When will the basketball match begin? 7. What would the man like to buy? 查看更多




A. Would you like to go with me?        B. How much is the ticket?

C. When will the concert begin?         D. I decide to go to a concert with my friend.

E. We plan to sell flowers to raise money.  F. I don’t think so.

G. I’m afraid I can’t afford it.

A: Hi, Ann. What are you going to do this weekend?


A: A concert? Who will sing at the concert?

B: Swift Taylor.2._________

A: Certainly, I'd like to. She is my favorite singer. 3.________

B: Eighty yuan.

A: Oh, it's too expensive. 4._______

B: I don't have so much money, either. 5._________

A: That's a good idea. Can I join you?

B: No problem. Shall we meet at the gate of the park at four o'clock?

A: OK. See you then.



-When will the sports meeting _______?


B.take place

C.be happened

D.be taken place



-----Could you tell me                 ?
----It is hard to say.

A.when will the plane arrive
B.who will win the match
C.weather the whether will get fine
D.where has we met


—When will the plane     ?
--In about fifteen minutes.

A.take downB.take awayC.take outD.take off


Can you tell me_____________?

   A. when did the train arrive                          B. whether has the train arrived

   C. when will the train arrive                         D. whether the train has arrived


