About a hundred years later people decided up the dirty river A.clean B.cleaning C.cleaned D.to clean 查看更多



1. 讓我們一起合用這張課桌吧!
Let’s ____1____ the desk _____2___each other.
2. 你哥哥早上練習跑步嗎? 不, 他不喜歡早起。
    3     your brother     4         5    in the morning?
No, he dislikes      6      up early.
3. 我表妹每天花大約一小時做她的家庭作業(yè)。
My cousin    7     about an hour     8     her homework every day.
4. Simon 效力于我們學校足球隊, 他想贏得下一場比賽。
Simon _____9_____ ___10____ our school football team. He wants ___11____ __12____the next match.
5. 尼克不是每天都乘公交車回家,有時他步行。
Nick    13       14    a bus home every day, sometimes he   15   home .
6. 孩子們經常談論電影嗎?
  16  the children often    17      18  films?
7. 謝謝你教我們英語
Thank you for ___19___ __20____ English.


Mother Love is true love. It gives everybody everything all h___1____ life. When you are still a baby, Mother takes good care of you as p___2____ as she can. In your waking hours she always holds you in her a__3___. When you are ill, she stops her work to look after you day and night and f___4___about herself. When you are g___5__ up day by day, she feels very happy. When you are old enough to go to school, Mother still looks after you all the time. On cold winter days, she always tells you to put on more clothes. She always stands in the wind w___6___ for you back from school. When you hurry to leave home for school with little breakfast, she always feels w___7___ about you at home. She usually knows about your study and spends much money on your school things. When you do well at school, you will see the brightest smile on her face.
Mother is always r__8__ to give everything she has to her children, not to r__9_. What true love it is in the w__10__! We will remember Mother Love forever!


任務型閱讀 (共l0空;每空l分,計l0分)


Small talk is pleasant conversation about common interests. The ability to make “small talk” is highly valued. But making small talk is difficult not only for English learners, but also for many native speakers of English. Most English learners may have difficulty discussing topics they are unfamiliar with because of lack of(缺少) suitable vocabulary.

Now that we understand the problem, the next step is to improve the situation. Here are some tips to improve small talk skills.

◆Do some research

Spend time on the Internet, books, magazines, TVs to special about the type of people you will meet, and this can make your conversations more interesting.

◆Use the Internet for specific vocabulary

This is a bit like doing research about other people. If you have a business conference, or are meeting people who share a common interest, make use of the Internet to learn specific vocabulary.

◆Ask yourself about your culture

Take time to make a list of common things that you will discuss when making small talk in your own culture. And then check to make sure that you have the English vocabulary to make small talk about those subjects.

◆Find common interests

Once you have a subject that interests both of you, keep to it! You can do this in many ways: discussing travel, discussing the school or friends, discussing the differences between your culture and the new culture.


Don’t get so worried about being able to communicate that you don’t listen. Listening carefully will help you understand and encourage those speaking to you. You might be nervous, but letting others express themselves will improve the quality of the discussion and give you time to think of an answer!

Title: To be a good small talker

The problem you may have when making small talk

__1__ have enough suitable vocabulary to cover most topics.

The __2__ useful tips of improving small talk skills

◆Doing some research

Find some special information about the type of people you’ll meet by __3__ time on the Internet, books, and so on.

__4__the Internet for specific vocabulary

Learn specific words you may use when having a business conference or __5__ people ahead of time.

◆Asking __6__ about your culture

List out some common things that will be __7__ about in your own culture.

Be sure to have the English words to discuss those subjects.

◆Finding common interests

Try to chat with each other about something you’re both __8__ in, such as travel, the school, the differences between different __9__.


Pay more attention to listening to others’ ideas in order to get __10__ understanding.








Marsha is the English teacher of Class 1. She is kind and likes to tell stories in her class, so all the 1. ____like to be with her. Last week, two students didn't finish their homework. That 2._______ Marsha a little angry. She 3._______the two students to stay in the classroom after school. When school was over, all the students went 4.________except (除…以外) the two students. Marsha asked them to 5.______ the homework first. The two students 6.________ as she asked. After they finished their homework, Marsha told them a 7. _______about her classmate, Tony. Tony was lazy when he was a student. He didn't do his8. _______ every day. When he graduated (畢業(yè)) from high school, he wanted to find a job. But he couldn' t find a good 9. ________. At that moment, he regretted (后悔) what he had done. After 10._________ to the story, the two students felt sorry. They told Marsha they would finish homework on time and they would study hard.



How to be a Grown up

1.Be responsible

Most people think of a grownup as someone who takes responsibility for his or her own life. And being responsible shows your parents that you are growing up and can handle more freedom. Here are some suggestions to be a responsible person:

Take care of your own affairs.

Answer for your own actions.

Be trustworthy.

Always use your head.

2. Choose to do the right thing

Some decisions are easy to make, others are more difficult. Choosing to do the right thing is an act of self-respect and responsible decision making. Follow the advice can help you decide what’s right:

Listen to your heart .

Don’t hurt anyone including yourself.

Be fair to others including yourself.

What would adults I respect say about it.

3.Respect yourself

Respecting ourselves helps us make good choice. And making good choices lifts our self-respect . Good self-respect helps every aspect(方面) of our personal and social lives. And makes it a lot easier to get through the hard times. Here are some tips to make you respect yourself:

Be true to yourself and your highest value.

Respect others and treat them right. 

Set goals and work to achieve them. 

Don’t let others make your choices for you.

                 Ways of   1.  a Grown up

  Ways     2.

responsibility                    Choosing to do the right things  Respecting yourself

  Reasons   Shows your parents you are growing up and that will make you feel more 3. .    Is an act of self-respect and responsible  4.making.             Helps every aspect of our personal and social lives and makes it   5.easier to get through the tough times.


6.         ※ 7. about your own affairs.

※Answer for your own actions.

※Let other trust you.

※ Use your head.                ※  8.your heart.

※Be kind and fair to others including your self.

※?Consider the respectable adults thoughts                  ※ Be true to others and your own highest value.

※Work hard to 9.           

your goals.

※Respect and treat others right.

※Decide your own things by  10. .



