-- How long have you been skating? -- A. When I was five years old. B. For five hours. C. Yes, I skated for a long time. D. About two thousand kilometers. 查看更多




A:What sport do you play?


A:When did you get your first ________ of skates?

B:________ I was seven years old.

A:Cool!So how long did you skate today?

B:Oh!I skated in a ________ this morning.I skated for 5 hours.

A:Five hours!!It’s too long.So I think it’s too hard for me.

B:Yeah!I’m very tired now.But I have two ________ for relaxing.Do you want to go?

A:Sorry, I don’t like movies.

B:So, what’s your ________?

A:I like making ________.It’s very interesting.

B:How long have you been ________ that?

A:________ about four years.

B:And how do you make kites?

A:I use ________ and silk.Do you want ________ kites outside with me?

B:Good idea!Let’s go.

