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科目: 來源:czyy 題型:

27、America’s First Black President

    Ten-year-old Barack Obama was one of the only three black students at his school in Hawaii.the US.He is different from most of the other students.White girls wanted to touch his hair.A white boy asked him whether his father was people.

    ”I lied to them that my father was a Kenyan prince(王子).But I kept asking myself who I was,”said Obama.

37 years later,to everyone’s surprise,the boy became well-known.On November 4th,2008,Obama became the first black president in US history.

    Obama was born to an African father and a white American woman from a small town in the US in 1961.He grew up in Indonesia and Hawaii.This unusual background(背景) made him wonder who he was.He even wanted to forget this question.

    With the help of his friends.Obama finally turned his life around in the university.After leaving from Columbia University in l983,he had a great idea——working hard to bring change to the world.So he moved from New York to Chicago in 1985 and worked in a poor African—American area for three years.After that,he studied laws in Harvard University and graduated in l991.Later.he became the third black senator(參議員)in US history.

During his race to the highest post in the US,Obama talked about his background.He called for a United States of America,rather than a white America or a black America.

(4)奧巴馬的成功使馬丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King)的夢想變成了現(xiàn)實.That is:(5)A man should not be judged by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character.”He said at the speech in Chicago after he was elected.



1.When Obama was ten years old,the other students at his school were _______ to him.

2.Obama’s father wasn’t a Kenyan prince,was he? ________.

3.From the story we know that Columbia University is in the city of _______.








科目: 來源:czyy 題型:


A/Hl Nl Flu Continues to Spread Worldwide

BEUING,May l0(Xinhua)一The A/H1 N1 continues to spread(傳播)around the world as the disease has been confirmed(證實) in more than 4.150 people in 45 countries.

    Canada and Costa Rica confirmed their first death case on Saturday,so there are altogether 4 countries which have reported confirmed human death cases.

    In Costa Rica, a 53-year-old man became the first death case of the A/Hl N1 flu.In the Canadian province of Alberta.local health government said the A/Hl N1 caused the death of a woman in her 30s who died late April.

    But health officials said that both patients and the two deaths in the U.S.were having other health problems when they infected(感染)the disease.

    In Tokyo,a high school teacher and two teenage students tested positive for the disease at the airport after returning from a school trip to Canada.

    Australia’s local health government said Saturday that an Australian woman arriving in Sydney from Los Angeles tested “weak positive”.becoming the country’s first case.

    Also on Saturday New Zealand.the first country in the Asia—Pacific area to confirm A/Hl N1 flu cases.reported two more on Saturday.

    Mexico on Saturday raised the confirmed death to 48.(75)Schools in the capital Mexico City will start classes again on Monday, while two states in which new deaths have just appeared will continue the closing of schools for another week

    Are there ways to reduce(減少)the spread of the disease?  “Cover your noses and mouths  when you cough or sneeze.wash your hands often.Avoid(避免)getting in touch with infected people,”New York health officials said.



1.How many capital cities are mentioned(提到)in this passage? And what are they?


2.In which four countries are death cases found?


3.Why did a teacher and two students in Tokyo get infected?


4.What else should we do to reduce the spread of the disease besides avoiding getting in touch with infected people?





科目: 來源:czyy 題型:



Please _________us _________some _________ _________ shopping online.


    _________ _________ athletes will_________ _________ in the 11th National Games to be held in Jinan.


   _________ seemed _________ he _________ never_________ so hard in his life.


We are ________ ________ that the meeting should be________ ________ till tomorrow.


    The little girl _________ always _________ _________ _________her sweet smile when she was in danger.







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科目: 來源:czyy 題型:


    There was a famous church in London.It was 110 meters high.The center of the church was like a bell.The ceiling of the church was painted by a famous artist. A platform(平臺)was built so that the artist could put up a ladder(梯子)on it and paint the ceiling.The platform was about 70 meters over the ground.

    One day the artist was working hard and had nearly finished one popular corner of the ceiling.Also on the platform was his assistant,who was mixing paints.The artist stepped back so that he could see how his work was progressing.To have a better look at his painting,he stepped back again.Suddenly,his assistant shouted,picked up a small bowl of paint and started to paint the artist’s work on the top.The artist was very angry and rushed forwards to stop him.

    “What do you think you are doing?” he shouted angrily.“Are you mad?” His assistant replied.“I saw you walking backwards to have a better look at your painting.But you didn’t notice that you had reached the very edge of the platform.You were in great danger.I wanted to make you move forwards.If I had not made you run forwards.you would have fallen backwards off the edge of the platform.”


1.The story happened in _______.

A.America                B.France                 C.Germany                D.England

2.Why did the artist step back again?

A.To see how his work was progressing.

B.To have a better look at his painting.

C.To paint a bowl in his painting.

D.To pour some paint on his painting.

3.What did the assistant do to stop the artist falling off the platform?

A.He painted a famous painting himself.

B.He ran forwards to stop him.

C.He shouted to the artist and painted his painting.

D.He stopped mixing the paints.

4.Which picture shows the same situation as the underlined sentences in Paragraph 2?

Note:a:artist;b:assistant;c:painting;4.←:the direction of the movement

5.After reading the passage,what do you think the artist would probably do?

A.He would be angry with what the assistant had done

B.He would punish(懲罰)the assistant for having destroyed his painting.

C.He would be thankful to the assistant for having saved his life.

D.He wouldn’t allow the assistant to work with him any more.


科目: 來源:czyy 題型:


A:Can I help you?

B:  l   

A:Did you enjoy the book?

B:No,I couldn’t read it.  2   So I decided to give up.

A:Isn’t it interesting?

B:It isn’t the language.It’s the words.They are too small for rne.

A:    3    What can I do for you then?

B:Well.I’d be glad if you could find me another book.

A: 4  

B:Yes,but one with bigger words.

A:How about this one?

B:Oh,Harry Potter.This one is fine.    5   Thanks.

A.Yes, Can I keep the book longer?

B.Another fiction?

C.Yes,they are really small.

D.Yes,I’d like to return this book.please.

E.I’ve been too busy to read it.

F.And the words are much bigger.

G.I had a hard time reading a few pages.







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