-- What's the matter with you? -- After the long walk, my legs and couldn't go any further. A. gave out B. gave off C. gave in D. gave up 查看更多



–What’s the matter with you?
–After the long walk, my legs ____ and I couldn’t go any further.

A.gave outB.gave offC.gave inD.gave up


–What’s the matter with you?

–After the long walk, my legs ____ and I couldn’t go any further.

A.gave out          B.gave off           C.gave in           D.gave up




 — What’s the matter with you?

   — After the long walk, my legs _______ and I couldn’t even take one more step.

         A. gave out       B. wore out     C. ran out         D. tired out



---What's the matter with you?

---After the long walk, my legs ______ and I couldn’t go any further.

A. gave out

B. gave off

C. gave in

D. gave up



--- What’s the matter with you?
--- After the long walk, my legs _______ and I couldn’t even take one more step

  1. A.
    gave out
  2. B.
    wore out
  3. C.
    ran out
  4. D.
    tired out

