ち不定冠詞a(an)? 不定冠詞僅用在單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞前.表示“一 的概念.但不強調(diào)數(shù)目.只表示該名詞不是“特定者 .a(an)表示“一 不如one的數(shù)字概念強.例如:a pen 一只鋼筆 an egg 一只雞蛋? a student 一個學(xué)生 an apple 一個蘋果 ①用于上文已提到過的人或事物.例如:He has a new pen. The pen was bought in America. ?他有一支新鋼筆.這支鋼筆是在美國買的.? There is a book called “Gone with Wind on my shelf. The book was written by a foreign writer. 我的書架上有一本叫的書.這本書是一位外國作家寫的.? I saw a film last night. The fiim is very interesting.?昨天晚上我看了一部電影.這部電影非常有趣.? ②特指談話時雙方都熟悉的某事物.例如:?The bag on the desk isn’t mine.?桌子上的書包不是我的.? The angry man on the screen is David.? 在熒屏上出現(xiàn)的那個生氣的男人是大衛(wèi).? Is the city of Nanjing beautiful? 南京城漂亮嗎?? ③用在世界上獨一無二的事物前.例如: The moon is our satellite. 月球是我們的衛(wèi)星.? The world is changing always.?世界一直在變化著.? The sun is far away from the earth.?太陽離地球很遠.? ④用在序數(shù)詞.形容詞的最高級及only修飾的名詞前.例如:The first lesson is as difficult as the last one.?第一課和最后一課一樣難.? This moon cake is the nicest of all.?這種月餅是所有的月餅中最好吃的.? She is the only person who was late today.?她是今天惟一一個遲到者.? ⑤用在由普通名詞構(gòu)成的專有名詞前.例如: the Summer Palace 頤和園?the Communist Party of China 中國共產(chǎn)黨?the USA 美國? the People’s Republic of China 中華人民共和國? the Great Wall 長城?the Olympic Games 奧林匹克運動會? ⑥用在江河.湖泊.海洋.山脈.群島等的名稱前.例如:the Yellow River 黃河the Black sea 黑海? the West Lake 西湖?the Himalayas 喜馬拉雅山the Tianshan Mountains 天山山脈?the Indian Ocean印度洋? ⑦用在姓氏復(fù)數(shù)前.表示“某某一家人 或“某某夫婦 .例如:the Greens 格林一家人 the Wangs 王家 the Kings 肯一家人 the Lis李家? 注意. “the+姓氏復(fù)數(shù) 作主語.謂語動詞用復(fù)數(shù). 例如: The Greens are watching TV at the moment.?格林一家人現(xiàn)在正在看電視.? The Whites do their cooking at home only at the weekend. 懷特夫婦僅在周末才在家做飯. ⑧the后加某些形容詞.表示一類人或事物.例如:the old 老人 the young 年輕人the rich 富人? the poor 窮人 the clever 聰明人 the blind 盲人? ⑨用在樂器前面.例如: the piano 鋼琴 the violin 小提琴? ⑩用在“the+形容詞比較級+the+形容詞比較級 結(jié)構(gòu)中.表示“越來--越-- .例如:The more trees, the better. 樹越多越好.? The more exercise you take, the healthier you will be. 你鍛煉得越多.身體就越健康. The more we get together,the happier we are.?我們越是在一起.就越高興.? (11)當(dāng)名詞被一短語或從句所修飾時.該名詞前用冠詞.例如: The man under the tree is my grandfather.?在樹下的那個男人是我的爺爺.? The one on the left is a new kind of machine.?在左邊的那一個是一種新型機器.? The girl in white is Mary.?那個穿白色衣服的女孩是瑪麗.? (12)?用在表示方向的名詞前.例如: in the east 在東方?in the west 在西部? in the northeast of China 在中國的東北部 ?in the south 在南方? (13)用在單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞前表示一類人或物.例如:The tree is a kind of plant. 樹是一種植物.? The camel is a useful animal.?駱駝是一種有用的動物.? The computer is an interesting tool.?電腦是一種有趣的工具.? (14)the常用于一些固定搭配中.例如:in the morning 在早上?in the early morning 一大清早? in the evening 在晚上?in the beginning 在開頭(端)? in the afternoon 在下午?by the way 順便問? in the end 最后.終于?the next day 第二天? at the end of 在--快結(jié)尾的時候?the day after tomorrow 后天? at the age of 在--歲的時候?in the front of 在--的前面? the day before yesterday 前天?on the right邊 ①表示某一類人或事物中的個體要在名詞前加a(an).例如:Your mother is a nurse. 你媽媽是一名護士.? Please pass me a chair. 請遞給我一把椅子.? A child needs love in his early life.?一個孩子在早期生活中需要關(guān)愛.? ②用來指某人或某物.但不具體說明是誰或是什么時.名詞前加a(an).例如: A visitor called me up just now.?一位游客剛給我打了個電話.? He borrowed a dictionary yesterday.?他昨天借了一本詞典.? A book can help you understand the world.?書可以幫助你了解世界.? ③用來表示“一 的概念.但數(shù)的概念不如one強烈.例如:The cage is about a metre high, a metre wide.?這個籠子有一米高.一米寬.? An old man is waiting for you.?一位老人正在等你.? Here is a present for you. 送給你一件禮物.? ④表示單位.數(shù)量.長度等.例如: I write to my pen friend once a month.?我每月一次給我的筆友寫信.? Take this medicine three times a day.?這藥一天吃三次.? My uncle gave me a thousand pounds last time.?上次我叔叔給了我1000英鎊.? ⑤用在專有名詞前.表示說話者不知道的人或事物.例如: A Mr Black rang you up just now.?一個名叫布萊克的人剛才給你打過電話.? A Li is looking for you. 一位姓李的人在找你.? A Miss Chen borrowed money from me.?一位姓陳的女士借過我的錢.? ⑥在月份.星期及morning, afternoon, evening, night等名詞前有修飾語時.一律用a(an).例如:on a cold morning在一個很冷的早上?in a sunny Sunday 在一個晴朗的星期天? in a hot month 在一個很熱的月份? on a terrible night 在一個可怕的夜晚? ⑦與表示職業(yè).身份等的名詞連用時.常常不將“一 翻譯出來.例如:The boy wants to be an engineer when he grows up.?這個男孩長大后想當(dāng)工程師. Are you a doctor or a nurse? 你是醫(yī)生還是護士?? Is your grandfather interested in a foreign language??你爺爺對外語感興趣嗎?? ⑧用在“such a - .“many a(an) - .“rather a(an) - 與“so+形容詞+單數(shù)名詞 的結(jié)構(gòu)中.例如:It is such a tall tree. 這棵樹很高.? Many a man comes to work on the farm.? 許多人來這家農(nóng)場勞動.? She is rather a painter. 她真是個畫家.? ⑨用于what引導(dǎo)的感嘆句中.例如:What a cold day it was yesterday!?昨天真是一個大冷天!? What an interesting picture it is!?這是一幅多么有趣的畫!? What a difficult problem! 多難的題啊!? ⑩用于某些固定搭配中.例如: a few 一些.少數(shù)幾個 a bit 一點兒?a lot(of) 許多.大量 a little 一點兒?a piece of 一片/塊--have a cold 得感冒?have a meal 吃頓飯 have a rest 休息一下? have a good time 過得愉快,玩得高興?have a swim 游泳have a walk 散步 第三章 冠詞四.零冠詞 在英語中.許多情況下名詞前不用冠詞.? ①在專有名詞前不用冠詞.例如:China 中國 John 約翰 Australia 澳大利亞? 查看更多




    visit   two   education  little  serious   

1.We should exercise at ________ three or four times a week.

2.This is an ___________movie.You can’t miss it.

3.Dalian is the best city for __________because it’s the most beautiful.

4.If you don’t take these shows too_______,they are fun to watch.

5.My parents allow me to play computer games ______a week.




1.Teachers often tell their students about the _________ of learning how to learn.

2.Kathy is an _______ and friendly girl, her teachers all like her.

3.I prefer lemons to apples. I like the sour _________.

4.Think it over before you make a ________.

5.We were _________ into four groups by Mr. Zeng at the beginning of the game.



colorful,  problem,  shout,  landed,  exciting,  surprise party,
mad,  hard-working,  poor, happen
1. She was ______ at him for losing the watch.
2. We are going to have a ______ for her birthday this evening.
3. His father bought him a ______ T-shirt.
4. Don' t ______. They are sleeping.
5. —Can you finish it on time? —No ______.
6. The teacher told us an ______ news.
7. It was getting dark when the plane ______ in New York.
8. I am lazy, but he is ______.
9. She was too ______ to buy clothes for her children.
10. —How did the accident ______? —I don' t know.


用方框中所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空, 每詞僅用一次。(每空一詞)

     usual       buy     careful        knife     eight

61.           are used for cutting things.

62. I’ve never received such an          gift.

63. My mother booked a big cake for me on my           birthday.

64. Don’t push downstairs. You must go down as           as possible.

65. They often go to concerts and           CDs by their favorite singers.



die   knowledge    escape    experience     confident


【小題1】He hasn’t enough __________(經(jīng)驗)for the job.
【小題2】He is __________(自信)enough to pass the exam than Mary.
【小題3】 Three monkeys __________(逃脫)from the local zoo last night.
【小題4】When he heard his father’s __________(死), he couldn’t help crying.
【小題5】He is a __________(知識)man .

