75. 76. 77. 78. 六.短文改錯Dear Peter,I’m writing to ask you for some advice. Barbara and me are getting very worried about Tom. He 79 has been staying out very lately at night and is 80 always so tired to do well in school. He wouldn’t 81 listen anything we say.We have tried not to 82 give him pocket money, and it doesn’t do any good. 83 I’m afraid he is sure that we are just trying to make him to do what we want to prove ( 證明) 84 we are strong, but the fact is that we were worried 85 about his future. I know you and Kate can help me. 86 Any advice would be very welcome. 七.書面表達Boys and girls, That’s all. Thank you! 嘉興市2006-2007學年第一學期期末檢測 查看更多




1.The thundering clouds held me __________ (完全地) in their power.

2.I am only able to look at nature through dirty  c_________ hanging before very dusty windows.

3.When people use words and e_________ different from the “standard language”, it is called a dialect.

4._______ (本地的) English speakers can understand each other.

5.After ________(畢業(yè)) from college, we finally got the chance to take a bike trip.

6.She gave me a _________(堅定的) look.

7.As I lay ________(在……的下面) the stars I thought about how far we had already travelled.

8.In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and b_______.

9.She bought an expensive mountain bike and then she  p_________ me to buy one.

10.He strongly believed in the three p________: nationalism; people’s rights; people livelihood.

71. ___________72. ___________ 73. __________ 74. ___________ 75. ___________

76.___________ 77. ___________ 78.____________ 79.__________ 80. ___________




1. 盡管這些很重要,但我們并不只是通過口頭和書面語言交流。

Although these are very important, we communicate with ________(71) ________(72) just spoken and written words.

2. 所有的食物都被吃光了,所以我們必須得走了。

Since all the food has ________(73) ________(74), we have to leave.

3. 所有的票都是由慈善機構免費提供的。

All the tickets are provided ________(75) ________(76) ________(77) by the charity.

4. 由于準備不足,這次考試他又沒通過。

He failed again in this exam ________(78) ________(79) ________(80) ________(81) lack of preparation.

5. 當急流穿過兩英里高的峽谷時,峽谷變窄了,只有350英尺。

The gorge ________ (82) to 350 feet as the river rushes ________ (83) the two-mile-high mountains.

6. 本來是個驚喜,可孩子們把計劃泄露了。

It was supposed to be a surprise but the children ________ (84) the plan ________ (85).

7. 無論這輛自行車多便宜,我都一樣的珍惜它,因為他是我爸爸送給我的禮物。

________(86) ________(87) ________(88) ________(89) ________(90), I cherish it all the same, for it’s a present from my father.






75. It is my strong ______(信念) that we’ll find a cure for cancer.               75. _______

76. Diets are most effective when they are _______(結合) with exercise.       76. _______

77. I’ll see you after the meeting, if time _______      (許可).                        77. _______

78. The pills could prove _______       (有害) if taken by children..                         78. _______

79. By _______(傳統(tǒng)), it’s the bride’s parents who pay for the wedding     79. _______




Section A

Directions: Read the following passage and complete the abstract by using the information for the passage. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer.

Unlike in our country, violence against women is very fierce in some western and African countries. The basic cause of it lies in discrimination, which refutes women equality with men in all spheres of life. Violence is both underlies in discrimination and serves to strengthen discrimination.

Violence against women is a display of historically unequal status of women compared to men, which have resulted into domination and discrimination against women by men and to the prevention of the full development of women. Violence against women is one of the important social mechanisms by which women are constrained into a subordinate position in comparison with men.

As violence against women is spread worldwide, many women are targets because of their ethnicity, class, sexual orientation or disability status.

Many women think that the psychological consequences of abuse are even more dangerous than its physical effects. The experience of abuse often shakes women's self-esteem (自尊) and puts them at great risk of a number of mental health problems, such as:

Depression is becoming broadly recognized as a main health problem in the world. Women who are abused by their partners suffer more depression, anxiety, and phobias than women who have not been abused, according to studies in Australia, Nicaragua, Pakistan, and the US.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a strong anxiety disorder that can happen when people go through or witness a traumatic event in which they feel disappointed and helpless or fear death or injury. The symptoms of PTSD contain mentally reliving the traumatic event by means of flashbacks; avoiding anything that would remind one of the events; experiencing discomfort in sleeping and concentrating; and being easily alarmed or frightened.

The severe violence is also likely to lead to suicide. Some women kill themselves or try to do so. Researches from some countries, including Sweden, and the US, have displayed that domestic violence is closely connected with suicide. Battered women who have PTSD symptoms prove to be most likely to try suicide.

Abused women are more likely than other women to misuse alcohol and drugs.

When a person's everyday life functioning or life alternatives continue to be influenced, a post-traumatic stress disorder may be the problem, requiring professional treatment.


Ⅰ.72. __________

●Historically unequal status

73. __________ from men

Subordinate position

Ⅱ.74. __________

●Women’s self-esteem shake and 75. __________

76. __________

Post-traumatic stress disorder: 77. __________, helplessness, fear of 78. __________

79. __________

Alcohol and drug use

Ⅲ.80. __________

Professional treatment





Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the diagram by using the information from the passage.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

As a parent you may realize the importance education has in our lives, however, your child hates listening to any of your arguments, thoughts and ideas. A student uninterested in education will miss college lectures and perform extremely poorly in assessment tests. In the worst cases, students may stop attending the school or college and sit at home without any concern for career, education and life. In order to encourage the students back to their college life and career, parents should first find out what causes the lack of motivation in students.

Low self-respect in students forces them to give up challenges. Even if these students try and complete some tasks, they’re clouded by many negative thinking patterns that block the flow of confidence in their personalities.

Lack of love at home can also result in the lack of motivation in students. If the parents are away from the kids or students and they’re unaware of what their kid is doing in school, then the child feels neglected and steps back from taking responsibilities and challenges.

Constant poor performance lowers the self-confidence of the student and the student will feel lost in the crowd of brilliant students. Such academic pressures can make students lose their motivation.

Nothing can be a better motivation for students than their teachers and parents. Schools should organize motivation activities for students, like games, sports and competitions, which are important for the whole personality development of the students. Involve them in some activities like dancing, music etc. that they are interested in, so that they can learn new hobbies and increase their confidence. You should stop ignoring your child’s studies and do understand his need to be heard. In short, lack of motivation in students can be completely reduced if the parents and teachers understand the kid and support him / her to break any of his / her negative patterns of thought.

Title     (71) ___________in Students



● Making students miss college lectures and get (72) __________ in tests

● Making students drop out of school and sit at home without caring about career, education and life




Low self-respect

Quitting challenges

Losing (74) _________ due to negative thinking patterns

Lack of love at home

Feeling neglected and refusing to take

(75) _________           

(76) _____________

Being less self-confident due to constant poor performance



● Organizing motivation activities for students to (78) _______ the personality .

● Making students learn new hobbies and increase their confidence in activities

● Being (79) _____ about your child’s studies and understanding his need to be heard


Motivate students by understanding them and supporting them to break their negative (80) ___________


