persevere in doing 堅持 persist in doing 堅持 查看更多



第Ⅱ卷  (兩部分,共35分)




Left behind, we watched as Shackleton and the boat sailed away from Elephant Island. The danger of what lay ahead of them, the chances of them ever returning to find us, the fear that we might never know their fate and possible delays, at first made us feel low and discouraged. But it was not for long. There was nothing like a good dinner of penguin(企鵝) and some dynamic music to make a man feel more cheerful again.

Life now fell into a regular pattern. Just keeping alive took all our time and energy. For example, we had to gather fresh water by grasping and then melting sea-ice. If this drinking But melting the ice was a problem. With no trees growing on Antarctica and no oil, the only fuel we could use was seal fat. This gave off oily, black smoke but had he advantage of burning strongly in fierce winds. We could also eat the remains when the fire died down.

Food was also a problem as there were no vegetables or fruit to be found. As one of’ our group, Lionel Greenstreet noted in his diary after a few weeks how bored he was with the meals: “The food now is pretty well all meat -- seal steaks, cooked seal, penguin steaks, cooked penguin liver.” As a chef, it was my duty to clean and cook these animals, so I was soon being encouraged to vary the meals in whatever way I could. It was difficult.

We had to be very particular about our personal care because a changeable temperature could harm us. It was almost as dangerous to become too hot from wearing too many clothes as to become too cold from wearing too few. Becoming too hot led to sweating and this could freeze very quickly. Another part of the body that needed special caution was the eyes. The ice and snow reflected dangerous rays from the sun so that if we did not wear sunglasses we would suffer from sun-blindness.

Four months of this was as much as the twenty-two of us could bear in this bone-numbing cold. We were lucky that our group wolf worked hard to show an admirable mental attitude and dealt with our ever-present fears in a positive and successful way. Above all, Shackleton encouraged us to have celebrations: for birthdays, festivals or even just because of a good catch of penguin. This kept us cheerful and encouraged harmony in the group.

When rescue did come, we felt such relief and joy that many of us could not hide our tears. We were at last free to go home to a warm bed, good food and the care of our family and friends. Our optimism and faith in Shackleton had helped us persevere in staying alive and he had repaid us by his commitment to return and save us from a slow but painful death.

Main Points



Shackleton and his boat having (71)   ▲   away, we stayed on Elephant Island, feeling low and discouraged. A dinner of penguin and dynamic music (72)    ▲   us up.

Water problem

To gather fresh water, we grasped and then melt sea-ice by(73)    ▲  

seal fat.

(74)   ▲  problem

Food lacked variety, with only meat from seals and penguins.

Personal care

● Sweating from wearing too many clothes and(75)   ▲   from wearing too few could do harm to us.

● We needed to be (76)   ▲   of the eyes’ being harmed by the dangerous reflected rays from the sun.

(77)    ▲   for our survival

● Our positive (78)    ▲   

● Having celebrations

● Harmony in the group


Four months later, we were (79)   ▲   by Shackleton. And he

(80)    ▲    his promise.




Ⅱ. 語言知識及運用(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)

第一節(jié) 完形填空(共10小題;每小題2分,滿分20分)


Have you just been fired? Are you feeling like a failure? Don’t be sorry about that. Cheer yourself up and spread your wings. Perhaps another much better opportunity is awaiting you.  21 sometimes you don’t realize it, you’re asking to be fired.

    Dan Zawacki was a happy camper, selling computers for Honeywell. One holiday he was  22  creative gifts and then a good idea occurred to him — sending dinners, live lobsters (龍蝦) — to his favorite customers. He  23   them himself with butter and put them in the trunk of his car between the computers and started delivering. It was a huge  24 .  As a result, one of his customers suggested they go into the lobster business together. Dan laughed. Still, this landlocked computer salesman  25  get the idea of lobsters out of his mind. Why not turn this into a hobby and make a few extra dollars? While on a job assignment in Chicago, he  26  a local radio station to give him a few plugs (插座) in 27  for some lobsters. Unfortunately, his boss heard his salesman selling lobsters, not computers. No surprisingly, Dan was let go. After returning the company’s car, he started to think maybe this was a  28.  Playing with his phone that night, Dan tried dialing 1-800-LIVE-LOB. The  29  was available, and Dan the Lobsterman was born. Today, 20 years later, Dan is still selling dinners, through his company, Lobster Gram.  And he couldn’t be happier.

    Many people who have been fired have found ways back to fulfilling careers. And they all learned that the pain and humiliation (羞辱) are temporary (暫時的). So do not be afraid to move 30   and try your wings. Gather your support system. Persevere! Firing doesn’t mean your life is over. It might turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you.

21    A. Because                B. When                C. Though                   D. If

22   A. searching for       B. making up        C. giving away            D. thinking up

23    A. packaged                B. sold                  C. tied                        D. placed

24    A. matter                    B. business            C. failure                      D. success

25    A. couldn’t         B. mustn’t            C. shouldn’t                    D. wouldn’t

26    A. permitted               B. hoped               C. persuaded            D. suggested

27   A. change               B. exchange          C. place               D. need

28   A. thing                B. sign                  C. pity                         D. pleasure

29   A. amount                 B. figure               C. note                         D. number

30    A. back                  B. aside                C. away                       D. on



Each time I see a balloon, my mind flies back to a memory of when I was a six-year-old girl. It was a rainy Sunday and my father had recently died. I asked my mom if Dad had gone to heaven. "Yes, honey. Of course." she said.

    "Can we write him a letter?"

    She paused, the longest pause of my short life, and answered, "Yes."

    My heart jumped. "How? Does the mailman go there?" I asked.

    "No, but I have an idea." Mom drove to a party store and returned with a red balloon. I asked her what it was for.

    "Just wait, honey. You'll see." Mom told me to write my letter. Eagerly, I got my favorite pen, and poured out my six-year-old heart in the form of blue ink. I wrote about my day, what I learned at school, how Mom was doing, and even about what happened in a story I had read. For a few minutes it was as if Dad were still alive. I gave the letter to Mom. She read it over, and a smile crossed her face.

    She made a hole in the corner of the letter where she looped the balloon string. We went outside and she gave me the balloon. It was still raining.

    "Okay, on the count of three, let go. One, two, three."

The balloon, carrying my letter, darted upward against the rain. We watched until it was swallowed by the mass of clouds.

Later I realized, like the balloon, that Dad had never let his sickness get him down. He was strong. No matter what he suffered, he'd persevere, dart up, and finally transcend this cold world and his sick body. He rose into sky and became something beautiful. I watched until the balloon disappeared into the gray and white and I prayed that his strength was hereditary. I prayed to be a balloon.

1.When the girl asked her mother if they could write to her father, her mother _________.

A.felt it hard to answer       B.thought her a creative girl

C.believed it easy to do so           D.found it easy to lie

2.When the girl was told that she could send a letter to her father, she _________.

A.jumped with joy

B.became excited

C.started writing immediately

D. was worried that it couldn't be delivered

3.In the eyes of the author, what was the rain like?

A.An incurable disease

B.An unforgettable memory.

C.The hard time her father had.

D.The failures her father experienced.



從A. B. C. D 四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。
Have you just been fired? Don't worry. Cheer yourself up and send your 36   . Perhaps another much better opportunity is awaiting you.  37  sometimes you don' t realize it, you are asking to be fired.
Dan Zawacki was a happy camper, selling computers for Honeywell. One holiday he was 38 creative gifts and then a good idea 39 him selling dinner live lobsters(龍蝦) to his favorite customers. He 40 them himself with butter and put them in the trunk of his car between the computers and delivering. It was a huge 41. As a result, one of his customers 42 they go into the lobster business together. Dan laughed. Still , this landlocked computer salesman 43get the idea of lobsters out of his 44. Why not turn this into a hobby and 45 a few extra dollar ? While on a job assignment in Chicago, he 46 a local radio station to give him a few ads in 47 for lobster. Unfortunately, his boss’s heard his prize salesman 48 lobster, not computers. No surprise. Dan was let go. Afer49the company's car, he started to think maybe this was a 50. Playing with his phone that night,
Dan tried dialing 1-800-LIVE-LOB.The number was 51, and Dan the lobsterman was born. Today, 20 years later, Dan is still selling dinners, through his company, Lobster Gram. And he couldn't be 52.
Many of the fired people found ways back to fulfilling 53 and learned the Pain and humiliation(羞辱)are 54.So do no be afraid to move 55 and try your wings. Gather your support system. Persevere! Firing doesn't mean your life is over. It might turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you.
36. A. dreams    B. wings     C. needs'    D. minds
37. A. Because B. When C. Though D. If
38. A. searching for    B. making up   C. giving away   D. thinking up
39. A. came about B. took place C. went on D. came to
40. A. packaged   B. sold  C. tied    D. placed
4l. A. matter     B. business   C. failure    D. success
42. A. said   B. thought    C. suggested     D. hoped
43. A. couldn’t   B. mustn't   C. shouldn’t   D. wouldn't
44. A. heart   B. mind   C. head  D. hand
45. A. make  B. get   C. gather   D. spend
46. A. permitted   B. hoped   C. persuaded  D. suggested
47. A. change  B. exchange   C. place   D. need
48. A. hunting  B. seeking  C. collecting  D. selling
49. A. selling   B. Paying   C. returning   D. using
50. A. thing   B. sign  C. pity  D. please
5l.A. wrong   B. right   C. free  D. available
52. A. happier   B. worse   C. lower  D. higher
53. A. jobs   B. wishes   C. careers   D. promises
54. A. short  B. long   C. forever   D. temporary
55. A. back   B. on  C. in  D. away


Do you wake up every day feeling too tired, or even upset? If so, then a new alarm clock could be just for you.
The clock, called SteepSmart, measures your sleep cycle, and waits ____(36) you to be in your lightest phase of sleep ____(37) rousing you.Its makers say that should ______(38) you wake up feeling refreshed every morning.As you sleep you pass____(39) a sequence of sleep states---light sleep, deep sleep and REM(rapid eye movement) sleep---that ____(40) approximately every 90 minutes.The point in that cycle at which you wake can ____(41) how you feel later, and may ____(42) have a greater impact than how much or little you have slept.Being roused during a light phase ____(43) you are more likely to wake up energetic.
SleepSmart ____(44) the distinct pattern of brain waves _____(45) during each phase of sleep, via a headband equipped _____(46) electrodes and a microprocessor.This measures the electrical activity of the wearer’s brain, in much the ____(47) way as some machines used for medical and research ____(48), and communicates wirelessly with a clock unit near the bed.You ____(49) the clock with the latest time at _____(50) you want to be wakened, and it _____(51) duly wakes you during the last light sleep phase before that.
The _____(52) was invented by a group of students at Brown University in Rhode Island ____(53) a friend complained of waking up tired and performing poorly on a test.“_____(54) sleep-deprived people ourselves, we started thinking of _____(55) to do about it.” Says Eric Shashoua, a recent college graduate and now chief executive officer of Axon Sleep Research Laboratories, a company created by students to develop their idea.

【小題1】A .beside

