future computers will be used in lots of everyday life. It is thought that we won’t have to go shopping because we will be able to get most things which are sold on the internet. There will be no more books because we will be able to get all texts form computers. The computers will be used to play games, see films and buy food. Most telephone calls will be made by computers.

Some people are glad about these news ways of shopping and communicating(交流),Others do not think that computers will replace (取代) our old ways。

  Let’s look at books, for example. Some people think that one day we will not read books made of paper; instead, we will buy and read books using computers. We will read texts on small pocket computers. The computers will keep many different books in them at the same time .We won’t turn to lots of pages and paper will be saved. Computerized(計算機化的)books will be used morn and morn.

  Is Internet shopping such a pleasure as going to the shop? Many people say is not, It is a pleasure to go into shops and things you want to buy. Also probably people won’t like to read large texts on our computers. Because paper books seem to be more friendly .Maybe computers won’t change these two habits.

66 In the first paragraph it is thought people will use computers to____

A play games, see films and have meals

B play games go shopping and make telephone calls

C see films, buy food and see the doctor

D make telephone calls, ply games and do housework

67 Which reason for using computerized books is not said in the passage?

  A Computers books won’t be very expensive

B Texts can be read on small pages

C we won’t turn so many pages

D we won’t use so much paper

68 The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means____

  A paper books regard people as friends

B paper books are very kind to people

C people like to read paper books

D people don’t really like to read paper books

69 The last paragraph tells us _____

  A Internet shopping is a great pleasure

B people will like to read texts on computers

C whether computers will changes these two habits

D how people will use computers in the future

70 The best title of this passage could be _____

  A Computers Will Replace Shops and Books

B Computers Will Do Everything for Man

C Computers Are the Future

D How Computers Changes Our Habits



Football is, I believe, the most popular game in England: one has only to go to one of the important matches to see this, Rich and poor, young and old, one can see them all there, shouting for one side or the other.

To a forefinger, one of the most surprising things about football England is the great knowledge of the game which even the smallest boy seems to have. He can tell you the names of the player in most of the important of the teams. He has pictures of them and knows the results of large numbers of matches. He will tell you who he expects will win such a match, and his opinion(看法)is usually as good as that of men three or four times his age.

Most schools in England take football seriously--- much more seriously than nearly all European schools. In England , education is not only a matter of filling a body’s mind with facts in the classroom, but also means the training of character(性格)。One of the best ways of training character is playing games especially team game, the boy or the girl has to learn to work games and matches for its pupils, Football is a good team game, and it is good both for the body and the mind. That is why it is every school’s game in England.

71 In the first sentence of the passage, “this” refers to the fact that____

A football is the most popular game in the England 

B one has to go to one of the important matches

C all kinds of people like playing football

D people shout for one kind or the other

72 To a foreigner, what is so surprising about football in the England?

  A Little boys know more about the results of football matches than old people

B The names of the important players are know to all

C Even the smallest boy has great knowledge of the mage

D Games and matches are a part of education

74 From football games, it is believed that children can ___

  A train their character       B work for themselves

C plan games and matches   D learn their lessons

75 Which of the following statements is turn according to the passage?

  A All European schools take football seriously

B Football in England is more important than lessons

C Even the smallest boy in England can play football well

D Football games are planned in every school in England

                  第二卷(非選擇題 共35分)


VII 單詞拼寫(共5小題。計5分)


76 Now computers are w____ used in our office                             76 _____

77 When I told them the funny joke, they couldn’t help I ____                  77_____

78 The children can take good care of t____ while you are not here.

Don’t worry about them                                              78_____

79 When the autumn comes the I _____ on the trees turn yellow                 79_____

80 There is something wrong with my bike, I’ll have it r___ tomorrow            80_____


VIII  短文填空(共7小題,計7分)


You are doing homework and waiting for you parents to come back. The doorbell rings.

You stand up and look t___81_ the keyhole. Two strangers! And the bell goes on ringing. Should you open the door at once?

Instead if o__82_ the door immediately, you should ask who’s there with the door locked, If it’s a stranger, say, “Come back latter.” Don’t tell him or her that your parents are a_83__. Say Mum’s in the kitchen or Dad’s taking a shower, To ignore(忽視)the doorbell is not a good I__84__. Sometime thieves ring doorbell to see if anyone’s at home.

In fact, there are many things that you should watch for when you  are alone at home.

    Keep the door I___85___ when you are alone.

    Keep a handy list of phone numbers to call for help-110,the p_86____ department, or a nearby friend.

    Never go anywhere with someone you don’t know, no matter h__87___ nice the person seems.


IX 翻譯句子(共4小題,計8分)


88    你接電話好嗎? 我這會兒正忙著呢。


89    對不起,讓你等了那么久。


90    沒有這種卡,任何人不得入內(nèi)。


91    你應(yīng)當(dāng)盡力組織學(xué)生進(jìn)網(wǎng)吧!



X 書面表達(dá)(共一題,計15分)


  2006年夏季作息時間表 上午 第一節(jié) 08:00-08:40 第二節(jié) 08:50-09:30      課間操 09:35-09:55 第三節(jié) 10:00-10:40 第四節(jié) 10:50-11:30 下午 第五節(jié) 14:30-15:10 第六節(jié) 15:20-16:00 自習(xí)   16:10-16:50 活動   17:00-18:00


2005年冬季作息時間表      上午 自習(xí)   06:50-07:30 第一節(jié) 07:40-08:20 第二節(jié) 08:30-09:10 第三節(jié) 09:20-10:00 課間操 10:05-10:25 第四節(jié) 10:30-11:10 第五節(jié) 11:20-12:00 下午 第六節(jié) 13:30-14:10 第七節(jié) 14:20-15:00 第八節(jié) 15:10-15:50 自習(xí)   16:00-16:40 活動   16:50-17:30       晚上 第九節(jié) 19:00-19:40 自習(xí)   19:50-20:50






